• expired

HTC Legend on Vodafone 12-Mth $29 Cap Min. Cost $234.9 over 12 Months [Expired]

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Update 17/12: Deal is over. VF has run out of stock. Congrats and Merry Christmas to those who scored! :)

<del>MOD: According to users on pg5, the deal has been reinstated.</del>

<del>Update: Deal is finished. Repayment is now back to $30. :( Good luck to those who have ordered, though!</del>

OK, per request from the other HTC Legend thread…

If you’re a member of one of the motoring clubs (NRMA, RACV, etc), you
might want to check out Vodafone. They currently have the HTC Legend for $0 repayment on their 12-month $29 cap.

Navigate to the link below:


Then select '12 month'.

By my calculation, your min cost over 12 months should be (after 10% discount and 3 months free access):

$29 * 10% off * 9 months = $234.9

(plus, possibly, $84 moneybackco cashback for those who managed)

Which is outstanding value for a pocketable Android 2.2 phone with such strong specs. And it comes with a cap with 200mb data!

Be warned, though, that Voda’s customer service (or the lack of it, really) is shocking! Have a look at discussions on whirlpool!

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Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I did this exact thing yesterday… i didn’t want to publish this as a deal until my phone arrived thinking it was likely a typo on vodafone site!! :)

    $26.10 per month - and first 3 months free…

    i paid the extra $4 to get 700mb of data….

    Product Orders
    $29 Vodafone Cap Contract - 12 Months $0.00
    HTC Legend black $0.00
    700MB Mobile Internet Classic pack 12 mth $4/mth (total min cost $48) 3 $0.00
    3 months free access+ $0.00

    Sub Total $0.00
    Total (incl. GST) $0.00
    $29 Vodafone Cap Contract - 12 Months $26.10
    700MB Mobile Internet Classic pack 12 mth $4/mth (total min cost $48) 3 $4.00
    3 months free access+ $0.00

    14/12/2010 05:04 PM Order being processed
    14/12/2010 05:37 PM Credit Check in Process
    14/12/2010 05:38 PM
    14/12/2010 05:39 PM Credit Check in Process
    15/12/2010 07:29 AM Order being processed
    15/12/2010 09:03 AM Order being processed

    people are selling this phone on ebay for $400…

    • +6

      If my posting this deal ruins your plan, my apologies! :-)

      I thought I'd share a bargain ASAP before it disappears.

      • Great deal.
        Thanks for sharing. I have often seen , people with first deal have such a blast :)

      • +2

        no problem.. at the end of the day it is just a phone;


        just got the following email from vodafone ….

        You recently provided us with your email address in order to receive your Vodafone bills by email.

        For security purposes please verify your email address by clicking on the link below

        clicking the link….

        "Thank you

        You're now registered for Email Bill. From now on your Vodafone bills will be sent directly to your Inbox. Please note that if your next bill is due in the next 3 days you'll still receive this bill by post, and you'll start to receive all your bills after this via email.

        so it looks like the order is still progressing through their system.

  • A BIG PLUS for the great bargain finder. Great deal!

    • +1

      'Join before October 31, 2010 and you get 3 months free credit+'

      Is the 3 month still valid? I don't want vodafone to revoke the free months. Mind you, for $26.1 x 12 it's still a good deal though.

      • Good point, I noticed that too.
        But thinking the 24 mths plan is identical to the 12 mths plan, you pay the same each month and get the same phone, but have to be in contract for double time, this is already a good bargain. I will treat the 3 month free as a bonus, if I get it, best deal, if not, I was informed.

      • +2
  • Does anyone else get:
    Monthly Total: $56.20
    in their checkout?

    EDIT: Looks like the phone repayment might actually be $30/month to me.

    • Just finished the application, what I got is like this by the end:

      Product Orders
      $29 Vodafone Cap Contract - 12 Months $0.00
      HTC Legend black $0.00
      700MB Mobile Internet Classic pack 12 mth $4/mth (total min cost $48) 3 $0.00
      3 months free access+ $0.00

      Sub Total $0.00
      Total (incl. GST) $0.00
      $29 Vodafone Cap Contract - 12 Months $26.10
      700MB Mobile Internet Classic pack 12 mth $4/mth (total min cost $48) 3 $4.00
      3 months free access+ $0.00

      • Nevermind.. the $56… I've worked it out.

        I went through the whole ordering process expecting a confirmation page and there isn't one!

