• expired

TP-Link Tapo P300 Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip $39 + Delivery ($0 OnePass/ C&C/ in-Store) @ Bunnings


Tapo P300 Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip for $39 (saving $20) at Bunnings. The price seemed popular last time when available through Amazon.

  • Separately control 3 smart outlets on the power strip via app or voice commands.
  • 18 W Fast Charging via USB-C and USB-A
  • Instantly turn connected devices on/off wherever you are through the Tapo app.
  • Set schedules or timers to automate connected devices.
  • Works with Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa

Looks to be available at most stores.

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Bunnings Warehouse


  • +1

    Can the usb ports also be controlled remotely?

  • +1

    use these for my 3d printers they seem good enough and never have any disconnection issues. just trying to find a smart smoke alarm to pair with it all.

  • +3

    P300 Power Strip is supported by python-kasa which should mean Home Assistant integration will work.

    • +2

      It’s already HomeKit OOTB isn’t it?

      • +3

        <a href="https://www.home-assistant.io/">Home Assistant</a> is different and significantly more powerful / flexible than HomeKit, Google Assistant, Alexa and other proprietary products.

  • How reliable are these ones?

    • +3

      Have one. So far good. Apple home kit supported as well.

    • +3

      Not very. Wait until it's 25 months old and suddenly stops working and you're SOL because the pathetic warranty expired a month ago. TP-Link customer service basically laugh at you. Will never buy one of these units or likely anything tp-link branded again.

      • +1

        Wouldn’t the retailer assist in this instance? Can’t imagine Bunnings being difficult in a scenario like this.

        • -3

          Retailer has no obligation to honour anything outside of the stated warranty

          • +1

            @SuiCid3: No obligation, however refer to ACCC. What is reasonable durability for something like this? At $39, two years sounds about right really.

          • +2

            @SuiCid3: This is not true, stated warranties are in addition to your Australian Consumer Law rights.

            The cheapness of the product might work against you though for a definition of “reasonable time”.

            • -3

              @fowl: As I said, the retailers have no obligation outside of the given warranty period.

              The manufacturer however, will be bound by the ACL.

              • +2

                @SuiCid3: This also is not true. It is the retailer AND/OR the manufacturer. It is up to the consumer which path they take. A retailer cannot just pass you on to the manufacturer at expiry of an arbitrary warranty, or vice versa.

                Time to brush up on your consumer law. Hope you don’t work in retail…


                “ Businesses are responsible for resolving problems with products they sell to consumers.

                Businesses must not tell consumers to go to the manufacturer for a remedy.

                However, for some consumer guarantees, consumers can choose to seek a remedy from the manufacturer, rather than the business they bought the product from.”

                • +2

                  @Pratty: Well then.. I stand corrected!

                  Can't really see how a retailer would be responsible for a return/repair after expiration of a specified warranty period… Doesn't really make much sense but it is what it is.

                  Also… I've done my stint in retail as a young lad and you will never find me working retail ever again ;)

            • @fowl:

              stated warranties are in addition to your Australian Consumer Law rights

              This is not true dependant on your interpretation of in addirion….

              They run time parallel. There is no one before, then other begins after it ends, which by definition is the meaning of addition. Here its application is unclear, which changes things, but does have specific application which make it valid.

              Here the addition, is in reference to the list of terms or time periods covered, starting from the day you make the purchase.

              Not arguing your statement with regard to it being correct. Unlike so many, it actually is Including the orice contingency within the ckause. I would agree with you here as well. It would need to be 2-3x RRP to fall under expectation at this price point IMO.

              As is inherent with regard to the application of expectation/s, and how they are interpreted by this (and most any) Law, is a "common-man common-sense" is kind of manner in which it is applied.
              You'd need to supply supporting evidence why your expectation would be greater. If you can't find a number of reasons,then it's not going to hold up in court. Especially in regard to the minimumsof anything, as this then becomes legal precedent (thus supporting evidence)

              Common sense applied (from my perspective), says at $40, you're pretty lucky to have 2yrs.

