User-Submitted Referral Code/Link Requests & Updates » All Comments

        • I've updated to allow for codes 6-10 characters. That should cover old and new codes.

          The signup form on Superloop now has a box for referral code.

    • That’s weird I just logged in and only have a referral link.

      • Interesting, same at the old format, or if not, what format. What URL do you find the referral link on?

        For me it is on this URL:

        And the page says:

        Free with Friends and save
        Tell your friends about our award-winning nbn broadband and save 10% (up to $10) on your
broadband plan fee for the next 6 months. The more friends who >sign up, the more you save!

        Your unique code
        Below is your unique referral code. Share that code with everyone you know and remind them to type your code into the order form when signing up.

        {codehere, with format 3 letters, dash, 6 numbers}

  • New referral to add if possible please for Juniper. Appears the referrer’s full name is required as well as the alpha numeric code.

    Refer a friend and receive a $100 Prezzee voucher
    Give a friend this code to take 20% off their first month on the Weight Reset Program. You’ll receive a voucher when they use it to sign up.

    Who can use the Referral code?
    This code is for your friend’s first Juniper order. Your friend must:
    Create an account
    Complete the online quiz and choose “Through a friend” in response to “How did you hear about us?”
    Mention your full name in the quiz
    Add the code at checkout to receive 20% off their first month with Juniper.

  • Energy Locals

    Update to the process - you can still put in an account number when you sign up - and the existing referral system where you request a referral, and it generates a PM works - I used it today. There is an option in the normal sign-up flow where you choose how you found out about Energy Locals, and if you choose A friend told me, you get the option to put in their account number.

    So, if we keep the existing process, the instructions to the referral provider should be to provide their account number, because that is what the sign-up form asks for (not name or email).

    However, Energy Locals now have a referral URL as well - I just received mine when I signed up: the format is where the numbers are your account number. It redirects to with the sign-up referral pre-filled. So, there is an option to change the referral system from a PM based system to one where it asks for the URL or the account number and doesn't require a user to respond to a PM.

    • OK, updated to accept the URL.

      • Thanks - I just got the notification that the referral had expired - I think - I didn't see it properly, just clicked on it ;)

    • That's interesting.. I also received an URL when I signed up in June 2022, but when I use it and try to sign up for a new account the 'how did you hear about us?' is not pre-selected, and if you click "Friend" the "friend's account number" field is not filled out. Does it work for you?

      • That's really strange - it doesn't work now that I test it again today. I was about to suggest maybe it was an ad-blocker, but I've just tried on my mobile and I get the same, thing, and more to the point, the dummy link above with the fake account number also work (in the same way - takes you to the landing page). Sorry @neil for the bum steer, but it looks like the old way which asks for a PM asking for the account number should be reinstated.

        • The doesn't appear to be passing any variable through. Is there anything further to that link?

          Is the account number the same number that is on the end of the URL? e.g. 9xxxxxx

          • @neil: Yes, the account number is the same as the number on the end of the URL, and it looks like is just doing a straight redirection now.

            There is nothing else in the link.

            This is the text from my email:

            We're not going to waste our customers' money on TV ads or other expensive forms of promotion. So far we're growing through word of mouth. If you'd help us spread the word, we'd be very, very grateful. We'll credit your account with $50 for every person you refer via the link below.


            The link is in the email (if I view the original email source) is []

            • @BJReplay: OK, I've switched the system to coupon code and converted everyone's links to codes. People can just add their account number to the system until Energy Locals fixes things up.

              • @neil: Thanks, and sorry about the messing around I've caused you.

          • @neil: yeah it’s not passing through anything for me

  • Abra - referral URL format has changed.

    It is now in this new format


    (made up referral URL which for some strange reason is recognised as valid)

    • Updated.

  • I just tried to update my Superloop 6 digit coupon code and it failed?

      • I don’t have a box. I just have a long referral link and I tried the 6 characters after the “code=” and it didn’t work?!

        • I don’t have a box.

          The signup form for people signing up for a new service on Exetel. Not existing users.

          I just have a long referral link and I tried the 6 characters after the “code=” and it didn’t work?!

          Try again. Should take a 6 character code.

  • Merged from Superloop referral link/code

    So, I renew my referral link for Superloop (10% for 6mo) in my OzB settings, and have gratefully received a few referees and discounts from fellow OzBargainers.

    The renewal occurs every 6mo - and the couple of times I've gone to do it I've forgotten the format that needs to be entered (and there's no immediate explanation apart from an error message).

    So the purpose of this forum entry is to validate the correct way to enter it, and to at least record a searchable thread for me to find in 6mo's time, and maybe even someone else?

    With a bit of frustration, I think my trial and error worked?..

    On your Superloop dashboard you'll find a hyperlink that will copy to clipboard your referral link:…

    The entry for Superloop in you OzB referral settings won't accept this (entire) link and will display an error message without an explanation. It asks for a coupon code which (after a number of attempts) seems to accept:
    i.e. BJZEAL

    Can another user verify this?

    If I have missed something that would make this more intuitive, please provide me feedback? If so, maybe we could have this modded to eliminate any confusion (@scotty, @neil)?

    • +1

      Its in their wiki, caught me out at first until I searched for it (see last page of below link). Seems they cancelled all links and notified us to update our codes.

      Apparently when people sign up they are only offered a code box to enter so the 6 characters appears correct, that's what i've inputted at least based on the information mentioned above.

      Scotty/Neil - It would assist if it referenced what to input as a description similar to how it used to say dont put whole referral. Something as simple as only enter the first batch of letters after referral_code=

      • Thanks

        Scoured OzB and didn't find anything except a forum topic that didn't go anywhere. I see those are new comments on page 42, hehe. Seems the format might have changed and everyone's getting notified - funny I found I last did this in August so I'm at the 6mo mark, coincidence it coincided with the change.

        • Scoured OzB and didn't find anything except a forum topic that didn't go anywhere.

          What forum topic did you find?

          In My Account-Referrals, there is a link at the very top:

          For more information, please see this wiki page.

          On every store that has a referral system, there is an i button which links to the wiki.

          Both list this forum thread.

          • @neil: Found this one which didn't help me

            Yeah that link (Settings - Referrals - More Information) didn't help. Read a general preface about referrals and a list of all the products that go to their OzB page.

            That's alright, probs just me 🤷‍♂️ Sounds like we've made improvements, I bet I'll do better next August 🤞

      • Scotty/Neil - It would assist if it referenced what to input as a description similar to how it used to say dont put whole referral. Something as simple as only enter the first batch of letters after referral_code=

        I've put further clarification:

        If you can't find your referral code, use the code listed in the referral URL ?referral_code=XXXXXX. e.g. XXXXXX

  • Can we add new referrals for Daniel's Donut MyJam please?
    It's a code with format of DNDAxxxxxxx (with xxx being digits). It gives free donuts for the referrer after referee made 1st purchase (referee get 1 free upon joining anyway, even without referral)

  • Coinbase referral has expired and it is not accepting new referral code (incorrect format)

    Even tried with the ?src=referral-link

  • Was hoping IFTTT could be added?
    Apologies if its been asked before.…
    seems to be the format

    • IFTTT added.

  • Now that TopCashBack has launched down under, I thought they should be added to the referral system. (insert numbers here)

    At the moment the bonus is $30

  • Hi Neil, you add these new input formats so quickly, you must be a regex master

  • Can ledger be added into the system?

    my link :

    Boost your referrals: Ledger Nano X = $20 in BTC, Ledger Nano S Plus = $15 in BTC until Feb 21 (else $10 worth of BTC)

    • Ledger added.

  • Block Earner referral bonus is now $25 when you keep $250 in your account for 30 days.

    • Updated.

      • Thanks 👍🏽

    • PS: the referral part that changes is the last 4 characters of the URL, after the last forward slash, at this stage, I guess this will increase over time.

  • Hi Admins/Moderators,

    How can I add referral links for merchants not included on Ozbargain. Basically, I want to add my referral link for I have seen some posts about but there is no way to add referral links for this merchant. Please guide.

    The URL format for the referral link. —- (the referral code is the 6-digit code after refcode=)
    Benefit for the referrers and referees —- Both referrer and referee gets 10000 pay rewards points after the referee transacts $10,000 in their first month
    Instructions to get the referral link —- Available on the account dashboard of existing customers.


  • PetPost referral links are redirecting to the referral candy website.

    Can’t see any referral info on their website anymore - may have ceased?

    • Have disabled Petpost. Thanks for letting us know.

  • +4

    Can we add tesla referrals please?

    To give you an example (my link):

    • Tesla added.

      • Hi @neil

        Can we update the url format in the referral section as mentioned by @Heybargain?

        • The system accepts both however you may not see the suggested formats in the text box on mobile devices due to the size of showing both links.

  • Since the AMEX-DJ partnership is coming to an end and the fact that applications for DJ branded AMEX cards have closed, I suggest we remove the referral listings for the two AMEX-DJ cards.

    • Have switched it off.

  • Marley Spoon
    I saw in the forum search results that someone has mentioned Marley Spoon in this thread but I am not looking through 43 pages to find it!
    It seems the current format is (today's date at the end). They are unique codes that can only be used once. Gives the referee a free box and 25% off the next 3 boxes.
    Might not be a candidate for the referral system but what if I started a thread where people could post codes and referees could say they have used them?

    • Added it as a private message system. Marley Spoon

      What does the referrer get?

      • Referrer gets nothing. Thanks for republishing, I should have read the OP.

  • VPA referral is 10% for referrer and referee

    • Updated.

  • Brand: ASOS
    URL Format:
    Benefit: 25% discount for both referrer and referee
    Instructions: Register at… and receive your referral link

    • ASOS added.

      • Might have to change it to PM

        I just filled out the form and got a email saying they need to enter “my name” at the checkout?

        They'll get 25% off their first order, and we'll obvs let you know when it's your turn to get 25% off, too.

        To keep track of the friends you’ve referred, and to refer more, check out your sharing dashboard below.
        Just tell them to enter “my name” at the checkout. Plus, don't forget you'll get 25% off per order for every referred friend who shops with us!

        • Yeh you have to register as a user of the referral program, as the referee.

          • @Jesbian: also on the main home page of ASOS, down the bottom go to 'Refer a Friend' and then you register and also get your referral link to share. For example. This is the info that appeared after I register each time.

            Jess, you get 25% off, your friends get 25%off. It's a win-win!
            Tell your friends to enter your name, like this, at the checkout:
            Jess XXXXXX (hidden)
            SHARE YOUR NAME


        • OK switched to PM.

  • I just received an email from 1Password about their referral link. I actually use my sister's family account, so not sure whether my link is the same is hers or how exactly it works. Image uploaded. I've also posted a deal.

    The URL format for the referral link:…
    Instructions to get the referral link: unique codes emailed to existing account holders
    Benefit for the referrers and referees: $10 credit each.

  • App/Game: Walken (App Store, Google Play)
    Code Format: XXXXXXX
    Benefit: 5 $WLKN + 10 GEM + 100 Mysberries
    Instructions: They will need to install the Walken app and enter this code either at signing up as part of the registration process OR later in the Profile → Gifts&Discounts → Redeem code within 24h from registration. The code must be redeemed for a person to become your invited friend in the Walken app.

    • What is the benefit for the referrer vs. referee?

  • Hi Mods, would you be able to do this?:

    • Sure, added.

  • Fig&Bloom please

    Format is

    Benefit is $20 off for person referred and a coupon code for the referee (doesn't say how much this will be)

    You need to sign up for an account to join the referral program

  • Sleeping Duck.

    Not sure why the current SD referral requires PM (I've received a few lately). Code seems generic?

    The URL format for the referral link:
    Instructions to get the referral link: Unique link emailed to referrer after their own Sleeping Duckl purchase.
    Benefit for the referrers and referees: $150 discount on SD mattress for referred. $50 Giftpay Voucher for referrer.

    • See this comment:

      Sleeping Duck have now updated their terms and conditions (in the link above) to say that referrals through OzBargain are not valid. I checked recently and my SleepingDuck referral code has been clicked over 200 times, but I’ve never got any rewards from SD. I clicked my own link and found that they have marked the code as invalid. I ran into this same issue when I was trying to use other people’s SD referrals from OzB, they were all marked as invalid. Maybe the SD referrals should be removed?


      We've switched the system to PM (notified all users) as to not expose the links. They also have a cap on how many people you can refer so by using PM, the referrer should check to see if their code is valid.

      • Thanks.

  • Insta360 has launched an Affiliate program which a link per product.. A code gets passed within the URL and that code is same across products

    Below are some of the example affiliate links.

    Benefits appear to be 5% commission rate

    • This is more of an affiliate system instead of a referral program. See Referral and Affiliate Link Differences. There is an application to fill out where you need to state the website you're promoting on as well as abiding by about 29 content guidelines including these interesting tidbits 🤨:

      2.2.3 You undertake to carry out promotional activities according to Insta360's requirements and shall not adopt the following promotion methods: 1) To oppose the basic principles established by the Chinese constitution; 2) Jeopardizing Chinese national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity; 3) Harming Chinese national honor and interests; 4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination and undermining Chinese national unity; 5) Undermining China's religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstitions; 6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and damaging social stability;

      We won't be adding this to our system at this time due to it being an affiliate system.

  • Hey Neil,

    It looks like Moomoo has changed their link format. Possibly the existing links don't work.

    • There's a bit of contradicting information on what the actual referral benefits are so have added the ones I can find in T&Cs. There also doesn't seem to be any consistency in why links aren't working or why there are both futu and moomoo links. I've set the expiry to 180 days so maybe tomorrow we'll see if some of the non-working links get updated.

      • +1

        Hi Neil, I just tried to enter my referral link and its coming up as wrong format.

        When i go to the refer section on the app it had a limited time offer code but also a button to generate referral code, both of these had a 2 week expiry on the code.

        Generated referral code:…

        Limited time referral (seems to be a better bonus)…

        Maybe it can be change to request a referral link type option?

        • Yep, same issue.

        • Updated to accept that link as well.

          Changed description to:

          Referrer gets 5 free stocks up to $1500. Referee gets 2 free stocks.
          OR Earn $10 for every $100 deposit, up to $50.
          Keep trying links until a referral offer is shown.

          Seems that even some newly updated member's URLs aren't all working. Hopefully people will continue to click through until they get a referral offer.

  • Company: Barbell Foods
    Referral link format:<referral code>?c
    Example link:
    Where to get the referral link:
    Benefits: Referrer and Referee each receive $10 worth of redeemable points (minimum spend $15)

    As per thread here the old links stopped working, the above is the current format and offer.

  • Company: Bird (Scooter company)
    Benefits: up to $8 credit on first ride (and $8 credit for the referrer), valid for 7 days.

    Code only, no URL provided.

    User enters code via Promotions page in app once signed up.

    • Bird added.

  • Company : Credit Savvy
    Referral link:
    Benefit: $30 cash back via Cheddar

    • Looks like it finishes tomorrow so won't add. Blog Post. The $30 is actually:

      Participants must be new Cheddar customers and spend a minimum of $50 (including GST)

  • I noticed "Receive e-mail notifications when referrals expire" recently. Would it be possible to have a list of personal referrals that expired in the last three months as well as will expire in the next three months?

    That is in case the emails get sent to spam accidentally or intentionally.

    • The onus should probably be on the user to check to make sure emails are not being sent to SPAM and to check their referrals on a regular basis to add/change/remove them. We set arbitrary expiries on the stores but really users should be removing their links/codes when they no longer are with the company (e.g. electricity provider, health insurance etc.). Maybe there is some generic/non-generic reminders we can put in somewhere. Will have a think about it.

  • Pure-Product Australia - Please!

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:

    Benefit for referees:
    $5 off coupon.

    Benefit for referrers:
    $5 off coupon when a referee makes a purchase.

  • +1

    Company: Bupa
    Benefits: $100 eGift card

    Code only, no URL provided.

    User enters referrals member number on sign up.

    • Bupa added.

  • Vinyl Me Please

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:

    Benefit for referees:
    US$10 off

    Benefit for referrers:
    US$10 off

    • VMP added.

  • Please add Yak Pay


    Referral link format:<REFERRAL CODE>

    Example link:

    Benefits: Receive 10,000 Qantas Business Rewards Points for each Client you refer to Yak Pay. Any referral that spends $100,000 in their first six months using any credit card via the Yak Pay platform earns you 10,000 Qantas or Velocity Points

  • Cryptospend

    URL Format:

    Referral code:

    Applying a referral code:
    The code is applied after signing up.
    In app go to "Account". Scroll down to Referral section and enter code. Press "Claim" button.

    To find your referral code:
    There isn't a direct referral link.
    In app there is a button at the top right of the dashboard "Get $10". Click on that and your code is revealed along with sharing instructions.