        Plus, it seems like I've bought 2 phones!
        That's probably why I had $56/month… 2 phones, @$26/month plus one $4/month 700mb data pack = $56

        I expect the deal will be nullified anyway..
        Smells like the Dell Vostro deal of a few years ago. It's a bit too good to be true!

    • I think you did what I did originally and added 2 phones to your cart rather than one. Woops - now I see you worked that out!

  • I'm considering buying this and throwing the SIM away, it's like getting a Legend on an interest free payment plan.

    • +1

      don't forget to cancel the plan when the 12 months are up

  • is the phone locked to Voda? and how to get it unlocked?

    • Unlocking is free on request apparently. Check whirlpool for more info

    • Really? very tempted to get this for my dad then. 234 bucks for a smartphone is very good. Thanks to the poster!

  • unreal deal!! can i apply if i'm not one of the motoring clubs member?

  • Hot hot hot! :)

  • can this be done via moneybackco?

    • I was too excited and forgot the moneybackco totally.

      • Had a read on moneybackco, do they just deposit cash into your bank account?

        • after taking $10 as the yearly fee (will not be taken if you do not have $10 cashback in your account)

          so there is no loss in getting an account. you might have to wait a little while, It took me almost 4 months before 3 paid, but in the end I got my money and it's better than not getting that money ;)

    • +1

      asked b4 in former similar thread. moneybackco n/a where other discounts applied …

  • is the below info correct? it is on the checkout page… (however the list of caps only shows the $29 cap with $180 included credit…)

    $29 Vodafone Cap Contract - 12 Months

    $29 a month over 12 months (minimum cost $3481) and get:
    -Unlimited 24/7 Vodafone to Vodafone & 3 standard national voice calls
    -Unlimited Standard & international TXT, PXT® & video PXT®
    -Unlimited2 BlackBerry® Email & Internet Browsing + 1GB for video streaming2 (if you have a BlackBerry® handset) or 1GB3 (if you have any other handset)
    -$550 included a month to use on standard national & International voice calls and video calls (including calls made while National Roaming), voicemail retrieval, national roaming, calls to National (1223) and International (1225) Directory Assistance, 13, 15 and 1800 numbers, Vodafone Central Surfing (not downloads), re-routed calls to numbers that divert to International services, Customer Care Calls4.

    • +1

      "minimum cost $3481"
      That's a bit concerning!

      • i agree probably a exit fee?

        • More likely a typo, coz 29*12=348

      • +5

        The '1' is superscript. it says $348, everything there is correct.

    • +2

      What kind of math genius does Vodafone hire?

      • +2

        probably people who were supposed to be in customer support from what I hear ;)

        • +1


    • -Unlimited Standard & international TXT, PXT® & video PXT®?
      -$550 included a month to use on standard national & International voice calls and video calls?
      I don't think you've picked the $29 cap plan…

    • so do you get 1gb or 200mb?

  • I didn't have to prove I was a motoring club member at any stage during checkout. Still got 10% off and free months free.

    • Ditto. Although, saying that, I am a motor club member… just unsure if the RAA (SA equivalent to NRMA) is one of the valid clubs.

      • same here….ordered one and didnt ask for RACV membership number!!!!!

  • How does this compare to the desire (not the HD, normal).
    I know its lower version but I have used the Desire before and if this is not too dissimilar, would look at it.

  • Two words - Desire HD :)

    • Given that the Legend has a smaller and supposedly power efficient AMOLED screen, I'd expect its battery life to be reasonable.

      I have a Desire HD myself. It's a ripper of a phone. But its battery is a letdown, which for me barely lasts a full day.

      • calibrated your batt?

  • Can I port my existing number over to this online? I think they will check for NMRA membership if I do it through the call centre.

    • Yes

      • Where do you do it?

        • Oh.. perhaps it's just for existing Voda numbers…

          You can just port your number afterwards.

    • you can online but beware as i was charged a porting fee
      had to ring up to get it removed

  • so is the phone yours after 12 months? or do you have to pay for it?

    • It's yours after 12 months.

      • can you verify this
        just spoke to Voda and they said it's yours on the 24 month
        but on the 12 month you'll have to pay $10 a month to be able to keep it after 12 months!!!

        • Hmmm, doesn't say anything in the T&Cs about that… so how can they charge you?

    • so online where it says "you pay" it comes up with "$0 mobile" for either the 12 or 24 month contract.
      So based on that it would indicate to me you don't have to pay anything for the mobile regardless of the contract!

