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$10/Month off nbn for 6 Months (New Customers Only) @ Superloop

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$10/Month off NBN for 6 Months (New Customers Only) @ Superloop.

Applies to all Superloop NBN plans and no contract.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1322)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Hmm same $$ off as using a referral. So if you know someone who's a current SL member that would probably be the better option.

    • +7

      Or use the Ozbargain Superloop Referral Link for a random referral to one of your fellow OZB members.

      Note: Referral says 10% off for 6 months not $10 off for 6 months.

      • Well yeah, that too. Was more for people who do know someone who currently uses SL to benefit them directly :-)

        Edit: Lol, you get your comment deleted rather than just owning up to the fact you read 'referee' and 'referral' wrong.

      • The new (referred) customer gets $10/month. The referrer gets 10% (up to max $10) per month. Both are for 6 months. See https://www.superloop.com/documents/legal/20200429-SHBB-Refe…

        a 10% discount(maximum of $10) off the referrer’s monthly invoice for 6 months for each successful referral between 1 May and 31 December 2020 (capped at 100% of the referrer’s monthly invoice) and a $10 discount off the referee’s account per month for their first six months

  • But how will they make money after August 19 when NBNco remove COVID relief on CVC?

    • NBN changed that to Sept 19.

      Superloop would make more coin on their business and wholesale products.

    • +7

      Before Covid it was 20 bucks off :P

  • Superloop has been great for me but I am coming to end of its 6 months promo $21 off.

    • Yes same. I am switching back to ABB with 1st month free, and $10 off for 6 months

      • +1

        Aussie BB don't allow code stacking. Pick one deal.

      • +4

        Are you sure you can switch to ABB as a new customer?
        ABB considers you as a new customer after 6 months. When you switch, there will probably be a few days overlapping, which means you would not have completed full 6 months.

        • Yes, I was just checking the amount of days it had been lol. Will confirm when I call up next month

          • @hoh: Please let us know. I will be in the similar situation in September.

        • +4

          You can always just go an extra full paying month before you switch. Better to pay an extra $10 for one month to ensure you secure the next six months at a discounted rate.

      • Flip has some interesting cheap prices comparable to those achieved after SL $21 off, but there is no trustworthy review available for flip.

    • +2

      I moved to Superloop 9 months back but since then I came across many disruptions in my NBN service. It may be location-specific disruptions but the number of outages did disappoint me considering the expectations with which I took Superloop. I am now planning to switch over to ABB.

      • Who were you with before?

      • +2

        I have exactly the same experience.

      • Ive been on both a few times and while ABB is the best at outage notifications (instant text for unknowns), superloop is not far behind and will email planned disruptions with a time frame.

        Superloop has a slightly better infrastructure as phil knight(ABB) has said they aim to meet soon.

        • I faced many planned and unplanned outages in my service with superloop. While they were good at notifying planned outages, there was no communication for unplanned outages. For example, at many a times during midnight (typically happens between 12 and 1 am), my NBN will stop working. The service would resume after two hours or so. No notifications.

          I live in an Melbourne's Eastern suburb where superloop had some major problems and due to which there were many planned outages (at least half a dozen times in my first 4 months of service). It was subsequently rectified but then unplanned outages started during midnight (don't know whether they run any phantom job to prevent users streaming late at night :-).

  • I take it the usual 6 months or so from being a prior customer applies before being able to get another discount?

  • +34

    Some current comparisons

    50Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data, $78.95 ($68.95 first 6 months with Whistleout10FOR6)
    100Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data, $89.95 ($79.95 first 6 months with Whistleout10FOR6)

    50Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data, $79 ($69 first 6 months with SAVE10MONTH)
    100Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data, $89 ($79 first 6 months with SAVE10MONTH)

    50Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data, $69
    100Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data, $79
    Possible $20 cashback

    I've used all of these and found no real differences in speed. But appreciate Mate's consistent low prices without the discount code shenanigans.

    • +6

      Did you test international destinations?

      That's where SL & Aussie BB would come out on top.

      • Has someone also noticed about this international connection?

        I'm currently with SL, after I bridge with the Nordvpn JP, I can get a really good ping (120) then I can play the Super Mario Kart without items teleported, and play Mario Maker with higher-ranked players etc.

        This is what am I concerned especially my SL discount ends soon.

        At the beginning (earlier this year), I use ABB and I found although I never get any throttle during peak hours, I'm struggling with their international connection, do anyone thinks ABB could resolve this?

