Reassignment, Favoritism, and Career Setbacks: A Personal Narrative

Hi Peeps, I wanted to know your thoughts on this.

During the 2016-2017 period, I was reassigned to a different team, resulting in a significant alteration of my duties and role (my pay stayed same, but role was less technical and more call centre type). This transition was distressing, I broke down in the meeting room when it was disclosed to me, as I had consistently demonstrated dedication to client needs, often working extended unpaid hours, and found the learning process fulfilling. Prior to this transition the particular manager started making the life a bit harder for me.

While my compensation remained unchanged, my career advancement opportunities were subsequently limited. Later on, I found out that the manager who moved me, brought in her then secretive BF into the role, promoted that BF in front of other managers, travelled on conference together on public money, did overtime together and stayed back, and sped up her partner's career significantly. While it took couple of years from my life to rebuild everything. Later on, she left the organisation, and they got married. She cut ties with everyone. A few years later her partner also left the organisation.

I am still very bitter over the experience, and that mistreatment fills my heart with hatred. I was disappointed that some high-up people in the organisation, took no action. Cut to 2024, I have left that organisation now. But I often wonder how different my life would have been, had I stayed in the technical role. Would this be a ground for bullying or some sort of punishment for the manager or my previous employer, who did this?

Mod: Personal information/doxing removed.


  • +9

    You shouldn't dox people. If they become aware of it, they can sue you for defamation.

    • +1

      I am not lying about anything, it's widely known at my previously employer.

      • +4

        I didn't say you were. I said you can be sued for defamation. In this country the legal costs of prosecuting or defending a defamation case can be $1million.
        Those costs can be very destructive and can be used as a weapon.

        • Okay, thank you.

          Thanks to the moderator as well.

      • I am not lying about anything

        Maybe you are ???

        You're an anonymous person in a public forum…

  • +1

    Dropping names sounds suspicious.

  • +6

    It's been 8 to 9 years and you are still carrying it around. Sheesh!

    • Yeah, I am very petty, unfortunately. Can't easily let go of mistreatment. Maybe it's a me issue.

      • +8

        I am very petty, unfortunately

        There’s your problem. Chances are that everyone else involved in this has buried the memory & moved on. Are you going to carry it to your grave?
        Can’t believe how many people allow themselves to burn up internally due to some past, petty problem.
        Time to live for the future, not look in the rear view mirror

      • Yeah, I am very petty, unfortunately. Can't easily let go of mistreatment. Maybe it's a me issue.

        Yes, it's a "you" issue - the problem is that you view it personally. Nothing at work is personal - not to say that people shouldn't be friendly or kind, but that it's an environment where everyone simply looks out for themselves. It's transactional.

        You are never entitled to anything beyond what is in your contract - "learning opportunities", promotions, work that you "enjoy", other undocumented perks…etc. are all things that are promised (and potentially delivered) in good times, never in bad.

        If you believe you deserve a promotion, then go out and get it - there are plenty of job advertisements out there. Apply to the ones at the level you believe you should be at. If you get it, good on you, if not, then you know where you stand.

  • +1

    I was reassigned to a different team

    I initially thought you had a gender transformation. Gotta love 2025.

    • Haha. No, no such thing.

      • -1

        Yes there is. People change their gender quite often.

        • I mean, it's not applicable in my case. Didn't do any gender reassignment surgery.

          • +1

            @curious101: See I skipped the rest of the story and thought you, Alyce, had become Kyle. Hence my confusion.

            • @MS Paint:

              See I skipped the rest of the story and thought you, Alyce, had become Kyle. Hence my confusion.

              That would render Kyle useless.

        • +1

          People change their gender quite often

          I'm surprised. I'd have thought that just the once would be difficult enough.

    • That's what I was expecting.

  • +3

    Time to get over it.
    You can't pursue them at fair work, as you don't work there any more.
    Send them a turd in the mail if you really can't let go.

  • +4

    OP even if you were to sue your former employer, it's going to be a lengthy and process both mentally and financially. All you'll get at the end is a hollow victory.

    These things happen in work places and it's important you learn to assess your situation and ask whether it's worth the compensation or not?

    Life is too short to deal with harbour this level of pettiness for years.

    • +1

      Petty revenge is a much better option.

