• long running

Virgin Money Velocity Flyer Card: 60,000 Points with $1,500 Spend Each Month for 2 Months, $129 Flight Voucher, $74 1st Year Fee


This offer is back online, only a couple of days after the last deal expired.

T&Cs appear to be more or less identical to last time, although this time no expiry date is specified for the bonus points offer. Mods, feel free to tag this deal as 'long running' if you feel this is appropriate.

For a first-year annual fee of $74, you get 30,000 Velocity Points with $1,500 min spend per month for the first two months (60K bonus points total), plus a $129 Virgin Australia flight voucher (applied as credit to your Travel Bank). Minimum Credit limit $6,000.

From the comments on the previous deal, some have had success closing and reapplying to take advantage of the bonus points offer several times a year. I'd welcome others who've attempted this approach (successfully or otherwise) to share their experience below.

Referral Links

Referral: random (304)

Referees will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points when they open their first Virgin Money Go Account before 31 July 2024 and meet the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria (1 debit card purchase/direct debits/BPAY transaction in the first 30 days).

Referrer will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points for each referee who meets the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria, for up to 5 referees in a month.

Related Stores

Virgin Money
Virgin Money
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer


  • +2

    Yeh mine was rejected last time :(

    • Income?

    • Properly got mortgage? I got succeeded twice but rejected last time too, not sure why

      • Borrowing power is 4x (income - CC credit limit) now.

  • Looks like the first year free is no longer, saying it's half price for the first year ($74)

    • +7

      I don't recall first year being free. It's been $74.

    • +2

      Never was free. Used to be $64, now it's $74

      • I use to churn this card a decade ago when it was known as Virgin Flyer and there'd be $0 annual fee for the first year promos. They replaced it with the annual flight credit as an ongoing perk.

    • Probably thinking about the balance transfer card.

  • +8

    Hodl for bonus 30k Points!!!

    • Would that only be if not having had Virgin earning card in last 12 months? Or any restrictions?

      • +1
        • Thanks, think I'll HODL

          • +3

            @cook99: Smart move. Now is a bad time to apply for the Velocity Flyer. Given one needs 2 months to get the 60k points, the next round of bonus 30k promo may have started by then.

            Better to ready up on the eligible expenditure that will count towards each months' $1500 spend.

            And be sure to hold off submitting your payslips… they'll call you the next day to off you another 5k velocity points (you may need to tell them you're still shopping around when they call in order for them to offer the 5k points). See the comments in that previous post above for more info.

            • @Mugsy: Fantastic advice thank you!
              Yup I'm in between cards waiting for another good deal, seems to be a bit of a lull

              • @cook99: Can you spend $3000 in the first month and cancel as soon as you get the points? Put does it need to be 1500 each month?

  • +3

    I got rejected, was told to wait for a letter explaining the reason, letter didnt arrive, called back asking for a rwview and to provide documents was told they cant do that, they also cpuldnt tell me why or resend the letter with the reason.

    I presume its because i was approved for a NAB card the month before. Ive always previously stuck to approx 4 months between churns.

    Not sure i want to apply again with them and potentially get another rejection, ill wait the extra couple months and can get my next anz rotation

    • 4 months between applications? or 4 months between closure and fresh application?

    • They legally have to inform you of why you were rejected in writing within 14 days of it being requested.

      • +1

        Their reasons are vague and useless anyway.

        • Often, yes, they are. You can push them for more info if it is unsatisfactory and make a complaint if you don't like the answer.

  • +3

    I dislike the trend some banks are taking, where you have to hold on to the card for 12 months to score additional points

    • +4

      It's an annoying tactic. By the same logic, banks could avertise cards with 100,000* bonus points (100 points per year for 1,000 years, $295 Annual Fee per year).

      I shouldn't give them ideas…

      • +1

        thought there was an inquiry into accounts for dead persons. AMP or someone like that

    • +1

      Well, it's to stop people from churning credit cards, so it's understandable why they're doing it that way

      • +1

        It would be understandable if they treated loyal long term customers nicely, but nooooo. All metrics are about new signups but can't do it too often either. It's in their favour both ways!

        • True that soan papdi

        • Because it looks good for stakeholders when they get new sign ups, and most people can't be bothered churning credit cards anyway, so it's only bad for people like us

        • Banks are starting to turn that around, look at programs like Yello at CBA

          • @greennick: I see that but IMO it's a pittance compared to what new customers get.

    • +1

      the golden days of the points game are long behind us.. less bonuses, more annual fees, more restrictions, and points have been devalued from redemption side - less availability and harder to book

    • -4

      Dislike? So they should just give you free points every 3 months? lmao what

      • +1

        I've never understood people that defend multi-billion dollar companies lmao.

        • You're obviously not a business owner of any sort

  • -1

    They charge you interest in purchases if you do a balance transfer?! Not seen that before

    • thats how every BT credit card works - UK and here….

      • Really?

        I have one with HSBC over here and not getting charged interest on day 1 from purchases

        • having a quick google HSBC may be the exception that proves the rule.

  • How soon does velocity credit the points for this card? Is it per month once the next spend is hit or after the 2 months?

    • Per month.

      • Strange, only got 30 points in Aug when I hit the spend limit. I'll have to keep an eye out for the end of this month, thanks.

        • Unfortunately, it probably means you didn't hit the limit or got caught out by the T&Cs…

    • +1

      Just be aware that the first month can be short as the clock starts ticking from the time they issue the card and it might take up to two weeks to get to you. Line up some big purchases so you ensure you hit the first months quota to ensure you get the points.

  • +1

    got rejected many time for citi backed cards. never got explanations

  • +1

    This has been the standard offer for this card for the last year or more. Actually the annual fee used to be a bit less last year.

  • They rejected me last couple months :(

    Good income, no debt, no home loan, churned 5-6 cards per year

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