• expired

NBN Starter Package: $55/Month for 12mths, 50/20 (30Mbps) Unlimited Data, $0 Modem, $0 Setup, Free SIM with $80 Credit @ Belong



  • 50/20 connection (30Mbps Download)
  • unlimited data,
  • 12mth contract,
  • $0 Wi-Fi modem,
  • $0 standard activation,
  • $80 mobile credit
    TOTAL = $55/mth

T&Cs = https://www.belong.com.au/content/dam/belong/downloads/CIS-B…

To see the $55 per month price, select Starter in the speed selection box

UPDATE: I signed up to the starter pack (30Mbps pack) and I can confirm from actual speed test, I am getting 48 Mbps download and 18 Mbps Upload.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (294)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Shows as $65pm for me

    • +3

      Choose Starter in speed box.

    • +1

      That's for 40Mbs

      • Which is what exactly?

        I swear this new hopefully interim method of naming speeds based on "typical time of day speeds" is a dumb idea whoever put this in place needs to change it back to standard numbers and absolute limits to give us a better idea than just guessing the upper and lower limits of the service.

        Ah well if the world was perfect this website wouldn't be here for us to b and moan about it.

  • -2

    Same here, shows $65 per month based on a 12 month contract

  • +29

    I personally would avoid Belong at all cost. Slow speeds, woefully congested network, and unbelievably bad customer service. Twice my NBN service went down without any explanation and I did not have internet access at one stage for over 2 weeks.

    I had to routinely wait over an hour over the phone to get any assistance and kept getting turfed from one section of belong to the other. Don't even bother emailing their customer service department - you are very unlikely to get a response for days.

    • +1

      If anyone reading this is with them change your DNS servers, put in Ciscos OpenDNS or anything else into your router as belongs are atrociously slow…

      • Interesting. I have this Belong plan, and great performance. Because I never used their DNS?

    • +2

      Used belong in Brisbane City for a while - shocking speeds during congestion

    • I've gotta second belong's shock and horror customer support. well it doesnt really exist and when they reply its standard fluff they dont even read what you've written maybe its OFFshore and english aint the first language for the support crew

    • A family member chose belong, fttn, 50/20 and they're syncing at 48/19 peak hours…I was very surprised as i advised them against belong?! However they did have issue near the start of the sign up but Belong credited 2 months of free service. Might be worth it if price is main concerns.

      • I think all the early issues everybody keeps moaning about have all been fixed now but there will always be exceptions to the rule and new premises being botched up everyday I mean built.. cough cough

    • Geez 2 weeks? How did you last?

  • +11

    Fyi beware I was with belong nbn and they had to release me from my contact as they couldn't even deliver 30mbps I now get 12 Mbps that's all that can be supplied the nbn is a JOKE. Goldcoast qld.

    • Get a telstra data sim and tether. Its still 1.5 mbps once you go over the 5 gig.

  • +15

    Really awful company. Telstra are aware and this is why they try to have it both ways by using the "powered by Telstra but not really Telstra" thing.

    We should be shaming Telstra for creating this abomination of a company.

  • +1

    I’ve been using them for 3+ years, had reliable 45mb speeds (on the $65 plan) on NBN at two different properties. Would recommend.

  • +6

    30mb speed that isnt a bargain price

    • -1

      Good entry for mum n dad

      • My folks are on 100mb cable

        • I see your folks might also be of the heavy user type :)

          Or just lucky.

    • It is not 30, but 50. The 30 is sort of a a guaranteed minimum, but I've never seen it that slow to an Australian server.

  • +9

    switched from aussie to belong at the start of the year..
    these are/were my speed comparisons

    this is how they compare at 7:20pm

    Sydney: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085844496 95.4/36.48
    LA: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085869138 67.41/14.91
    London: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085871627 12.37/2.77

    Sydney: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085852736 95.72/36.16
    LA: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085860882 95.3/14.05
    London: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085875220 71.39/3.51

    • my 6 month deal with aussie on 50/20 unlimited for $59 ends at the end of august prob going to switch to belong just don't like the idea of paying $60 for a modem if i dont sign up for 12 month contract

      does anyone know what modem they give you? also i've read that even on starter plan people have been getting the max 50/20 speeds if your line can take it.so thats a plus, was going to go with exetel but they bumped up there price and added a connection fee so there off the table

      • +2

        Exetel must bump their price recently as I was eyeing them to jump from ABB. Damn it.

