Visual Voicemail - Switching from Telstra

So I have an interesting situation.

Both partner and I have same iPhone and we were on Telstra pre-paid with Visual Voicemail.
Switched to More, I only have regular Voicemail yet partner still have VV.

More says that don't have VV yet its working on partner's phone.. we've tested and confirm the number have ported across.

Any ideas….???

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  • I have no idea how it works, as I recently changed from Telstra to Belong and ran into the same issue. I wrote it off as a learnt lesson, as Belong state VV does not work. And I received Voicemails the old-fashioned way for a few days, but then randomly received one in VV style. It's weird.

    • I thought belong had no voicemail but they would send an SMS with a transcription of the message left

  • Are you sure you’re referring to visual voicemail, and not live voicemail which was rolled out with a recent iOS update and is functionally the same? Link

    I’m with belong, no voicemail let alone visual voicemail, but my “voicemail” tab within the phone app is now full of voicemails - it’s live voicemail.

  • Its definitely VV, it downloads the voicemail as an audio file in the voicemail option on the phone app.
    Is also transcribes the message.

    • Live voicemail does both of those things. You looked at the link in my comment, right? Not at all trying to be condescending.

      • Yes, the second image is exactly how my partners voicemail looks (audio 'file' and text description)
        Mine is just blank, nothing listed at all.

        • What iOS version are you both running? Settings > General > About

          You can also check if live voicemail is running by checking Settings > Apps > Phone > Live Voicemail

          • @jackary: Both iOS 18.2.1 and both have Live Voicemail turned on

            • @sydney1506: OK. So I think your partner is just seeing live voicemail and not visual voicemail. That would make sense because as you point out, More doesn’t have visual voicemail.

              As for why your phone is not doing the same thing, that’s an interesting question. Conditional call forwarding maybe? Hard to know without having a fiddle with the phone myself. Live voicemail is new and I’m still learning about it. I provide in-home tech support to over 65’s and I’ve been bombarded with questions about live voicemail. It’s a great feature but shouldn’t have been enabled in the background by default. Very user unfriendly.

  • All of our settings on the phone that I can see are identical

  • It is definitely a carrier switch they need to flick.

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