• expired

Virgin Money Velocity Flyer Card: 60,000 Points with $1,500 Spend Each Month for 2 Months, $129 Flight Voucher, $74 1st Year Fee


This offer is back online, only a couple of days after the last deal expired.

T&Cs appear to be more or less identical to last time, although this time no expiry date is specified for the bonus points offer. Mods, feel free to tag this deal as 'long running' if you feel this is appropriate.

For a first-year annual fee of $74, you get 30,000 Velocity Points with $1,500 min spend per month for the first two months (60K bonus points total), plus a $129 Virgin Australia flight voucher (applied as credit to your Travel Bank). Minimum Credit limit $6,000.

From the comments on the previous deal, some have had success closing and reapplying to take advantage of the bonus points offer several times a year. I'd welcome others who've attempted this approach (successfully or otherwise) to share their experience below.

Referral Links

Referral: random (303)

Referees will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points when they open their first Virgin Money Go Account and meet the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria (1 debit card purchase/direct debits/BPAY transaction in the first 30 days).

Referrer will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points for each referee who meets the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria, for up to 5 referees in a month.

Related Stores

Virgin Money
Virgin Money
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer

closed Comments

  • +2

    Yeh mine was rejected last time :(

    • Income?

    • Properly got mortgage? I got succeeded twice but rejected last time too, not sure why

      • +2

        Borrowing power is 4x (income - CC credit limit) now.

  • Looks like the first year free is no longer, saying it's half price for the first year ($74)

    • +10

      I don't recall first year being free. It's been $74.

    • +5

      Never was free. Used to be $64, now it's $74

      • I use to churn this card a decade ago when it was known as Virgin Flyer and there'd be $0 annual fee for the first year promos. They replaced it with the annual flight credit as an ongoing perk.

    • Probably thinking about the balance transfer card.

  • +12

    Hodl for bonus 30k Points!!!

    • Would that only be if not having had Virgin earning card in last 12 months? Or any restrictions?

      • +1
        • +1

          Thanks, think I'll HODL

          • +6

            @cook99: Smart move. Now is a bad time to apply for the Velocity Flyer. Given one needs 2 months to get the 60k points, the next round of bonus 30k promo may have started by then.

            Better to ready up on the eligible expenditure that will count towards each months' $1500 spend.

            And be sure to hold off submitting your payslips… they'll call you the next day to off you another 5k velocity points (you may need to tell them you're still shopping around when they call in order for them to offer the 5k points). See the comments in that previous post above for more info.

            • @Mugsy: Fantastic advice thank you!
              Yup I'm in between cards waiting for another good deal, seems to be a bit of a lull

              • @cook99: Can you spend $3000 in the first month and cancel as soon as you get the points? Put does it need to be 1500 each month?

                • @greenslade: If you spend $3k in the first month you get 30k points only.

            • @Mugsy: haha. they called to follow up but no extra points offered :)

          • +2

            @cook99: Everybody's HODLing

            • @zzymurgy: Sorry but I'm sorta new here, what is HODLing?

              • @Krodsorin: Hold

                On for



                Rumour has it that someone on the net wanted to type HOLD but typed HODL which became Hold On for Deal Life and now we all HODL.

  • +3

    I got rejected, was told to wait for a letter explaining the reason, letter didnt arrive, called back asking for a rwview and to provide documents was told they cant do that, they also cpuldnt tell me why or resend the letter with the reason.

    I presume its because i was approved for a NAB card the month before. Ive always previously stuck to approx 4 months between churns.

    Not sure i want to apply again with them and potentially get another rejection, ill wait the extra couple months and can get my next anz rotation

    • 4 months between applications? or 4 months between closure and fresh application?

    • +1

      They legally have to inform you of why you were rejected in writing within 14 days of it being requested.

      • +3

        Their reasons are vague and useless anyway.

        • Often, yes, they are. You can push them for more info if it is unsatisfactory and make a complaint if you don't like the answer.

      • Hmm. I wasn't told why regarding my rejection at Bendigo. Certainly not in writing. Although they said someone would be in touch.

  • +5

    I dislike the trend some banks are taking, where you have to hold on to the card for 12 months to score additional points

    • +6

      It's an annoying tactic. By the same logic, banks could avertise cards with 100,000* bonus points (100 points per year for 1,000 years, $295 Annual Fee per year).

