Erwark » user profile

Member Since 31/12/2016
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Badges 2
Location Sydney, Australia

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Yep, there's a compromise for every option. S23 - older model, shorter support, slightly weaker screen. S24 Exy - worse reception and…
16/07/2024 - 18:37
Some people would actually prefer the S23 CPU over the S24 CPU, since they went Snapdragon 8G2 to Exynos 2400.
16/07/2024 - 15:43
You will pay so much more for a 5800X3D for a relatively minimal gain. 5800X3D on Aliexpress just doesn't go nearly as low as this despite…
30/06/2024 - 20:15
I am currently using a CPU from this seller (also upgraded from 3600). For what I am playing most of the time (FFXIV) it's a massive…
30/06/2024 - 20:14
3070 at 1440p. Improvement depends on the game. FFXIV got a 50% boost in crowded areas. FH5 got basically nothing. Most games are somewhere…
26/06/2024 - 12:44
Depends on your GPU and main games, but it was a huge upgrade for me. For $240 it's such good value. Sure AM5 has a great upgrade path, but…
25/06/2024 - 21:34
Can I ask why people would anyone get this to use docked full-time? Surely a laptop or even SFF desktop would be better value?
25/06/2024 - 15:29
You will notice a difference, but how much depends on your use case. I have a 3070 driving 1440p and went 3600->5700X3D. Stuff like Final…
17/06/2024 - 21:35
This. In most cases, the gap between the 5700X3D and the 5600X is as big as the gap between the 3600 and 5600X. If you're CPU bound, it's…
16/06/2024 - 23:36
Considering the power of the Steam Deck, you're not running much at 4K@60 anyway. Bandwidth should still handle 1080p60 easy and one review…
09/06/2024 - 17:04
There were only two DLCs and they're already out. Not like XV where they needed like 17 DLCs to patch all the story holes.
06/06/2024 - 14:29
Most people won't recommend investing in an old platform unless you're just upgrading the CPU in an existing build. However, if you want…
02/06/2024 - 12:20
Reiterating your recommendation: 5700x3D needs a newer BIOS than the 5800X3D, so check you NEED to check for compatibility with this…
02/06/2024 - 12:08
Diamond and Pearl remakes were DULL and had limited sustained interest. If you played DP, they are literally the same experience with a…
17/05/2024 - 20:07
Technically no, but not far off, but with better driver optimisation, thermals and a better modem than the Exynos. It's an insane phone for…
13/05/2024 - 19:07
8s Gen 3 is weaker than 8 Gen 3. All cores are downclocked by a little, the Cache is 33% smaller and the GPU has half the shaders (but…
12/05/2024 - 07:59
Surely having to replace/recharge batteries is more inconvenient than any benefit for most cases?
07/05/2024 - 15:25
For mice, sure. What's the issue with cables on keyboards? Just the aesthetic?
06/05/2024 - 22:04
C200 and C211 both use 9V 0.6A according to my adaptor. C212 uses 5V, according to Amazon.
05/05/2024 - 20:01
It's closer to a base S23 with an SD 8G2 and 3700 mah battery. S24U is 8g3 and 5000mAh.
04/05/2024 - 19:35
After the $30 discount code, yes.
02/05/2024 - 04:35
Just got mine today (is Chinese Snapdragon) and can confirm VoWifi and VoLTE (4G & 5G) both work on Telstra (Boost). Happy.
10/04/2024 - 22:18
Mine took 8 days to even show up on the shipping tracker... Hope the actual shipping doesn't take too long.
04/04/2024 - 17:06
Agreed that oversteer is worse, but understeer isn't safe either. The Eco tyres aren't coping and should be replaced (and roughly matched),…
03/04/2024 - 18:48
* 4070 Ti is about 5-6% faster than 7900GRE * 4070 Ti has about 5% higher power draw when gaming, meaning noise is going to depend mostly…
30/03/2024 - 09:14
Our dogs love these. Great training treats for inside or winter. They get melty if you take them on a walk in summer.
28/03/2024 - 23:33
I am also keen to know if VoLTE and VoWifi are working with Telstra. If you could confirm (or even with another network), I would love to…
24/03/2024 - 20:52
"Won't somebody think of the corporations!?" It was more from a theoretical and legal perspective, but yeah, unlikely that anyone will care.
24/03/2024 - 11:43
What are people's thoughts on using a staff discount count when you're not staff? In the loosest sense, is it not a bit fraud-y or is it no…
24/03/2024 - 09:07