• expired

Flight Delay Pass with 28 Degrees Mastercard - Free Food and Lounge for Flight Delays over 2 Hours (Pre-Registration Required)



Flight Delay Pass, a fantastic complimentary feature of your 28 Degrees Platinum Mastercard®, lets you lounge around before you fly.

Register your flight, and if it's delayed by two hours or more the drinks, nibbles and Wi-Fi are on us for you and four registered travelling companions, with access to a selection of airport lounges. Alternatively, if a lounge is unavailable, benefit from special dining offers at select cafes and restaurants*.



  1. Register your flight
    Just register your card and flight details for you and up to four additional guests online, at least six hours before your scheduled departure.

  2. Receive your pass
    We'll track your flight, and if it's delayed by 2 hours or more, we'll email and SMS your pass(es) to you automatically - too easy!

  3. Sit back and relax
    Show your one-time-use code to participating airport partners and treat yourself, on us.

List of lounges and facilities


Free Airport Lounge Passes or $36 off Meals PP for You & 1-3 Guests Per Card for Delayed Flights [Eligible Mastercard Holders]

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Latitude Financial
Latitude Financial

closed Comments

  • did you get it to work? tried on two browsers just says to re-enter number.

    • Worked for me.

    • Yes, no issues entered card numbers, next screen asks for mobile number. After that you then register the flight etc

      • +1

        Not possible as you will be sent a code by 28Degrees only when your filight is delayed 2 hours. Maybe spend some of your Ozbargain savings on new specs… 😀

          • +4

            @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: What do you do when they do?

            People like you are why many things cost more than they should - to cover the cost of thieving asshats…

          • @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: define "rarely".

            I've never avoided showing my credentials, not that I've tried because I wouldn't be trying to sneak in somewhere that I'm not welcome.

            Surely anyone with any dignity wouldn't put themselves in such a position??

    • Maybe your one is other Mastercard and not 28 Degrees Platinum Mastercard®.

  • +7

    Am I reading this correctly that you don't need to buy the tickets with the 28 degrees?

    I was about to close my 28 degrees but this could be a nice complimentary card to go with my bankwest platinum with free travel insurance.

    Wait nevermind

    It says

    and available to customers who have purchased their air-ticket using a valid, participating Mastercard card.

    So in other words this card is still terrible, better to use bankwest platinum.

    • Where are you seeing that? Cant seem to find it myself.

      • Ditto, can't find that bit also.

    • +1

      I seriously doubt they are going to validate this. There are a large number of partners that grant access to these airport lounges, and it says the passes will automatically be e-mailed if your flight is delayed. The lounge isn't going to check for my Mastercard and then cross-check with my airline booking (and especially not via a travel agent) that I booked with the card.

      I just registered my flight details and there was no special notice about this rule.

      • I tell you what if im on a 2 hour delay the mofo airline better give me that for free anyway!

    • +5

      "So in other words this card is still terrible"

      Perhaps a little over reaction.

      • I don't see how

        What exactly is the point of this card? There are better alternatives.

        That is unless you use the shopper protection or free wifi.

        • What exactly is the point of this card? There are better alternatives.

          I agree. And it's basically what you said - the shopper's protection one is a pretty big perk. Wouldn't call this a "terrible" card though.

          The Coles Mastercard is a free alternative for shopper's protection, but then that doesn't waive forex fees unless you pay the $99 annual fee. Then you could say, that's fine - get the Bankwest Zero Platinum as your travel card, keep the free Coles Mastercard as your price protection card (great combo) - but then that's two credit enquiries, two cards, two lots of credit limits, and two statements.

          • @illumination: You need two cards anyway if you want the free travel insurance.

            Shoppers protection also only works if you cheat and pay it off before the bill comes, i'm surprised you can still do that.

            • +3


              Shoppers protection also only works if you cheat and pay it off before the bill comes,

              That really depends on how much the price drops. The 1% fee for a $1,200 phone is $12, so if you miss one billing cycle that's $12.

              But in 6 months time the phone might have dropped to $1,000. You'll still get $200-12 = $188 back. I would definitely consider that 'working'. :)

            • @samfisher5986:

              You need two cards anyway if you want the free travel insurance.

              True - forgot that part.

              Shoppers protection also only works if you cheat and pay it off before the bill comes

              Still "works" without "cheating" (as eug pointed out) - just costs a little bit.

              i'm surprised you can still do that.


        • Serious question: what's wrong with this card for international transactions and what's so good about Bankwest Zero Platinum?

          Is there no catch with the Bankwest card?

          I'm feeling a little Rip Van Winkle-ish here - what did I miss??

          • +1

            @SlickMick: 28 degrees has fees for bpay, and does not offer free travel insurance.

            Bankwest Platinum has no fees for bpay, travel insurance, and the same no fees deal as 28 degrees.

            No other catches.

            • @samfisher5986: hmmm I never use my international card for travel anyway - I get rewards points as well as travel insurance.

              This might be handy for domestic travel in a foreign country I guess… prob not worth changing over for though.

              nobody pays 28 degrees with bpay surely??

