NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card: 60000 Velocity Pts with $1000 Spend in 60 Days (+ 20000 Pts after 1 Year), $95 1st Year Fee


Option 1 - 80,000 points total requires keeping the card for more than 12 months, which would mean paying a $195 annual fee in month 13 for a total $290 in fees.

Option 2 - 60,000 points total if you don't pay the fee for the second year. So, it's similar to the Virgin Money deal, but if you can get both deals you're getting 120,000 points plus a $129 voucher for only $95 + $74!!!


  • You only need to spend $1000 in the first 60 days.
  • WebJet bookings provide bonus 1 point for $1 spend.
  • Grocery shopping earns 0.75 points per $1 spend (1.5 NAB points auto-converted to Velocity). If you're converting Flybuys, you'd be earning 1.25 Velocity points for $1 spend.
  • This offer is not available to existing NAB Rewards Signature or NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card customers or customers who have had a NAB Rewards Signature or NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card within 18 months prior to applying for a new NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card.

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  • +7

    Thanks OP. Cancelling a card next week and need a new one to churn, this ones perfect.

    • Just out of curiosity, how soon do you normally wait before applying after closing? I churn about 3-4 a year but normally wait till next month so it clears off Equifax. Keen to know how lean I can be.

      • I could be wrong, but thought I read somewhere in the past credit providers have access to shared database and can see more up to date information vs Equifax.

        • I’ve been declined before because my equifax was not up to date even though I had cancelled a CC the previous month (cancelled near end of month)

      • +1

        You can just provide your closure letter to the bank when you submit income stuff and that’s enough for them.

        • Yeah I did that last few times. Just prefer to be a clean slate each time. Saves me forwarding.

  • +1

    I'm still waiting for my Bendigo Ready to be approved. Need that to go travelling.

    It'll probably be time for another Velocity Flyer with extra 30k bonus points by the time i am ready to churn again

    • I’ve been waiting since the beginning of September for my Bendigo application to be assessed. Starting to become a bit of a joke now. Heck, it was a joke after waiting two weeks let alone two months.

    • I can see you upvoted it already!

  • +2

    One of the slower ones to get points for. Met $1,000 spend on the first day. Been over a month and still waiting.

    • +1

      Same here. Maybe this is a tactic to stop people churning/cancelling the card asap as soon as they get their bonus points?

      • My bonus points just arrived today, exactly one month after hitting the spend target.

    • How long did it take you in the end? I'm still waiting for mine - I've already paid my first statement, and coming up to a month since hitting spend tomorrow. Hoping it arrives soon!

      • Unfortunately I'm a loser and applied before the 12/18 month period lol

    • Also no luck in the statement after spending req was met. Will report back.

      NAB seem to have been slow with Sign up bonuses. Also waiting on a cashback for a separate card. Nothing after 2 statements.

  • +18

    Please nobody take option 1.

    Some other options
    Westpac 90,000 Velocity points $150 annual fee
    ANZ 90,000 Velocity points $225 annual fee
    St George 90,000 Velocity points $99 fee (high spend req)

    I recommend checking out this site for a nice list

    • You really can't go too wrong with those top few options right? I need to start using a high point yield CC - I'm already a Westpac customer so that one is looking good.

      • +1

        Depending on your situation you are better off churning bonus offers and not worrying about spend yield. It's a little more work but you can accumulate a lot more than just spending at a slightly better rate

    • +2

      Rwrds is out of date for some credit cards. Check and compare on individual cards websites.

    • +6

      PSA Westpac recently changed their bonus points exclusion period to 24 months so keep this in mind when churning

      • Ah when did this happen?! I recently got the westpac altitude platinum and I /thought/ it said 12months, but now I am not sure I checked before applying (or it changed between when I applied and when I was approved…)

      • (profanity) I should've checked, I also just applied now only to be told I won't get the bonus

      • Oof that's rough, amazing PSA!

        Just checked their site, confirmed;
        Offer not available if you’ve held an Altitude Platinum or Altitude Black card with Altitude Rewards, Qantas or Velocity in the last 24 months. T&Cs apply.

      • But does anyone know when it changed? Nab had changed to 18mo and this was on my mind when applying for cards so I thought I explicitly checked before I applied…

        • +1
        • +1

          31 Oct as Hieu Le linked.

          First rule of credit card applications - always screenshot the detailed T&Cs at the time of applying.