    Instructions on referral requirements:
    KYC must be completed and then $30 spent on the card by the referred person. This is easy as once the free digital card is loaded from a bank account then you can spend either using the card or using BPay or bank details.
    You don't have to buy or sell any crypto just use AUD although the $10 referral reward will be in BTC.…

    Benefit for referees:
    $10 worth of Bitcoin (BTC)

    Benefit for referrers:
    $10 worth of Bitcoin (BTC)

  • Max Brenner referrals disappeared from OzBargain (switched off?)

    It appears the link to get your referral link from the app is indeed gone.

    However when you sign up there is still a place for you to type the Referring Member No as the first field on the form.

    Referring members is also still listed as a benefit on their page outlining benefits of their loyalty program.

    Can you reinstate it? Maybe just asking for your member number (starting with MBLD) instead of a link.

    • I contact Max Brenner and they replied with the following:

      To obtain your 500 cocoa beans for referring a friend, your referral must put in your member number as they are registering an account with us on the app.

      Have changed to coupon code, removed all codes and notified all users.

  • Hi @neil,

    Can you please add Kyco to the referrals? The format for example is:

    • What are the benefits for the referrer/referee?

  • +1

    As per TWAM, can we please have the following added (25% off for referee and $7 store credit for referrer):

    Oculus - Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
    Oculus - Eleven Table Tennis
    Oculus - Golf+
    Oculus - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
    Oculus - Les Mills Bodycombat
    Oculus - The Final Overs
    Oculus - Walkabout Mini Golf

    The format is the same for all, namely:

    For example, for Eleven Table Tennis my link is:… and for Golf+…

  • May I please request adding Momentum Energy?

    Company: Momentum Energy
    Benefit: Refer a friend to Momentum and you’ll both get $50 (GST inc.) off your electricity bill after they’ve successfully signed up

    Code only (7 digit numerical), no URL provided.

    User enters referral code on sign up.


    • Re-enabled Momentum Energy. We turned it off in June as there was no one in the system.

      • Thanks neil!

  • Can I please request Nomador?

    Earn 1 free month when you refer friends!
    Share this referral link with your friends. They'll get 25% discount on their membership and you’ll get 1 free month for every friend that joins!

    Below is my unique link for the structure


  • The referral code for myself given by Gym and Fitness is…

    and isn't accepted by the existing:{referral code}

    Too long? Just not sure entering the up until the ? will be accepted by them.

  • -1

    Please allow posts to be edited that get unpublished so they can be corrected. Not typing it again.

    • Read the instruction on the top of the page (If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.)

  • Can I please get my post added here for Amex referral . It got unpublished yesterday

    • Which American Express card? You can find all the cards on the American Express store page under referrals.

        • That's already in the system. The offer in the system is which may be outdated is:

          Referee: 55,000 Qantas Points after $3,000 Spend + $450 Travel Credit each year
          Referrer: 40,000 points.

          What's the current offer?

          • @neil: It’s 75000 bonus points for $3000 spend + $450 Travel Credit
            Referrer: 40,000 points

  • Hi, I'm trying to enter my referral code for "Qantas Insurance - App Download" which I assume is for using the Qantas Wellbeing App. In the Friends tab of the app, if you go to "Refer a Friend", it tells you to just pass along a unique code that your friend will use when they sign up to the app for the first time. There's no URL like the current implementation.

    • That's been changed to Qantas Wellbeing App, changed to coupon code, system flushed and all users notified.

      Qantas Insurance

  • Requesting Picodi Australia -

    For each person that registers using your link and completes a purchase for at least $10, you will get $5.

    My link format:…

    • Added.

      • Not seeing it. Do I need to do something?

        • Fixed, should be there now.

  • Hi, can you please add Temu

    They are giving $1 credit per referral


    How to get the code:
    1- Navigate to the ios app
    2- Click on You icon at bottom
    3- Click on Earn credits and free gifts
    4- Click on either free gifts or Lucky flip
    5- Click invite friends and copy the link

    • $1 credit for just the referrer or does the referee get something?

      • The $1 credit is only for the referrer.

        • Temu added.

  • For consideration
    Zyron Tech
    Link format

    Refer your friends using the link and earn 5% commissions on purchases made by them

  • Merged from Valid Spriggy Referral Code Is Being Rejected with "Verification Error - Wrong Format"

    Hi, trying to input my Spriggy referral URL. The placeholder in the field at shows:{ReferralCode}

    My URL is:

    When I enter it, I get a tooltip error, "Verification error - wrong format"

    If I change my "w" to an "i", it passes the verification and is stored, but that's not the referral code Spriggy is supplying.

    • The verification rule has been updated. Please try entering your referral again.

  • Bose Australia{Referral Code}
    $20 discount purchase over $250
    Referrer gets a $50 off voucher
    "*Offer valid for new customers only. Minimum purchases $250+. Coupon code is valid for 30 days."

    • Have reactivated Bose referrals.

    • There seems to be some issue with Bose referrals so have switched off pending any new information.

  • +1

    Can we update the referral link format for WorldRemit.

    Referral link format appears to have changed from{ReferralCode} and is now{ReferralCode}

    (Note: I have tried the old format currently in the referral system by just replacing the {ReferralCode} to my referral code and it brought me to a page with an error message, so the old referral format appears to not work anymore)

    • We updated the system from{ReferralCode} to{ReferralCode} last week based on someone contacting us. All the old links didn't appear to work in our system.

      All the links I've tried in the referral system now currently work. Are you saying when you log in to Worldremit, that the referral link they are giving is{ReferralCode}?

      • I just tried it again and it’s working now! Not sure what happened. Please disregard this, all good now.

  • Got a link for 25 percent off figmin xr on the quest store.…

  • 25 percent of figmanxr on the quest store. :)…

  • Can these Oculus app referrals please be added?
    25% off for referee and $7 store credit for referrer.

    Red Matter 2:{USERNAME}/3682089508520212/
    Sam and Max: This Time It's Virtual:{USERNAME}/3044409625637497/
    Shadow Point:{USERNAME}/2088119334554800/
    The Exorcist: Legion VR:{USERNAME}/1947925211962268/
    The Last Clockwinder:{USERNAME}/4837365566303714/
    Virtual Virtual Reality:{USERNAME}/2111191602278229/
    Job Simulator:{USERNAME}/3235570703151406/
    Floor Plan 2:{USERNAME}/2401648309868679/

    • I’ll add on here since it’s relevant:

      Moss Book II{USERNAME}/4395292760584049/

      Ghost Giant{USERNAME}/2366136696841248/

      Puzzle Bobble VR{USERNAME}/3202625546470498/


    • Please also add:

      Oculus - Death Lap:{USERNAME}/1954488057986071/

      Oculus - ForeVR Bowl:{USERNAME}/3420508614708029/

      Oculus - Gun Club VR:{USERNAME}/2285803881494677/

      Oculus - Star Wars Pinball VR:{USERNAME}/3180994211970184/

      Oculus - Virtual Desktop:{USERNAME}/2017050365004772/


    • Thanks scotty. Not adding these to the current system is logical. Looking forward to a dedicated system if time permits.

  • Uber Car Share (formerly Car Next Door) referral is now $50

    Uber Carshare (Formerly Car Next Door) Deals, Coupons & Vouchers - OzBargain referral now $50. Click on the link to confirm.

  • Could you please add Flux app?
    Link is formatted as follows:

    Thanks :)

    • What are the benefits for referrers/referees?

  • Hi, globirdenergy is asking for referral contact details like referrals phone or email while signing up. Shall we update the system!

    • Hmm, it was originally a PM system (here) and then converted to links last year (here). OK, have switched back to PM with instructions. Globird

      • I've had a few people message me and I provided them the email before realising Ozbargain doesn't store the referal link. Any chance you're able to store it so it can be emailed when a user contacts us for our email/phone number without having to login to Globird to check?

        • There isn't really a function for that. Should be fairly easy to find if you look at your private messages.

  • +1

    Can these Oculus Quest referral links please be added:


    Ancient Dungeon{USERNAME}/5138511912885491/

    Blueplanet VR Explore{USERNAME}/3422717251188752/


    Cave Digger{USERNAME}/1551165681653074/



    Dead Effect 2{USERNAME}/3767727833315520/

    Death Horizon: Reloaded{USERNAME}/2115015981923610/

    Death Lap{USERNAME}/1954488057986071/

    Doctor Who The Edge of Time{USERNAME}/3044656825604617/

    Drop Dead: Dual Strike Edition{USERNAME}/1935017546592600/

    End Space{USERNAME}/2434361173248640/


    Flight 74{USERNAME}/4939588089476517/

    Fruit Ninja{USERNAME}/2215140511885250/


    Garden of the Sea{USERNAME}/3684804704932159/

    Ghost Giant{USERNAME}/2366136696841248/

    Gravity Sketch{USERNAME}/1587090851394426/

    Guided Meditation VR{USERNAME}/3385318684883998/

    Gun Club VR{USERNAME}/2285803881494677/

    Kingspray Graffiti{USERNAME}/2082941345119152/

    Knockout League{USERNAME}/2078236868960051/

    Medal of Honor Above and Beyond{USERNAME}/3647259232032222/

    Mini Motor Racing X{USERNAME}/2371757336252737/


    Omega Pilot{USERNAME}/5222048931152033/

    Puzzling Places{USERNAME}/3931148300302917/

    Red Matter 2{USERNAME}/3682089508520212/

    Resident Evil 4{USERNAME}/2637179839719680/

    Robo Recall: Unplugged{USERNAME}/1906871599408213/


    Shadow Point{USERNAME}/2088119334554800/

    Sniper Elite VR{USERNAME}/2544573735586536/

    Star Wars Pinball VR{USERNAME}/3180994211970184/

    The Wizards{USERNAME}/2459503397416283/



    Virtual Chess{USERNAME}/5105708302784271/

    Virtual Desktop{USERNAME}/2017050365004772/

    Waltz of the Wizard{USERNAME}/2280285932034855/

    Warplanes: Battles over Pacific{USERNAME}/3984056454948095/

    Zero Caliber: Reloaded{USERNAME}/3591949650852844/

  • Requesting (.eu/.asia for other regions)

    The Recruiting Station is a special in-game reward system. Recruiters invite their friends to the game, and in return, they receive unique containers and other rewards in the Armory, as well as Doubloon returns from purchases made by the players they recruit.

    Format:{username} (presumably .eu/.asia for other regions)

  • For Oculus, I do not think the current OzBargain referral model works. We don't want to create 200+ Oculus games entries which makes the referral page much harder to use nor it scalable when there are new games at Oculus. So for now:

    • We will not take any more request to add Oculus games to the referral system
    • We will build something especially for Oculus games referrals. That might take weeks, depending on our current schedules and the complexity.
    • Would a megathread in classifieds be a partial solution or wiki article?

      It still has the old problem of first mover advantage.

      • Our existing system is also a "partial solution" but simply not suitable for this particular problem. Classified / wiki would be going backwards again. Nope, we won't add any more Oculus referrals until a new solution is implemented.

        • +2

          That's fair enough, and one of the reasons I raised this in TWAM before posting. Given the link format is the same except for the username and game number, I'm hopeful it won't be too onerous. Either way, thanks for the update and willingness to create something better!

        • Something like would be good, but made for the ozbargain community.

          • @pixxelpusher: That's a useful resource. Here's a quick hack we have for Oculus referrals


            Basically to add your own, you need to put in your Oculus username there, and then click on the "tick" next to the products you to indicate that you have referral for that product. Click on "Random" to get referred by those who already have that product. To add new products, use this forum post to request help from moderators.

            Please test whether it works.

            • +1

              @scotty: That page is working well. I've tested and they all seem to be linking correctly.

              Only thing, you may want to add that info on how to use the page at the top somewhere.

              Also maybe something like "Keep hitting Random until you get a correct referral" as some people have added games they don't actually have referrals to so the Oculus referral page goes to a "Sorry, something went wrong" error message (and some people using it may not realize they can just hit Random again to get another one).

            • @scotty: Also can these 2 be added:

              Crisis Brigade 2 Reloaded

              Green Hell VR

            • @scotty: Thanks scotty.
              Can these please be added?

  • May I suggest you add Revel, for people using this electric vehicle car service in New York City?

    The referral codes are alphanumeric, e.g. NYCNYC2023

    • From what you're written it doesn't seem to be Australian. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

      Does it at least support Australian payments (ie Australian credit cards) or booking from Australia?

      Or will it expand to Australia in the near future?

    • What's the benefit for the referrer/referee?

  • Looks like tiger brokers format has changed.

    Just generated this link from their app

    Tiger Trade#Fund your account with 1¢and get USD50 in fractional shares

    • That's just the standard offer on their website. Referrals should be done via their website, not their app.

  • Requesting Beer Hug:

    Referral Link Format:{unique-user-id}

    Benefit: "Give your friends a $15 discount on all products. Get a $15 discount when they shop with your unique link."

    • Added.

  • Truefire (online guitar lessons)

    Referral URL format:

    Benefit: $30 voucher to referrer and referee

    Referral link is found by logging in and going to


  • Merged from Menulog Couriers or Drivers Referral Code Earn $50 after Your First 25 Deliveries

    I couldn't find a Menulog Couriers referral added as similar Doordash Dashers referral in Ozbargain.

    Referral code: H61GUB

    Posting it here as might help someone.

    If anyone wants to join as Menulog couriers or drivers use the referral code: H61GUB . Gives you a $50 if you complete your first 25 deliveries if you register with above code.

    Hey, Menulog is signing up couriers! Sign up with referral code H61GUB and you can earn an extra $50 after your first 25 deliveries. T&Cs apply.…

    • What does the referrer get?

      • Referrer get $100 @neil

        • OK, Menulog added.

  • Zwift is now doing referral benefits.

    URL:<unique code>
    Benefit: 30 days free zwift subscription to referrer and referee.

    Unique code/link is found at
    or in the ''REFER A FRIEND" option under the '… MORE' menu in the Zwift Companion app.

    • Zwift added.

  • Hi
    Panda remit has referral program. Both will receive 30AUD.… >>

    Kindly add this to into our system

    • Panda Remit re-added.

      • Hi Neil, URL format is incorrect. I texted you the referral link. Pls fix it .

        • Fixed.

          • @neil: @neil
            there is another format for android users:

  {referral code}

            Pls add this one as well

            • @R14: Updated.

  • Please add Smart Traveler.

    Looking for a way to earn rewards while sharing the love? Introduce Smart Traveller to your family and friends and receive exclusive rewards. The best part? There’s no limit to the number of friends you can refer, which means you can keep earning rewards over and over again.

    From now until 31 Dec 2023, share your unique referral code in your Smart Traveller app and invite your family and friends to join Smart Traveller. What’s in it for you?

    Reward details

    For the first 3 successful referrals, you will receive 200 Arrture Points*
    For each successful referral who performs their first Earn activity, you will receive an additional 100 Arrture Points*

    How this works:
    Open your Smart Traveller app and click on the icon in the upper right corner on the homepage.
    Click the ‘Invite Friends’ button and tap ‘Share Now’ to share your unique referral code to your friends via any WhatsApp, email or Social Media platforms.
    Remind your friends to register on Smart Traveller and to insert the ‘Referral Code’ that you provided, and to activate their membership account.
    You can track your Arrture Point rewards in the Smart Traveller app in 30 days for every successful referral and/or Earn activity*.

    Terms and Conditions
    The offer is valid from 19 Apr to 31 Dec 2023 (GMT +8).
    The offer is valid to any current Smart Traveller member (a “Referrer”), who provides their Referral Code to an individual (a “Referee”) to sign up to Smart Traveller using the Referral Code and completes a successful referral.
    The Referee must activate their membership during the promotion period in order to complete a successful referral.
    The Referrer will receive reward of: a) 200 Arrture Points when the first 3 successful referrals are completed, one-time only. b) An additional 100 Arrture Points for the first Earn activity performed by a successful Referral within the promotion period.
    The Arrture Points reward will be credited to the Referrer account within 30 days after completion of any successful referral / Earn activity.
    Smart Traveller reserves the right to revoke any Points issued or to disqualify any Member from participating in the Referral Programme if we suspect that such Member has registered a fake account or engaged in any fraudulent activities.
    The General Terms and Conditions of Smart Traveller Programme shall continue to apply.
    Smart Traveller shall reserve the sole and absolute right to terminate, cancel, postpone, modify or vary the terms and conditions of this offer without assigning any reasons and without any prior notice.…

  • Revolut Referral Promo:

    Referrer reward:
    Earn $100 for each successful referral

    Referee reward:

    Terms and conditions:

    Referee have to:
    *sign up using your link.
    *add money through debit or bank transfer
    *order a physical card but can add it to Apple Pay/Google Pay and use that for the next step
    *make 3 purchases of min. $10 each

    Offer valid from 20/04/2023 to 10/05/2023

    • Updated.

