MEN'S VECTOR MOUNTAIN BIKE down from $549 to $199 @ Anaconda.
Lifetime warranty on frame, Shimano 21 speed drivetrain, Tektro disc brakes.
Doesn't provide any detailed specs… is this bike any good???
MEN'S VECTOR MOUNTAIN BIKE down from $549 to $199 @ Anaconda.
Lifetime warranty on frame, Shimano 21 speed drivetrain, Tektro disc brakes.
Doesn't provide any detailed specs… is this bike any good???
The above bike is another example.. good for a first bike for what you get but I wouldn't pay 749.
… is this bike any good???
… is this bike a bargain???
No, Anaconda bikes are never a bargain, not even at half price. At $199, maybe worth looking at, but it still looks like a k-mart bike.
Hmm, I wouldn't go that far Manic. I purchased a 'Bauer' branded Hub geared Commuter with Hydro Discs from Anaconda a few years ago during one of their 1/2 price sales and it's an incredible bike… so much so that I then bought a cheaper model of the exact same bike (but this one's branded 'Fluid') with standard gears and cable discs for my wife a couple of years later at another sale and both bikes have been fantastic.
Cheapies can be amazingly good for the money but it all depends on what they're to be used for.
All I really mean is that "half price anaconda" is not going to be dramatically better than standard price in some other shops.
In other words the RRP is dishonest, and I don't like support such merchants.
This bike is fine for riding to the shops, but is in no way comparable to a $549 RRP brand-name bike.
Good point JV but difficult to determine for a lot of people who may not know anything about these bikes or bikes in general. If it was genuinely worth $549 or thereabouts to begin with then yes $199 is a bargain but unfortunately as we all know here RRPs are usually way overinflated and bauser99 has come to the right place to Learn this :)
On the flipside I haven't actually done a comparison to similar spec bikes elsewhere for a while now so $199 may in fact be a pretty good price for a basic cheapie at this point in time but it all depends on bauser99s needs & expectations. It may well be the perfect combo of spec vs affordability.
As a bike shop owner, its not a bad buy for the $. But no way was it ever a $549 bike.
So sorry, got to neg this deal.
So your negging for the rrp?
Yes this is a bargain site. This is not a bargain.
Anaconda has a pretty long history of BS rrps.
I actually agree with you. Based on the dishonest RRP this is not really a deal.
Bike probably only just worth $200 at a stretch. Some people have mentioned this also has a steel frame, but the website has no info.
surely nobody here actually cares what the rrp is….. it's pretty much irrelevant
Actually, based on the bike specs shown, this bike would be worth around $200, so not actually a bargain.
On OzBargain I would suggest that it is very relevant.
Even more relevant when you can get better bikes around the same price.
Have you got a link to a better bike with similar spec?
I would trust this bike more than the Anaconda one……
Reid also a have a big range of bikes between $200 and $300 so if you go in to their store they would be able to point you in the right direction.
Specwise very different, no suspension forks no disc breaks
Do you work for reid bikes by any chance?
I have no affiliation and have never bought a bike from them. I found out about them from OzBargain. Personally, would not buy a bike under $500 and 4 out of my 5 bikes cost over $1000. But, I hate people (including myself) wasting money on rubbish.
In this price range you need to be very careful about all of the lipstick they place on these pigs.
The suspension will be the cheapest suspension that you can buy. It will be pretty average and it will rust in a few years. Plus it adds extra weight to the bike. At this price range, the negatives would out weigh a positive.
Same with disc brakes (or should it be disc breaks). At this price, they will be no better than V brakes. V brakes rarely have any issues and are fairly cheap and simple to maintain.
Plus you need to think, if this bike has suspension and disc brakes at this price, where have they cut corners. it looks like one corner cut was the drivetrain and another post mentioned the frame and wheels may be lower quality.
At the end of the day, people should check out a few bikes and then make a decision.
Unfortunately, most bike shops don't even bother selling bikes under $400, so that is why I suggest Reid Cycles.
Here is a list of Reid on Ozbargain..
And here are a few Ozbargain posts on other bikes that mention Reid as an option.
Cell is another cheap store.…
You can see this bike is similar to the Anaconda.
