• expired

Citibank Credit Cards: Free Citi Payall for All Payments Set up from 1st April 2021 to 31st October 2023 (Normally 2%)


Received in email. Maybe targeted.

Free points on your rents, and any other fees that normally don’t accept credit cards without a fee.

Email excerpt below:

We are writing to advise you of an update we are making to the Citi PayAll product feature available on your Citi Rewards Card.

For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023 (the Period), the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%:

• Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up during the Period will not incur the Citi PayAll fee for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

• Any Citi PayAll payments set up after the Period ends will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment.

• Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up prior and after the Period will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment. This fee will apply to all recurring payments made for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

• From 1 November 2022, points will be capped at $20k per month or the lower of your credit card limit.

For more information on Citi PayAll, please refer to the Credit Card Terms and Conditions and Other Important Information and if you are enrolled in a Citi Rewards program, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of the Rewards program you are enrolled in.


This is a good guide:

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closed Comments

            • +1

              @hanofee: My focus was on the apparent understanding in this thread that a $20k credit limit is required to maximise this deal. This appears not to be the case. In any event, as I confirmed above, the full 20k worth of points was received just fine despite the lower credit limit. Hope that helps.

  • After paying yourself using your initials or whatever, is it advisable to send the money to another bank before bpaying back to citi so they don't see it coming back from the same bank account, or is this unnecessary?

    • Unnecessary. You're paying off your credit statement it makes sense the money is coming from your account.

      • But then they will know you are sending yourself the payall wouldn't they?

    • Unnecessary.

  • So my rewards points is showing as "—", i was around 10-12k

    Does that mean they got me and cancelled all my points?

    • +1

      Mine is showing as 0 points in Citibank banking portal popup, but clicking through into the reward portal I still see points

  • Looking for some help here:

    1. If I have a statement date of 6th when should I be scheduling my pay all (what date should I select in the app) to take advantage of points

    2. When should I be paying back the funds to the cc

    Thanks for the help :-)

    • +1
      1. Schedule it at least 3-4 days after statement date. You would need to have enough fund in your cc account at least 3 days before the scheduled PayAll date.
      2. Should be in your cc statement.
      • Thanks @timhn.
        Assuming I have $35K limit
        So I will pall-all $20K on the 10th of month
        Then pall-all $15K on the 14th of month
        Hold in account until say 2nd (4 days before statement date) of following month where I pay back

        Is that right? - Any problems that might arise

        • +1

          Payall is capped at $20k a month unless it was set up prior to 1st Nov 2022.

        • +1

          PayAll limit per calendar month is 20k.

          • @hiaaron: Thanks. So change the pay-all to $10K each keeping the same dates would suit?

            • +1

              @Ozb101: Why not just do 1 x $20k payment? That's what I'm doing.

              • @CodeXD: Thanks @CodeXD. I thought there was some recommendation for it to be split over 2 payments. I'll just do the 1 pay-all to keep things simple.

                Out of curiosity do you pay back to the cc straight away or hold for the full 25 days after statement?

                • +1

                  @Ozb101: I hold the $20k in my offset account and only pay it off ~4 days before the next payall.

                  My payall transfer date coincidentally coincides with the statement due date so it worked out fine for me.

                  • @CodeXD: Is your statement date in the middle of the month. I have seen it suggested by others

                    • +1

                      @Ozb101: I only got the card last month so these are details for my first statement:

                      Last statement issued date:12/03/2023

                      Minimum Payment Due Date:27/03/2023

                      Received email and SMS today saying:

                      Your Citi PayAll transaction will be processed in 3 days. Please ensure there is sufficient available credit in your account.

                      To be safe I'm just gonna pay it all off now.

  • -2

    At sharp 12am today, my all future Payall payments have been cancelled. They were setup until 2033.

    Dont know what happened. Will ring them tomorrow but this is quite concerning.

    • Mine still showing 11pm QLD

      • That's weird. Mine are showing as I type.
        Anything strange with your card transactions or is it essentially unused apart from payall?

    • How did you know the exact time? Was there an email?

  • +2

    I suspect PayAll will be over and cancelled by the end of this year judging by the gutting of Citibank services being conducted by NAB. Already we've had notice of the ending of new Plus and Online Saver accounts by 20 May. This morning I got notification that my Global Currency Accounts are going to be forcibly closed on May 18 as well. The writing is well and truly on the wall for all formerly Citibank branded offerings. I'll be surprised if PayAll makes it into 2024 frankly.