    • Based on looking at the codes it was found the shortest code was 8 and longest 12. I guess that's all dependent on how short your name is. Have now updated it to accept 6-12.

  • Hi,

    Could we please add a referral option for ( Brooks sportswear )

    Referrer/referees will get 500 meters (brooks account points) per referral.

    Format of referral is via web link or code input in signup form.

    For example:

    Referral link:

    Example User Code:


  • Hi I thought Milkrun went under?

    Also, I can’t find any referral code on my Oporto app, have they remove them or still going?

    • Hi I thought Milkrun went under?

      Milkrun disabled.

      Also, I can’t find any referral code on my Oporto app, have they remove them or still going?

      Can't see it in my flame rewards website despite there being several people in referral system. Switched off for now.

  • I think BoozeBud must have turned off their referral? Can't see it on website or app?

    Sorry, it seems we cannot find the page you are looking for.

    • Ok have disabled.

  • Can these Oculus Quest referral links please be added:

    End Space{USERNAME}/2434361173248640/

    The Climb 2{USERNAME}/2617233878395214/

    Pistol Whip{USERNAME}/2104963472963790/

    Virtual Desktop{USERNAME}/2017050365004772/

  • Hi Mod
    Etoro providing now direct referral link.
    Example my referral link format is<7digitcode>

    Benefits is only referer receiving $50 .

    • etoro has always had a direct referral link. The issue is they have been asking for the details of the referrer in some cases reported by some users.

  • Hi, in Moomoo post below. Can I share my referral link in comments?

    The referral link is below and valid till 31st May 2023…

    • Can I share my referral link in comments?

      From Deal Posting Guidelines:

      Referral links & codes are prohibited almost* everywhere on OzBargain; this includes all deal, forum and classified posts and comments.

      That link is already accepted for our system.

  • How about Beach Burrito

    The URL format for the referral link (i think? My link is

    Instructions to get the referral link
    Enter your email address on link
    Use the same email address when you make your first purchase

    Benefit for the referrers and referees.
    Once they sign up & make their first spend you’ll BOTH score a 1500 points as a bonus reward. This is the equivalent of $15

    • As there are no referrals in the system, the store has been disabled.

  • Hi mods,

    Tigerbrokers referral link format changed, could you please update like the below format

    Referrer and Referee get USD 50 worth of fractional shares
    Expiry: 31/07/2023

    • Is that link from the website or the app?

      • Hi Neil, that above link is from the APP.
        Website is shown this upon first click
        Showing this upon Second click

        Looks like 6 character Alphanumeric is dynamic.
        But i noticed old url also tracked the referral

        • Updated.

  • Hi @neil, could we please add Eubi’s Summer Club rewards program which includes referrals?

    Give a friend $15 off their first purchase and earn 1,500 points if they spend over $50

    Referral link format is: (which redirects to

    A minimum of 500 points can be redeemed for a $5 voucher code, so both referrer and referee effectively receive $15 off if the referee’s first purchase is over $50.

    Important: In my experience the shipping charge does not count (and also doesn’t earn spend based Eubi rewards points), so referees will need to add over $50 of product to their cart before the $15 off discount code will apply to their first order. Can be checked by expanding “Show order summary” in checkout before adding contact details and a payment method.

    • EUBI added.

      • Thanks

  • I think the Finder referral has been turned off as well, followed the instructions but can’t find anywhere to get referral code

    • I have disabled Finder yesterday.


  • Hi Mods,

    I would like to suggest referral add for Board Game Arena. Referrals help to earn gift points towards monthly premium membership months. Great place to play online and learn new games.

    Thank you!

    • I can see the referrer gets:

      A sponsored player finishes their 1st game: +5
      A sponsored player finishes their 5th game: +20

      Does the referee get anything?

  • Freeletics please.

    Format: :
    Instructions: In the mobile app, go to the Profile tab and click the Invite Friends section
    Benefits for referees: 30% discount on their subscriptions
    Benefits for referrers: "For every 3 friends who subscribe, you earn a 3-month subscription voucher"

  • +1

    Can you please add Accor Plus

    There's no referral code so anyone wanting to sign up will have to PM the referrer and provide details as per form below:…

    Both will receive 2,000 Reward points each

  • +1

    Please turn Lumo Energy back on, confirmed they offer referrals again.

    How does it work?

    Refer your family and friends and if they sign up to Lumo on a residential electricity and/or gas plan, you'll both be rewarded with a $50 eGift Card.* The more you refer, the more you can get rewarded - start referring now!


    T&Cs: * Available to residential customers in eligible areas of VIC and SA. Offer Period and Reward: A referred Customer who signs up to Lumo from 12.00am (AEST) on 19 September 2022 until the offer is withdrawn, will be eligible to receive one (1) $50 eGift Card once their residential electricity and/or gas account has been transferred to Lumo. Referring Customer Eligibility and Reward: A Referring Customer will be eligible to receive one (1) $50 eGift Card, once the Referred Customer’s electricity and/or gas account has been transferred to Lumo, provided the Referring Customer still has a residential electricity and/or gas account with Lumo and has paid any outstanding amounts on their Lumo account(s). Redemption of Rewards: A Reward Code will be issued to Eligible Customers to redeem their $50 eGift Card, which must be activated within 3 months of the Reward Code being issued or else access to the relevant reward will be forfeited. If Lumo does not have a valid email address for an Eligible Customer, Lumo will instead send one (1) $50 Lumo Energy EFTPOS Card via registered post. The Lumo Energy EFTPOS Card expires 12 months from the date of issue and any remaining balance will be forfeited. Other Terms: A returning customer must not have held an active electricity and/or gas account with Lumo Energy at any time during the 24 month period prior to being referred. Further exclusions apply. Conditions and exclusions apply to the use of the eGift Card. For full Terms and Use contact Edge Loyalty on [email protected] or 1300 737 968. For Lumo EFTPOS Card full Terms of Use visit or phone 1300 079 267. For full Lumo Energy Refer a Friend Promotion Terms and Conditions click here.

    • It's been updated.

  • Please add


    earn credits every time they book

    • As there haven't been any deals posted and the benefit seems to only be for the referrer, we won't be adding Skiplagged to the referral system at this time.

  • The Alpha H referral code is now{referral code}

    • Updated.

  • Sports Power Geelong closed down

    • Thanks, have disabled.

  • Earn rewards when you shop with the Her Black Book app

    Referrers/referees earn $5 Cashback

    Referral code: Dwayne L-AhiZi3

  • Referal Codes for Loop Earplugs.

    Referees get 15% off.

    Refferers get points to contribute towards discounts/free products.

    • Loop added.

  • I get a 404 when trying to access

    I could only access the code via the app. In case you want to add that as a note, as some of the other referral fields have.

    • I get a 404 when trying to access

      Removed that.

      I could only access the code via the app. In case you want to add that as a note, as some of the other referral fields have.

      Sure, have noted that.

  • Tiger Brokers also provides the referee with US $50 in shares…

    • That's their standard offer without a referral.

      • They show as separate offers in the rewards centre. Do they not stack?

      • I can confirm it's a separate offer according to an email I got. Please add it to the referral description.

        Share your referral code and reap the rewards:
        Get 30 days of brokerage-free trading for US and ASX stock (pass-through fees still apply) when the Invitee opens an account*.
        USD 50 worth of fractional shares for you when your Invitee completes their first qualifying transaction*
        The more friends you refer the more benefits you'll get!

        Enjoy up to 150 days of brokerage free US and ASX stocks trading*.

        To add to that, your friends will also enjoy our " Welcome Rewards"!^

        • Isn't the Welcome Rewards the "USD 50 worth of fractional shares"?

          • -1

            @neil: The referral system provides another US$50 in fractional shares to the referrer and referee. It stacks with the welcome offer.

            • @Techie4066: It doesn't appear to stack looking at the comments in the deals.

              • -2

                @neil: I literally gave you what Tiger Brokers sent me which clearly specifies that they stack. You can tell they're the separate bonus promotions by the different T&Cs at the bottom. The commenters are wrong.

                • @Techie4066: Staff have tested it out and can confirm it does not stack.

                  • -1

                    @neil: Tiger Brokers disagrees
                    In the T&Cs:

                    The referral promotion does not replace the Welcome Reward and Referral Rewards will be applied to client accounts in addition to any Welcome Rewards or promotions that are still active.

                    Make sure they've signed up using the referral code and completed their first trade. As for the welcome bonus, a ≥1c deposit is required and 10 trades >US$3 makes the shares you've chosen + sold withdrawable.

                    • @Techie4066: Unfortunately, what they write in T&Cs/what customer service says doesn't always match what they've set up technically (hard to follow-up without all of referrer's details as well). The referee is always the priority here which is why we don't always accept referral programs. The big picture is we would rather the community not lose on other promotions by going with this promotion.

                      For example, this week's $100 bonus or the current $50 offered by Shopback.

                      We'll continue to monitor the situation.

  • Has Humaniti been removed?

    • Yes, Humaniti sent this to their members.

      Our refer a friend promotion has been wildly successful and we are now completely full for the time being. We'd like to thank everyone who referred a friend to Humaniti in the last few months. We had an amazing response!

      **Please note that our refer a friend promotion has now ended. We will relaunch a new promotion in the coming months. **

      • Oh, pineapples!
        But thanks for answering my question. 👍

  • IG Group referral has been replaced with a new referral scheme. However, according to terms and conditions:

    3) You must have an existing business or personal relationship with the individual you would like to refer…


    14) …The sharing of referral links on public sites in order to obtain an unintended advantage is nor permitted and any such link may be blocked…

    • I think many of the referral systems have similar terms. We'll see if we get reports of any issues. I'm assuming the links are the same?

      • The format changes Neil, mine looks like this now:
        I can't find what's the reward for the referee though, only for referrer ($50 if referee open Shares Trading, $250 for CFD account after 5 qualifying transactions), so not that attractive for new customers.

        • The format changes Neil, mine looks like this now:

          Both the old format and this format both redirect to the same place. I'll just change to as the new format.

          I can't find what's the reward for the referee though, only for referrer ($50 if referee open Shares Trading, $250 for CFD account after 5 qualifying transactions), so not that attractive for new customers.

          Updated. Seems only a benefit for the referrer.

  • Nielsen Broadband Panel closed

    The deal Get $30 for Monitoring Your nbn Performance for Four Weeks @ Nielsen Panel - OzBargain was correctly expired however the referral scheme was not also closed down.

    Please close it down so as not to waste OzBargain community time.

    • Disabled.

  • Could be good to add WeWork

    Referral URL Format:
    Benefits: 1mo free for both the referer and referee
    Instructions: Current members need to login to the WeWork portal and get their unique url. Direct link to this page:

    • WeWork added.

    • Real friends don't refer others to WeWork. ;)

  • Waggly (dog box subscription thingo)

    URL Format:
    Instructions to get referral link: Search your email from Waggly with subject line "XXXXX, let us reward you"
    Benefit for referees: Free Waggly Box
    Benefit for referrers: Free Waggly Box

  • Hi there
    Just FYI
    I think they have have stopped with the Starlink referral programme.

    • Disabled. Thanks.

  • +1

    Liven has retired their referral program, per the removal from the app. I have confirmed this via live chat.

    • Disabled. Cheers.

  • FYI:

    Zenni Optical referral program has ended:

    Also.. I can't find referral link for youtube premium.
    (but this may be due to my 'turkish' account lol)

    • Cheers, disabled.

  • Could you please add LifeCykel

    from email:
    "Great to see you spreading the mushroom goodness.

    Hi Tomas,
    Your referral code has now been activated! You can find it below. Share it with to your friends to give them 10% off their order.

    Every time you refer a sale and your friends use your code, you'll get 10% in commission of your friends' sale!"


  • Hello, I'd like to request Kitsch ( be added.

    The referral format is Coupon Code
    Benefit for the referrers and referees currently is $10 off coupon for both
    The referral code can be found in the "Rewards" section of the users account.

    Thank you

    • Kitsch added.

      • Thank you :)

      • Ahh I'm so sorry, I got this wrong (I'm sorry, I'm new here). The format is URL (it used to be code). My URL is so I think the format is[UNIQUE REFERRAL ID}

        Their official wording is:

        Give $10 off coupon, Get $10 off coupon
        Reward both yourself & each friend when they place an order.

        Thank you, and sorry again!

        • No worries. Fixed.

  • I think MyMuscleChef has removed their referral program after their recent website redesign.… throws an error too

    • Disabled. Thanks.

  • Spintel has updated their referral program and each now gets a referral code to refer ‘
    Can you please update the current one to enable code sharing ?

    • Spintel updated to code and all referrers in system notified to add their codes. Also updated to reflect that the only benefit appears to be for the referrer ($5 for NBN, $1 for mobile).

  • Hi, can I request to have Oz Hair & Beauty's referral program added?

    The referral format is URL. It can be found in the "Refer A Friend" tab in the user's account page (
    Benefit and conditions are:

    Refer a friend and we’ll add a $10 credit to your Oz World account. Plus, your friend will receive $10 off when they spend over $50 on their first order.
    Terms & Conditions
    Oz World Credit applied to your account within 7 days of the referred customer placing their order. A referred customer must use their $10 voucher for the credit to be applied to your account. Please note, we cannot apply any credit to your account for any past transactions. As an Oz Ambassador, you may refer a friend, family member, colleague or foe.

  • The referral offer for ASOS is now 20% each (not 25%).

    • Thanks, updated.

  • Store request:
    Minisforum US store, free shipping to AU

    The URL format for the referral link:{code}

    Instructions to get the referral link:
    After sign in, click "Rewards" floating button on bottom right, link is available at the bottom of the dialog.

    Benefit for the referrers and referees:
    $2 off coupon for referrers and referees

    Referee: after open referral link, close the "Join in" dialog, another "Get your $2 off coupon" dialog will pop up.

  • Jim's Home Fresh Deliveries

    Have stopped selling online for more than 1 year

    • Thanks. Disabled.

  • ReAmped Energy

    Stopped accepting new customers since last year's energy wholesale price crisis

    • Thanks. Disabled.

  • Hullo, any chance of adding Unyoked ( to the referrals list?

    The URL format for the referral link:
    Instructions to get the referral link: Visit, enter your name and email address to get a unique referrer link
    Benefit for the referrers and referees: 15% off for the referrer and referee

  • Hi there,
    I would like to request Swoop Broadband ( to be added.

    1. Referral Code system. Code format: 650dc17700
    2. Goodies.

    - You and anyone you successfully refer will receive $15 credit per month for 6 months.
    - All plans are eligible for the credit.
    - There are no limits to how many you can refer and how much you can save.
    03. To claim, enters the referral code in the promo code section on the checkout when you sign up.
    04. To get your own personal code, login to the client portal, click on the "refer a friend" section and you will see your own unique code.

    Thank you very much.

  • Refer a Friend offer for Cashrewards needs updating. Current offer:
    Introduce your friend to Cashrewards. If they join before 11:59 pm AEST on 26 May 2023 and make a qualifying purchase of $20 or more within 14 days of signing up, you will get $25, plus your friend will get $25 into their Cashrewards account. Everybody wins!

    • Updated.

      • Needs reverting again

        • Updated.

  • Can SimsDirect ( please be added to the referral program.

    Referral link to provide to a referee:{username} - where {username} appears to be the name of the referrer.

    - Referee - they are provided with a coupon code which gives them a $5 discount for a SIM to purchase
    - Referrer - receives $5 cash

  • I don’t think there is any benefit for inviting friends to Beem It any more.

    Also with Bupa you the coupon code you now need to provide is actually your membership number, so I think it’s best if it was changed to PM only.

    • I don’t think there is any benefit for inviting friends to Beem It any more.

      Looks like Beem has been disabled in our system for a while.

      Also with Bupa you the coupon code you now need to provide is actually your membership number, so I think it’s best if it was changed to PM only.

      According to the comment of when we set it up, it is the membership number,

  • Just got an email from Dinnerly stating that until end of June, referee can receive a free meal kit box, 25% off second box, 20% off third, and 15% off fourth, and referrer will receive 5000 woolworths rewards points.
    Need either the referees email, or to create a sharable link to send to referee.

    • Is the sharable link different for each referee you want to send to?

      • Yup. Each is unique, so no generic link to post as far as I can tell.

    • Dinnerly has been added.

  • Please consider adding Koh (cleaning products) as they have a new referral program.

    Share your unique referral link with family and friends to grab a discount on your next order. They will receive AU$25 discount and you'll receive AU$25 discount when they shop.

    Sign up/create an account or sign in to get your unique referral link.

    Referral link format:[referral ID]

    • My link was so no r_

      • Ah good to know. Silly assumption by me!

        • Not silly at all mate!! :)

    • That's been reactivated. Koh


      • Added to system in 8/2019 ($10 for referrer & referee) #
      • Switched off due to not working in 1/2021
      • Reactivated & changed link structure.
  • Please add Eskimo. Format is where xyz is the referal code. 500mb goes to the user of the code.

