BINGE Basic $4.99/Month for 12 Months (New and Returning Subscribers) @ Binge


Decent way to get Binge Basic to watch The White Lotus before it moves to HBO Max. The entire season will still air on Binge.

$4.99 (instead of $10) per month for 12 months, cancel any time.

Once HBO goes, Real Housewives of Sydney will remain to fill the void.

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  • +15

    I don't know about what else is on Binge but from what HBO max is taken away its got nothing of interest once they are gone. Shows start leaving the platform come 31st of March…

    • +6

      Yeah eff Binge and thier ads. Was almost unbearable when I was watching House of the Dragon

    • +1

      Oh interesting. Was about to sub for TLOU season 2 but no point now

      • oh is that show out already

        • +1

          I think it's coming out mid April

    • +1

      Oh lovely, another fragmentation in the streaming space for me to spend $xx.99 per month for 2 devices to stream content! Bet you it’ll come with a guaranteed subscription price increase of x% within a year to “counter the high cost of living and its impact on production and operational costs”. Happy to see this happen to binge though. Only streaming service that was unable to cast onto my 1st gen Chromecast cause their service is soooo fancy, yet they have the worst UI and UX out of all the streaming services.

  • +1

    It still shows as $79 per year

    • Yep, so pay by the month and get it for $59.88 for the year (paid monthly) as per the deal. Also with the bonus of cancelling at any time and not having had to pay a year upfront.

  • +1

    Been offering this deal for awhile, not worth the price really.

  • I've been on this deal for quite a few months now and still haven't watched anything…

    • +13

      Well you’re a bit stupid then aren’t you.

      • -6

        Gullable is a better word…

        • +3

          Gullable is not a real word. So yes stupid is a better word

      • +1

        Leave him alone. He is just special.

  • +1

    Even $2 a month is plenty

  • +1

    Binge basic i had a look at it

    Its an abomination

  • +2

    You can't even pay me to use this shitty Murdoch-owned site…

    • -3

      What's wrong with Murdoch?? He's a good bloke.

      • +1

        Professional worldwide destabiliser of the US, UK and Australia.
        He led the resurgence in far-right borderline Nazism in the US, put the Conservatives in power in the UK, and continues to (profanity) up Australia by casting a long shadow over any politician that tries to do a remotely progressive thing.
        He deserves to die.

  • Read as $4.99 for the year , bargain.
    Per month , no thanks.

    $2 a month deal is pretty regular,
    especially if you have a few accounts.
    So I hear..

  • Subscribed through the CBA offer:

    Been watching Blue Bloods, just started season 5, a long way to season 14.

  • I'm subbed to this, the ads are crazy, my wife found them unbearable and stopped using it.

    • Ublock Origin on the desktop browser stops Amazon prime ads. Might work with Binge too

  • If only there was a free app we could download for android tv that has every movie and tv show out there and has no buffering issues so we dont have to pay for 10 different subscription services….. oh wait there is one 😂

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