        • +3

          yes Exetel increased price just a few days ago.

          • @noz: I don't think they increased? looks like they got rid of contracts

            • +1

              @follow: they got rid of contracts but now added a setup fee of $79 and increased the price was $59/month now $65, also they force there "free" modem into there deal even if you dont need or want it but at least they ship it to you for free before they charged you $20 for shipping.

              so far they are only saying new customers are the ones paying more but i can see that changing and with no contracts they can change the price as much as they like

              my plan was to change to them at end of august when my aussie deal finished but not anymore, prob give superloop a go for a free month then hopefully belong still have this deal running and go on that in october

              • @FreoIsaac: I'm on superloop now. good service but will move to belong. haven't know the increased speed from 50 to 100.

  • What's the upload speed for the Starter plan?

  • +12

    Community warning on Belong. I had adsl with belong and the performance was terrible. Massively congested. Replaced it with the 12/1 Exetel wireless service which is much faster (+50%) and more reliable. Please avoid belong at all costs.

    Phone support is also a joke. Might be 24/7 but I bet they have 1 person on for anytime which is out of hours - get ready to wait for hours on end before you speak to anyone.

    • Phone support is handled in India. At one point I was checking to see if the number I dialled was legit belong

  • +7

    Belong no good check their whirlpool page. Avoid at all cost.

  • What's with their new logo with the E replaced with 3?

    Is belong catching up with l33tsp3@k?

    • Truly awful logo, I think the negative space is supposed to be a power plug?

      • Probably trying to reinvent themselves in which this case they went the black and white emo route which works for some but not for all.

  • +2

    I am on the Belong "Starter" plan. It is provisioned at 50/20 Mb, and performs close to that whenever i tested.
    Others report that the higher "40 Mb" plan is exactly the same.

    You can save more with referral credits.
    I have avoided their phone support, but when I had a problem with their mobile service, the online/email support was fine.
    Yes it is a discount service, but I have been very happy, as have the many people I referred.

    Belong is a real bargain, especially for the tech-savvy who don't need hand-holding support. but this is standard price, so shouldn't this be in the forums?

    • do you know what "free" modem they send you on the 12 month contract? can't find any details on it?

      also with this $80 mobile sim they include can i use that $80 for 8 months on there $10/month plan or do you have to use it all in 1 month?

      • It's $80 credit to use as you please. Effectively a double sized $40 Starter, so sub $30 value.

        • Effectively a double sized $40 Starter, so sub $30 value.

          Not sure how you calculated that. You cannot transfer the credit from one to another, so I'd value it at closer to $15 + $40.

          I'll activate mine for a family member, $20 each from referral credit. So ten months for him. Or 7 months if I start on the $40 plan and bank 60GB data to share with my own account. Not bad.

          • @bargaino: i am totally confused on how you or steptoe are calculating the value of this free $80 mobile sim, they have a $10, $25 and $40 / month plan on there mobile side

            i just want to know if your able to use the $80 over 8 months on the $10/month plan or is there an expiry date on the $80 that they give you.

            • @FreoIsaac: Yes, you can.
              But I suggest first month on the $40 plan, bank 60GB (you get double on 1st month), and switch to $10 plan.

              The valuation is based on $40 starter packs often being sold for $15.

              • +1

                @bargaino: i dont really use that much mobile data currently on the good ol amaysim deal that gives you 1GB that gets regularly posted here and just been churning to someone else and signing up again on different email so rather the free 8 months worth then losing 4 months for an extra 60GB

                • @FreoIsaac: Plus 2 months with referral code from your NBN account, and $20 to that.

      • what "free" modem they send you

        It is a Sagemcom, similar to those from Telstra.
        Standard stuff: 5x Gb ethernet, dualband AC wifi, USB file and printer sharing. Firmware locked, but works with any ADSL or VDSL service.
        Has bridged mode. No VoIP.
        Only problem I see is no ability to change the DNS, but you can disable DHCP and run your own.

      • I have about 4 belong modems…. I complained a few times in the past and they just sent me a new one or when I moved..

        • I have to send them back as I prefer a wall mounted one and this cannot.

  • -1

    Wait, 30 Mbps for 12 Mbps plan?