    • Eskimo has been added.

  • Spaceship have temporarily suspended new customer sign ups and seem to have removed the referral codes for now. Hopefully will just be temporary…

    • Spaceship deactivated.

  • This is my first time suggesting a new merchant referral - for VPN service provider AirVPN

    The URL format for the referral link:
    Instructions to get the referral link:
    • User registers for a new AirVPN account from the AirVPN website (or via a referral URL)
    • User logs into their AirVPN account and navigates to the Client Area > Referrals webpage
    • Look for the rectangular area positioned below 'Share format: Plain link' - this should display the referral URL

    Referral FAQ states:

    When a customer follows a referral link, a one-month validity 'referred_by' cookie is created in the customer's browser.

    • If it already exists and already points to the same referral, it gets renewed for one month.
    • If it already exists but does not point to the same referral, the original referral still remains.
    • During an account creation, a customer having the 'referred_by' cookie is linked to the referral.
    Benefit for the referrers and referees:
    • You can gain 20% from every purchase made by each user who discovers and registers an AirVPN account by following a link that you provide
    • Higher commissions are available when mid-term aims are reached. Contact us if you are interested in a mid-term commitment.
    • AirVPN added.

  • Can we please add Pet Chemist

    $10 each for $50+ spend

    The referee will only receive their coupon once the friend's order has been shipped

  • Hi,

    Can you please add RecycleSmart? Not sure how to get the format from the below, this is exactly how it was provided to me when I went to share mine below, in the app my code was 85c6fd (you can remove this if you like)

    Have you tried RecycleSmart?

    They collect hard-to-recycle items from your doorstep! Signup and get $5 off from your first Pickup$5%20off%20your%20first%20Pickup

    • So the referee gets $5 off? What does the referrer get?

      • Both parties get $5 credit each that expires 3 months after issue.

  • Can San Churro ( please be added to the referral program.

    The referral enables the referee to join San Churro's el SOCIAL loyalty program.

    Referral link to provide to a referee:{referral_code}#/register

    - Referee - if they spend $5 in-store, they receive a free Churros for One
    - Referrer - receives a free Churros for One

    Further details can be found in the el SOCIAL Terms & Conditions - Section 8, found here:

  • Add request for "Admiral markets" 15 USD each referrer and referee after sign up, kyc , after 20 trades or 30 day option hold. micro trading, so this can be around 50c total cost for each user. Completing myself and will check withdrawal times etc.



    referral link:…

    User should sign up and complete kyc to open "investment.mt5" account. Referral link can then be obtained.

  • San Churro

    The URL format for the referral link:…

    Instructions to get the referral link: App>More> Refer a friend.

    Benefit for the referrers and referees:
    Referees, receive a free Churros For One after joining San Churro's loyalty program, becoming a verified el SOCIAL member and spending $5.
    Referrers, receive a free Churros For One after referree completes the above.

    Offer valid 14 days from referred member verification only.
    Not valid for delivery orders.
    Not valid with any other offer or discount and cannot be redeemed for cash.

  • Request to add AUS based "Future Golf".

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Click on "Refer a Friend" on the right hand panel

    Benefit for referees:
    15% discount on any membership

    Benefit for referrers:
    You get 10% of their fee paid as cash rebate

  • I think a merchant recently may have successfully harvested referral codes - in light of that, whether successful or just an attempt, would something like CAPTCHA prior to issuing a referral code be useful in preventing a repeat for others who may try it in the future? (Acknowledging the merchant's referral system has been switched to messaging members only so shouldn't have further issues from this mob.) Presumably they had access to a range of IP addresses so not easy to detect that way.

  • HelloFresh referral format seems to have changed to…

    • Hello? I know you are busy but saw lots of replies to other newer posts. Just checking you didn’t forget about this one

    • That link is for a "free box" which was $50 off and now seems to be $60.

      $60 off 1st Box ("Free Box")
      Referee gets a free box ($60 off 1st box). Referrer gets $50 credit.
      which is inspiration-delivered…

      $66-70 off 1st Box
      $66-70 off First Box, $20 off 2nd & $10/$20 3rd Box + $9.99 Delivery for Referees, $25 Credit for Referrer.
      which is raf_lp11

      Pretty convoluted system.

      • Hi neil do you use HelloFresh? That format seems to be the only referral link available when I go to this page -

        Whether I click on "send free box" or "send more invites" below that, both of them have the same referral code.

        • Hi neil do you use HelloFresh?

          I have a dormant account so possible I'm seeing different things.

          When I click free box I get inspiration-delivered. When opened up in a new browser it shows "free box" with details $60 off 1st, $20 off 2nd, $20 off 3rd.

          When I click send more invites, it is also inspiration-delivered and has the same details as above.

          When I go into OzBargain's referral system, I can see a bunch of links with raf_lp11 (entered this month). When trying them out I can see $68 off 1st, $20 off 2nd, $20 off 3rd. Instead of free box, it says Get Up to $158 Off!. So some of these users are getting slightly better offers.

          • @neil: I have always used the inspiration-delivered link before it expired today, and it worked previously. Are you able to allow both formats at least?

            • @itsfree: As per my comment above, there are 2 referral stores for HelloFresh:

              One with raf_lp11 and one with inspiration-delivered. They offer the referee different offers with raf-lp11 currently being the slightly better deal.

  • Another suggestion for a new merchant referral - AwardWallet (a service that can help you track any type of loyalty account and manage your travel plans)

    The URL format for the referral link:
    Instructions to get the referral link:
    • User registers for a new AwardWallet account from the AwardWallet website using a FREE Upgrade coupon (see below) or via a referral invite URL (or straightforward registration without a coupon or invite URL involved)
    • User logs into their AwardWallet account and navigates to the Invite to AwardWallet widget in the left navigation bar on the User's Accounts page
    • Look for the rectangular area positioned below 'Invite using a direct link' - this should display the referral invite URL

    FREE Upgrade Coupon

    Under the same Invite to AwardWallet widget, the User can share/hand out a Free upgrade coupon code (format: free-xxxxxxxxxx) for first-time registrants:

    • This Free upgrade coupon code can be redeemed/used up to a maximum of 10 times (i.e. 10 unique individuals can register for their first time on AwardWallet using this coupon code)
    • Each upgrade coupon redemption entitles the first-time registered user a 6 months free AwardWallet Plus membership, instead of the AwardWallet Free account
    • NOTE: The Free upgrade coupon code is DIFFERENT from the RefCode found in the User's Invite referral URL

    Benefit for the referrers and referees:

    Referral FAQ states:

    If you invite users and they join AwardWallet you get free 6-month upgrades for every 5 people who join, however, there is more to it. If any of the people you invite pay us for AwardWallet Plus, you will get bonus points in proportion to their contribution. If the people you invited don't pay us for upgrades you don't get any points. When you reach certain thresholds, we will convert those points into miles of your choice and deposit those miles or points into your loyalty account. For more details please review this tip:

  • I'd like to nominate Lenovo Australia as a merchant referral. Their loyalty program offers a bonus of 2000 points each for referring friends.

    The URL format for the referral link:

    • xxxxxxxxxx is a unique alphanumeric string

    Instructions to get the referral link:

    • Register for an account at the Lenovo Australia web site.
    • Log in and go to My Account, then click on the Loyalty Program button to register for the program.
    • The button changes to My Rewards after registering, click on it to go to the Rewards page.
    • Expand the Earn Points section (takes some time to load), then click the link for Invite Friends to generate the URL and code.

    Benefit for the referrers and referees:

    The My Lenovo Rewards FAQ page is here.

    Under the Earn Points section of the Rewards page it states:

    Refer your friends to join the loyalty program. You both will earn AUD 20 in reward if your friend makes a purchase of AUD 200 or more. 10 Accepted invites per calendar year.

    • Their referral system still appears to be broken as per last year's comment. Clicking the arrows do nothing.

      See screenshot. How did you get it to work?

      • Just patience, I guess. It did take a ridiculous amount of time for the arrow to expand in most of those sections, and I tested in two different browsers on Mac OS (Vivaldi & Safari). However, trying it now on my iOS phone and it’s not working so must still be problematic. I’ll test again later on Windows.

      • Yep, worked in Windows as well (Vivaldi & Edge). Again, it took a weirdly long time for the data to populate. Doesn't seem to work on phones, though, so up to you whether it's worth adding this to the referrals or not since it's not working 100% reliably.

  • Can Bulk Nutrients be added to the referral program.

    5% off for those who use a referral link to sign up. 1% in store credit for the referrer.

    (xxxxxxxx is the unique code)

    • +1

      I get ‘You are not authorised to view this page’ when trying to log in with my BN creds. Anyone else?

      • When you go into your account do you have the "Referral Program" button next to "Account Settings"?

        • Nope seems I only have 'your favourites' 'order history' 'saved addresses' 'account settings' and log out. Have sent them an email to see if they can help because live chat asked me to explain what referral program means :P

          • +1

            @JHoliday: I've grabbed a couple screenshots of what I see and the T&C page here:

            Not sure why I've got it but just noticed it the other day. They might be still rolling it out, as it does say 'new' on the button.

      • Same for me!

  • Benefit: $10 For You, $10 For Your Referral

    Refer a friend to Blossom and you’ll both get $10 when each of you fund your account.
    You can refer up to 20 friends.
    Claim your $10
    Then, we’ll ask both you and your referral what you’d each like to do with your $10

    Sign up to receive referral link

    Format (it is flagging) ""
    x is hexadecimal

  • Can we please add
    $10 for each referer and referred

  • Bluetti

    The URL format for the referral link
    My link as an example

    Instructions to get the referral link
    Make an account and click refer a friend at the bottom of the website -
    Click refer now and share provided link

    Benefit for the referrers and referees.
    By joining our referral program, you can earn the same amount of BLUETTI Bucks* for every AU dollar your friend spends. Your friends will receive a 5% discount.

    *BLUETTI Bucks is BLUETTI's virtual currency and is used on its official website to redeem Coupons, and BLUETTI Lifestyle Products (Mini fridges, etc. ).

    • Bluetti added (on 8/6).

  • could we add Oakley Australia


    "Oakley® gave me a special offer to share with my friends. I’m treating you to an exclusive $10 off your first order. I’ll also get a reward, so it’s a win-win!"

    Both get $10 Off

    • Oakley has been added.

  • Hi guys
    What are we doing with oculus quest referrals for new games?

    battle talent has a referral option

  • Hi, I attempted to add my binance (standard) referral code but it says incorrect format. I think binance have changed their format recently, what do I need to do to help correct this?

    • What's the link you are trying to put in?

  • Request to add 'Ubigi'.
    How to join the Ubigi referral program?

    URL Format:
    No URL. You are given a 8 character code you should input in the coupon code box on checkout.

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Make an account and click on 'Refer' in the top menu.

    Benefit for referees:
    20% discount on first order

    Benefit for referrers:
    50% discount on next order

    • Ubigi added.

  • My previous comment was unpublished in error. As per this comment:
    I agree that the code should instead be updated to the full http address for Energy Locals rather than just the code.

    • The issue is addressed in the comments here. The URL doesn't insert the referrer's account number. You'll have to manually enter it in when signing up.

      Also from the OP:

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.

  • Can we please add Australian Unity:…

    If you’ve got Australian Unity health insurance, you can get rewarded for telling your friends and family about us.

    With “Member Get Member” you’ll receive a $100 gift card* every time a friend you refer joins Australian Unity and takes out Hospital, Combined Hospital and Extras, or Overseas Visitors Cover. Just make sure that they give us your details when they sign up.

    And there's no limit to the number of friends you can refer and the number of gift cards you can receive:

    One membership = one $100 gift card
    Five memberships = $500 in gift cards

  • Kegland's new website has a referral + reward system, from

    5% OFF Let's Go
    Give your friends a welcome discount off their first order you'll both receive 5% (in points) for each successful referral. Cheers from KegLand. Time to tell a friend or two.
    I love KegLand! Shop through my link to get a reward

    E.g. My link is as above,

    The link from the website takes the form<unique_code>?<parameter_for_sharing_medium>

    Redirects to<unique_code>&utm_medium…

    Could it please be added? 😊

  • Please update Vinomofo as links no longer work. Instead the referrer needs the referree's email address, which is then used to email a code. Sample email:

    Your good friend <referrer> just invited you to join the bestwine site on the planet, Vinomofo! Plus, they scored you a cool $25 credit as a bonus when you sign up. This is the coupon code you can use at checkout:


    <referrer> will also get $25 credit when you join, so it’s a win-win for everyone!

    • OK, changed to PM.

      • Hi @neil, instructions still look like they need updating. It says "Please enter full referral link.". Should be telling referee to send email address to referrer. Thanks.

        • Updated.

  • Hello, can we please add Mask?
    The deal:
    Give your friends a reward and claim your own when they make a purchase.
    They get: $15 off coupon
    You get: Free shipping coupon

    Link structure from my link is:…

  • Adore beauty is now $20 off min $99 spend for both referee and referrer

    • Thanks. Updated.

  • Hi,

    Can we please update HelloFresh. The old pattern still works, but i had to reenter my code and when I got it from HelloFresh it was in the new format below:…


    FYI - old format which I tested manually seems to still work:…

      • Cheers! Sorry missed that.

        FYI - For me both my links above seem to give the same deal. $115 off the first box, then $20, $20, $15.

        • OK, I've gone through a bunch of links with both formats and they both have the range of $115-$125 off the 1st box max. Needed to change the default person/meal selection to see it. Have shut off the 2nd system. The 1st system now accepts both.

  • The Whisky List - Whisky Lover Rewards:


    Members have a unique link that can be shared

    Referrers get $20 in points, referee get half price membership $50, normally $100, and $40 credit

      • Awesome. Thank you

      • Half price membership has been turn off. So it's $100 memeber ship with $40 credit for the referee

        • Updated.

  • Keen to have The Whisky List’s “Whisky Lovers Rewards Program” added to the referral system.

    The rewards program is a club they offer for a yearly fee which gives members free delivery on all purchases, access to ballots for rare whiskies, access to cask-sharing and special members-only sales, among other things. The club is not always open to new members, but it currently is and should be open more and more going forward based on what I’ve heard.

    The person referring gets dollars in their “whisky wallet” or potentially free whisky depending on the month and how many referrals. The person being referred gets either a discounted membership fee, or extra bonus dollars in their “whisky wallet”.

    The website is The Whisky List:

    And referral links follow the following format:<your unique identifier>

    Please let me know if you need more info

    • @neil added it

  • Referral code format for swyftx not being accepted, please could you modify to allow…

    • Updated.

  • Can we please get MyQV added?
    “QV Skincare's loyalty program offers $5 cash back into your nominated bank account every time you collect 10 stamps.

    To download and sign up for the My QV app, simply click my referral link below, and we'll both earn 4 BONUS stamps once your first purchase receipt has been approved.”

    Referral format is link:

    • That's already in the system. QV

      • Yes, I'm sorry, I tried to delete the comment after I realised. I was looking for "My QV" (the name of the app). Very sorry!

  • Origin Energy (not spike) no longer has referral offer.

    • Disabled.

  • Hi,

    Madura Tea - Brew Club

    The URL format for the referral link:

    Instructions to get the referral link: Login Create account on Access Brew Club membership page.
    Benefit for the referrers and referees: Referrer gets 500 Brew Club Points ($5) per referral, Referee gets $5 discount.

  • Hello.
    Nectr doesn't have a link field but they have referral links that looks like this:{code}

    also my airwallex link looks like:{code} (with '/hk/' in it, different from the accepted format).
    and the airwallex promo is for $100 not $200 now.

    Thank you.

    • Nectr doesn't have a link field but they have referral links that looks like this:{code}

      See here. PM only.

      also my airwallex link looks like:{code} (with '/hk/' in it, different from the accepted format).
      and the airwallex promo is for $100 not $200 now.


  • Hello, hoping to please get Lyka pet food subscription service added to referrals.

    Sign up is via which can be obtained via the Refer A Friend section in account settings.

    Referee gets 20% off their first two deliveries plus free treats.

    It doesn’t say what referrers get in return, I’m guessing it’s credits towards their next delivery.

    Thank you 🙏🏻

    • Lyka added.

  • Hello, can tempdrop please be added?

    Signup is via which is emailed to the customer.

    Referee gets 10% off.

    Referrers get $10 cash through paypal.

    Thanks :)

  • Request to add My Muscle Chef

    "Share your unique code with a friend for $20 off their first order over $99, and earn yourself $20 in credit."
    Format is coupon code. It can be found in the Refer A Friend section of

    Thank you :)

    • I switched it back on. It appears it may have stopped working in May according to this comment.

  • Please add Muscle Diets

    Friend's registration on the site is mandatory to get a reward towards purchase.