        • Aussie BB said they are working on adding more capacity to international destinations but I think it's mainly for the US. Message their networking team here

          • +1

            @Twix: I have 1Gb connection and average around 65-80MB/s downloading from Usenet at any time of the day via ABB.

            Mix of European and US servers.

            • @Lichen6420: Can you test the speed to a Hong Kong Server? I was with ABB few months ago, the speed is terrible, about 1 Mb in a 100/40 plan
              However the speed is better now after I move to SL.

              I still want to go back to ABB if the international speed is better, after 6 months.


          • @Twix: Really negged?

            Aussie BB will change paths where possible.

        • How much ping and speed you get in speedtest for a New Jercy Server?
          I get around 280 ms and 7mbps up and down connection.

      • +2

        Did you test international destinations?

        Nothing to write home about. But agree that in tests Mate would/should not be up with the other two for international routes

      • International routing is very important for me.

        I have tested both Superloops and Aussies international networks and like em.

    • +7

      An even cheaper deal would be to take the ABB 1 month free deal (up to $89 off), rather than $10 off/month for 6 months.

      Then switch to Kogan 50/20 $63.90/Month for 6 months:

    • +4

      Mate uses Vocus for it's international traffic who are known to have below average international speeds/pings (certainly not as good as ABB/Superloop), you only need to check the speed tests on this thread

    • +1

      I have also been with all 3. I also did not notice much difference. Mate (same company as barefoot) has very good customer service.

      I'm sticking with Superloop for now, as I'm on an outdated plan that's $5 cheaper than current prices.

      • I'm sticking with Superloop for now

        Same. Although I'm on a $69 grandfather plan (finished up on the bonus $20 off for 6 month offer - they were good days!).

    • i can only get 70mbps for Mate's 100Mbps/20Mbps

    • +2

      Don't forget to compare ISP

      Local Speeds
      International speeds if you need it
      Local Pings
      International pings ( gaming, work)
      Local POP
      Support hours

    • Why 100/20 now seems to be the norm rather than 100/40..

      • 100/20 is cheaper for the ISP to provide and if you shop around cheaper than 100/40.

    • +1

      Last year, when I use 50Mbps/20Mbps, Unlimited Data. It was ~50$ for the first 6 months, then back to ~70$ after. This year it seems the similar plan is already 10$ more expensive.

      • They increased the price some time ago when 100/20 was launched. they increased 50/20 & 100/40 and put the 100/20 between this two.

    • It's worth pointing out that if 500GB/month is enough for you then you can get Superloop's 100/20 for $79.95/month ($69.95 for first 6 months using referral code) so similar price to Mate after 6 months and better international speeds.

  • Is Belong NBN any good?

    • +6

      Yes. I pay $55 a month and get 45/20 constantly. I have no idea why people would pay $70 here for the same thing….

      • It seems to be $65 a month now.

      • I'm after a 50 plan for max $60pm, so this sounds good, provided that they don't use CGNAT?
        I need remote access to my home network for home assistant, security cameras and files on my NAS. Unfortunately even ABB is now using CGNAT, so aren't an option and my 6m internode deal is about to expire.

        • +4

          you call Aussie up, tell them you need CGNAT disabled for gaming and its done takes about 2 minutes

          • +1

            @cacique: I switched from Superloop to Aussie for price, and this legit took me about 2 hours to work out when CG-NAT messed up my Plex server, remotely.
            Got on the ol' google machine, called and deaded CG-NAT in 2 minutes flat.

        • tangerine is $60pm for 50 plan

      • Belong shape some customers speed. SL don't.

        • They have not for me, EVER.

          • @Savitar: That's why I said some :-)

      • Looks like now $65 for new customers.

        • +2

          it's $55 fort the starter (30/20) not starter plus (50/20). But users get 50/20 on the 30/20 anyway

          • @CVonC: I can vouch for this. NBN don’t offer a 50/20 do you get that by default.

            • @Savitar: NBN does have a 50/20 AVC.

              • +1

                @Twix: Sorry, typo. Does not offer a 30/20 plan….

  • +2

    MateNBN $10 off cheaper than every other provider. Lifetime!

    • +1

      i second this, speed is same as SL and ABB, im on HFC 100/20 plan

      • Same here. No problem till date.

    • Not sure about that. Don't you also need a $20/month mobile plan with them to get their best NBN rates? Tangerine seems cheaper for just NBN basic plan, but maybe I'm missing something.