    I suggest that everyone with a stockpile of PayAll points gets themselves an exit strategy of where they're going to transfer those points when the call comes that NAB are killing off Citibank Rewards. Options are Flybuys, Krisflyer or Velocity. Krisflyer will expire very easily, Velocity will also expire, but much easier to keep active (if the company doesn't go insolvent and bust again), while Flybuys is the easiest to redeem choice.

    • But my 2033 setup, I wanted to milk 10 more cows. Our points I would think are safe though, unless they start to cancel CC options as well?

    • Killing Citibank will also mean killing off the Premier Card (formerly Signature Card) "free for life" for those fortunate enough to take them out back in 2014/15. Doubt that NAB would be so generous as to perpetuate that deal into the future.

      • +1

        Definitely not. NAB appear to be trying to find equivalent products in their own range to transfer existing Citibank products over to. The wording on my Global Currency accounts notice goes like this…"Unfortunately, we were unable to identify a NAB product that would enable us to continue delivering the foreign currency service and experience our customers have come to expect. blah blah blah"

        It will be something similar with the Citibank FFFL cards too. We can't identify an exact equivalent in our current range of products, so we're gonna kill it off. We encourage you to peruse our great range of NAB credit card products and look forward to you continuing to fund our multi-billion $$$ profits each year for our shareholders to enjoy. Boomshanka.

        • Well ! We'll show NAB! Especially for that "Boomshaka" remark!

    • Got the email too in regards to Global currency account closure. Anyone knows where we could go to replace the account ? Maybe hsbc ?

      • Which part of the Global feature that u like? there are many options out there to achieve similar currency exchange like Wise, or to certain extent, Revolut, UP, etc. Their rate conversion is better than Citi or HSBC Global

        • I would like to store overseas currency and then use it when I travelled overseas

          • @yht: Wise can do that too, though I generally prefer to just use the card and convert it on the spot

            • @hanofee: It depends, eg. I bought SGD when the rate was almost A$1 and I use it or get the cash out now in Singapore, I will be doing fine, rather than use the current rate with 28degrees for example

          • -1

            @yht: Don't bother with Revolut in this case. I've just wasted an hour of my life signing up for this POS only to find out they won't accept currency in anything other than AUD. Got USD or EUR or GBP and want to deposit that directly? Too bad, can't be done. They'll only take your AUD first and then convert to for you to the other currencies you already have, which makes it completely useless AFAIC. Would have been nice to have been able to find that out without signing up, but as with all these app-only start-ups, there's no way to contact them other than through the app after you have an account and of course they don't tell you about the extreme limitations of their service in all the sales blurb.

  • I seem to be stuck on "You have reached the maximum number of monthly payments, please try again next month." for the last couple of months. I've only made 2 payments in this time.

    • Did your scheduled PayAll just happen when you tried? Usually it works after waiting 24 hours

      • Nah I only have one scheduled per month and it happened on the 15th.

        • How much is it scheduled for? How much are you trying to pay? What is your credit limit?

          • @CodeXD: $20k credit limit.

            Actually, I'll just tell you what payments I made.

            $9400 on 1st feb, $9400 on 21st Feb.

            And it doesn't actually list it in the Completed tab because this one is recurring but I think it was $8600 payment on 15th March.

            So, actually 3 payments across Feb/March.

            • @watwatwat: Do you have any other payall?

              What is the end goal you are trying to achieve here? Create another payall for $11,400?

              When I first got my card in Feb 2023 I created a payall and then cancelled it. I had to wait 48 hours before they would let me create another one. A cancellation will put a hidden block on your account preventing you from creating a payall for x time.

              If I was you, I would stop trying to do all this. Wait 24 hours and then try again.

              • @CodeXD: @CodeXD sorry, just edited my post to include more info.

                Goal is to hit 90% of my credit limit in payall but I've tried many times over the last couple of months and hit this error a lot.

                Currently $8600 is the only amount I have scheduled monthly. I am not able to add any more due to this error.

                A cancellation will put a hidden block on your account preventing you from creating a payall for x time.

                Ah, I did cancel quite a few when I first started payall in January. But this error has been to re-occur often since then.

                • @watwatwat: Like I said before, best to start fresh again.