      I shouldn't give them ideas…

      • +1

        thought there was an inquiry into accounts for dead persons. AMP or someone like that

    • +2

      Well, it's to stop people from churning credit cards, so it's understandable why they're doing it that way

      • +3

        It would be understandable if they treated loyal long term customers nicely, but nooooo. All metrics are about new signups but can't do it too often either. It's in their favour both ways!

        • True that soan papdi

        • Because it looks good for stakeholders when they get new sign ups, and most people can't be bothered churning credit cards anyway, so it's only bad for people like us

        • +1

          Banks are starting to turn that around, look at programs like Yello at CBA

          • +1

            @greennick: I see that but IMO it's a pittance compared to what new customers get.

            • @soan papdi: Yeah, it will definitely take time for them to get it fully up and running. At least it seems they're realising it is cheaper to keep a customer than it is to win one, particularly none of them want credit card churners.

              Though, I preferred when there were the great churning deals with no annual fees in the first year and all the points on offer within 3 months.

      • They already have restrictions in place where you cannot sign up to X card for the next 12-18 months.

        I don’t think it’s to stop churners, it’s to make you hold on to the card and keep spending increasing the chance you’ll have to pay for the interest fee.

    • +6

      the golden days of the points game are long behind us.. less bonuses, more annual fees, more restrictions, and points have been devalued from redemption side - less availability and harder to book

    • -3

      Dislike? So they should just give you free points every 3 months? lmao what

      • +4

        I've never understood people that defend multi-billion dollar companies lmao.

        • You're obviously not a business owner of any sort

          • @TightAl: We get it, you hate paying your staff for public holidays because tHeY'Re nOT wORkiNG.

        • The same multi-billion dollar companies, who told us that 'they/we were all in this together',
          but continue to keep their multi-billion dollar profits growing, while blaming "mUh iNFlaTioN".

      • I didn’t say that. You did.

        Id like their standard policies like what this card offers. Give X points after Y spend and be done with it. With the new trend of policies they’re trying to squeeze more money out of the customer by enticing them with a shit offer by holding on to the card for another Z months. I know it’s business. But the value is getting worse.

  • -1

    They charge you interest in purchases if you do a balance transfer?! Not seen that before

    • thats how every BT credit card works - UK and here….

      • Really?

        I have one with HSBC over here and not getting charged interest on day 1 from purchases

        • having a quick google HSBC may be the exception that proves the rule.

  • How soon does velocity credit the points for this card? Is it per month once the next spend is hit or after the 2 months?

    • Per month.

      • Strange, only got 30 points in Aug when I hit the spend limit. I'll have to keep an eye out for the end of this month, thanks.

        • Unfortunately, it probably means you didn't hit the limit or got caught out by the T&Cs…

        • Hi, is there any update on your situation? Was Aug your first or second month?

          • @BTSARMY: Hey mate, I did send in a message to the team asking what had happened and they're checking but they confirmed I did hit the monthly spend. Will post when I get a formal confirmation on what is happening.

            This was for August, card approved on the 5th.

    • +1

      Just be aware that the first month can be short as the clock starts ticking from the time they issue the card and it might take up to two weeks to get to you. Line up some big purchases so you ensure you hit the first months quota to ensure you get the points.

      • +1 this.

      • +2

        From their T&Cs :

        The first month begins on the date your account is approved.

  • +2

    got rejected many time for citi backed cards. never got explanations

  • +1

    This has been the standard offer for this card for the last year or more. Actually the annual fee used to be a bit less last year.

  • They rejected me last couple months :(

    Good income, no debt, no home loan, churned 5-6 cards per year

    • +1

      The churning is probably why. I've read in other card deals that some card companies are more sensitive to churning than others.

  • +3

    For those that may not aware
    The $129 travel credit cannot be use on rewards ticket (for paying tax), but it can be used to purchase ticket for others

  • Has anyone been able to claim more than one $129 Virgin Australia flight voucher within 12 months of churning the same card?

    • +2

      Yep, have $258 flight credit on the same travel bank (from having card twice in last 3 months) but third time having the card within a year or so

      • Thanks, had to try a few times. Think the travel bank was set up without the middle name.

      • Does the travel credit still valid eventhough you close the card?

        • Yes

          • @Brick50: Thank you.

            I just received my card today and activated it online. May i know where can i see the credit of $129 Virgin Australia?