    Every friend gets $20 off on their first purchase.

    For every friend's first purchase, you get $10 off.…

  • Please add iWallpaper (macOS):

    Download link:

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Click on "Refer three friends remove watermark" located bottom right-hand corner of app main screen. You will see your personal referral code. This can then be shared via private DM.

    Benefit for referees:
    Removal of watermark

    Benefit for referrers:
    Only need 2 more referral codes (instead of 3) to remove watermark after you've inputed another person's referral code.

      • Thank you Neil

      • Are you able to update the name to just "iWallpaper" as that's what it's called in the app store? Thanks

        • Sure, updated.

  • Referral link format for Riff Raff & Co has changed. Is now

    • Updated and notified all users in system.

  • Energy Locals
    Energy Locals does provide a referral URL that works as intended.
    The format currently on OzB forces the user to manually fill the referrer field, while the format below prefills it while providing the quote.

    The format is


    • The current Energy Locals referral uses a 7-digit coupon code. Are you saying that replacing XXXXXXX in the URL with the current 7-digit code would still work?

      • Yes. Replacing the XXXXXXX in the URL with the "coupon" would work and prefill during the account creation (just after inserting the address for the quote and picking the plan).

        More context:…

        There was a referral system with link previously, but that didn't work.
        Energy Locals now seems to provide a proper working URL format (re-tested it this morning and it worked).

        To be clear, the "coupon" is the account number for each user/referrer. It should be possible to keep those and just append that number at the end of the URL.

        • Just following up. The system was updated on 10/7.

  • Hello, globird now has referral links, can we add the new format instead of PM checkbox?

    The code format is like this…

    • See here

  • Tried signing up to Super-Rewards using a fellow Ozbargain referral link but its showing 404.

    After using somebody else's link to sign up, I noticed the URL which Ozbargain is asking for is incorrect.

    Below is my refferal link directly from Super-Rewards,

    Ozbargain refferal section is requiring a _ between referralCode

    Mind fixing so I can add my code and allow other OzBargainers to use each other's links

    Edit: forgot to remove my actual code in URL

    • Removed the _ requirement.

  • Please add Bitrefill

    Be cool. Both get $5 in Bitcoin after spending $50 each.

  • Could you add Virgin Active?

    Invite your bestie for a free workout using one of the share methods below, if they join within your first 30 days of membership, you will get 2 WEEKS FREE!. (Reward not applied to Essential memberships).

    Example URL:

    • Added.

  • Hi. Please add these Oculus/Meta Quest games:

    Crazy Kung Fu

    Black Hole Pool


    • Added. Oculus

  • Hi Team

    Please update the format for Navexa

    New referral format

    Old referral format

    • Updated and notified all users in system.

  • Merged from Tidal Referral System Broken just goes to

    The body of your forum topic is too short. You need at least 10 words.

    • Disabled.

  • Hi, can someone please advise where to actually find our referral links to enter into Nielsen HomeScan ( I’m a member and can’t find any info, section or link for referring people. And I can’t find the comment on this thread from whoever asked them to be added.

    • Either click on the randomly generated referral system
      (Currently 4 different referral links in it)

      If they don’t work for you, just find a post about Nielsen HomeScan and dm the op of those posts or any users that seem like they might be customers already.

      • No I’m already a member, I want to add my link into the randomly generated system - but there is no link in the HomeScan system. I’m asking Mod or whoever left the original request to advise where to find the link.
        I don’t know how long ago it was added into OzBargain but I can find no mention of the referral program within my HomeScan app

  • Swagbucks referral add please!

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Log into your swagbucks account and got to Refer & Earn

    Benefit for referees:

    Benefit for referrers:
    Earn 10% SB for all referrals for life
    plus bonus 300SB when the referee reaches 300 points

    • Swagbucks added.

      • thank you

  • Join me on Bamboo and start investing a little every day. Enter code 89OJC0 when you sign up and we'll each get a bonus $10!

    Bamboo needs to change from URL to just entering a code, cheers

    • Updated and notified all users in system.

  • Paperform

    Benefit: 10% off for life of the plan

    Find your referral link here:

    Referral link looks like:

    • Benefit: 10% off for life of the plan

      For the referrer or referee or both?

  • Sniip

    Instructions "Click on the menu bar in the top left of the app, tap 'Rewards' and you will find your 4 or 5 character referral code." are no longer true (at least on Android).

    Now you scroll to the bottom of the main page and, under the Offers heading, click the "Refer a friend and earn $10" link.

    • Updated.

  • Could you please add to the available referrals? Details are:

    URL Format:
    Instructions to get referral link: Login and Go to and copy the unique link by click on "Refer a Friend"
    Benefit for referees: Will get 10% off for first order
    Benefit for referrers: You receive 100 points.

    • Burgertory added.

    • Disabled as the links don't appear to be working anymore.

  • Etsy has 40 free listings for both new seller and referrer if we are able to add them? thanks

    • What do the links look like?

      • Its a url link with a unique code at the end

        • Going to need some more detail.

          • @neil: Looks like this and when a new user opens a new shop they get 40 free listings (usually fee is 30 cents per listing) listing last for 4 months. Good for those wanting to sell crafts without having to build an online store from scratch.

  • +1

    Solar Edge…

    Referrer earns $250. Referee saves $150 when installing new Solar Edge inverter.

  • Superloop's referral system has recently been changed.
    There's a new URL and everyone will need to enter their new referral code.
    Forum won't let me post the new link here…..

    • See the instructions:

      If you can't find your referral code, use the code listed in the referral URL ?referral_code=XXXXXX. e.g. XXXXXX

  • Pretty sure THR1VE referral is no more.

    They have moved to a new website, new URL and the existing referral link seems broken. Can probably be switched off for now.

    Chat is useless. I asked where I can find my referral link and they said it will come from the referee. I told them I am the referee, where do I find my link? And they told me to check my email/junk filter. They are just guessing and totally clueless.

    • Referrals disabled.

  • Would you please update the Amaysim referral box text – not every plan qualifies for referral:

    Your friend must sign up to either an UNLIMITED mobile plan or AS YOU GO, and begin using their amaysim service…

    • Updated

  • Can’t enter my worldremit code, says invalid format

    • The link you provided is Error 404 and is malformed, it doesn't look like what other people are entering into our database

      Please go to Refer a Friend page. and see if you can obtain a link that looks like this

      ^ This will be what the system will accept.

      • I double checked it and that is definitely my link format. I’m a new user to worldremit so maybe they changed the format recently

        Hi! I send money online with WorldRemit – if you join and send 100 AUD we’ll each get a 70 AUD voucher. Sign up here

        I can send a screenshot too if you like?

        • I've had multiple mods click your url but it leads to a 404 Page not found, not to a signup link.

          You might want to contact worldremit and find out what out why your account produces an invalid referral link.

          • @scrimshaw: Thanks I did try click my link and also received 404 error, very weird. Tried to find a way to contact them but seems like phone call is the only option.

            Just saw your post below, thanks for entering the link.

        • Downloaded the app and clicked share and this came up

          Hi, I send money internationally with WorldRemit. It's quick, easy and has amazing rates! You can use my referral code 'REFERA286WJBRKERH' and send 100 AUD to earn 15 AUD*.

          Sign up at

          • @JHoliday: edit: I have just entered the working referral link for you in the system, so there is no need to do anything else now.

  • Hi, can we update Webull's referral link format?


    • I just checked my own and the format is still{refcode}

      This was obtained by going to Menu -> Promotion Center (Heading) and Referral Rewards

      Which section of the app are you obtaining that ko-yield URL from?

      • ah i think it may have changed due to me sending the link to myself on facebook.
        All good then, thanks for the quick reply!

  • ShopBack is now $30 for referrer not $35.

    • Updated.

  • Please add Di Pacci Coffee:

    Info via pop-up on front page of site ('Reward points' red pop-up on bottom left of page)

    Example referral code:

    Benefits: When you refer a friend and they make a purchase, you receive $5, and they receive $5.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you

  • Please add DrinkMate

    Referral Program via "Rewards" pop-up lower right corner of page

    Share this URL to give your friends the reward 5 AUD off coupon,
    Referral code:…

    Benefit: Redeem 100 points = AU$1 - Order discount

    Thank You

  • Please add DrinkMate

    Referral Program via "Rewards" pop-up lower right corner of page
    Referral code can be copied from Rewards Pop-up - (Cannot seem to paste example here in request)

    Share this URL to give your friends the reward 5 AUD off coupon

    Benefit: Redeem 100 points = AU$1 - Order discount

    Thank You

  • Please add Speechify app:…

    Referring 5 users to premium will give you lifetime premium.

    Example referral code:

  • Can we add please? $10 for referee and referee once referee finishes account verification and makes first trade

  • Revolut should be updated. Currently the referrer gets $50

    • Updated to $50-$110 as they appear to be running a campaign for some users. See T&Cs

      • Thanks!

  • SigmaOS

    macOS browser/environment
    Referral link is on the gift icon on the bottom left of the tab view
    Referrer and Referee both get $5 credit

  • Please add
    URL Format
    Code format XXX-XXXXXXX
    Code sent via email when a user orders
    Gives 10% discount to the Referee and $5 to the Referrer

  • Distrokid needs updating. The referer receives $10, not the previous $5 as currently stated.

    • Updated

  • can u pls add spaceship
    e.g. my referral link-feel free to use it ;-)
    Hey. Start investing with Spaceship Voyager today! Get $10 in your account when you enter this code S8PJWO86RI within 14 days of signing up and invest at least $5 in your chosen portfolio within 90 days of signing up. T&Cs apply. Spaceship Voyager issued by Spaceship Capital Ltd AFSL 501605. General advice only. Consider the PDS on our website before making a decision to invest with Spaceship Voyager.

  • +5

    Can ING be added (back)? I just got the following email:

    Canstar has awarded ING Bank of the Year 2023 for the fourth year in a row.

    So what better way to celebrate than by giving you a $100 bonus for every friend you refer to ING that completes the below steps.

    If you have family or friends who are in the market for a transaction or savings account, simply share your promo code ***. Then it's over to them to complete the required steps by 31 October 2023. When all eligibility requirements are met, both you and your friend will receive a $100 bonus… pretty sweet huh!

    Your friends and family must be eligible* to open the accounts and make their own enquiries to be satisfied that the product is right for them.

  • Dr Dough referral add please!

    URL Format:

    Give your friends $15 off their first order of $65+ and get $15 (300 Dough Dollars) for each successful referral.

    Instructions to get the referral link:
    Log into your Dr Dough account and copy the link or share the link ( your own unique code)

    Every referral = 300 dough dollars = $15.00 spending money
    5-6 referrals and you can order a large box of doughnuts

  • Can you please add Mac Cosmetics?

    Refer your friends to M·A·C Cosmetics. For every friend you refer who signs up and makes a purchase of $50+ online, you'll get $10 off your own $50+ online purchase.

    After entering your email in the referral box, you will receive a referral link unique to you.
    After sharing this link and your friend clicks to sign up, they will be able to use their unique coupon code to receive $10 off their first purchase on Your unique coupon code will be sent to you via email within 24 hours of you friend signing up. This will give you $10 off your next purchase.

  • For Oculus Quest games can these be added

    Beat Saber

    I Expect You To Die Vol. 3

    Little Cities

    In Death Unchained


    Refer a friend and you'll both receive a $25 Mastercard gift card when they make a qualifying transfer (or a few) totaling $1000 or more.

    Referral link example:

    To get the link, navigate to this page… and follow the instructions - clock button "Start referring", provide your email address and click button "Get link"

    • Xe added.

  • Can you please add No Pong? link

    Give your friends a A$5 coupon on their first order and you'll get 500 points when they make a purchase from your link.

    100 points = $1. Maximum cart discount is 75%.

    • No Pong added.

      • Can it be changed to a clickabl url instead of a coupon code? Applying the end of the url as a coupon code in cart doesn't seem to work.

        • What's the link look like?

          • @neil:

  • Perifit referral URL is now https

    • Updated.

  • Please add

    Next Pair

    Referral benefits:

    Give your friends a reward and claim your own when they make a purchase.

    They get
    50% off coupon

    You get
    188 New User Registration (initial points)

    Link format:

  • Suggestion: Bizcover. Looks like it might stack with the Qantas Business Rewards points also.

    Referral link format:…

    Benefits: $25 unspecified gift card each for referrer and referee.

    Pasted T&Cs:

    Terms & Conditions
    Once you (the referrer) and your friend (the referee) have both met the referral conditions below, you will both receive a $25 gift card voucher.
    To be eligible to participate in the Refer a Friend Program, you must have previously purchased an insurance policy from BizCover.
    Your friend must hold their policy for 1 (one) month. If they cancel before this time neither you nor your friend will be eligible for a gift card.
    Your friend must be a new customer of BizCover, and who has not previously purchased insurance through us.
    Your friend must provide your refer a friend code or your name when signing-up.
    You are eligible to refer as many friends as you wish and will receive a $25 voucher for each friend who transacts with Bizcover.
    BizCover reserves the right to amend or discontinue this promotion at any time and without any prior notice.

    • BizCover added.

      • Thanks!

  • Hi, could the MooGoo referral link be updated? Both parties get a $6 coupon. Thanks!
    Link format:

    • Updated, expired all referral entries and notified all users.

  • Mods, can we please add
    With our new referral program, you can earn a free month of PRO just for inviting a friend to sign up with your link. There is no limit to how many free months you can earn; a credit of $9.99 USD will be automatically applied to your account every time someone signs up with your link.

    link format:

    • As there is no benefit to the referee and there have been no deals posted, we won't be adding this to the system at this time.

  • Hi! can we get H&M referrals added to their store page?

    Format: URL (lord knows which the identifying section is in this mess but mine is…)
    Instructions: Navigate to My Account > Invite A Friend (

    Every time a new friend signs up via your invite, you’ll get 50 membership points when they complete their first purchase (the point amount may vary depending on your country).
    Remember that you can only invite friends in the same country as you.

    Thank you

    • H&M Re-enabled. It appears the referrals were shut down in 2021.

  • Hi can you please add LALAL.AI referrals?

    Format URL example:…
    Instructions When logged in, hover your mouse over the time remaining in right corner to display menu and referral code.

    Every time someone signs up for LALAL.AI using your referral link, you will get 5 minutes added to your account. Each invited user receives 10 extra minutes upon registration.

    Further information / terms:

  • American Express Centurion Personal Charge Card

    Format URL Example: N/A
    Instructions: When responding to an invitation or requesting for one while holding an American Express Platinum Charge Card - you must verbally tell the persons referral code which is different from other Amex cards Eg: AUCTRxxxxxxxx
    Benefits The new card holder will get 200,000 MR points and the referrer will get 150,000 MR points credited in 48 hours from final approval

  • Blackship account

    Format URL Example:
    Instructions: Referee signs up with referral link then they forward their first package with Blackship within 180 days of opening their account.
    Benefits: Referee gets A$6.96 off. Refferer gets 300 points.

  • SimsDirect changed to with https

    • Updated.

  • +1

    Can a merchant and referral be added:

    Dental 99

    Individual referral codes are sent via email
    $9 for referee and $9 for referrer

    See example:…

  • Superloop NBN seems to have changed their referral link format.

    the link to find it is now

    new format is

    new URL is…

    • As per the instruction:

      If you can't find your referral code, use the code listed in the referral URL ?referral_code=XXXXXX. e.g. XXXXXX

  • Hello! Can we please add a program to the Ultra Violette page

    Format is URL: Mine is so I think it would be
    Instructions: Located at

    Give your friends $10 off their first order over $50 and get a $10 bonus reward for every successful referral!


    You can get $15 in the crypto of your choice for referrals that meet the $100 trading requirement in the first 30 days.

    • Updated.

  • Can we please add NordPass?
    We have NordVPN but not Nordpass.
    Referrer and Referee get 1month free Premium (capped at 3 months)

    Invite is through a code: XXXXXX

    Get NordPass Premium

  • Would it be possible to add Red Bull Mobile?

    The link is always upon which a user’s unique code can be entered by the referred person.

    Code is 16 characters (numbers and digits, small and large letters)

    • What's the benefit for the referrer and/or referee?

      • Referrer gets 1GB after referred made combined purchases of over 10 Euro

  • Can we add please.

    Both referee and referral will get $10 off on min. $30 Spend.

    Link format:
    When clicking on link they will get a code to use at check out: FRIEND-3X76T95

    To generate referral link go to and enter your email. This will give you the referral link. To generate the code copy the link into a different browser.

    • Tirtyl added.


    Format URL Example: N/A
    Instructions: Grab your unique code on the profile page of your account. If you haven’t registered yet, be sure to do that first. Tell your friends and family to enter your unique code at checkout for a discount on their first purchase.
    Benefits: Your friends and family will receive $15 off their first purchase, you'll receive the equivalent of their discount back to you as AmazingCo points.