                  I think you'll miss the March payment to complete it now unless you have reoccurring ones already set up? Then you should wait till April for new calendar month and then cancel your payall.

                  For example:

                  Create a payall for $10k April 10th.
                  Create second payall for $10k 17th.

                  The dates will also depend on when you get your statement and statement's due date.

                  If you're also using the card for other spending, just make sure that you have sufficient available amount in your account 3 days prior. Citibank will send you an email and SMS to remind you.

                  • @CodeXD: Yeah I think I will miss this month. Ok, I will try again later.

                    It's tricky to diagnose this dodgy app but free money is free money.


    • Had that before and it worked again when I tried 3 days later.

  • Wish there was another product out there like this. The next best one is Wise, but there are fee attached

  • Does anyone know if Citipayall will need to be setup again if I lost my current card and ordered a replacement one?

    • I did not have to set it up again when I replaced my card due to a fraudulent transaction.

      • Same, although from memory one of my PayAll transactions failed as I hadn't received and activated the new card yet.

      • When my card had a fraudulent transaction, I called up and the agent said they will cancel everything including my Payalls. So had to do them again.

    • +1

      After you have activated the new card, look at your future payall payments and see if it has updated to the new card number.

  • Hey All, My ANZ card was nearing the 1yr anniversary so cancelled that and went for the Citibank Prestige which I just received in mail (by the way, love the material/weight of the card).

    As many have said before, I'm spewing I didnt know about this earlier (but was a beneficiary of the "cheque to self" method back in the day, have the 28Degrees price protection CC all thanks for Ozbargain, so still feel I'm ahead :D)

    Plenty to digest in this thread but I am still massively confused by Payall functionality and how to make it work best for me, hopefully the experts can help me.

    Looking at the eStatement on my Citbank Phone app, it shows statement period of 16 March-16 March so assume thats my statement date.

    I have a credit limit of $20k and want to make the most of points rewards (obviously want to use up my $20k monthly Payall transaction limit) and get some benefit (but not pushing the envelope on this) of the cash sitting in my mortgage offset account. This card will be my daily used one so will need to have some available balance for day to day spending/bills. Not worried about using 55day interest free periods for daily spending, generally I can my CC balance for spending/bills within a week of incurring.

    Would this scenario work (please make suggestions if I'm way off track)

    $15k regular monthly payment starting 3rd April (earliest I can schedule) to offset account
    $15k bPay from offset account back to CC mid month (15th)
    $5k regular monthly payment starting 20 April to offset
    $5k bPay from offset account back to CC (30th)

    Thanks guys!

    • +1

      Sounds good, but I wouldn't pay back the entire $15k back mid-month. You just need to have minimum $5k for the regular monthly payment. The more you have in offset, the less interest you pay.

      I would also schedule the $5k sooner to your offset.

      Make sure you pay enough back to your card when you get the SMS/email from citibank saying your $15k payall will be processed in 3 days.

      I posted in the other deal about this, but if you can, try to up the limit so you only need to do 1 x $20k payment. It'll make your life easier. Especially if you plan to do this for a few years.

      I applied for $23k so I can do the monthly $20k transfer and treat it as a $3k credit card limit to buy everything else

      Someone actually worked out that you want ~$44k credit limit or something to maximise the interest free period, but that is entire up to you.

      • Cheers, that makes sense and glad someone could confirm I was somewhat on the right track. Was going to request the credit limit increase to $25k but then saw I needed to do the income/expense disclosure again and couldnt remember what I originally used :P

        Lets say I get the approval for $25k credit limit, my proposal would be a pretty simple one.

        $20k regular monthly payment starting 4th day of month (4 April) to offset account
        $20k bPay from offset account back to CC couple days before end of month

        Rinse and repeat each month going forward.

        • +1

          I would change the $20k to later in the month - in case there are public holidays that ties in with weekend which might mean they take the money out earlier on previous month and fail since you've already reached the $20k cap.

          Otherwise it all sounds valid and is what I currently do :)

          • @CodeXD: Thanks, good point to be aware of. I'll do Payall payment on 6th of month, and schedule bPay back to CC on 25th of month.

            • @andyman1908: If you're gonna redo it, may as well be safe and do it for 15th or something.

              • @CodeXD: I've just now requested my credit limit increase to $25k so havent done any of the payall scheduled payments just yet. What do you mean redoing to 15th?