          Never leave yourself in the position of not being able to refer to the T&Cs should the bonus points not show up or you have to enter some other dispute with the bank.

      • I'm 2 months shy of 24 months but have a few bills due end Nov/early Dec so I'll have to pick something else. They must be topping it at 24 months exclusion period (and I thought AMEX 18 months is long)

  • Would I be eligible if I hold NAB qantas card this year.

    • This offer is not available to existing NAB Rewards Signature or NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card customers or customers who have had a NAB Rewards Signature or NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card within 18 months prior to applying for a new NAB Rewards Platinum Credit Card. Offer is not available when closing or transferring from another NAB credit card account or in conjunction with any other NAB credit card offer

      • +4

        so from my understanding, held an NAB qantas rewards card is fine and able to get the bonus points.

  • I keep hearing people getting the annual fee refunded when they cancel, anyone have luck with this or is it hit and miss?

    I recently cancelled Qantas Money CC and no luck on that one.

  • +5

    The NAB signature card appears to be a better points/$ fee option.

    65k Velocity points with $24/month card fee. Assuming you cancel the card after the points land in your account on the 3rd month that would be $72 fees in total.

    • +4

      I went with the NAB Signature card recently - bit of a niche position though.

      The card offers $0 international ATM withdrawal fees or transaction fees, and I am going overseas for a month, so the majority of the spend will be on the card to meet the criteria to earn the velocity points, and then some.

      The $24 monthly card fee is reversed if you spend more than $5k in a statement period.

      Card will be cancelled right after the holiday - so if you're in a similar situation to me, you're basically getting 130,000 NAB Reward points, which converts to 65,000 velocity points, with no fees.

      • +1

        I've just closed my HSBC Star Alliance Card and looking for another to churn- considering the Signature card also (or hoping AMEX will release a good offer)

        $0 International ATM withdrawal and transaction fees are a bonus- let us know how's the exchange rate like!

        • That was a great card!

          • +2

            @MikeSYD: Assuming you meant Star Alliance Card? Yes Gold status was very handy during my OS trip earlier this year.

            Unfortunately there's no retention offer or fee reduction as I'd have considered continuing for another year.

            • @Craze: No annual fee for first 50k points and brought my air Canada points to 60k exactly and dumped the rest into United mileage plus. The gold status was very handy in crowded airports. The biggest issue for me was the points cap at 3k/month.

  • I just found out I am getting charged with Cash.adv fees - and looks like its something to do with my other BPAY bills. Will call them this week to have them waived if I can. Read the T&Cs before you sign up

    • I thought BPAY bills through reward credit cards will not earn reward points that's all.

      I got charged $3 adv fee for a lottery ticket because of using wrong card no way they waived it for me no matter what I told them.

      • They already charged extra $5.00 for my rent through Ailo plus the cash adv fees. Daylight robbery.

  • Are there any additional ongoing benefits of using NAB Platinum rewards card?

  • +1

    Anyone having trouble applying for this card? I've tried 2 browsers and 5 times but an "unknown error" keeps occurring.
    I even tried to submit feedback on their website but ironically an error occurred as well.

    My partner also tried applying on her iPad and couldn't.

    • Worked fine today thankfully.

    • Yes I've tried multiple times and it comes up with this error too. It happens after the Income page so I wonder if it has something to do with multiple sources of income?

      Have you had any luck since?

      • Managed to apply a few days after but my partner still can't - Seems to always crash when inputting precious address.

  • How can I get an update on the status of my credit card application?

  • +2

    This deal has been upgraded - Nab website now shows new customers get 80,000 bonus with a further 20,000 after 12 months
    Existing customers get 90,000 + 30,000 for 1k spend - a great deal.
    Offer commenced 1 November 2023
    So if you want this account, open a free NAB transaction account first to become an existing customer.…

  • Almost forgot about their 18 month exclusion, sneaky buggers

    • +1

      I use to keep track of cards and when I can reapply

      • Didn't realise they had tracking functionality - I've been using a spreadsheet

  • HOW LONG does it take to transfer to complete it manually transferring points from NAB to Velocity account?
    The email says 10 days but realistically do they transfer in a day? Anyone with any experience?

