Arlec Smart Plug with Power Monitoring 2-Pack $20 + Delivery ($0 OnePass/C&C/in-Store) @ Bunnings


Same as but back in stock again. As per the usual deal info; Tuya based, wifi, etc. Works with Home Assistant via the Tuya plugin for simplicity. Cheapest Aus approved stock so you don't gamble with Amazon or AliExpress fire hazards.

Treat as a disposable/consumable item, and don't plug anything critical into it like your fridge! Also note that I've had varying degrees of accuracy in terms of energy measurements from these; there was an EKO branded identical one that was reading like 10% lower voltages than my Crest plugs (and a proper clamp meter) so keep that in mind.

Another quick hack to mention - if you're outside the Bunnings delivery areas you can stick this in your cart to click and collect from your nearest 'delivering' Bunnings, and then change your cart to delivery on the last step as you checkout. If you try to swap the cart before starting checkout then the website will complain that they can't deliver to your rural location; it has to be C&C as you start the checkout process first.


The website might be a bit borked for some reason. Try YouInStock and NRBY to double-check stock levels, or the PowerPass app still seems to work for item number 0608945.

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  • +2

    I’m getting a page saying no longer available?

      • +1

        Bizarre. I click my link or yours and they both come up working fine…

        If I try to open in Incognito it breaks.

        NRBY shows national stock so I can't even tell if it's a locality issue or something else with the website. And OzB clearly knows it's there because the thumbnail has been now cached.

  • just placed an order, will see how it goes.

  • gone already?

  • Last time they didn't supply - but they keep nagging me to review them…

  • +4

    I have one of these , discovered it gets pretty warm when it is on and nothing plugged in , thermal camera shows 42c possible internal resistance in its circuit due to cheap components, that wasted heat is wasted power.

    • +1

      I just had one die just out of warranty. Disappointing.

      • or was it "just purchased" … ;)

    • +1

      Yeah all these smart wifi devices use at least 1w in standby

      • 0.9w reading on Eko :D

    • so add another $3 a year to run 24/7

  • Actually what kinds of appliances need to be monitored?

    • +3

      For me , I'm monitoring the power consumption of an upright freezer and will jump on a power station AT the right capacity/price to run a timer for free power off solar.

  • +5

    The cheap capacitor they used fails easily on these and causes it to switch off by itself or switch on/off in a loop

    • This. I had an Arlec plug die this way recently, same fail state as the infamous TP-Link Kasa and Tapo smart plugs. Very frustrating.

  • Oops! This product is no longer available.
    We searched 'Arlec Grid Connect Smart Plug In Socket With Energy Meter - 2 Pack' to find similar.


      they never went oos everywhere, not sure why the original deal was marked as such

      • Woohoo 11 left in the state! 2x 90min no traffic drive away and 9x 4hrs due east into the swamp of emptiness. Good times, glad I saw the Ekos cheaper and closer as I started driving - headed 40min drive at peak hour on a hope and prayer

  • What do people here use it for? I jumped on the bandwagon of a Crest deal a couple of years ago to see if I'd find a use for it, and it's been sitting in my electrical parts box.

    • +2

      Fantastic for figuring out which of your devices are actually costing you money for sitting idle.

      My main PC (which acts as the primary media server) uses about 3.5kWh per day, so about $1 a day. The office window mount aircon chews through 1kW when running but it also is off most of the time, so that's fine.

      I can also see from various measurements that I use 400w overnight for fridge & freezer, pedestal fans, router that all run constantly so while I'm not happy about that $2.90 of cost each day I can't exactly cut those critical items out; but at least it's good to know.

    • They give great amounts of data. You can do all sorts with that! Tweet nightly during December how much energy your Colored lights use, occasionally you can find something useful for them as a washing/drying automation trigger, but the most important part is if you have quite a few, you can make a pretty mean series of charts plotting various things, with lots of Color, bars pies lines you name it!

      /nosarcasm, ok maybe a hint, but they're not the vital essential we all for some reason feel like they are. I can't explain it because I suffer from it too, I cleared the shelf at BigW, they only had 10 - I've paired x6, labelled x6, named x3, plugged in x1 (that which was most convenient, my bedside table lol

  • Very poor WiFi range. Would not stay connected to my WiFi outside when I wanted to user timer for Xmas lights.

    • Since they're sold in pairs, not using the electric wiring to extend their range is a bit of a missed opportunity.

      • I wasn't aware of any of the majority of known named plugs do this?

  • Two pairs of these vs one of those?

    • +1

      No power monitoring on that one, which I find is the more useful feature overall

  • Seems to have been taken down from the website. About to hit up the only store within 100km of Melbourne and 1/3 in total in Vic in a hope its still ongoing…. I'd appreciate it if anyone wants to try to "beat me to it", have the courtesy to leave 2x 2pk on the shelf (obscured from direct view, or stashed in the store elsewhere and PM'd to me), id appreciate it.

    Thank you kindly. Man I really should have had a sub for these.

    I can only assume this is the lesser evil over Eko's

    • the lesser evil over Eko's

      Nah, there's a good chance they're all made in the same factory. Failure rates are likely similar - even the dimensions and curvature on the plastic is the same.

      As I said, treat them as disposable

      • There just was really bad comments over there, and I know bunnings returns can be a breeze even out of warranty.

        I might opt for Eko vs 45min Drive in a manual at peak hour without A/C whilst suffering cellulitus 😓

        Even if I have a Bunnings store credit! Re routing, thank you!

        EDIT: to which I can add dumped 1.15L of Coke all over the passanger seat, where the receipts were and the Mrs uses as a personal filing cabinet for work receipts. If I was headed to Bunnings I would be omw home.
        Eko also down to $7. 2o set if they'll cut a deal on a 10pk

    • nope, hasn't been pulled. just take a lazy drive to Mackay North, Ellenbrook or Tweed Heads.

  • this mini one need to be kind of close to the router, else no reception.

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