  • Orbitkey referrals don't seem to work anymore.

    • Orbitkey is now disabled.

  • PetCulture website is closed permanently. Can delete the referrals for it

    • Disabled.

  • Can Virtuo be added? They are a car hire disruptor in the UK.

    You can only refer after successfully hiring a car once.

    • Benefits are?

      • Discounts off car hire but I have just discovered that the referral program is restricted to renters who live in the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. So I withdraw my request.

        • 👍

  • Please add Viator

    Where xxx is my first and last name.

    15 off your first experience for referee, then refer gets 20% off their next booking

    • Viator added.

  • Format for Honey has changed to
    So no more http or www etc.

    • As that is not a valid URL (in a technical sense), I've added instructions:

      Please ensure link starts with https://www.

      putting joinhoney adds the https://www when you enter it into any modern browser so all the current links work.

      • Ahh got you. Ye when you copy the link they provide it doesn’t give any of that so the Referrals system on here won’t allow it. The disclaimer to add that part should help. Thank you

  • DoorDash

    You might want to update the referral details on :

    Referee gets $10 off first 2 orders over $20. Referrer gets $20 credit once referee places an order over $20.

    Check the web page heading before joining. Some referrals give the old offer of 30% off 3 orders (up to $15).

    I think DoorDash has several different referral offers. Just recently, my own offer was $5 in credits (don't quote me on this, I can't remember exactly), but it seemingly improved after I placed an order. Now it is:

    Get $45 in credits when someone signs up using your referral link and places their first order over $20. Your friend also gets $45 off ($15 off each of their first 3 orders).

    When I clicked on your random referral link a few times, I got 3 different offers:

    • Get A$5 off each of your first 1 DoorDash orders over A$15 when you sign-up on this page.
    • Get A$10 off each of your first 2 DoorDash orders over A$20 when you sign-up on this page.
    • Get A$15 off each of your first 3 DoorDash orders over A$20 when you sign-up on this page.

    It's not clear how the referrer benefits in each case, although the 3rd offer looks the same as mine.

    • Have changed to:

      Referee gets $5-15 off first 1 or 2 orders over $15/$20. Referrer gets $5-$45 credit once referee places an order over $20.

      Check the web page heading before joining as there are multiple sign up offers.

  • Noticed deals for the new Quest 3 don't automatically pop the 'Oculus' referral links that are still valid for these purchases.

    As deals are now showing up for the 'Meta' Quest 3 using a new domain, could the Oculus referral system appear for these products also?
    Current meta sale page:

    Not sure how the linking system works, but occasionally Amazon deals for these headsets show up too which are still eligible for the referral discount

    • I've set the Oculus hardware referrals to show on this deal. Were there other deals? I only see 1 deal for the Quest 3.

      • Apps and Games referrals are relevant to Quest 3 but hardware may not be at launch.

        Referral fine print says "purchase Meta Quest 2 headset"…

        Quest Pro isnt eligible for referrals and its been out for almost a year.

        • Have updated to:

          $47 in Oculus Store Credit for referrer and referee. (Doesn't apply to Quest 3 or Pro)

  • Can these be added to the Oculus store referrals page please, thank you.

    A Fisherman’s Tale

    ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos

    DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate

    Iron Guard

    The Tale of Onogoro

    Trover Saves The Universe

    Until You Fall

    Vacation Simulator

    Warplanes: WW1 Fighters


    • Added.

  • Peloton’s referral methods have changed from a previous code to a url.

    New referrals links look like this.…

    • If you click your link it says:

      Use BmacAus’s code RU5P59 at checkout to get $300 off* when ordering a Peloton Bike, Bike+, or Tread.

      Does the referral section on Peloton's site not show the code at all?

      • Duh. I’m dumb. They don’t show me that code, just the URL. I didn’t think to click through. Thank you.

        • Is it the same on the app? If both the app and website are giving a link, then we'll change it. Sometimes these things are inconsistent between platforms.

          • @neil: I’ve only seen it from website. It used to be a code and then became a url. I didn’t think to actually visit the link to see the code. Thanks for your help.

    • What's the benefit for the referrer?

      • Referrer gets 30K points.

        • OK, have added.

  • TopCashback on the Chemist Warehouse page needs updating. Currently only shows the new customer offer, the existing customer offer is 5%

  • Can these Meta Quest referral links please be added:

    CarX Rally VR{USERNAME}/8896111623796813/

    BRINK Traveler{USERNAME}/3635172946605196/

    • Added.

  • 1st Energy is an electricity company with pretty good rates if you sign up via Econnex to get cashback you get a worse rate than you could get otherwise so I would have liked a referral but couldn't find one. the way they do a discount on your bill means they are the cheapest in my area by a mile but they don't show up high on the Vic Energy Compare website at all.

    As soon as you sign up the successful signup page has your referral code.

    Refer a friend and get a $50 account credit

    By sharing your referral code with family and friends, both of you will receive a $50 account credit on your next bill when they successfully transfer to 1st Energy. Your unique code is QRF0070289


    terms and conditions

  • Cellar One have updated their Cellar Rewards program and their referral system (moving to "Cellar Dollars" store credits instead of "points").

    Benefits are similar:
    Referee receives access to store and $100 off a welcome pack.
    Referrer receives $20 Cellar Dollars (store credit) after referrer makes their first purchase.

    For referrals during October, the referrer receives $40 Cellar Dollars instead of $20.

    The referral link format has changed to…

    • Updated.

  • Aussie broadband has a referral URL format but the OB system doesn't seem to be using it. It is

    • The system is private message only.

      Unfortunately we have to disable the Aussie Broadband referral system as Aussie Broadband has requested to remove it, being in violation to fair play policy of their refer a friend program.

      and eventually moved to PM only.

      See comment

    • Benefits are?

  • TopCashback offer needs to be updated. It's

    Refer a friend and earn $30 free cashback, Plus a $10 Sign Up Bonus for your friend

    • That's already what's in the system.

      $10 Bonus Cashback for Referred Member, after they earn $10 of cashback (Until 29/7). Referrer receives $30 after referee earns $10 of cashback.

      • The current one in the system comes across as …. referred members only received $10 bonus prior to 29/7, now they receive nothing. Maybe rewording so all the programs have a similar format would make it less confusing? or removing the part about 29 July, as we are now in October?

        i.e. Shopback's says "$30 for referrer, $10 for referee after referee qualifies" …..and then has the full qualifying conditions listed as well.

        Cashrewards says "$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days."

        Perhaps TopCashback would be clearer if "$30 for referrer, $10 for referee after referee qualifies" is also used?

        "$10 Bonus Cashback for Referred Member, Referrer receives $30 after referee earns $10 of cashback.

  • Can we please add The Memo?

    REFERRAL PROGRAM: Give $20. Get $20.
    Customers are invited to join The Memo’s Referral Program upon completing a purchase. Upon joining the Referral Program you (the referrer) are supplied with your own unique referral link which can be shared with friends and family (the referred friends) to introduce them to The Memo.

    How the Referral Program works:

    The referred friend is offered a voucher code for $20 off their first purchase over $100 at
    The referrer will receive a voucher code for $20 off their next purchase over $100 when their friend places their first order at and we have confirmed it as a legitimate purchase that meets the program’s qualification requirements.

    • The Memo added.

      • Hi Neil,
        I can see an option has been placed for a code.
        It’s actually a referral link.
        It begins with:[enter unique name]

        Can this be updated?

        • Updated.

  • The WorldRemit referral URL format has changed:

    • Updated.

    • Having a look at your link and it doesn't seem to work. Are you sure there isn't a / in there somewhere?

  • Who Gives A Crap minimum spend has been changed to $58 (was $48).

    • Updated.

  • Can you add the referral for Hawkers beer in Melbourne?…

    • Benefits are?

  • Would you kindly add GoCardless:

    Get $200.00 when you refer a new merchant that signs-up to GoCardless and processes $1000.00 of direct debits and/or instant bank pay transactions using GoCardless and the new merchant will also receive $200.00 (the “Prize”).…

    And PingMe:

    Both your friend and yourself will get 0.2 Coins once the new account has set their phone number
    Referral code: FQHYLML

    (Coins are the tokens used to acquire disposable phone numbers in the app)

    • GoCardless & PingMe added.

      • Thanks, Neil. I noticed the GodCardless page has been added, but the referral box is missing.

        • Fixed.

  • Hello,

    Can Dinnerly referral be updated?
    Just to clarify that Referree must provide their First name and Email Adress for Referer to refer them.

    Thank you,

    EDIT - Have realized that this is only necessary when subscription is deactivated. With activated subscription of Referer, you can send a link.

  • Would you kindly add a referral box to RobotMyLife?

    Referrers get $20 off their first purchase; referrees get $50 store credit. Format: REFMHKKHBVGHR

    • Added. I think you got that the wrong way round. Friend gets $20 off 1st purchase, you get $50 store credit. Correct?

      • Yes, my bad!

  • Add Dresden vision. It needs to be a DM as the referrer needs to invite the referee.

    • Added.

  • +1

    Does anyone know the legalities of a referral code being supplied but there being no published terms and conditions (or restrictions) for it? Or where to find this info?

  • +1

    The Meta Quest app has changed the domain name to

    Can we have the referral page updated from 'Oculus' to 'Meta Quest' (as people won't be searching oculus when being new products, i.e the Quest 3). This will make it easier for new users searching the referral system to find meta quest.

    It's a decent referral bonus ($47) so let's make the most of all the new people buying the Quest 3.

    The referral links are now in this format:

    • Need to make sure this is only for the headset link as referrals are still working for games.

      Also the information line on here says (Doesn't apply to Quest 3 or Pro). This is now incorrect and referrals can be used with Quest 3 and I assume Quest Pro. The wording on Meta now says "Invite a friend with a link to buy any new Quest device".

    • It's now in the Meta store.

  • - myprotein have changed their referral offer

    They will receive 35% off their order when they spend $70 or more*

    You will receive $20 credit for each referral. Be sure to look out for boosted referral activity

    • Updated

  • Amateur Golf Challenge referral please!

    URL Format:…
    My example referral code is here >…

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Within the mobile application, navigate to the invite tab which will provide you with a link.

    Benefit for referees:
    None - however currently new members upon a successful deposit will receive free Bridgestone golf balls (number of free golf balls depends on deposit)

    Benefit for referrers:
    $20 will be added to your account for every friend that joins and plays

    • As there have been no deals posted for the store and there is currently no benefit for the referee, we won't be adding this to the system at this time.

  • Can this Meta Quest referral link for Hubris please be added:{USERNAME}/5722114367801351/

    • Added.

  • For ( the referral system has changed. It now generates a code instead of a link.
    Old format is invalid.

    When I click "share a code" button it generates this shareable text:

    Get a $25 gift card for sending $1000 or more with the Xe app!

    Use my promo code XEREF-VD0R0WEO when making your first transfer. Download the Xe app

    The same code appears above the button in the app.


    • EDIT: I can see none of the links work in the system. Switched over to codes.

      • Thank you, @neil
        By some reason even though I am subscribed for notifications on replies to my comments, I didn't receive any notification.

  • +1

    It looks like Tesla has two different referral links. One for test driving and one for purchase.

    • Referral links with a format or .com/referral go to a page which shows links for both purchasing cars, solar panels, and test drives but is in the US region.

      If you change to AU region it shows $750 off Model Y or test drive which is the same as the .com/en_AU/referral/ links.

      Not sure why people are getting different referral link formats. Is there another format?

  • ESR Gear now has a referral program:
    URL format:
    signup form offers short URL, mine is
    Full URL then becomes

    1 referral 25% coupon
    2 referrals $10 coupon
    5 referrals free product.

  • +1

    Update Oculus referral link please as it's now[name.surname]… or maybe list a new Meta referral.

  • can we get coupert please? Refer & Earn $10
    Get $10 for every PC or iPhone user you refer.They will get $10 as well*.

    • From Refer a Friend:

      The "Refer a friend" activity has been offline on 2022-12-21 which means you can still invite friend to use Coupert but cannot get referral rewards. If you have invited a friend before 2022-12-21, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and provide us with the email address of the person you referred. We'll check it as soon as possible.

      Seems like it isn't active anymore?

      • hmm intersesting, it still seams to be active on my side well they still seam to be tracking info for it at least just going by the update dates on the page. ( copy and pasted here: Referrals Summary
        Bonus Earned This Period:
        01/08/2023 - 31/10/2023
        InvitedIcon Alter
        RegisteredIcon Alter
        PendingIcon Alter
        Qualified ReferralsIcon Alter
        Data may be delayed for up to 24 hours.)

        maybe they only just restarted it again, i know they just started up a coupert plus service so i dont think they are shutting down or anything. might be something to look into anyway

  • Evernote has killed their referral program:

    Note: After a thorough review, we made the decision to end our friend referral program in May 2021. You may still redeem any unexpired points that have been earned through this program.…

    • Thanks. Evernote disabled

  • Merged from [Solved] Oculus Store Referral Format Has Changed

    I got the notification that my Oculus store referral code has expired, and went to change it. Previously the URL was from however now it's, which OzB's referral system won't accept due to "wrong format". The only difference between the two links is replacing "oculus" with "meta" ie<unique_referral_code>

    Is this something than can be fixed?


    • Referral system now accepts as the domain.

      • Thanks mate, I'm still getting a format error

        • Meta/Oculus referral link includes a trailing slash "/".

          We have relaxed our filter to make the trailing slash optional.

  • Current AliExpress referral offer is "Give your friends up to AUD$7.00 in coupons, get a AU$4.00 coupon"

    • Updated.

  • Can Hello Neighbour
    be added to meta / oculus games

    Also can the app/game link be added to
    It was previously on

    The quest app is still giving out URLs for game referrals at the moment, even though headsets have changed


    • Added. Will work out Meta vs. Oculus domains in the future.

  • +1

    CovaU has changed their referral program.

    It used to require the account holder to submit the details of the person being referred - First Name, Surname, email and mobile.

    It worked, but OzBargainers didn't like being asked (especially if they didn't read the instructions first) for these details when the request a referral and get back a PM asking for those details!

    Referrer gets $50 EFTPOS card. Referee gets $50 credit. Private Message with First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number.

    The new system generates a link that you can give out, so the OzBargain system can be changed to accept the OzBargain member's account number, so it can randomly assign a referral link.

    That said, I've got a few successful referrals, and few more where CovaU haven't yet paid me or paid me at all, so the risk is that I won't know if it's been clicked, and won't be able to chase up CovaU, whereas with the current system, at least I know and can chase up CovaU

    The referral link is where NNNNNNN is the account number.

    I'm putting this in as a comment rather than a request, as I'd be interested in moderators and other's thoughts.

    I think automated is probably better - and a better experience for the requesting user (as they get the link back right away, rather than having to wait for a PM response), but it is likely to give less back to the OzBargainer who provides their account number, so is more likely to just funnel leads to CovaU.

    That said, if someone comes to OzBargain looking for a referral, they're probably going to sign up anyway.

    • Changed to URL, removed all entries & notified all users.

  • Naked Wines is giving a format error when I try enter my code

    • Are you sure its http and not https?

  • Please add Just eSIM


    Friend should type code in their app, then make a purchase. Both will then get a $3 bonus to their accounts



    Instructions: Navigate to

    Benefit for referees: Disappointingly, I don't believe there is any benefit to those using the referral code:…

    Benefit for referrers: You receive a free audiobook credit (for perpetual use of the audiobook vs. subscription) when the referee starts their membership.

    • As there hasn't been any deals posted for Libro and no benefit for the referee, we won't be adding this store at this time.

      • Seems fair; it's a bit crap of their referral program to offer nothing for the referee.

  • +2

    Some companies ask the referral sender for the referral receivers email address. In that case the OB system uses a DM to prompt to referral code sender. Maybe the DM could include a pre-filled form for the requester including their email and name? The name and email would then be sent to the discount code sender.

    • +1

      This would be handy

    • Added.

  • Kent Street Cellars ({ReferralCode}

    $10 off coupon for referrer and $10 off coupon for referee if referee makes a purchase.

    Open the rewards widget in the bottom left of the store and copy the referral link provided.

    Format -

    Benefit for referees and referrers - both receive $35 off coupon

    • Added.

  • Meta / Oculus Store

    I'm trying to add Ultrawings 2 to the list of apps. Unable to paste the referral link as it is getting unpublished. But the link ends with the following…


    • Unable to paste the referral link as it is getting unpublished.

      As per the OP

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.

      Meta / Oculus Store

      I'm trying to add Ultrawings 2 to the list of apps.


  • There is an issue with Rydo code. (Added by Moderator, confirming this here ) The system says code is already used by someone.


    • Yep, just confirmed I have the same code showing on my app but the share button actually produces a different code. I'm just going to switch it off for the time being until the issue is resolved on their end.

