Asus TUF Gaming AX4200 Wi-Fi 6 Router $229 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bing Lee

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Seems to be on a clearance sale at bing lee.
Great router that I've been using for about a year now.
Cheapest I've seen for a bit without having to wait for import.
As simontadaa pointed out, it's actually $10 cheaper at amazon australia

WiFi 6 (802.11AX) on 2.4GHz (574mbps) and 5GHz (3603) bands
4 x 1Gbps LAN ports
1 x 2.5Gbps WAN port
USB 3.2 port (can be used for network sharing, printing, mobile network etc)
Supports OpenWRT
512MB memory & 256MB flash

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Bing Lee
Bing Lee


  • +6

    Amazon au has it for $219 and ax6000 for $309

    • didn't see that, thanks for the spot.
      i think bing lee price may price match as well if amazon runs out of onhand stock

    • is the AX6000 better than Netgear Nighthawk XR1000?

      I'm looking for a new router that is good with my FTTB G.FAST 600/50Mbps

  • +1

    Link is blocking me. WTF?

    You are browsing and clicking at a speed much faster than expected of a human being.

    • +3

      Time for a rename to MS Sam?

  • -4
    • +2

      When will they start making routers with 12 antennas?

      • +1

        They are following Gillette business model with number of blades.

    • +2

      Genuine question, why has this been negged and is the OP route better? I’m after recommendations.

      • Good question. I can only assume that it's because the one linked is from Amazon Germany?

        Having said that, the AX6000 is probably overkill for most scenarios.

      • Not even sure? Same model series even

      • Could be because it’s an import, some imports are lower power but German I don’t think is?

      • Up to you to decide, they are essentially the same router. Theoretically the ax6000 has more wireless bandwidth with the extra antennas… and that’s the only difference.
        its also a germany import, not sure whether thats a low power model or not (im 90% sure itll work fine).

        Can’t go wrong with either tbh, they have the same internals, just go for what you desire more!

      • Got it, Thanks all. 👍

      • ~Turns out it's triband, so realistically isn't 'faster' just can handle more devices~

        Isn't tri-band, really not sure on negs.

        • But overall, is ASUS a good call for my new (not huge, single level, no bricks or concrete) home? Thinking security and backdoor issues.

          My TP-Link ?-2600 has been more than adequate in my current concrete townhouse for the last 7 years. Thx.

  • Does this support vlan?

    • No it does not, unless you flash it with openwrt

    • Standard Asus TUF-AX4200 firmware.

      VLAN to separate your IoT devices from your LAN = no.
      VLAN ID to connect to certain ISPs = yes.

      • Important distinction - good pickup

  • +1
  • +1

    Network sharing of USB drive is very temporamental. May work for many days at a time but will eventually experience slowdowns where it becomes unresponsive for several seconds at a time. It's enough that apps that are using files stored on the drive get snarky. Resetting seems to fix it.

    In other words, it's not really a replacement for a NAS, even though that is my use case and 6 days out of 7 it is fine. It's probalby more useful if you want a shared stash you access occaisionally. Not recommended as a shared media drive. It's not fun waiting for your playback to recover.

    Aside from that it works fine.

    • FWIW this problem seemed to have been caused by storing my Obisidian vault there. The problem seems to have gone away since I stopped using it for Obisidian.

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