    • +2

      its a 50/20 connection. My parents get 48/20 even during peak hours!!

  • Took them / NBN 5 weeks to figure out they had tried to connect me to a wrong address. And I am fighting to get my first month (with no service) refunded.

    The only reason to go with Belong is the $0 connection fee, especially because I am in a brand new apartment that has never had connectivity, usually other service providers ask for a $200+ first time connection fee

  • Belong is terrible I had them for adsl2 and customer service is non existant and internet was way below subpar, now their NBN they can only guarantee 30mbs don't bloody bother !!

    • i think your missing the point adsl2 is not nbn i wouldn't bother with belong for adsl but nbn your basically just paying them as retail provider to connect to the nbn and most people have pointed out even on there starter plan your still on a 50/20 line and the guarantee is just that it wont be slower then 30mbs alot of people have commented here and whirlpool that in fact they dont throttle and still get 50/20 during peak hours.

      and in regards to customer service if your technically minded and in metro area your not going to be contacting them often,

      i plan on moving from aussie 50/20 $59 unlimited to this once my 6 month deal with aussie finishes in august was going to go to exetel but they just bumped up there price and added a setup fee too so belong is looking good in my eyes done my research too and they dont have CGNAT so no issues with gaming and a local Perth POP now too so local data will be routed better.

  • +4

    Lmao what is this rubbish where companies can advertise a 50 plan and only guarantee 30?

  • 50/20 (30Mbps)

    Australia where the private sector is so shit it sells 50Mbps that is half that speed at double the price of countries with Government monopolies providing 100/100. Actual 100/100 not a scam where they sell 50Mbps claiming it's 100.

    That cost, like electricity, saps the entire economy as every household and every business pays for these hopeless sector's scam.

    This country is retarded.

    • +1

      This country is retarded.

      Glass houses, Diji1.
      It's not really a "private sector" problem. NBN is gov't owned, meaning we all will pay for it when they cannot repay their "loans".

  • Belong don't do fixed wireless nbn do they

  • Just to add , please check the review on productreview.com.au. BTW , Just switched to free 1st month with superloop , after disappointed by Aussie , and maybe looking at tangerine if superloop no good

  • Can anyone explain the three speed tiers? If starter is 50 then what's the standard plus?

    • +2

      your basically just paying extra for guaranteed min speed during peak hours but alot of people who already with belong say there is no difference and still get the full 50/20 during peak hours.

      i was either going to try kogan or exetel after my 6 month with aussie finishes but with exetel recent price increase and finding out that belong starter plan is basically 50/20 they just don't advertise it as such.

      so why pay kogan $66 a month for 50/20 when for $55 i can get same thing with belong. + free mobile sim with $80 on it so 8 months on there $10/month mobile plan

  • why not kogan. month to month $75.90 for 100nbn for 9 months, free modem. have been good for me in perth.

    • Probably because some premises can't get no where 100 mbps and only 50/20 mbps max myself included and honestly 50/20 mbps is a good sweet spot for now because honestly sometimes the extra $20-30 a month for the double speed is not worth it when 50 mbps is already around $70 a month still in some places reaching even $85 a month I saw on one particular website when I was nbn shopping a few months back.

      Honestly around $50 a month is a good sweet spot and it makes sense because it is catchy and similar to 50 mbps so $50 for 50 mbps I reckon we will see in a future catch phrase sale motto when prices die down.

  • what's the Belong promo code please? Do I just click on Go To Deal for the referrer and referee receive the $20? Advice please I need internet at 2 addresses- where we live we have not had internet so need a modem. Our holiday house with Dodo so already have a modem, Nbn brilliant Unlimited good speeds But increased to $79.90. Should I get Belong starter for both houses? As my daughter is back from O/S needs new sim data plan.

    Mod: Use referral system for referral code.

    • +1

      yeah good deal. they will provide an modem as well. its only 12months worse case. and ive tested the connection and its fast.

  • +1

    I just signed up for the Starter and i can confirm its a 50/20 connection. Im getting 48.2 down and 18up. So not bad for $55!

    • Tempted to switch from TPG but I need an unlimited phone landline for local calls so I just went with a $79.99/month 18 or 24 month contract NBN and phone bundle winch which gives 50/20 NBN FTTN unlimited with TPG and so far it has been okay besides the not so competitive cost.

