• long running

ANZ Rewards Black Credit: 180,000 Bonus ANZ Reward Points & $150 Cashback with $3,000 Spend in 3 Months, $375 Annual Fee @ ANZ


Reposting the exact same deal as the long running deal, not too bad compared to the current slim pickings: https://www.anz.com.au/personal/credit-cards/rewards/black/

$3000 spend in 3 months to receive 180k ANZ Rewards, which can be converted to Velocity Points at a 2:1 ratio (93k points).

With $150 cash back, the annual fee works out $225. So $425 profit if redeeming for gift cards.

$15,000 minimum credit limit / $65 annual fee for additional cardholders.

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  • Would I be eligible for this if I’m currently holding ANZ platinum credit card?

    • Yeah if it's not a Rewards card then you'll be eligible. Same works for NAB with their normal and Rewards lines.

      1. Does the card give you reward points?

      2. Have you held an ANZ rewards credit card in the last 12 months?

  • +3

    You are not eligible for this offer if you currently hold or have held an ANZ Rewards credit card in the last 12 months.

    • Westpac/BOM/Stg/BankSA are now 24mths
      NAB is now 18mths

      Not sure if any others have changed, but the churning is getting more restrictive.

  • How should I fill in the "monthly expenses" section when applying for a credit card to increase the chances of approval?

    • -1


    • Double the minimum spend

  • Anyone know if secondary card holders are considered as "holding" a rewards card given they are not the account holder as such?

    • +1

      most banks just count only the primary as holding the card.

  • Held an ANZ Qantas card a few months ago. Seems that would be ok given it only excludes Rewards card holders for last 12 months

  • +2

    They outsourced the credit card team to overseas staff—too bad, they used to be good, but not anymore. A representative called and asked about my expenses, then declined my application. One person can approve or decline your application while you’re on the phone. I emailed them for a reassessment, but they said the decision still stands. The only way to contact them is via email at [email protected]

    • Yeah absolute crooks

    • Same here. Could hardly understand the person who called me but she spent 30 minutes agonizingly going through every item from my application just to confirm the numbers I'd put down, only to reject my application once we finished. A complete waste of time.

      Their reasoning was utterly absurd as well. My savings balance wasn't factored into their "serviceability algorithm" yet the mortgage debt was. They had some convoluted explanation for why but I ended the call once I realised I was wasting my breath.

    • ^same here.
      Dont know if the reason to call you to check if figures are correct before a decline?

      Unsure about @T-man and @Mega Vanillish - this is the 2nd time declined from ANZ from a long history of approvals… my account has more than 6 historical cards showing (also multiple home loans with ANZ), 50 dings on my credit file over 20+ years though…

      Getting the same w/ other big lenders where previously ok…

      • I previously had 4 cards from them, with the last one issued in 2018. My income is, of course, higher than 75k, and I have two home loans. The situation is the same as back then—if anything, my income is even higher—but they approved me for the same card back then and not now. I escalated the matter to the complaints team for reassessment by someone onshore. But guess what? 🙀 The same guy who initially declined my application called me again to reassess it and declined it once more. They shouldn’t call it the credit card team if it’s just one person handling all the applications. I’m not sure if escalating this to AFCA would help. I’ve already received three outcome letters from ANZ in the mail—pointless.

  • +1

    I applied for this recently, and I was a bit nervous given the bad experiences others have mentioned. But it was smooth as. No complaints. On cancellation, annual fee waived no questions asked.
    Obviously nobody likes to be screwed around with any cc applications, but my experience was positive.

    • Did you mean annual fees got reduced? I don’t have think they would get waived completely.

      • Pro rata but I only had it open for a month

  • Does anyone know if there's an ANZ account with no fees I can keep open when I cancel this card so it's a smoother application process in 12 months? Looks like there's an ANZ plus account but I'm not sure if it will use the same CRN as I read something about ANZ plus and ANZ accounts not being accessible in the same app or something

    • ANZ Progress Saver free of charge.

      Make sure to apply for this account with the same CRN that is attached to your credit card.

      I have been trying to activate my new ANZ credit card without a CRN and the temporary PIN code and it has been just impossible.
      They are really bad to deal with -crazy!

      • +1

        Yeah I had terrible problems too, activating the card was easy, but trying to get the CRN was a nightmare as the number on the letter just played an RVA about how customers with a CRN can find it in the app, etc then hung up. How I eventually did it was to call the card activation number again, enter the card details, then wait on the line. About 40 mins in I got picked up and the guy was able to sort me out within 10 mins, although the whole thing was pretty hacky, like he told me to register online before the app or the coffee wouldn't work

        • Somehow my new card is attached to an obsolete CRN and they are unable to merge it with my current CRN with the saving account attached.

          2hours with them yesterday but still not fixed.

  • +1

    I received the card and met the spend criteria and was then told that the bonus points will only be credited after 3 months. Is that true!? The whole point was to use it for Black Friday etc.