  • One Month is an upskilling platform, focused around software development, marketing and startups.*********a (the email handle that I submitted when signing up)
    Benefit: Give your friends 30% off. When your friends buy from your invite link, you get 30% of friend’s purchase amount!
    Get Referral Link: (advertised to users of the One Month platform)

    • One Month added.

      • I think the regex validation is wrong. The initial url format is, which redirects to, which redirects to - none of these fit the required pattern (which looks like a different referral system entirely, instead of referralcandy).

        • Fixed.

  • MadPaws please.


    Instructions - from:…

    Ever been down the dog park and told someone you're a pet sitter or dog walker?? And they've asked for your details!?

    Not only can you share your profile with them but you can also offer them $30 Mad Paws Credit! All our Sitters and Dog Walkers are able to offer all new Owners $30 Mad Paws credit when they sign up for the first time using your personalised code.

    You can find your link via your Sitter Dashboard - Mad Paws Credit (see screenshot below)

    This link provides $30 credit to any new users who sign up. You can either send them the link directly or fill in their email address and we can send them a link for you. You may also want to share your profile directly with them so they can book you with their new credit! Your public profile can be found on your Profile page - About.

    • That's already in our system. MadPaws

      I've updated from:

      Referrer and referrer gets $25 credit, after their first paid booking of at least $25.


      Referee gets $30 credit.

    • Added.

  • Jamie Kay NZ seems to have a new referral format. The previous one looks like:{ReferralCode}

    However when requesting a new code it looks more like this and throws an error when attempting to update:{ReferralCode}

    • Updated.

  • Hi Mod, Please activate the anzplus referral program. its back with limited period.

    • That's been added.

  • Hi mod, please add:
    The Garden Superstore (

    Referrer and referrer get $6 credit.


  • Hey guys, for Felix Mobile maybe you could clarify in the description that the credit is applied after the SIM is activated (ie. no discount for a new user's first month)? Just spoke to their chat to confirm this. Also, perhaps the referral codes could do with a clear-out, whole bunch of dead codes in there.

    • Have updated message to:

      1 Month Free or $35 Credit for referrer and referee after SIM activation.

      and reduced code expiry from 365 days to 180 days which should hopefully cull most of the dead codes by tomorrow.

  • Bitrefill referral link format has changed slightly (although the old link still appears to work for now) - New link is

    • Updated.

  • Hey guys,

    Could you please add store: We Might Be Tiny

    Referral Link Example:…

    • The benefits are?

      • $15 coupon off (min $80 spend) pops up when you click the referral

  • Posted assassin creed quest 2 referral. Please add

    • As per the OP

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.


      assassin creed quest 2


  • Please add The Pass

    You can now refer a friend to The Pass and score 500 points each!*

    Send a mate your referral code before they make their first order in The Pass, and they'll receive 500 points.

    Once they spend more than their credit, you'll get 500 points too!*
    Your referral code:

  • Two new referral links for Meta Oculus Store

    Ancient Dungeon VR…

    • Added Ancient Dungeon VR. Did you say there was 2?

  • My referral link for Klook Travel is a different format. (where the last section is a string of upper & lower case letters).

    The app also gives me a Referral code (not the same as the letters in the referral link).

    • Updated.

  • Can we add


    Refer a friend and get 1,000 miles each

    1000 Miles for every referral that earns 2000 confirmed Max Miles within 6 months of sign up.

    You must also earn 2000 confirmed Max Miles in your lifetime to earn referral bonuses.

    • heymax added.

  • My moomoo referral expired but I can't enter it in OzB referral system. Says "Error: Verification error - wrong format". Can someone please have a look? Thanks.

    Fyi my referral code is in the format of

    • Updated.

  • Please add Romeless

    Say goodbye to roaming charges. Go Roamless when you travel. Single global eSIM; no plans; no expirations. Just easy, seamless connectivity.

    1. Use my code: H49QB
    2. Add funds to your wallet

    You get $3.00 bonus; I get $3.00 bonus. Good deal :)

  • How do I actually input my own referral codes for the meta referral apps? It only has a tick box and random and when I go to my profile referrals the games aren't listed there

    • You need to add your Oculus username to Meta/Oculus Referral for Apps & Games

      • thanks I did that but theres only tick boxes and RANDOM boxes.

        No where to put in my refferal id.

        • Unless I just tick the ones I own?

          • @AussieMark: Yes, tick the ones you own.

            Clicking the random is for referees who want to purchase the game.

            We'll see if we can make that a bit clearer.

  • PurePlant Protein

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Go to and click on Login (or Sign-up if not a member)
    Once logged in go to the Dashboard -
    Copy the Default Affiliate Link

    To get a 10% off coupon, copy the Affiliate coupon below. Note: you can also edit the coupon before sharing it.

    Benefit for referees:
    Using an Affiliate Coupon code gives the referee 10% off their entire order. (Must message the referrer for their code)

    Benefit for referrers:
    1 Free bag of Pure Protein Powder for each person that buys via the default affiliate link.
    Commission for each purchase using the affiliate coupon code.

  • 'Aura Buy Invest Donate' please;

    The URL format for the referral link; - where xxxxxxxxxxxx is a numeric code, e.g.

    Benefit for the referrers and referees: $5 for referee and $5 for referrer, after referee makes first purchase (includes Shell Coles Express fuel purchases).

    Instructions to get the referral link; Log in to your Aura app and tap 'Invite Friends' on the dashboard to share your unique Aura QR code or Invite link with friends and family.

  • Buyee

    URL Format

    Where xxxxxxxxxxxxx is 13 characters and in hexadecimal

    Instructions to get referral link
    Clicking the URL will take you to the top page of the Buyee site. You will receive the coupon upon completion of member registration.

    You share the referral URL with your friend, and when your friend completes a new registration from the shared URL, they will receive a discount coupon.
    Then, when your newly registered friend completes their first purchase, you will receive a discount coupon.

    • The referred person's order amount must be 5,000 yen or more.
    • The purchase will be deemed to be complete when the referred friend's order arrives at Buyee's warehouse.
    • If you are identified to be a new registrant with multiple Buyee accounts, we will cancel your eligibility for the campaign.
  • Can we please have a referral system/ thread for:
    [Android, iOS] Free €10 eSim Credit + €2 Free Credit (Ref. Code) (150 Countries) + €0.50 Charge for New Accounts @ Yesim

    • Referral code gives an extra Free €2 Credit.

    • Referee gets €2 Credit? What does the referrer get?

      • I am not sure, because I used someone else referral and I gave my referral to someone else.
        It might be, a one way referral system.
        I don't think it matters now, as the deal it's expired.
        But in the future, if there is a promo code. It might be best just to do a giveaway thread for promo codes.

        • If there is NO benefit to the referrer and referee codes can be reused then may as well just put 1 code in the deal post for everyone to use.

    • Added.

  • Referral offer is now $30 for referrer, $10 for referee at ShopBack

    • Updated

  • Hi - Westpac needs to be added in the referral program.

    They have provided 6 digit code. details are in…

    • Westpac added.

      • HI Neil, There was some comments in the post that its only for first 5 referrer and referee to receive $50 bonus. It may be better to make more personal message option to avoid referee losing the bonus offer.

        • That's been changed to PM.

  • Hi Mods,

    Master Remit needs referral system. They will provide link like{referralCode}
    Or Users can enter referral code in the given box at sign up by selecting friends from drop down box.

  • Could the following be added to Oculus App Referrals:

    Arizona Sunshine 2<username>/5245041552210…

    • Added.

  • HI guys can we please add

    The URL format for the referral link eg
    Benefit for the referrers and referees : They get and you get a $10 Off Coupon
    Instructions to get the referral link :

  • Trying to get a link to Lego bricktales on meta but can’t seem to get it to work.

    • Trying to get a link to Lego bricktales on meta but can’t seem to get it to work.

      As per the OP:

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.

      LEGO Bricktales added.

  • Hopefully the unpublished comments can still be seen by the mods, I was trying to add After The Fall into the oculus referrals page. Thank you.

    • Hopefully the unpublished comments can still be seen by the mods

      As per the OP:

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.


      I was trying to add After The Fall into the oculus referrals page. Thank you

      After The Fall added.

  • couldnt find it listed, but even though its a survey site, gives a $25 credit for each referral, which is easy enough to withdraw? so people will get at least $25?

    they give quite a few surveys out, so supports the side hustle?


    • As per previous comments:

      We've discussed it and I think it's probably OK to accept any site that has a referral system as long as it meets our criteria of adding into the system.

      Surveyz benefits referrers and referees. So OK to have in the system.
      Octopus Group only benefits the referrer so won't be adding it.

  • Meta Game Referrals

    Referrers: ($7 store credit) Enter your Meta username below. Click the checkbox for any games that you own.
    Referees: (25% off). Click on the Random button for the game you wish to purchase.

    Could you please add the following games as they are not on the OZB Meta Game Referrals list:


    All-In-One Sports VR:…

    Home Design 3D VR:…

    Thank you

    • Added.

    • Added.


    Asgards Wrath 2 for Meta / Oculus game page.


    • Added.

  • Travala referral program discontinued in November. Couldn't find my referral code so I asked their chat -

    • Deactivated.

    • That's what's in the system currently.

  • Not sure if GoCatch is still operating?

    The can't login to their website using my credentials, password reset link doesn't work, content on the website is like 4 years old, link to Apple Store app seems to be broken, can't find them on Apple Store either.

    • Not sure either. There still seem to be people actively putting codes in there as of 2 weeks ago.

  • Otter AI please


    Instructions to get referral link: Log in, click hamburger menu, click profile dropdown, select "Refer and earn"

    Benefit for referees: Referred friends who have signed up using a valid referral link will also receive the reward in the form of one month access to Otter Pro Lite service with 300 minutes per month limit

    Benefit for referrers: For every friend who joins Otter, we’ll give you 1-month Pro Lite

  • Can you please add the following game to the Oculus Referrals (

    Espire 2: Stealth Operatives<Username>/3529713943716…


    • Added.

    • Added.

  • Hi mods, there's an entry for 750 bonus miles for a referral with Singapore Airlines, with no instructions, which piqued my interest. Looking into it, I think referring to it as Singapore Airlines may be a bit of a misnomer… either it should be Singapore Airlines Kris+ or at least, Singapore Airlines Krisflyer?

    This is the related deal:

    If we're looking for precedence, it'd be not unlike how Qantas Insurance (app) is the name of the entry for that referral scheme, rather than just Qantas? Just food for thought.

    • Updated.

      • Amazing, thanks!

  • Hi, can we please get Caremax added as a store and with their referral offer?

    URL format:
    Instructions to get the referral link: Login to your account, go to "My Reward Points", then click the "Share & Save" tab.
    Benefit for the referrers and referees: Once your friend signs up, he or she will receive 200 reward points, can be redeemed immediately for $10 off their first purchase (min order value $50). When your friend makes a purchase, you can earn 10% of equivalent purchasing amount by referrals. The reward credit will be deposited in your account as soon as the deal is closed.

  • Tried posting a couple Meta Quest games to be added to the referral list but they were just removed? Are these no longer allowed?

    • As per the instruction on the forum post

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.

      • Thanks. I was just recommending Real VR Fishing and Masterpiece X to be added to the referral list.

        • Added.

  • +1

    Please add Starlink referral.


    Acquired from dashboard when signed into your account at

    Referrer and Referree both recieve 1 month of service free.

    • Does Starlink have the same issues with the referrals as before? See here. Currently it's set to PM but disabled.

      I guess the question is if that link is just a link you can send to all friends or if it is a unique link per user referred?

      • Email that I received from Starlink says "SHARE YOUR REFERRAL LINK
        Copy and share your referral link directly with others or share on social media. "

        Dashboard has the option to either send directly via email, directly via SMS or a shareable link

        Opening my referral link in a different browser takes me to the normal starlink website but with "You are using a referral code" in a banner at the top.

        So as far as I can tell it no longer suffers the same issue as before.

        • OK, Starlink re-enabled with URL and users in system notified.

  • Making a purchase on redbubble and went to use a referral from
    but all seem to give this message, may need a refresh.

    YOUR OFFER EXPIRED. But unlike that moldy burrito in the back of your fridge, it’s not too late for this offer. Just ask your friend to share the code with you again.

    • None of the referrals seem to work with the newest one about 3 months old. Have removed all the referrals and notified users, set expiry to 90 days.

  • Can we add referral codes for

    Codes are formatted as:[CODE]

    When referrer purchases a plan of $60 or more:
    Referrer gets: $50
    Referee gets: $50

    • Mosh added.

  • For aussie broadband

    there is a static numeric refer code that every member has. its not a link, but a number entered during signup. Can this number be added instead of requesting via PM every time someone needs a code?

    • The system is private message only.

      Unfortunately we have to disable the Aussie Broadband referral system as Aussie Broadband has requested to remove it, being in violation to fair play policy of their refer a friend program.

      and eventually moved to PM only.

      See comment


    I don't think Medibank offers this refer a friend any more? The link on OzB goes to a Medibank page without any details on it.

    • Disabled.

  • Meta Game Referrals

    Referrers: ($7 store credit) Enter your Meta username below. Click the checkbox for any games that you own.
    Referees: (25% off). Click on the Random button for the game you wish to purchase.

    Could you please add Mondly: Practice Languages in VR:

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Justice:


    Happy New Year

    • Added.

  • I don’t know the referral code format (I’m yet to transfer to the company) but Arcline Energy is an energy supplier in Vic by RACV -

    Competetive rates, no membership fee and referral credits ($50 for both referrer/referee)

    • Added, if you get any details about format, let us know and we can update it accordingly.

  • Meta Game Referrals

    Referrers: ($7 store credit) Enter your Meta username below. Click the checkbox for any games that you own.
    Referees: (25% off). Click on the Random button for the game you wish to purchase.

    Please add Creed: Rise to Glory:

    • Added.


    Power wash simulator on meta quest. Such a fun game!

    Cheers. :)

    • Added.

  • Can Call of the Sea please be added to Meta Game Referrals:{USERNAME}/5174697242548672

    • Added.

    • Can you paste a working referral link?

  • have ceased their ref program " Yes, we no longer have referral codes for new customers."

    • Disabled.

    • Updated.

  • Please add On Running (AU) to referral system

    details :

    • On added.

  • Is there any possibility to set individual referrals to never expire or at least a longer expiry dependent on what the service is?

    Quite a few are merely just set and forget e.g

    • Quad Lock Australia
    • The Pass Loyalty App
    • UberEats
    • Up Bank
    • Who Gives A Crap etc
    • We used to have it set for no expiry but now default is 1 year. This helps to identify when companies have changed their referral URLS or codes, benefits and also to weed out people who are no longer members of the company.

      • Thanks, did not realise it was 1 year by default. Feel like I was updating some every couple of months.

        • Just having a look at your referrals, I can see you have a couple of energy retailer there. We set energy retailers with a shorter expiry of usually 6 months as people tend to move electricity providers often and we can get a lot of dead links.

          • @neil: Sorry to revisit this, my Spaceship referral expired today, it said I entered it on 9/1/24, so only 30 days for this one.

            • @hawkers8905: See here.

              The codes change often so they are set to 14 days for expiry.

              Set to 30 days.

  • Can we add Vodafone into referral system as well?

    Seems to be a limit of 5 service credits per code per rolling 12 months period from activation. So perhaps PM?

    My code is: RAFG14032

  • Hi, please consider Mobimatter, thanks.

    There is no referral URL and the referral code needs to be manually entered (format is 5 alphabet characters followed by 5 numeric numbers) when signing-up. Eg. my code is TAMDA84126

    Referees get 50% cash back (up to $5) when they use the referral code with their first purchase. Referrers receive the same amount.

    The referral code is located under MobiMatter Rewards under the profile tab in the MobiMatter app.

  • +1

    Need to modify Amaysim referral details, can no longer refer from prepaid plans.

    From the T&C's:

    "In order to refer a friend, the referrer must be an existing customer, who has an active amaysim UNLIMITED mobile plan which has auto-renew on."

    Referee can still sign up to any plan:

    "sign up to a SIM Only Mobile Plan (UNLIMITED), Short Term Mobile Plan, Long Expiry Mobile plan, Data only Plan or AS YOU GO plan"

    • Updated.

  • Tesla have updated their referral program to include model 3 orders. Referrer earns 5000 points for model 3 or model y purchases (no additional discount for purchaser anymore).

    • OK updated to the following:

      Model Y & 3 purchase: Referee gets 90 days Enhanced Autopilot. Referrer gets 5,000 credits. Referrer can also earn 100 credits if the referee takes a test drive.

      Limit of up to 12 order referrals and 60 test drive referrals per calendar year.

      Test drive part is still available?

      • Yes. Test drive credits are still available.