  • +4

    isnt there some limit on time thats passed to even claim?

    and did you keep a diary of events?

    did you go see a councillor / get some external help / report to a superior/HR?

    maybe a bit out there but maybe work cover if could prove the mental toll taken causing depression or whatever etc

    the thing that surprises me the most is…you're saying you were super down…limited prospects of moving up…and you just kept plugging along for 8 (?) years ?

    • +2

      No fortunately, the setback only wasted 2-3 years, as I made most of the next opportunities. In the hindsight, should have left the organisation. But hindsight is always 20/20 as they say.

  • +4

    "But I often wonder how different my life would have been" - this applies to almost everything. It's not usually very helpful.

    Share your load and get some new perspective by having a chat with someone. Maybe see your doc and get a referral for some counseling - medicare will subsidise - at least give it a little go - might be not for you, might be eye-opening beyond your expectations. People can suck, but can be beautiful too. Best wishes.

  • +2

    As a couple of others have said, you need to get over it. Your time to be decisive has gone. Maybe you have not progressed as far as you otherwise would have done, HOWEVER the one thing that is certain is that if you carry around resentment you are going to self sabotage what remains of your career.

    Think positive… and see if you can get yourself back on track. Good luck

  • +3

    You can’t change the past, only your future.
    Stop looking back. look forward and make new goals.

  • +1

    mods is it possible to remove the names in the edit history

  • lol what

  • TL;DR?

    • +1

      I'm going to assume that is the TL;DR version lol

  • +1

    I, and no doubt most people, have suffered all kinds of grievances/setbacks, even injuries due to the decisions or conduct of other people. But, in my opinion, dwelling on the past and clinging to hate and anger does not help you in any way, and is in fact probably the worst thing you can do. The best thing you can do is to continue to strive to achieve your goals and find success and/or happiness in what you do.

    • +1

      clinging to hate and anger does not help you in any way

      i know right - i thought we already learnt this lesson from the backstory of darth vader…

  • +3

    often working extended unpaid hours

    That's the wrong kind of brown nosing.

  • +2

    often working extended unpaid hours,

    Well, there is part of your problem…

  • +1

    Would this be a ground for bullying or some sort of punishment for the manager or my previous employer, who did this?

    Nope, as soon as you leave a place, Fair Work can't do anything about the past environment :/

  • +1

    The minute you’re treated poorly, you make your exit. Sorry man…

  • +2

    Welcome to working life, the quicker you get over it, the quicker you will be able to relax

    Some people just have the gift of the gab and sail through doing mediocre work…others don't and pickup the slack of those people and get no recognition for it

  • +2

    I had something similar happen. Gov't depatment, hire of managers Brother-in-law, manager moving me to unsuitable work. I had proof (transcript of a taped conversation by the managers admin assistant) of the manager wanting to force me out.

    I went to HR. They wanted the recording and refused to investigate.

    I moved on (both figuratively and literally). Holding onto these things hurts nobody but yourself.

  • Well - if you were named Jimmy Recard you'd be king of the bar at least?

  • Women ☕

  • Resentment/revenge is like drinking poison and waiting for the ex-manager to die.

  • Use it as a learning experience. It won't be the first nor the last time you get let down by people acting in their own interests. That's the world we live in.

    Focus on the positives, you got through it, you came out the other side.

    And if something similar happens again, keep a diary, make it known. But, remember HR is there for the company, not for you (the workers) so don't expect much from them either.

  • often working extended unpaid hours

    Stock-taking with no-one around?

  • +1

    Moral of the story; if you want to move up the chain quicker, shag your boss.

  • +1

    This is why they call it the animal kingdom.

    I was really sad too when they said because I'm not born into the royal family that I cannot become the king.

    If only you knew what really happens above you in the corporate world (above manager/role disputes/favourtism), you'll probably find it pretty fair.

    As you're an employee in a company, just remind yourself that you honestly aren't very important to the company and can easily be replaced.

    People are often promoted not based on merit unfortunately. It is just the way it is, especially in what I would imagine is a pretty low tier company.

  • Worry only about the things that are in your control.

  • If you think public funds have been improperly used you can make a public interest disclosure around mismanagement and/or corruption. This will not help you with your bitterness, but may still be appropriate.

    I think this is a case of the best form of revenge being success. Invest in yourself, live your best life and you will no longer have anything to be bitter about.

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