                $20k Payall payment for 15th April,
                $20k bPay payment back to CC few days before end of April?

                • +1

                  @andyman1908: $20k Payall payment for 15th April to your offset account

                  $20k bpay payment back to CC ~8th May

                • @andyman1908: Did you manage to increase your credit limit? How long did you get the result? Thanks. I'm thinking to increase limit too, but don't want to be hit by credit check. 😵

                  • +1

                    @Micky14: hey mate, just to give you an update, just got notification of approval of credit limit increase. so took 7 business days.

                    • @andyman1908: Thank you. Did you do it in app or call them? I did it in app and got a message something went wrong. Log in to website only see decrease credit limit option.

                      • @Micky14: I tried originally in app and had the same error. I called up and they mentioned as account was just opened i was subject to 9 month wait. After i explained the $20k credit limit was specified by me within my application she submitted it over the phone on my behalf. I needed to still provide same payslips i originally uploaded via some document upload function on their website.
                        Today i got a "your contact details has been updated" email which when i queried on phone they said email was to advise i was approved my credit increase request… Weird way to advise it that way

                        • @andyman1908: Thank you so much for reply. I chose the maximum credit limit when applied but only got 20k. Lol. OK, I think I might wait for 9 months.

    • I thought Prestige card had 44 interest free days.

      • I believe it does but to keep my life simple, I just pay CC balance whenever I have time to check/reconcile what I spent on (normally weekly). I don't really use CC for interest fee benefits, more just for points.

  • What payment type is recommend to use when setting up payall to yourself. i.e Rent or Miscelleanous > Utilities and Bills etc.

    • Nobody cares so whatever fancy you. I've only used Professional Services.

      • Just got my card today and setting up my first payall and I have to wait 7 business days before it goes through for a new payall, which means I have to wait until next month. Any way around this, anyone had any luck contacting support to bypass this?

        • No you cannot bypass the 7 days. It is also not recommended to schedule it so close to new month. Read a few comments above yours.

          • @CodeXD: Yes confirmed called them up and I can't do a payall this month which means I miss out for March.

            I'm going to schedule my first for early April and then my statement comes in on the 17th. Going forward in May Ill do the payall on around the 22nd every month. My question is when do I have to pay back my early April payall without incurring interest, is it 44 days or before the statement on the 17th?

            • @whey4000: What is your credit limit? You need to have that amount available in your credit card 3 days prior (and possibly even earlier if there are public holidays etc).

              I have $23k credit limit and send $20k to my offset on 27th every month.
              Even tho there is 44 days interest free (depending on when you sent it) I still need to send the amount back to my CC by ~24th each month so that the $20k payall can be sent.

              • @CodeXD: whey4000 just try setting it for as soon as possible, they take the money earlier and it may come into March so you might get lucky with points for March! Who knows

              • @CodeXD: Why do you have to send the amount back to your CC? Isn’t direct debit does it automatically?

  • Is the Citi online portal down for everyone else, havent been able to lock in since yesterday afternoon

    • Works for me, I can log in and see my recent transactions on desktop.

  • Whoever received the below email/call from Citi in relation to Payall transfers, how have you guys responded to them and what answers have you given. I missed a call from them following which they sent me an email to call them back. Any tips about responding to them would be appreciated. Thanks.

    "We have been attempting to contact you with respect to your Citi Prestige Card.

    It would be appreciated if you could contact us on the number listed within the signature of this letter within ten calendar days. Our office hours are Monday to Friday; 9am until 5pm (AEDT).

    We will also endeavor to establish contact with you on the telephone number we currently have on record should we not hear from you."

    • try following up with chat to see if they can provide some info on the queries

    • +4

      Same happened to me except they also locked my account after I scheduled monthly 20k payalls for the next 10 years. You just get put through to their security team after a long phone wait and they question why you've set up payalls all of a sudden for so much and why this has suddenly differed from your regular spending (assume they're comparing it to the application). I just said I am now paying rent for my multiple girlfriends on the card to meet minimum spend and the guy laughed and unlocked the account. Whole thing took about 5-10 mins after the long phone wait.

    • +1

      Got this a few months ago and I just ignored it. Nothing has happened yet, my payalls still work.

    • I got the call and they asked questions about beneficiary for CityPay All. Thats it. It was more of KYC call

  • Received my card in late March, my 20k payall is scheduled for April 4th but it was deducted on the 31st March, am I able to transfer another 20k payall in April as it was deducted in March or because its scheduled for the 4th April it counts towards my April cap.