  • How to provide my velocity number? Anyone approved for this card?

    • Register on NAB rewards portal.

      • thx. wish they review my payslip and approve soon

        • When did you apply? I sent them docs on Tuesday and haven't heard anything yet.

          • @Azro: Very impressed so far I applied for the Signature card over the weekend. Uploaded documents on weekend + additional documents Monday, received e-mail on approval Tuesday and card arrived in the mail today!

          • @Azro: I applied this morning and received the required docs email instantly. No response since then

  • Process has been painfully slow so far. Applied Thursday morning and provided payslips immediately, application manager assigned Friday evening, received a call this morning (Wednesday) asking me to verify my identity at a branch, which I did within half an hour, and now back to waiting.

    • Applied like 2 weeks ago, still haven't heard from the application manager…

  • Points arrived in second statement, good thing is that send out an email letting you know.

  • Will having a recent Suncorp platinum,…..with "provided by NAB card services' always in small print on statements etc…count against ie. No points.. or is that still a separate bank/new applicant situation? (I never had a NAB ac or cc before so no worries there)

    • They are separate brand so nothing to worry.

  • For those looking at this or the Signature card, ANZ deal may be of interest too.

  • @Xentaq: the deal actually expires 30 Apr 2025, not 29 Nov 2024, please update. Thanks mate!

  • Does NAB credits NAB reward points and then we need to transfer it to velocity?

    • +1


  • +1

    Is paying for council rates or car rego counts toward the total spending?

    • No nor does any gov dept.
      bPay does not accrue points as well.

  • Are they always behind in terms of tracking points compared to actual transactions?

    I've spent $3k which shows on the card balance but they've only detected ~1900 points (~$1200 spendings). The transaction history on the Rewards site shows only up to 25th Dec transactions.

    • Hit my spend in first month. Nothing yet after my second statement.

      Might give them a call tomorrow.

      • Never called but finally got the points on the 19th, but only 40k points.

        • Ah only 40k is interesting. So how long was the 19th after your second statement?

          I've hit mine in the first week and got my first statement few days ago. Seems like it's gonna be a long wait

          • @koflok: 2nd statement was 27 December. Hit the spend on maybe the 5th or 6th. Should have really gone harder on the 1st statement.
            Not sure if I'll get the rest on the 27th of this month (3rd statement)

            • @SnowDragon: Ah thank you mate. Might just give a call since I've done the spending on my first statement and try my luck.

  • Anyone applied for this and been rejected? Just had my first rejection in 5 years. Excellent history (816 credit score), only one other card open at the moment. Applied over the weekend, callback on Tuesday for payslip submission, and another callback today to verify some details. 10 minutes later a rejection email…

  • Will holding a NAB Low rate card be an issue, or will I need to cancel it first to be eligible for this CC

  • As mentioned in my comments above I only got 40k Velocity/80k NAB points.

    Called them today and the rep said that the card only had 80k NAB points for the campaign. I told her I was looking at the website right now and it lists 60k Velocity/120k NAB points for the first initial $1000 spend in 60 days. She said what she is looking at is the source of truth but I can submit a request for review.

    I was approved on the 13th of November for the card and the current campaign ends in April.

    • I am now thinking that perhaps I didn't click through OzB. If you go via their website it lists only 80k NAB points.

      As I commented a few months ago I was having trouble applying. I probably just used their actual website when it worked.

    • Yes, same thing happended to me. Pretty sure I applied for the 80k velocity points and not 80k nab points.

    • Have you got the missing points?

      • Unfortunately not. I called and they said that on their end it only said 80k NAB points. Wasn't any point making a call centre person's life hell so I left it.

        My partner recently applied and hit the spend for this card, I made sure she went via the ozb link, so hopefully she gets the full 60k velocity points.

  • Again, slightly off topic as it's for the Signature card vs Platinum, but received a surprise e-mail today on fee increase:

    Thanks for banking with NAB. We’ve recently completed a review of our credit card fees. As a result, from 14 April 2025, the monthly credit card fee on your NAB Rewards Signature Credit Card will increase from $24 per month to $35 per month.

    NAB can go get stuffed- I will be cancelling the card as don't spend $5k monthly to waive the monthly fee.

  • I applied at 930AM, got an email asking for documents, supplied them via email at noon and was approved by 3pm, same day.

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