The Cell bike weighs 14.4kg. Anaconda don't even mention a weight which is a concern.
The Reid bike without the suspension weighs 11kg.
The last time I looked at a KMart bike, it was about 20kg (Steel frame, suspension).
Actually, based on the bike specs shown, this bike would be worth around $200, so not actually a bargain.
On OzBargain I would suggest that it is very relevant.
If the market decides it's only worth $200…. then clearly the rrp is definitely irrelevant. We surely all know that an RRP is just plucked from the air by the manufacturer. On ozbargain I would hope nobody even looks at the rrp
Even more relevant when you can get better bikes around the same price.
A list of better bikes would be relevant…. the RRP of this one is not
Thanks for the comments. What I'm after is a basic bike for short rides to the shops / coffee place down the road. Short distances and most definitely no off-road use… so I guess I don't really need a MOUNTAIN bike, a "normal" road bike will do, probably even better if lighter as there are quite a few hills around my place!
Budget is $200 max - so this bike fits my budget and it sounds like it's ok for "light duties" - if anybody can suggest a decent road bike around the same price that would be awesome :)
OK then this would be fine for your needs but to be honest you wouldn't need all those gears nor the suspension forks so a simple road bike would probably be better as it has larger wheels for better 'rolling' plus it would be much lighter too. Problem is that you'd probably be paying the same for a cheapie road bike anyway and at least this one would handle riding across a park or other non-paved areas with ease. You other option is to go 2nd hand and get something of decent quality for your budget.
May be worth checking out Reid Bikes for a comparison.
These guys generally don't over inflate their prices, so you can compare what you could get for the price.
P.S. i don't actually own a Reid, but heard good things.
For me a "bargain road bike" would be around $1500, but I would be looking at a different level of gear.
If you only have 200 max to spend and you want a new bike then you may as well get it.. will either be that or a k-mart type bike.
The only thing that really matters imo at this price range is a comfy seat, gears that work and warranty for a year (or at least a few months) in case the cheapy components break. If your just cruising around the suspension will give you a more comfortable ride.
You do get what you pay for though, just don't hop on a bike with better components and you'll never know the difference ;)
If you don't ride much, I would suggest you look at a flat bar road bike.
You don't get much for the price, but this would be a good starting point………
I should add. If a bike is advertised as "Shimano 21 speed drivetrain", but does not say what type the drive train is, this is usually a worrying sign.
This usually means, this has the cheapest gearset we could buy that Shimano put a sticker on.
All good drivetrains made by Shimano have a name.
For example on the Reid site…
The drivetrain mentioned is "21-Speed Shimano Tourney"
Tourney is the lower level shimano drivetrain, but I would be concerned that the Anaconda bike could be below this.
Make sure you get the right size bike to suit your height. This Anaconda's bike goes up to 21 inch…. BigW have bikes up to 27 inch frames…
You're confusing frame size to wheel size.
The sizes for this bike are the normal sizes.
Haven't checked but surely at this price point we would be talking S,M,L and XL as far as sizing.
For $200 it will do what the OP is after and in all sincerity I've paid more than that for a pair of knicks. Not sure if it is a massive bargain but probably a good buy for the odd casual jaunt down the bike path to the local shop.
I would see if you can 'lock out' the forks. From what you've said suspension forks are only going to be a negative in terms of sapping strength and energy going uphill. Many forks have a little gizmo/dial on top that lets you lock them in place for riding on roads. Other mod I would recommend would be replacing the expected knobby offroad tires with 26" road tires. Less rolling resistance for the paths etc. I'm sure there would be a great price on tyres somewhere on the net, maybe at the CRC sale in the other thread.
The cheapo forks on this bike can not be locked out. You can see the fixed caps on the product photo.
lookinig at the reid site now. Thanks for the posts. MMm
Ignore the $549 RRP as $199 is closer to what this bike is actually worth IMO. Nothing wrong with it but shouldn't be classed as anything but a very standard bike. Fine for general road, path and very light duty off-road riding. Good for an all-round 'casual' type rider but again nothing special.
What do you plan to use the bike for anyway? This might be good enough for your needs afterall.