  • u could just sign up and get the phone then sell it on ebay for a bit of money plus u get credit and free calls to vodafone and 3 :D

    • Thats exactly what I did when Telstra had the HTC Desire on the F&F deal. I needed the cap plan anyway, so the phone is only costing me $310 over 2 years, and I sold it on eBay straight away for $570.

      So I paid for my plan for 2 year, and then some.

  • So, what are everyone's thoughts?

    I'm in WA, so with RAC not being a part of this deal, would you assume that they will just cancel my order?

    Also, will moneyback not work because you cannot access the deal direct from the Vodafone main page that you land on through moneyback?

    • see my comment below.

  • Also, some terms and conditions that show the deal expired at the end of October…

    +Offer available to members of the SYC&S program who connect to a new 12 or 24 month Vodafone contract through the Vodafone AMSR website or telesales from 01/08/10 to 31/10/10. 3 months free access will be applied as a $29 credit to your first, second and third bills.

    • +2

      The 3 months offer has been extended.. look up.

      • +4

        "I stand corrected" said the man in the orthopedic shoes!

        • :-)
          I like it…

  • Can't wait to see if they will actually honour this..

    • Why wouldn't they? Same deal is available on Three so it's obviously not a mistake.

      • +1

        but its 24months contract on three not 12….

        • Oh, it is indeed. Now you've got me worried.

        • yep; this is the very reason i didn't post this deal yesterday!

          I was hoping my phone order would get processed.

  • How tempting is this!

  • So do they check if you have a membership to NRMA/RACV etc?

  • just order one and waiting …

    • Got one and waiting.

  • -2

    so tempted ! but worry when reading post by cactus68 upthere. he called voda and told that the $0 is only for 24months contract. for 12months, you need to pay $10 each month !
    hmmmm ???????

    • why not need the replies after that?

    • Considering you've only signed a 12-month contract, how exactly would they enforce this?

    • I won't let them suck money out from my C/C after the end of contract.

      • Can you change to a non direct debit payment system later on?

    • Hi guys, i tried to trace my order but it wont recognise my details. Copied it from email sent by vodafone, still wont accept it?

  • -2

    am not a NRMA/RACV member,can i order… ?

  • do u have to be a existing customer? or a new customer?
    i've already got a contract with vodafone, wondering if i can get another?

    • There is an option to port your existing Voda number across to this plan.

      • Hi scubacoles, can you please explain how is that done?

        It will be most helpful of you.


        • the option was there when you are doing the purchase

  • +2

    Oh god, not vodafone. PLEASE DO NOT sign up with this mob. They are run by monkeys. We are all having issues with them right now and their customer service is NON existent. If you have any problems, you will be on the phone for hours while they shuffle you around like a rag doll from department to department as they continue to feign ignorance at any problems you may have.

    PLEASE. If i have dissuaded one person from signing up with Vodafony, I consider my job done.

    • i want the phone, don't care about the sim

    • Who cares about the telco - i just want the phone and unlock it and use my sim in it…

    • my first two bill came, the 10% didn't apply, and the free monthly fee didn't apply too.
      I tried to call them the other day, took me 30 mins to get connect to one person, after 2 minute, it got disconnected, and no one ever call me back.
      then I tried to email them. 2 days now, no one replied.
      one of my other friend called to ask about the same problem, and the customer service ppl didn't even know about the NRMA discount/special.

      • you should use the vodafone twitter

      • +1

        They sent us the email containing the details of the order (e.g. 10% discount and the 3 months free). If we were charged differently later on, don't you think that we will have a strong case with the ombudsman?

      • Yeah, the deal seems great. But I'm kind of worried by what others have been saying about their billing:


        • I think we can just cancel our credit card to stop the direct debit. Then we can pay whatever amount it should be.

  • does any one know when it will be delivered by?

  • way too tempting, pulled the trigger on this one as ive cracked the screen on my nokia, it still works but.. hey for this price..

    • Just buy a new screen off fleabay…cheap as chips and very easy to replace! ;)

      • its the touch screen thats gone, although the lcd has a star crack in it too.
        i read somewhere that the 3rd party touch screens aren't as responsive as the oem's, and i can sometimes get the touchscreen working still.. but i might give it a go

        • Even the OEM's are heaps cheaper there, I just put one in a niece's Samsung Corby…cost around $17 for an original, shipped! May not be the case for all Nokias though, but worth a quick look! ;)

  • I just ordered 2 of them.. I think they are onto it as the links have gone…

    • Which links are gone?

      • I can't find the link to add it to the cart anymore.

    • Still works fine for me!

      • we tried somewhere else and it transported us somewhere else.. maybe user error

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