      I wonder do Belong offer any good phone landline attachments/add-ons or bundles?

      Saving $15/month and getting the same service sounds pretty lucrative if possible.

      I get full 50/20 currently with TPG and downtime/dropouts have been minimal nothing major.

      • +1

        Belong has been good so far. this is a connection for my parents, so they don't complain as much and i dont monitor it closely. But Belong dont do phone lines.

      • Glad to hear that. I just signed up as I’m paying $80 to Telstra but soon they will take the discount out (so will be $95). It’s the 100/40 which has worked really well, however I’m not willing to pay $95.
        I also used a voucher and they’ll knock $20 off. Really looking forward to saving $40 a month as that pays for my husband Foxtel sport :)

        • +1

          Nice that sounds like the best case scenario for you atm.

          I think if I take this $55/month 50/20 unlimited plan with belong then maybe just get anyone else for the $10/month unlimited local calls phone line I should save $15/month which is huge and can pay for a Netflix account or food alone.

          Not sure how long my contract still is with TPG atm but hopefully the belong plan will still be around when I decide to switch over or look for something better.

          • @AlienC: AlienC that sounds like a good plan! My family in Italy pay about $40 to get 300mbps. What a difference! If we get real 40/20 (more or less) it should be pretty decent though.
            I had tried to contact Telstra, but they just don't wanna know about any price matching.

            • @fozzie: Man wow why is it always the Europeans and Americans that dominate us in almost everything.. well at least we have a good social welfare and health care system down here and most people are not corrupt.. knock on wood cough cough.

              Although if you meant 40 Euros and not 40 Australian Dollars then they pay about 65 Euros per month which is still not great but for 300mbps I will take it.

              I mean paying 70 Australian Dollars a month for 50/20 unlimited is still not bad especially when I get the full speed amount at all times but 55 Australian Dollars for same service.. well wow that extra 15 Australian Dollars a month can mean a nice extra treat once a month at the local eat out / restaurant ;)

              Hope all is well man fozzie.. stay safe!

      • Alienc I think that belong do an unlimited calls for $10 a month. Otherwise even pennytel has one for about $9.

        • I have heard of Pennytel once before might give them a look and see if the switch is worth it.. but not changing anything for now as downtime or even a small hiccup with the phone or internet will spell trouble for me with the housemates.

          Looking at the Pennytel website it seems they only do mobile phones and mobile plans at the moment but MyNetFone I think their parent umbrella company (don't quote me on that as I am guessing and not sure) have some $20 unlimited home phone plans for local and $30 unlimited home phone plans for international.

          Some cool options but for now TPG wins out overall for me with $70 for the 50/20 home internet and $10 for the unlimited local home phone.

          No biggie as it works out for me anyways I don't want to change providers again as it is a pain in the donkey.

          • @AlienC: Fair enough, leave things that work for you absolutely. $80 including the calls isn't that bad. We don't need the calls as we only use our mobiles. (all 4 we have unlimited calls with Kogan/Catch connect) The current Telstra deal has a phone, but we do not use it at all. It's just used by sales people, so no much use lol.

            • @fozzie: I would love to ditch my home phone as I only use my mobile and more places only need mobile only these days and not a landline or home phone butttt because my old 70+ year old housemate wants it and I can understand when I was his age landline was probably the only thing around I don't mind getting it for him just for him lol and his old friends I mean I guess at the end of the day we all get old haha lol.

              • @AlienC: Lol, that’s funny. Ahaha. For a few extra $$$ it’s probably worth keeping, especially if he is a good flat mate.

                • +1

                  @fozzie: Yeah he is a good flat mate tbh I got lucky in terms of flatmates they are all great guys I am probably the bad flat mate atm :( so wanna try and do my best to help them

  • Is anyone know what is the new customer? I had a mobile account before, do I still eligible as a new customer for nbn?

  • Applied for new connection on 01/09/2019(Sunday) and got connected at around 10:30am on 03/09/2019. I was previously with ABB on unlimited 50 plan on HFC (promotional period ending in 10 days). My service was down for about 10 minutes (changeover time???). But I didn't have to do anything. My modem from Belong is still to be shipped!

    Speed tests are still the same. About 48/18

    Thanks OP.