            • @samfisher5986: 6k minimum credit limit.

          • @SlickMick: I use the 28 degrees card for foreign transactions all the time no issues. I pay it off via direct debit from my Westpac account and have never been charged any fees, get a much better rate if I payed through my bank or let Paypal do the conversion.

            The only thing I miss out on from that Bankwest card is the travel insurance.

            • @Vool: Do free credit card travel insurance policies give the same kind of coverage as e.g. TID?

              • @eug: that's a good question… I travel in fear that I'm going to run into trouble if I ever need to claim… would love to get some assurance here :)

              • +1

                @eug: In terms of the important things like medical, they appear to be the same.

                However for example, I recently lost/had my wallet stolen in Croatia that had cash in it, and the free travel insurance provided by credit card has fine print that excludes cash from being covered. The standalone policies normally cover for cash up to $500-$1000.

                The excess is normally higher too on credit card travel insurance - $250 or $500 compared to $100 if you buy a standalone policy.

    • Well guess you have to choose between free travel insurance or flight delay pass. Travel insurance is better.

    • As asked them and they responded that it didn't matter whether you used the 28 degree card or not.
      They said, "It is available irrespective how you paid for it".

      They don't even know their own terms and conditions.

      • Thats good to hear.

        I guess I'm keeping my 28 degrees card.

        • It is good to hear but what do you trust. The official terms and conditions or an email that they send in response to a question? I'm certainly not sure.

          • @brownbag: I guess something important to consider is that you can register any flight you want, but when it comes time to claim, will they reject it somehow?

            I got the feeling it was a near automated system but its hard to know.

  • +4

    so glad i held onto this card past 10 years
    28 just seems to get better and better

    • +21

      This service actual works on a number of Mastercards

      Works with: Qantas Cash, Cash Passport, 28 Degrees Card, Bankwest Mastercard World, CBA Diamond Awards Mastercard, Coles No Annual Fee Mastercard Platinum, Coles Prepaid Reloadable Platinum MasterCard, ANZ Platinum MasterCard

    • +15

      Really? I'd actually say the opposite.

      They haven't gotten much worse, but a couple of things have happened:

      • Other alternatives have come up (Bankwest Platinum Zero, ANZ Travel Adventures, Coles Mastercard, a whole bunch of debit cards which waive international fees)
      • They introduced a fee for paying with BPay
      • Implementation of ATM withdrawal fee, even if your account was in surplus (but I argue this was never a key selling point)

      And then nothing new was introduced.. until the last year:

      • Boingo WiFi tie up
      • Mostly positive adjustments to Price Protection (12 months vs 6 months, higher per item claim limit)
      • This Flight Delay pass.. But I feel this came up before? or was that for all Mastercards? In which case, it shouldn't be considered a 28 Degrees specific perk

      So I would actually say over the last 5 years, they've gotten a little worse by virtue of there being other viable options/competitors and the introduction of the BPay fee. But they're kinda picking up again, a little bit.

      • +3

        Still no iPhone app either, like every other bank has.

        • Latitude released an iPhone app two days ago.

      • +1

        the Boingo wifi app on phone is dam good. I was using it recently during transit in SouthAfrica, works really well and I was struggling to get the wifi to work on my laptop at all. life saver

        • Agreed. Worked really well in Europe. Saved us having to pay extra for wifi at some cheaper hotels.

      • Is the ANz travel rewards cards identical in terms of competitive near spit rate for fx conversions and no other fees whatsoever when paying credit at merchants overseas??

  • +5

    Pfft, who doesn’t already have top Tier Elite Airline status or flying First class with default access to all the glamorous First class lounges worldwide. No deal here 😉

    • -3

      If you are flying around first class and then bag out a pretty decent offer then why are you on Ozbargain? I want to say douchebag but that would be rude.

      • +8

        To be fair, he pos'd the deal and wrote this comment, so it was quite obvious it was meant in jest.

        At the time of writing, the initial comment was made 11 mins ago, he pos'd it 8 mins ago, and you replied 4 mins ago.

        But both of you (indirectly) calling each other douchebag is just… silly. lol.

        • -1

          It's crazy the amount of counselling necessary here :)

          I reckon we should all count to 10 before we react and let the ol' noggin' whir up to speed, then we can just think "oh - sarcasm, lucky I didn't make an idiot of myself and type what I was thinking"

    • +8

      So many neggers with no sense of humour.

  • -3

    Am I handing over my card details in right and legit hands?
    Maybe a silly question but never heard of them!

    • Now you're enlightened.

    • +4

      Am I handing over my card details in right and legit hands?
      Maybe a silly question but never heard of them!

      Seeing that this is a 28 Degrees/MasterCard offer (you enter your card number on a mastercard.com site), if you've never heard of either one of them, you wouldn't be eligible anyway. ;)

      • Well, that makes more sense to me now :P
        BTW Mastercard holder but not 28 Degrees, hence apparently not eligible. ;)

        • +2

          If it's one of these you might still be!