  • Hi, could you please add 13 Seeds…

    Make $30 for EVERY Mate you Refer PLUS up to $2,500 (that's right!) in Further Bonuses (rewards are in store credit)

  • Hello,
    Please could you consider adding these Korean/Japanese skincare & beauty product sites.
    The referral link generates a unique "discount code" for new referees to use, that link back to your account.

    **Beauty Amora:

    Give your friend AU$15 off on their first order of AU$50+, you get AU$15 & 300 A-points for each successful referral.

    Referral is through link:
    Mine is: 7pcf9gq?s


    Give your friend AU$10 off on their first order & double VANA points with no minimum spend, you get AU$10 & 100 VANA points for each successful referral.

    Referral is through link:
    Mine is: aesik53?s

    Thank you!

      • Getting a wrong format error when I post my code for both Beauty Amora and Stylevana. Same format to the original poster's referral code example. Does the XXXX allow for the question mark?

        • Fixed.

  • Can we get Ecoflow added in the Merchant list for referrals?

    URL Format:…

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Visit and sign into your Ecoflow account to generate your referral link.

    Benefits for referees:
    New users can earn up to 2000 EcoCredits for their first registration. Referee will get 5% off coupon for the next order

    Benefits for referrers:
    Earn 100 EcoCredits when each friend successfully signs up.

  • For the site Wrapd, the referral code is now in this format:…

    • Updated.

  • Hi, I can't get the referral link for Vistaprint to work.

    Displays this when clicked - Oops! Unfortunately, this offer is no longer valid and has expired."

    Is anyone able to look into this, Thanks!

    • Looks like Vistaprint no longer have a referral program. Have disabled.

  • OnePass referral program appears to be inactive.

    • Disabled.

  • Hi can we please add ipaymy into the referral list. Thank you.

    The URL format for the referral link

    Instructions to get the referral link

    Benefit for the referrers and referees
    *For every successful Personal account referral, both parties will receive a promo code valued at A$30.
    *For every successful Business account referral, both parties will receive a promo code valued at A$200.
    *Terms and conditions apply

    • Your referee must be a new user that has not registered for an ipaymy account before
    • For a referral to be successful, your referee needs to have completed a qualified payment on ipaymy. Please click here to find out more about the types of payments we accept.
    • Referral Promo Codes are valid for 30 days from the date of issuance
    • ipaymy reserves the right to not award rewards for users with multiple accounts
    View full Terms and Conditions here.

    • ipaymy added.

  • Consider Sermo at

    • Details?

  • Can we add a referral for Wolfit Box

    code format is
    unsure if just the X values are needed or if the Y values are needed too (asking them, but to be safe can we allow for the whole url)

    benefit is $50 for both referrer and referee, capped at $200 per referrer per year, and stacks with the 20% off intro code

    Getting your referral link:
    Once your order is placed, you can find your unique referral link in your login area

    Using the referral:
    The referral link takes users directly to the homepage and the discount is loaded into the browser (Please note: after clicking the link, friends must then go to the Get Started page and place their order. The $50 off discount can only be applied to Full Bowl Plan or Half Bowl Plan orders).
    The $50 discount will be auto-applied at checkout for your friend and will be deducted from their first purchase. Once their order is placed the $50 credit will be automatically loaded into your account ready to be deducted from your next payment.

    Stacking codes:
    At checkout you can enter the coupon code there too

    • Wolfit Box added.

      • getting a format error, have DM'd you my actual code in case it helps address it

        • Your code works when I try putting it in.

  • Kobo link seems to direct to a blank page

    AppSumo doesn't appear to have any way to find the affiliate link anymore

    • Kobo link seems to direct to a blank page


      AppSumo doesn't appear to have any way to find the affiliate link anymore


  • Hi guys. Has the format for EVA referrals changed?

    I just received a referral code of from EVA but it won’t let me upload.

    • Updated, expired all referrals and notified all users.


  • I got an expiry notification for AliExpress, but its referral program seems to be gone? Desktop refers you to the App, and on the App it goes to Page not found.

    • Have disabled pending any update.

  • is now so the referral page is not allowing me to enter a correct referral code as the domain has now changed.

    Old Format:
    Correct format:

    • Updated.

  • Garden Street Gin Club please:

    Benefit for the referrer: 200ml bottle of Mystery Gin
    Benefit for the referree: $10 off a Garden Street Subscription
    Instructions to get the referral link: Head to, complete the form and select "Get Invite Link"

  • Please add Zumba to the Merchant list for referrals

    URL Format:…

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Visit and sign into your Zumba account to generate your referral link.

    Benefits for referees:
    60% off a Zumba® Basic 1 Training, Zumba® Jump Start Kids Instructor Training, or Zumba Jump Start Gold® Instructor Training only. Not applicable for registrations made by current ZIN™ Members. Coupon must be applied at checkout. Coupon code valid through December 31, 2024 at 11:59pm ET. Coupon code is not transferable and the coupon has no cash value. Cannot be combined with any other sales or offers. Only one referral coupon code can be used per purchase.

    Benefits for referrers for each referee who completes their Intro Training:
    60% off a Specialty Training is only valid in the ZIN™ cart on Zumba® Kids + Kids Jr., Zumba Gold®, Zumba® Step, Zumba® Toning, Aqua Zumba®, Zumba® Rhythms 3, Pro Skills or STRONG Nation® trainings only. Coupon must be applied at checkout. Coupon code valid through December 31, 2024 at 11:59pm ET. Coupon code is not transferable and the coupon has no cash value.Cannot be combined with any other sales or offers. Only one referral coupon code can be used per purchase.

    • Zumba added.

      • Sorry I’ve tried to copy and paste my referral link

        But it doesn’t work?

        Even if I try to add https:// in front of it or just try pasting in the end referral code


        • That's a different format from what you wrote in the original comment. Can you confirm which one it is?

          • @neil: Apologies, I must have submitted it incorrectly to you

            It is in the format of the link I gave in my last post.

            Sorry again

  • Can you please add First Player Tennis to the Meta Quest Referrals (

    • Added.

  • Regarding Swagbucks link format.

    I’m getting an error saying the link is the wrong format.

    I’ve tried to share the link from the mobile app, which is the following format - this one appears to use a 4 digit code

    Or the link from the website, which is the following format - this one had my username in the link.{RefererUsername}?rp=1

    I’m on mobile, so I can’t see the entirety of the format that Ozbargain is asking me to provide, but what I can see matches neither of the above:{ReferralCode}&

    I presume there is more after the & because I tried to manually match this format and still got the error.

    Can this please be updated, or if there’s somewhere I should be able to find a link that matches the requested format, please let me know because it’s not coming up as one of the options under “Refer & Earn” from either mobile or web version.


    • Updated.

  • Super Rewards.

    Now known as Grow My Money (

    It now also has a phone app, and this is where the referral code is now located. I couldn’t find it anywhere on the web version and the existing link from Ozbargain to the Refer a Friend page is now a broken link.

    In the App, there’s a menu item “Share to Friends” which then allows you to access the referral code in the following format


    They do have a Google App Store version of the app too, so it is strange that it seems it only gives me the Apple Store link from my app (I’m on iPhone).
    I’m not sure if android users are also limited to only sharing a link to the android version?

    Not sure if you might be able to perhaps just use the id number from the end of the link and have it apply to either apple or google App Store depending on the person who clicks it?

    • What's the referral from a browser look like?

  • Whoops, guess my comment was auto unpublished even though I hid all the referral codes

    Can someone please help fixing link for ExpressVPN, throws an error when copy past from referral website link. Also tried to format it as expected on OzB, but still didnt work.
    Getting an error saying its the wrong format

    • Whoops, guess my comment was auto unpublished even though I hid all the referral codes

      See top post

      If your comment is automatically unpublished due to the referral link, do not worry, moderators can still see it and will republish it before replying.


      Can someone please help fixing link for ExpressVPN, throws an error when copy past from referral website link.

      Just so I'm clear, are you saying that the links ExpressVPN are generating for referrers are different from what's in our system?

      • Well, yes and no… The link that was generated was in my earlier comment, it's just that the system isn't accepting it even if it's in the right format

        • I've updated for it to accept both. Note one URL has refer-a-friend (what you posted) and the other has refer-friend (whats in our system).

  • MEXC referral not letting me post link

    • Updated.

  • I'm told I had 17 referral with Total Tools (by the notification that it expired), but none of them ended up tracking. How is this meant to work?

    • It means 17 people clicked your link. Out of boredom, curiosity, to read the fine print, etc. Either none of them went any further and signed up, or they did sign up but didn't meet whatever criteria the store has - minimum spend of $X, must be a new customer or whatever

      For me its been a real insight into how hard it must be to turn an ad into a sale, because I so so rarely get anything from referral links, and i have quite a few in here. So many people with presumably some interest click and then do nothing.

      But some of them work out and thats better than nothing, its not like I have anywhere else to post them.

  • Merged from Referral program - add to OzB referral system

    I got an email saying there is a $25 referral bonus for people signing up. The referrer and referee both get $25.

    How do I get this referral added to the OzBargain referral system.

    The referral links are in the form:…

  • Does anyone here know where I can get the referral code from my Total Tools account?
    Admittedly, I haven't used my online TT account for over a year.

  • Hey all,

    Could we please consider adding Alpaka Gear - referral program ( ).

    Give 20%, Get 20%
    Give your friends 20% off on their first order of $50+ and get 20% off for each successful referral.

    Thanks! :)

    • ALPAKA added.

  • The system has changed for People can get $75 in BTC depending on whose code they use and the reward levels. My code for instance gives $75 but others give $35 or $50. See here

    You're invited!

    1. Sign up with my invite link
    2. Deposit and buy $199 in any crypto (Luno exchange not included)
    3. We both get $75.00 free BTC

    • Updated.

  • Could we please add Pureprofile - online survey company

    Example referral link:…

    Bring-a-Buddy and earn $20. Yes, $20!
    Want to be part of the best rewards program on the planet?
    Good friends are hard to come by! So, when you introduce a new pal to Pureprofile we’ll show you how much we appreciate it by rewarding you with up to $20 for each eligible new member you bring.

    How’s that for mates rates? There’s no delay, you can start earning today!

    Here’s how it works:
    You will be paid $2 for every friend you bring to Pureprofile, after they have registered with a verified email address and completed 2 paid surveys (this can include the Welcome survey but unfortunately doesn't include Partner surveys yet).

    Then …
    For every additional paid survey your friend completes you will get another $1. This applies to a maximum of 18 surveys and ends once your friend has been a member for 3 months. (Here’s the small print: The rewards do not apply on screen-outs, quota fulls, if the survey is not completed for any reason or on partner surveys.)

    What’s the best bit? You can bring as many buddies as you want! More friends means more cash - so start spreading the Pureprofile word!

    You help us, and we’ll help you. Isn’t that what friends are for?

    • Survey sites like Pureprofile, Octopus Group, Purkle etc. are not permitted on Ozbargain and there are no deals for them, so we won't be adding it, sorry.

  • Merged from Referral Code for Dymocks Tutoring

    For each new student that uses your personal referral code to enrol, you will save $100 on enrolment for next term*! Even better, your friend gets a 20% discount when they use your referral code which is below.

    Your referral code: 202859

  • Gameology referral link to their page from OZbargain appears to be broken - directed here when I click on the OZB referal…

    Something went wrong.

    What happened?
    404 Not Found
    What can I do?

    • All of the referral links for this store are url shorteners (, so if the redirects are not working properly Gameology themselves need to be contacted to fix them

    • In the meantime, Gameology has been disabled pending any fix.

  • ok thanks for checking.

  • Hi,
    Neuron mobility - I think the current field is limited to 8 characters, but my referral code has 10.

    • Updated to accept 8-10 characters.

      • Thanks!

  • The eToro referral setup is missing the field to add your code/URL. Just has the links and a tick box for Private msgs, but nowhere to actually put the link.

    • etoro has always had a direct referral link. The issue is they have been asking for the details of the referrer in some cases reported by some users.

      You need to click the box that says:

      ☑ Allow referees to contact me via Private Message.


  • Moogoo benefit is now Give $20, Get $20

    • Updated.

  • Sorry if already mentioned - the Accor plus referral seems to no longer be available

    • Agreed with this.

      Instruction page now saying:

      Error 404
      Page not found
      Sorry the page you are looking for doesn’t exist or has been moved.

    • Disabled.

  • Merged from Accor Plus Refer a Friend Instruction Link Doesn't Work


    I am an Accor Plus member.

    The instruction link provided by OzBargain takes you to…

    That page when clicked comes up:

    Error 404
    Page not found
    Sorry the page you are looking for doesn’t exist or has been moved.

    I've searched Accor Plus' website and there's no longer any reference to referring people.

    Suspect the referral program no longer exists.

    • Indeed it looks like Accor Plus referral program has gone MIA and should be removed :(

      • As above, it's been removed.

  • Mojo Power was wound up by court order in June 2023 and no longer trading (see…). It should be removed from Ozbargain referrals.

    • Mojo Power disabled.

  • +1

    Just noticed refer a friend section for Woolworths everyday extra app:
    You'll both be rewarded when your friend makes their first subscription payment
    You'll both collect 1500 Everyday Rewards points

    Link provided when I clicked invite friends was as follows: with a 11 digit code following the final slash

    • +1

      Yes please! This is the link to their website…

      • I have the same thing. I noticed they have a limit of 20 referrals per user per month - that's pretty ambitious.

        The referral code appears to only be letters, not alphanumeric. 1,500 points are added 7 business days after the referee pays their subscription fee.

  • Note the Eva Mattresses referral benefit is no longer "$125" for referee. It's now only $50 for an Eva mattress or Everyday Sofa.

    • Updated.

  • Need some guidance, please.
    I've rec'd the OzBargain notification that my GloBird referral has expired. I have the new referral code but seem to be stuck in a look to update it.
    I've gone to settings > referrals > Globird but I don't see any option to update my referral code.
    This is no doubt user-error but I'm not sure what steps to take.

    Please advise.

    • You need to click the box that says:

      ☑ Allow referees to contact me via Private Message.


  • Hi. Please add BoozeBud?

    GIVE 15% OFF, GET 200 POINTS (worth $10)

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Visit and sign into your BoozeBud account to generate your referral link.

    Benefits for referees:
    Give your friends 15% off their first order of $150.

    Benefits for referrers:
    Get 200 points for each successful referral. 20 points equals $1.

    • Reactivated BoozeBud with new format and notified those who were in the old system.

  • Can we add NuPhy?

    URL Format:{username}

    Instructions to get referral link:

    Benefits for referees:
    Referees get 10% off.

    Benefits for referrers:
    Referrers get 10% off.

  • Hi all, just got a notice my 'Cake Defi' referral expired and went about reentering, but a while ago 'Cake Defi' rebranded as 'Bake'

    They come up as Bake on a google search but it also shows Cake Defi in the title of search results.

    Anyway the referral link now shows as{referral code}

    Can we get the enter box under referral to accept new format please.

    Love your work ozbargain mods xo

  • Please consider adding Matrix Education to your referral program.
    Website is
    Referees save the $55 enrolment fee, referrers earn $50 matrix credit.

    Referral link format is as follows:

    where ‘2uc3EkEdAM’ is the referrer’s unique id.


  • SocialGood referral format is different to what the format is on this site. Here’s what it is now:…

    The AAAAA1 is the users particular code.

    • Updated, expired all links, and notified all users.

  • Dear mod,

    I have a Uber driver referral code that the system won't let me put in, maybe the format has changed ?
    Also mine is $500 for 30 deliveries which is more than the $300 for 40 deliveries currently on ozbargin.

    my code / example format:…

    Can we update / add a new category maybe ?
    Thank you very much, you have a lovely day.

    • Updated.

  • +1

    Hi OzBargin team,

    Could we please add to the site?

    URL Format:

    Instructions to get referral link:
    Visit after signing in to your Pro account to generate your referral link.

    Benefits for referees:
    Nil at this time.

    Benefits for referrers:
    Referrer will receive a credit of $9.99 USD to their Pro account for each successful referral. Credits applied are not transferrable or redeemable for cash.

  • Circles.Life needs to be updated.

    Currently on OzB it says $10 off for 12 months for the referee, but now the bonuses are as follows:

    Both referrer and referee get $5 bill credit for 6 months and bonus 5 GB for 6 months.

    • Thanks, updated.

  • YNAB Referral format error:

    My referral code (as copied from website then redacted) is:

    but getting error message when trying to add. I'm guessing that it doesn't like the hyphen (-)

    • The issue was our system was looking for instead of just System will now accept both links.

  • YNAB Referral format error:

    My referral code has 2 alphanumerics then a hyphen (-) then an additional 13 alphanumerics. But when I try to enter it, I'm getting error message when trying to add. I'm guessing that it doesn't like the hyphen (-)

    • Added.

  • Team
    New referral system required for Webull.
    Related post -

    Format of referral link is same as current one but different rewards .

    • That's been added.