    • I don't think you have anything to lose by trying.

  • When does the limit reset? Is it start of month or credit card statement date?

    Ive cancelled a few payall transfers in the hope of doing one or two monthly pay all payments rather than 5 smaller ones. So far I keep getting the message saying I've exceeded the maximum limit for the month. Even waited 24 hours between cancelling and setting up again.

    • Wait 1-2 days after you cancel and you can setup new one again.

    • I think it is 48 hours or 72 hours to set it up again.

      Don't keep trying, not sure if it will reset the wait time.

  • I had two PayAlls setup for the 6th and 10th each month. They have been working perfectly fine for the last few months and today Citi decided to charge both of them on the same day, so one has declined.

    1) Are there any fees for declined PayAlls?
    2) I should be able to set a manual one off payment in 72 hours to make up for this declined one right?

    • +1

      It could be the Easter holidays that brought the 10th forward. You can make an ad-hoc payall to make up one.

    • As above, unfortunately it's due to Easter. Not much you can do about it.
      1. There's no fee for declined PayAlls, but they'd just skip it
      2. No, if it can't draw the funds on particular time, there's nothing u can do. Calling them manually won't help either.

  • Everyone got their lives sorted out around the Easter bank holidays in order to avoid bounced PayAlls, and missed statement payments? For me the Easter holidays this year are a bit of a pain because my statement due date for April is on 11th which is Tuesday meaning I've had to transfer funds into the account the direct debit draws from today, Thursday, 5 days earlier than necessary, simply because of the Easter holidays and the banks refusing to process payments on both Friday and Monday as well as the weekend. Fortunately, my direct debit account is at Macquarie, which currently pays 4% interest, so whilst the funds would have earnt 4.75% for the weekend if they could have stayed there for the weekend, that loss is being softened somewhat by earning 4% in Macquarie instead for the corresponding period. So my loss for the 5 days is reduced to only 0.75%

  • Btw, since Citi is closing their Global Account on May 18, that some of us used it for PayId purpose, is there any other alternative account we can open that has PayId (and free, of course)?

    • -2

      Yes, just about every account under the sun from every ADI in the land supports the rubbish that is PayID.

      • payid is rubbish? lol thats a first!

        • -4

          You're probably of the misconception that PayID is the same thing as fast payments, or NPP, or Osko, or SCT, or whatever other acronym the banks like to use. It isn't. PayID is the smoke screen the banks invented out of thin air to disguise the fact they didn't want to implement all the aforementioned technologies instead. PayID is nothing more than a shortcut pointer to the very same BSB/Acc info that has always been used for conventional overnight EFT. It has nothing to do with NPP at all despite what the banks try to sell you. So yes, it is complete and utter rubbish that offers no advantages at all over conventional EFT using BSB/Acc numbers instead. But if you think it does, then congratulations, you are the living proof that the banks' deception has indeed worked. (on you at least)

          • +2

            @Legoman: To be fair though, it is convenient giving a mobile number and being able to validate that, yes, that is my name that appears when someone transfers money. I know my bank account details off by heart but I definitely like the risk of incorrect details being entered

            Osko is the real MVP, so paired together with Payid it works pretty well

          • @Legoman: mate it's not that deep, who gives a toss. it's free to use for the customer, and it works. I've used it hundreds of times, and not a single issue. It is arguably safer than direct acc transfer as you can validate the name. it's as simple as that.

            Do you think the average joe cares when transferring money if its transferred by NPP/OSKO/SCT? as long as it arrives right away, everybody's happy.

  • If my due date is on 13/4/23 for $15k and I also set the PayAll which falls on 13th too, will there be any problems? I was thinking the statement due date on 26/3 is more important as it resets my credit back to $20k, is this right?

    So as long as I pay $15k by the due date, it doesn’t matter if I withdraw $10k for PayAll which happens to be on same date as due date. I want to make sure just in case they charge interest bc I’m short by $5k when PayAll withdraws the cash. Should I pay $25k just to cover the PayAll plus due amount? Thanks.

  • I have a question about the Payall fee. For transactions set up to occur after 31th Oct, will there be a fee of 2% regardless of when its set up?

    • No fee for those setup prior.

      • but the customer support staff told me the contrary

        • If you know the answer then why are you asking?

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