              Just an FYI for no ambiguity for future readers regarding this clause. I don't see it talked about often enough,whether in support or rejection. Same with 'fit-for-purpose', this is huuugely objective

              Anecdote for the interested;
              I've been involved as the primary defendant expert on the natter which ny employer was brought to court for. I purjored myself in a way, because I agree it wasn't fit for purose, my argument was how can you define or know what is with regard to the specific application , and that anything which would be given such a level of guarantee is either lying, Orwell outside the bounds of what this market segment would come close to considering a fair price.

  • +2

    Order cancelled, no stock was found! Castle hill NSW

  • Ordered one for click and collect. The USB ports are only 5v 3A total when you use more than one, but it'll be good enough for what I plan on using them for.

    Edit: already ready for pickup

    • The USBC port won’t charge my Legion Go.

      Starting to think I just have a dud.

      • +1

        Not a dud. Legion pro requires a laptop spec charger (min 65w). You're not going to get that out of any smart powerboard, nor most normal ones.

        • Maybe 65W while it's being used, but I meant while it's off. I charge my Go (while it's off) with my Switch charger which is nowhere near 65W, along with another charger which is only 30W. Those work perfectly fine.

          The Go probably requires 30W odd actual minimum while switched off, which is why my other chargers work.

          • @cnut: This powerboard is only 16w. It's not a dud, it's just not designed to charge something like that.

            • @TheJoker: Yeah you're totally right. I can't actually find the minimum online, but 30W seems to work. 12W doesn't I think. So yeah, the board will definitely not work with the USBC for the Go.

      • Yeah I wouldn't expect it too. I'm using a couple of devices that draw something like 5v 0.3A and 5v 0.6A, so it works fine :)

  • energy monitoring?

    • +1


  • +3
  • +6

    I’ve got this, and it randomly (and rarely) stops working on some of the plugs. You can’t switch the plug on/off. You need to turn it off at the wall and back on for it to work again and the individual switches to work.

    • +1

      when that happened, did the app (somehow) tell you that it didn't work? Or you needed to see it in person to know?

      • +1

        Didn’t have notifications so I just noticed when I went to plug something in and pressing the button did nothing.

        Not saying it’s a common issue, but just something I experienced.

        • +1

          I have the older version Kasa KP303 and one of the plugs has just given up. Can't turn on. Can turn it on in the app but does bugger all. YMMV.

          • +1

            @settings: Same has happened to me. Clearly a common problem.

  • Maybe a new matter compatible one is coming? Stock clearance for the p300m? No info, just have been looking for such a version…. Unless a TP-Link ban is in the works?

  • Can I use this one to restart the NBN boxes whenever the internet is down? I have a router running OpenWrt at home.

    • Yes when it turns the internet off you just need another router, the plug can connect to it so it can turn your original router back on.

  • Can you hear the electrical whining noise from the USB ports if its in use or not?

    I hope to use one in my bedroom, but I can't stand the noise the ones with USB ports usually make

    • +2

      I have one in my bedroom with a USB port in use and never noticed any noise. I have to use some tape to cover the surge light though.

  • I have the older Kasa Model KP303 (its bascially the same, minus the USB-C port as far as I know).

    In the 5 years I've had it, one of the powerpoint relays fully failed about a 3 years ago and one button is on its way out now.. considering I think I paid about double the cost of this deal, I don't consider it good value. YMMV

    • Yup I warned others before I got this one in 25th month went dead. TP-Link wants nothing to do with, exceeding 2 years warranty

    • Same here. App does not show any fault and am able to switch the port on/off but no power comes through.

  • +1

    Officeworks still have this @ $69 so you'll be able to price beat @ $35.10

  • This has been fantastic for my grow room

  • Would this one be better - being able to control each socket individually?


    Apologies for ridiculously long link

  • Thank you OP. I have 2 of the older ones (ones without the usb c port) and they've been working fine for the last 2 years, no issues. Ordered one of these for pickup from my local Bunnings but they didn't have any stock, so arranged for free delivery from another store.

    • Went officework price beat and paid $37.

      • Nice. Only ~$3 difference. I have onepass so 5x bonus Flybuys points isn’t a bad deal either.

  • Just received it today, this board is good, can control individually the sockets. Will watch out for the next deal.

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