wws $50 -$20 off coupon
choose weekend to get free delivery
8E4906 (50-10)
8DDC7G (40-10)
Apply both codes to receive the full $20 off your order
codes are redeemable three times
Edit: Everyday Rewards Card number may be required for both codes to work.
Edit 2: Or call the customer service when you get an error message and ask them to manually apply the $20 credit to your order.
Edit 3: $20 disc still works on mobile devices
Edit 4: Some orders are getting cancelled.
Note: Free Delivery (any day) only applies to the first 3 Orders per account
Yeah, me too, Bruce, and more…
I was completely oblivious to the whole 'DisabledUser' business until some rather specific confusion by me in another thread.
I just assumed without checking, that you could change your username on OzBargain, and that somebody named 'hitandrun' had actually chosen that as an alternative name…
The whole 'disabling of account' + (presumably) automatic change of name insert does make somewhat more sense.