    • Same here. Applied for the starter pack on the 9th September, got connected on the 10th September. Was previously with ABB, speed test showed the same. I'm on FTTN. However I noticed the latency is quite high. Getting 52ms but will try it again tonight.

      • gotta wait for a new ip address

      • do you have to inform ABB to disconnect?

        • @edgar28 Yes. Told them to cancel on the last day of the billing period but I got connected to Belong a few days earlier.

        • Someone on Whirlpool has written that even if you ask ABB to cancel at the last day of Billing period, disconnection can happen immediately and you might be without internet for some time (or days).

          So, I called them after I got connected to ABB.

          When I called them, Rep advised you have already got connected to a new provider so we will not be charged anymore by ABB. Still I feel better to call.

  • Spoke too soon. Kept facing dropouts during bad weather…

    • I've got dropouts from ABB quite bad as well….
      today my 1st day on Belong, max speed 23mbps….

      ABB on 25mbps plan, normally at 22mbps

      previously telecube on 25mbps plan, connected at 26mbps

      • I was fine with ABB even in wild weather but mine was working fine yesterday until the wild weather came in the evening. It has stopped working since then. They kept telling me there's an outage but couldn't see it on any site also no one seems to be complaining on whirlpool forum.

  • just got connected. max speed is 23mbps….using belong modem. The wireless range is better than tg789 from iinet

    • man that aint great, what sort of connection FTTN? HFC? i could understand if previously u were on ABB or telecube 25/1 profiles but the 'starter' Belong plan is provisioned on a 50/20 profile, i know as i am currently syncing at 55.0 Mbit/s down and 22.6 Mbit/s up on my FTTN connection on same plan.

      having dropouts and such a low speed points to some issue along the line or internal wiring unless your distance to the node is huge, did you ever have ABB investigate the issues?

      • FTTN, the previous exchange from ABB was like quite far away (based on the suburb name - 2 suburbs away)

        Telecube was the best, i believed just 300 meters away

        the free modem is quite a pain. after using a few hours, all my devices couldn't get IP assigned……..
        have to reset the modem through ethernet

        • did you move addresses as they dont change anything except the codes on the line would still be same node from telecube days if you haven't moved, i also did the churn from telecube to tangerine to ABB to now Belong, taking up tangerine and ABB on there 6 month promos, have had max speed from all 4, i did have an issue with ABB about 3 months back when wet weather came around my speeds halved, they did some tests worked out there was issue with the line and sent NBN tech out who fixed issue since then max speeds as per normal, what do you sync at according to the Belong gateway when you hit advanced it should show next to the green internet settings icon?

          also if you go to gateway settings and then device info and under general and scroll all the way to the bottom have a look at xDSL it should show Actual Rate and Maximum Rate [Kbps] my max is actually 100057/22600 i just find 50/20 is more within my budget.

          put your details in futurebroadband SQ https://futurebroadband.com.au/sq/ it should give you a proper NBN Speed Estimate of your address, if its not close to what your syncing at i would be getting Belong to check your line for issues.

          hahah yeah that IP addresss thing seems to be common problem with the Belong modem, i had to do multiple factory reset on it to get just 1 ethernet device that would not get an IP and it was the only device that would not get 1 all my other devices were using wireless 2.4/5Ghz

          also belong modem force you to use there DNS settings and no way to change it on the modem so if you want a better DNS you need to change it on every device.

          • @FreoIsaac: Thanks for the info.

            The modem sync at 23mbps. I believed that is the max speed i could get.

            The dns, would it be better to assign specific ip to each device under reserve ip?

          • @FreoIsaac: Called belong support, they said sync speed doesn't matter, you are guaranteed with 30mbps for the starter plan….lol

            • @edgar28: lol yeah yet to deal with belong support via phone only used there facebook chat option which were able to pass the info onto the department needed to fix the problem, i had an initial issue when i tried to signup the belong site would tell me no NBN was available even though i already had a NBN connection with ABB,, Belong uses telstra wholesale backend and telstra backend database had not properly been updated to match the NBN details , i actually used the same SQ test i told you about gave them the exact POI and LOC ID from tech details info,chat person if you can give them enough details on the issue will at least not just fob you off they were actually impressed asked if i worked in the industry which i did at some point way back when. they submitted address rematch to NBNco and 48hrs later i was able to signup online.

              if you used that futurebroadband SQ test, what does it say your max speed expected should be for T4 service?

              eg my test shows NBN Speed Estimate: NBN advises the expected TC4 speed will be 100 Mbps

              but yeah the guarantee is only for 30 Mbps,still at least after you test your address you would have more of understanding what max speed you should be expecting, if its above 50 Mbps and your modem is not syncing at close to that then could be internal wiring which electrician would be able to fix or something further down the line which Belong should be able to lodge dropout or speed issue with NBNco.

