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Tenda SP3 Smart Wi-Fi Plug $9.98 + Delivery ($0 with eBay Plus) @ Shopping Square eBay

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I read it as Tandy
i read it as landfill
Wow, those were the days. DSE vs Tandy Electronics
Until they became the same company
Radioshack if you wanna go all the way back
Hey that rhymes :D
Don’t put your noodle in it then
Since when did Tinder do plugs?
There is a range of double adapters if you search
which has the smaller form factor? this or Brilliant ?
Seems to be $19.47 to me.
Gotta go up to checkout
Does this work in the Tuya app?
post below seems to say no
But the post below isn't reliable because he couldn't even connect to Tenda app which he should have been able to since this was manufactured by them.
Still begs the question as to what tech are they using, for this price i would think they would leverage Tuya since its free. I would highly doubt they would create their own Cloud Servers to host these things for such a low price.
Tried Tuya and Smart life apps and both don't work. However, it did set up pretty quick with the Beli app
Does anyone know if these are Tasmota OTA flashable?
Bought and returned one as I was not able to add it to Tuya or Tenda app.
Was you trying to connect it to a 5GHz network? A common issue.
No, I connected it to 2.4Ghz network but my app won’t connect to the device. be an issue with hardware. I returned it and ordered few Sonoffs from for $11.44 each.
From the photo on the ebay listing, it appears that the plugging in of this unit into one of the power outlet on a double GPO faceplate, the other power outlet is still accessible. Anyone has this unit and can confirm this is indeed so?
Photo is misleading, definitely can’t use second outlet without using a double adapter etc.
Thanks mate. it is a good thing i ask. I will give this a miss then.
Is this any good?
I have 2 set up and use with google assistant with no issue, for the price I feel they are great.
Does it matter that they can only work on 2.4ghz
is there any that works on five gHz?
Only if you only have a 5GHz network which will generally only be if you have turned off 2.4GHz. Or perhaps 2.4GHz is so badly congested with other people's Wifi that it doesn't work at all. Only other thing I can think of some microwaves tend to mess with 2.4GHz when running so temporarily may interfere.
They use stuff all bandwidth so speed is mostly irrelevant. Also 2.4GHz range will almost always be better.
Edit: already stated above.
Also doesn’t look like it has the manual on/off button like the brilliant one, can someone confirm?
Button is on top.
Does anyone know if these buzz slightly when plugged in?, had a few different wifi plugs and a number of them give off a slight buzzing sound that can heard in a quiet room.
I want one that doesn't make any noise.
Does any1 know if Google assistant can be connected using a proxy?
How are you getting them for $9.98? The coupon code only takes 5% off to $19.47?
did you bother adding item to cart to check the price?
read the first line in OP descriptionI did, but I tried adding a few. Guess it only works if you buy 1 at a time. But thanks for the attitude.
not sure if it matters, but I am a plus member, and i added it to my cart, applied the coupon, it also showed some other discount which made it 9.97.. with that said if i added more than one it became more expensive, so ended up doing 3 separate ordesr and each came to 9.97
Y need to add to the cart for see $10 off then apply pacific for further discount
$9.97 final price
Anyone know if this is compatible with smart things.
Alexa and Google Assistant
That doesn't really answer the question. But thanks :).
Can I use this as a power meter?
Awesome. Got one. Thanks OP
Im sick of my TP link ones as they need to be reset every few weeks so they dont lose wifi. My brilliant ones (cheapo brand from bunnings) have been super good- not a single drop out. Anyone had good luck with these?
All of my TP link ones have been solid. Unlucky.
My TP Link is solid as. Connected for over a year now. Router issue?
Been looking for smart plugs to reset couple other “smart devices” lol. Was thinking of Xiaomis smart plug so don’t have to login to another app but doesn’t seem like anybody’s been using Xiaomis? Are these or tp link / generic brands any better?
I have two of the Xiaomi smart plugs but they have stopped working with Homebridge.
I believe Google has temporarily blocked them from its services due to security issues with Xiaomi cameras. Perhaps this also affects your setup?
All Xiaomi smartphone products have been disabled by Google due to a major privacy bug. Xiaomi have resolved the issue but AFAIK Google haven't restored access just yet.
Do you mean being able to control the Xiaomi smart plugs through Google Home/Assistant?
Mine are still working fine through Google.
Yes. Perhaps they've turned it back on but it was all over the news online the last few days.
"Operating Temperature: 0 ºC ~ 40 ºC" not much use in Australia then, I wanted one for inside my roof to control exhaust fan.
which smart plug works in conjunction with IFTTT and weather forecast? i.e. if stated peak temp is 35c and above, turn on the smart plug.
will this plug works?
There is a way to do it but it's a bit complicated. You need to flash it with easyESP firmware and then add it to HA (homeassistant). In HA you can monitor weather condition using BOM and turn on switch automatically.
how about using Weather Underground then via IFTTT and Brilliant Smart?
I found IFTTT slow and sometimes unresponsive on several occasions. Despite having a good internet connect latency seems to be somewhere between 3 to 10 seconds. Just my opinion (may be subjective)
$14.95 postage killed it for me :(
Create new email = 30 days of free ebay plus
got 2 set up with the Tenda Beli app,
wasn't able to connect to them using Tuya or Smart Life apps
Arrived today!
Funnily enough, I bought 2 in 2 separate orders and they came packaged together despite invoice saying 2 different shipping charge.
Anyone else having issues connecting to these smart plugs? I ordered two, they arrived today and no matter what I do it fails to connect to both of them via the Beli app - anyone have any suggestions?
Did you connect to the plugs Wi-Fi?
Yes, connected to the plugs WiFi when prompted to by the app, but can't get either of them to work, errors every time
Same issue :(
Ok, I fixed it.
Seems to be because they don't support 5ghz wifi, and the phone being connected to it before doing the setup messes it up.
I forgot my normal wifi (couldn't turn off 5ghz channel) then run the setup and off we go.
Now it's connected to the 2.4ghz channel and working great.
Ahh so connect to 2.4Ghz first and then use the app. Will try it today.
That'd work, I've got google wifi so both are running with the same SSID and you can't turn 5ghz off… Pretty annoying.
@Charleston: I must have received two duds in my order. I knew they didn't support 5Ghz so connected to the 2.4ghz channel on my router and still can't add either of them in the Beli app
Just a heads up for anyone still having problems setting up these smart plugs. I tried 3x different Android smartphones with zero success, as a last resort I tried the setup with an old iPhone 6 and it worked perfectly first time.
The Android phones I initially tried the setup with were all Pixels (a Pixel 2XL, Pixel 3a and a Pixel 4), so not sure if these smart plugs have problems with all Androids or just Pixels. But if you are having problems with setup try an Apple device, once they have been added to the app you can still manage them with your Android device through your Tenda account.
I've tried on Android and IOS. I can connect to the device on both phones but it won't save the device in the device list. It appears briefly in IOS and then disappears. Android doesn't show the device at all after clicking save.
Is anyone else having the same problem?
It worked perfectly on my Samsung s7 phone. No issues whatsoever. What phone are you using?
I tried it on a Galaxy S10+ and an iPhone XR. No go on either :(
@CodeXD: Yeah, I did. I have other brands that work fine on my 2.4GHz band. The device connects to my network fine, I just cant see it as a device in the app. Google home won't link to the app either.
Did anyone else read that as 'Tenga'?