What is the best credit card for rewards points? Looking at getting a credit card for everyday spending and purchases just want to know what the best one would be for rewards? Looking at Commbank …
Hi ozbargain I have currently got a home loan of $175,000 value of property is only 195…. The bank has given me an indication of how much more I can borrow to build my home but it is coming …
Hi guys doing abit of a euro trip on Tuesday does anyone know if it would be better for me to exchange my money here or over there I’m going to London, Manchester, Scotland, Portugal, Spain and …
Thinking of going to Malaysia in a month or so never been but heard it's cheap. What do you guys suggest doing or must dos while there? I know Lego land for sure for me.
Hi guys wanting to start designing my house have a play around with different flooring and wall colours and everything inside really just wondering if anyone knows of a program to use for …
Hey guys plan on spending 10-15k on furniture just wondering what spending that amount on a credit card could buy me in terms of points? As I am also planning a overseas trip? Cheers
OK guys I'm a 24 year old guy looking to purchase a home to live in. Just wanting to know all possible ways of finding a house, as the only way I have found so far is realestate.com.au Any …
What is the max limit for cash deposits into banks? I am looking at getting a home loan and my grandparents are wanting to help with the deposit. Any info would be great.
Hi oz bargainers just wanted to ask if it's worth going around to all different real estates in search of a house or if all listings are online anyway?
Hi I'm looking at purchasing my first home in Victoria. I want to know if I can use first home buyers grant for my deposit? Also how much is first home buyers grant? Thank you
Hi guys just wondering if anyone knew weather I am allowed to level my block without having any plans approved just yet? Just to save that time for when plans are approved? Or must I have approved …
Big w is selling gta 5 for ps4 for $30, buy 2 copy's and swap for a new release game at jb hi fi as. Gta is on the inclusion list :) also makes it cheaper if you get the big w 7.5% discount …