              • @FreoIsaac: Thanks for the advise, will look into it later.

                It happened to me 2 weeks ago as well, when I tried to signed up with belong and it stated my address does not have NBN, even I have NBN with ABB for almost 1 year, but last week it detected I could sign up and it happened yesterday, just not impressed with the speed and the modem IP issues.

            • @edgar28: since they insist i need to be at home to do their test. today called them up again.
              Ask me disconnect every devices, connect via ethernet to run speed test…. "surprisingly" only 20mbps - even after i told the support multiple times that the modem only sync at 23mbps, no way it could go higher.
              but insist I change wifi setting and test the speed on ethernet connection again…… I have no choice but to follow what the support said else they refuse to escalate for further investigation (similar to iinet from past experience) total waste of time

              • @edgar28: you still haven't told me what does futurebroadband SQ test come back with what your NBN Speed Estimate is? will give me a better idea what you should expect

                you could just bullshit Belong support tell them your home even if your not and only using 1 device connected via ethernet , they dont have the tools like ABB or superloop who have you use there speedtest which records it against the IP your on so they can then take the recorded results themselves and escalate it further

                prob the only thing Belong would be able to see is if the connection is dropping sync and how many times a day it tries to reconnect if it is dropping sync completely

                also what do you sync for not just down but also up and what sort of noise margins you can get all this from the modem settings click advanced and go to gateway settings and scroll all the way to the bottom

                the reason that most IPS want just 1 device connected via ethernet is so they can be sure there is no other device smashing the bandwidth while speedtest is running and ethernet would give a better consistency incase your in an area with alot of wifi signals but if your 100% sure its not anything else just bullshit and tell them what they want to hear to esculate it further.

                i can tell you as someone who actually worked at iinet over a decade ago in a few different departments you would be surprised how many times faults turned out to be issue with phone cable from modem to walls socket or the wall socket itself or internal wiring as older places were not wired with internet in mind on a phone line when they were installed could have huge long internal wiring for no reason except bad electrician back when they ran the wires or some bird or small animal has frayed wires or something else on the line like an alarm system putting more voltage on the line then it could handle, the amount of times iinet ended up raising faults to telstra wholesale at the time for faults on the line that would come back fine and would be charged incorrect callout fees was staggering but telstra wholesale was also super dodgy on there side and would fix faults and charge incorrect callout fees to iinet anyway sometimes depending on the tech who was sent out.

                NBNco are alot better in that regards and will have the tools to see if there is a fault i know when winter fist started this season and got tiny bit of rain when i was on ABB i had faster upload sync then download for about 5 days and even ABB were like yeah something was wrong because as soon as they went to login to NBNco tools with the connection the tools were telling them to escalate it further which they said normally NBN tools will try everything not to escalate it.

                NBN tech came out was doing alot of back and forth between my place and the node took about an hour to find where the issue was not sure what it ended up being as he replaced just about everything including my wall socket after that back to same 55/22 sync.

                • @FreoIsaac: NBN Speed Estimate: NBN advises the expected TC4 speed will be 38 Mbps. Expected max TC2 speed will be 5 Mbps.


                  that is bad
                  i use the NBN location predictor earlier and was stated at 50-90mbps (based on location of the exchange http://nbnmtm.australiaeast.cloudapp.azure.com/)…. the futurebroadband SQ test is only 38Mbps…..

                  I removed all connected equipment and test it with single ethernet
                  been on the phone support almost 3 hours, they will send someone to check the line out, if problem found inside the house, they will charge me for the repair.

                  • @edgar28: Yeah thats a bummer the futurebroadband SQ test is more accurate the nbn location estimates

                    Its just the tc4 speed you have to look at so yeah max u could sync would be 38 Mbps if line was perfect condition.

                    Not much you can do to improve it

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