      • +1

        nope, don't need to bundle with mobile plan, i paid $79 for 100/ 20 plan, check out on Mate website

        • +1

          Thanks, but just checked 42Mbps plans for Mates and Tangerine… Same price, so Mate is not $10 cheaper as falsely claimed by anirudhD

          • @dibdob: Dibdob - I'm on 100 plan, that's for $79. So it's $10 cheaper than other providers. Without any discount gimmick.

  • +3

    Anyone know how long you need to leave SL for to be considered a ‘New Customer’

  • -1

    Just today received an email from Exetel telling me they have to increase price by $6 bringing their 50mbs plan to $66. Maybe time to change

    • +2

      When I was with Exetel, I did not find speeds to be particularly good.

      • Who are you with now and have speeds improved?

        • All ISP's I've been with since were better. I'm with superloop now. Mate NBN and ABB were also excellent.

          • @Make it so: Why didn't you stick with Mate?

            • +1

              @SnakeDoc: Technically I was with Barefoot, but they are the exact same company as Mate who for some reason trade under 2 names. I didn't stick with them because my 6-month discount was over :) I moved to ABB and received a 6-month $10 discount, then moved to Superloop for a 6-month $20 discount there. Couldn't pass up on the discounts, as life is too expensive nowadays. The reason I'm staying put right now is because my grandfathered plan at Superloop is cheaper than current plans.

    • Really? Can you pm me a screen shot? I'm with them and have not recieved such an email.

  • +3

    Anyone know how long it takes to switch?

    I'm currently on the 50/20 plan with ABB.

    • +1

      took me roughly 10 hours going from Belong to ABB, really quick now due to NBN

    • Swapping ISP can be done in under 1 hour.

      Whilst every effort is made to provision your service as quickly as possible on the requested date, once an order is submitted to nbn™, it can take up to two business days to complete.

    • +3

      Took me 15min to switch to superloop.

      • Do you have to tell ABB that you're switching?

    • What I found is that disconnection from your old ISP can happen as soon as you sign up with a new ISP, but you won't get connected to the new one until business hours. I remember signing up to Superloop at around 11:30pm, and my connection was gone within minutes of submitting the form. But I didn't get internet back until after 8am the next day. So I'd suggest changing over during the daytime.

      • Not true in my experience now, may have been when they hadn’t automated the process.

        I’ve churned between ABB and SL a few times now and the churns have all happened outside business hours with only a few minutes downtime between them (I have Uptime Robot pinging my DDNS name that tells me when my connection has gone down and come back up, so it’s fairly accurate way of showing how long it was down for when churning.)
        When I moved from ABB to SL a couple of months ago the connection went down at ~11pm and was down for 4mins 12 seconds.

  • +4

    Hahahah go from Superloop to ABB and repeat…

  • Can SL promo stack?

  • +2

    To those who swapped over from ABB to another provider, how did you avoid paying twice for a month - for e.g. if I swap today, I think I pay the rest of my ABB month as well as the first month with the new provider?

    • also would like to know this, i got one the first month free from Aussie and 90$ a month is a bit much, how do you sort out payments?

    • You churn on the last day before you're billed for the following month.

      • Do you then cancel ABB? Or does it get disconnected automatically?

        • +2

          Cancellation is not always automatic. It's best practice to confirm the cancellation with your previous ISP.

      • so my payment goes through this thursday 30th July.

        Thats for the period until the 15th of August though? So whens the best time to switch over?

        • My bill will be issued on Aug 11 and will be Aug 25 to Sept 25.

          I assume if i cancel before Aug 25 i can ignore the invoice?

    • +1

      When I transferred away, ABB was happy to give me a pro-rata refund of my unused days (This was last year, I assume they still do). So this really means you can transfer at anytime, to play it safe ideally towards the end of your period before the next invoice is issued. Just make sure to call them to confirm the closure and request a refund after your Internet has changed over.

      • That wasn't my experience. I had to end my connection on the last day of my billing cycle.

  • Changed from SL to ABB to get 1 month free. Iblnternational speeds are slightly inferior on ABB compared to SL. Local pings are 8ms instead of 7ms. SL feels slightly better overall. Will be changing back to SL after the free month is over.

    • Last month I went from SL to ABB to have a go on their 1000/50 (was previously 100/40). Good experience overall, can't really fault it for $149/month.

      I have just now signed back with SL to see how their 1000/50 compares @ $139/month for 12 months, pretty confident they will make it unlimited or up the quota when they feel confident.

      Being 'shaped' to 100/40 for exceeding 3TB is not really that inconvenient anyway, would prefer to pocket the $10/month.

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