All credit to user rainbowyen who posted this in the comments of the Scorptec/Amazon deal.
This appears to have sold out, but there is another deal at $356 now:
All credit to user rainbowyen who posted this in the comments of the Scorptec/Amazon deal.
This appears to have sold out, but there is another deal at $356 now:
I'm not fully versed in networking, could someone explain to me if this is worth upgrading from a TP link archer vr1600v if I'm on 100/40 HFC? I do a lot of gaming, sometimes stream and also host minecraft servers for my friends. Will I see a tangible benefit if I'm using wired?
I'd say unlikely, especially if you're using wired.
Main reason I purchased this is for the faster CPU and more RAM to handle 1000/50 connection, along with (hopefully) good wifi6 coverage.
The reason why you'd want to upgrade because of the newer AX technology and the faster transmission rate, also better security. Also, if you are like me and have a lot of devices (two dozens and counting) that use WiFi then absolutely.
This is a really good price. I paid $383 from Amazon UK a couple of months ago.
For those playing at home, in the off chance a supported store does a crazy cyber Monday deal, don't forget eBay's price protection feature :)