Scenario: Investment Property (IP) produces $55,000 in annual rental income with $12,000 in deductible expenses, $67,000 in interest repayments,, and $8,000 in capital repayments annually. Total …
So I have an interesting situation. Both partner and I have same iPhone and we were on Telstra pre-paid with Visual Voicemail. Switched to More, I only have regular Voicemail yet partner still have …
Hi, my partner got SQ Gold status last year when he qualified for the Welcome offer on the card. His SQ status on his SQ card says it expires in Oct 2024 (today). He received an email today saying …
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to get the Star Alliance RTW ticket to find certain flights. SYD - SFO (leaving 2 Nov) SFO - NYC (leaving 17 Nov) - or can leave this off …
We just had an EGM to vote on the NSW EV charging grant scheme. My question is about how to structure the motions when there are options generally so I’ll just use this EGM about EV charging as …
Where do I begin…. I recently purchased a unit in Sydney CBD and joined the Strata committee as they had a vacancy. Its chaos, no one apart from 2-3 people do anything. Our admin fund levy …
I'm looking for a way to connect my work laptop to VPN from a hotel. Problem is I can't install VPN software or make any changes to settings on my laptop eventhough I've got a NordVPN …
What is the current cheapest deal to sign up for Qantas Club? The company I'm contracting for is insisting they book and pay for my travel (don't get me started!) and they fly Qantas. So …
sydney1506 on 09/06/2023 - 06:58 on Virgin Australia
How is everyone finding Business reward seats? I'm struggling to find anything on any date from Sydney to Perth or Cairns or Darwin or basically anywhere that isn't just Brisbane or …
We're going to be installing a pool and have a few questions: Are there any lockable hard pool covers that mean a pool fence is not required (similar to ones for jacuzzi's that then …
My partner and I each have our own Pty Ltd company which both started before we met and both companies are past that all important 2 year mark - which makes borrowing easier. We both work as …
We would like to change our one bathroom into a shower with rainfall shower and hand held shower like the below: The issue is our …
Our current property is along the water and we have a Colorbond fence on either side with our neighbours. Us and both neighbours are 'new' and the fences were already in place when everyone …
We're buying a plot of land and wanted to build a duplex but the council do not allow it. The idea was to have the two homes so that our parents could be close so we can help as needed but …
Our NBN is terrible and so I want to get 5G Home WIFI but no one offers it here. Vodafone and Optus only have 4G coverage anyway and Telstra have 5G but aren't offering 5G Home WIFI yet (if …
My partner and I have just bought a house. We each have some life insurance through our Super but want to find out about taking a separate joint policy to cover the mortgage should something happen …
Hi everyone, We have been looking for a house to purchase in either Central Coast or Lake Macquarie and currently live in Sydney CBD. Our pre-approval is expiring soon and we would like to view a …
We are doing a half Ironman towards the end of the year but are new to the cycling element of triathlons and need to figure out which type of bike to buy. We are runners and want to know if its …