    • Have you received the bonus points yet?

      • Not yet either - met in November. Have any of you received the bonus points yet?

    • Not yet either - met in November. Have you received the bonus points yet?

      • Have you received your points and cashback yet? Met my min spending on the first statement, still no bonus points and cashback yet.

        • Neither yet @gembel, keep me posted on when you do - I'll do the same.

          • @itsDANNY: I called ANZ they told me I've definitely qualified for the bonuses since I've already met the min spending requirements. They told me to wait up to 3 months from meeting the min spending.

            • @gembel: @gembel Also called and they same the same thing - hopefully comes earlier than 3 months as I don't recall ever having to wait this long. Let's see how it goes.

              • @itsDANNY: Jcwj below already received his bonus points after meeting min spending early Dec.
                Not sure why we haven't received our bonus points yet.
                I've already spent about $4000 eligible spending, already received the 8500 base reward points.

                • @gembel: Same here, haven't received yet either, not sure what's going on - that is indeed strange. Because I'd also imagine it's a system functionality that automatically checks and organises the points to be credited, so if Jcwj received it, not sure why we aren't either.

                  Update: Check your account, I just received my points.

                  • @itsDANNY: Oh that's nice. Thanks for the update.
                    Did you get the cashback as well?

                    Just checked my ANZ rewards account, unfortunately no bonus points for me yet.
                    I met my min spending mid Dec, so probably will get the points shortly after you. Fingers crossed

                    • @gembel: @gembel, no cashback unfortunately yet which is annoying. re: points, sounds like you'll get yours soon!

                      • @itsDANNY: @itsDANNY did you meet your min spending within the 1st statement? and what date did you receive the 1st statement? thanks!

    • have you received the points and cashback yet?

  • this or St. George Amplify Rewards Signature? 150k points and 275AF vs 180k points and 199 AF.

  • Anyone else having this message?

    "Hmm, there seems to be a problem.

    Sorry about that. We'll be back online as soon as we can.

    Try again later, or call 13 22 73, Mon-Fri, 8am to 8pm (AEST)."

    Tried a couple times now.

  • Stay away!!!

    They make you go through a lot of hassle just to sign up and if you want to set up for the cardpay direct where you do direct debit from your bank to pay off your credit card timely every month, they will ask you provide bank statements etc and other information just so you can pay them. And in the end it is not setup correctly even though they tell you it was setup.

    They have blocked my card twice already in 2 months for normal usage, both without informing me they had done so, both times I had to contact them to find the reason why they blocked me.
    It is very frustrating especially with all the trouble you need to go through just to sign up.

    And they don't even have customer support team on Sundays so I can't unblock my card until Monday!!

  • Where are you getting $425 profit from? According to this you will profit $595.

  • +1

    still waiting on the cashback and bonus points

    spent the $3000 within 1st statement, statement received 19/12/24. paid the statement, still nothing until now

    I called ANZ, they can see that I've already qualified for the bonuses and just told me to wait 3 months from first statement.

    has anyone received the cashback and bonus points recently?

    • Applied for card late Nov, Fulfilled required spending early Dec.
      Got points last weekend but still waiting for cashback.

      • Did the points come together with your first statement?
        I fulfilled min spending middle of December, still no points.

        • @gembel , can you please confirm if you received the cashback and points ? still waiting for mine

      • @Jcwj, let us know when you get the cashback, also still waiting for mine.

  • can you convert anz rewards to airline miles?

    • Yes

  • +1

    With $150 cash back, the annual fee works out $225. So $425 profit if redeeming for gift cards.

    Is the exchange rate that bad now? That looks like $650 for 180k reward points almost 1:3, usually rewards points are a 10-20% over 2:1

  • If I'm approved, does ANZ allow me to add the card to my digital wallet straight away or do I have to wait for the card to arrive?

    • +3

      You'll have to wait for a physical card first. Unfortunately, but ANZ is not that modern as NAB or Westpac for example.

  • Will the application process be easier if my pays go to anz? I applied last night and uploaded all docs, but also I had my pays go to anz for over 3 months already. I hope I don't get the long phonecall again like before

    • Got the call and told me it's declined, and I requested supervisor callback.
      This is just like last time when they told me saving/interest meant nothing and my offset account meant nothing.

  • Is the annual fee charged at account open or when closed/after 12 months?

    • first statement

  • 20% velocity transfer offer!

  • Can I still apply for this card and be eligible for reward points, if I have held "ANZ Frequent Flyer Black credit card" in the last 12 months

    • +1


    • +1

      ensure if applying for an offer, you don’t currently hold and haven’t opened or closed an ANZ Rewards Black, ANZ Rewards Platinum, ANZ Rewards Travel Adventure or an ANZ Rewards credit card in the last 12 months and meet all other offer eligibility criteria.

  • $65 annual fee for additional cardholders.


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