            • @BTSARMY: In virgin travel bank, they will provide the log in when you apply for the credit

      • did you apply when they were offering extra 30k? Did you get those extra points ? Its been 3 months since I got the card and still the extra 30k havent come.

        • Yes still waiting on bonus 30

        • It'll have been 2 months or ~8 weeks since your first statement and points allocation from virgin flyer then.

          Velocity advised it'll take 10-12 weeks from when you get your first statement so you've got at least 2 more weeks to wait. Hopefully it'll come at 10 weeks on the dot. If not, you should call velocity to get them to check if the points are scheduled to be added to your account.

          • @Mugsy: Aug 4 was the date of first statement so I guess it'll be another 4-6 weeks.

  • This would work with velocity business account? I think velocity points are tied to the individual so these points and the voucher could be used through velocity business?

  • Per month is calendar month or statement month?

    • I’m assuming statement month, as the clock starts on the date your account is approved

  • +1

    Just a warning, I have repeatedly spoken to customer service about issues with the points - they promised to sort it, but they don't. Liars. I'm short 35,000 points from my first churn of this card. Yes I met all the T&C's, they've confirmed it over the phone twice, but they never delivered the points.
    Customer service sounds helpful but doesn't back it up with reality.

    • Ive just received my second statement a few days ago and haven't received the points while I did for the first month. How long has it been for you?

      • +1

        Pretty typical for this card that you don't get points until 7-10 days after statement issued

        • Thanks, thats reassuring

  • Anyone know if Bupa Woolies Gift Cards would be excluded from points-earning expenditure?

  • Approved for this card on the 18th September and received a statement of $0 on the 21st Sept. Does this technically mean my first month has started? I haven't received, and in this case, activated the card yet? Is it possible to ring up to have the digital card added to Apple Wallet before receiving the physical card?

    • +1

      Your first month starts ticking from approval date so you have until 17 Oct to do your $1500 spend. Give it another day. It can take a week for the card to get to you.

      Not sure if they can add the digital card to Apple Wallet as I'm on android.

  • some feedback on the process and customer service for Virgin Money.

    The company is staffed by absolute muppets who will waste your time. You will just have to be patient and accept their stupid methodology to calculate salary. They are dogmatic in calculating your annual salary off your last two payslips. Doesn't matter in those payslips if you took leave, didn't get paid penalties, took unpaid leave, took sick leave or any variable that affects your normal fortnightly pay… they even don't care when you provide them your 23-24 income statement from the ATO that literally confirms 12 months of employment gross salary.

    • I've noticed that too after applying for this card about 5-6 times now. I used this to my advantage… had some back pay that highly inflated my earnings in the two payslips I gave them. Of course, it was lucky timing too.

    • Yup, just experienced exactly this. Totally incompetent offshore staff who have no idea how Australian payslips work. Never dealt with a more incompetent company, and I’ve applied for ANZ cards in the past!

  • Didn't get any points during my first statement but got 30k in my second.

    Received an email a few days ago saying there was an issue crediting them. Called them up today and old mate said the issue would be fixed on the 2nd of October and I'll get my last 30k next statement cycle.

    • What was your spend first month?

      • +1

        2k or something - well over the $1500 minimum.

  • Can the flight credit be sold?

  • What are people's thoughts on this vs the Qantas bonus 20k points offer? My plan is to get a card in the next month with travel insurance and rental excess included to book a trip to QLD around March, then cancel the card after the trip and look for another one with a bonus, but my situation is this
    - don't fly more than couple of times a year domestically at the moment but considering a couple of short haul international trips to SE Asia in next couple of years. Could probably get to velocity silver with family pooling next year but unlikely to make any status on Qantas
    - Could get points club on Qantas if I churn a couple of cards and use my EDR points, but not really sure the value if I don't fly more, and my anniversary is May, so not sure if it's better to bank EDR points until after that then churn a couple of cards and health insurance to shoot for points club plus.

    • +1

      I would probably apply for a QFF card whilst the 20k bonus QFF points offer is still available.

      You can try to hold out until there's a VFF bonus points offer before applying for this card, I think they last offered 30k bonus VFF points in June.

  • Anyone managed to get their $129 credit? I followed the instructions at below link but thus far, nothing. Thought I’d maybe get an email.


    • Did you make two retail spend?

      • Yeah I did - I called them up, turns out you have to request the voucher earliest two months after you open the card / make your first spend. Not very clear in the T&Cs

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