          • +2

            @eug: You know what, I was eligible for this and registered.
            Thanks for the link and argument :P
            So can confirm, it's working for Westpac Black Altitude Mastercard

  • Awesome!
    4. Awesome!

  • +1

    Sounds good, might be a silly question but is there an annual fee with this card?

    • +3

      Nope, $0

  • Has anyone used their 28 degrees in china? Success or a pain?


    • Wasn’t many places in Sanya that took MC or VISA. Assume mainland would be a lot better?

    • +1

      The card didnt work for me in China, i tried to use it at the Xiaomi store in Beijing. My Commbank Mastercard worked at the same store as i had to use it for a backup.

    • +1

      Unless you have UnionPay, WePay or AliPay (none of which I can get to work on a non-China cc), most local stores won't accept them. Only the fancier touristy places accept Visa/MC.

      • I agree but if you are carrying cash around and have Visa/MC that can take cash out from an ATM, you won't have too many issues from my experience.

        • I tried withdrawing cash from my Citibank VISA debit. None of the other banks, even big Chinese ones worked. Had to find one of 3 Citibank ATMs in Beijing. I found it to be a bit of a nightmare. Probably varies by city.

    • My sister used hers last year in Shanghai, Hangzhou and surroundings and it was fine.

  • How many flights can you register per year?

    • Mastercard® has provided unlimited registrations for eligible cardholders up until 15 November 2018.

      Seems to be ending.

      • Thankfully. I have about 8 flights I need to register for.

        Also I start a new job next week which will include a lot of travel (but not lounge access). Which is fine, I hardly use lounges as I get to the airport just in time for boarding to start. But if there's a delay, it's a handy service to have.

      • "Unlimited registrations" makes me wonder if I could play the numbers game and register every flight departing from an airport for the day…

  • I'm not getting anything after pressing continuing on Look for your flight.

    • Same - my flight is not coming up in their system, even though it is with a popular airline

      • Yea, I'm on Singapore Airlines, Cant be that unique :p

        "This flight is not in our system or is currently unsupported. Please check back with us for your next flight."

        • I just added 4 different Singapore airlines flights. I directly added the flight number, didn't use the lookup and it was accepted.

      • I had this happen with a QF flight which is a daily schedule. I tried three times and then, it worked. Just keep trying I say.

  • I registered my 1st flight but now the site seems to be having issues, anyone else able to still register?

    • Nope could not get past the flight details - it couldn't find my flight

  • Australia is fairly unique in that we don’t really have any reciprocal or casual pay to enter lounges.

    The only participating lounge I can find is the Rex lounge in Melbourne.

    Doesn’t surprise me at all that 28 Degrees would push out a promotion without even looking at the detail themselves.

    • The only participating lounge I can find is the Rex lounge in Melbourne.

      Where else have you searched? There are lounges in SYD and BNE that are included too. I haven't checked the other states.

      Doesn’t surprise me at all that 28 Degrees would push out a promotion without even looking at the detail themselves.

      28 Degrees markets themselves as a overseas travellers' card, so it isn't surprising that their deals might be more overseas-oriented.

      • How do you get overseas if not by using Aussie airport?

        • How do you get overseas if not by using Aussie airport?

          As mentioned above, there are lounges in SYD, BNE, MEL, as well as ADL, CNS, DRW, and OOL airports. I'm not sure what JVs was referring to - domestic airports maybe?

          You can also register your flights between overseas airports.

    • -1

      It's a travel credit card though. Other countries have pay-to-enter lounges, so it does make sense.

    • List of lounges and facilities can go by this links I think, have included in post


    • I can't register one of my flights because it originates in Perth - no lounges available.

  • Valid for only international or domestic travel too?

    • +1

      I put in both and it accepted both. Do it anyway if it doesn't work, you have lost nothing.

  • +1

    This deal has been around for ages: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/358654

    • There has been one small change since last deal. It used to be 2 registrations per card IIRC. But now

      Mastercard® has provided unlimited registrations for eligible cardholders up until 15 November 2018

  • Free?

    • Yes.

  • Thanks OP. Registered myself.

  • +3

    Note: SYD, offering not that great

    Terminal 1 (International) - No Lounge
    AUD$36 off from the following retail outlets:
    Chicken Confidential
    Better Burger
    Peroni Bar

    Terminal 2 (Domestic - Virgin/Tiger/Jetstar Rex) - Rex Lounge OR
    AUD$36 off from the following retail outlets:
    Bistro 2020

    Terminal 3 (QANTAS Domestic) - No Lounge
    AUD$36 off from the following retail outlets:
    Bar Roma
    Wok on Air

    • Is there a minimum spend with these?

    • Terminal 2 (Domestic - Virgin/Tiger/Jetstar Rex) - Rex Lounge

      Would it be practical to take the shuttle bus from T1 to T2 if your international flight is delayed?

      • +1

        If you have already gone through immigration I don't think you would be able to?

  • +2

    I can honestly say I have never before seen something that (almost) makes me want a delayed flight.

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