pjetson » user profile

Member Since | 17/04/2013 |
Last Seen | 1 hour 38 min |
Badges | 15 1 |
Location | Melbourne |
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It looks like Telstra no longer offers this service.

You can also get what is effectively a 4G mobile phone inside what looks like a fixed phone externally, with a handset and a dial keypad.…

> You need an internet service to have a VOIP phone Telstra provide a phone service over the NBN with no internet service. Yes,…

My mum had an NBN VoIP phone service from Telstra for a few years. I think it cost $27 per month, calls included. There was no internet…

pjetson replied to
d123 on Raspberry Pi RP2040-Zero Microcontroller $3 + $3 Delivery ($0 with $100 Order) @ Zaitronics

The product page literally says: Pickup: $0. Email us to arrange a pickup from our location in Brighton East 3187 in Melbourne at…

pjetson commented on Can Telco's Do Anything from a Technical Point of View, When There Are Reception Issues? Woolworths Mobile
It's possible that your coverage changed because Telstra changed the bands that your local tower provides.

pjetson commented on Monopoly Board Game Goes 'Cashless'
We have an electronic banking version of Monopoly at home somewhere that we've had for probably about 20 years, so this isn't new. I just…

As long as you have the "TARDIS" model of wardrobe, yes.

> People change their gender quite often I'm surprised. I'd have thought that just the once would be difficult enough.

pjetson commented on Nokia Fastmile 5G Gateway
Not much information to go on. By reset, do you mean a factory reset? As in wiped all the settings?

Who did you pay?

Or updating the video driver?

How much are your fish worth? You could save a few dollars on the paint, but you won't know what your fish think of it until it's too late.

pjetson replied to
devpress on Should I Claim through My Car Insurer or The at Fault Party's Insurer?

You have to tell your insurer that you've had the accident anyway. It's in your PDS.

I just checked CBA to make sure they hadn't changed since last August. Here's what their web site says: To apply for a Smart Access account…

Must be nice to be so sure of something that you yourself have no idea about, modbutcher. Try going to the web sites for NAB, CBA, Ubank,…

That was my thinking, but it seems the OP doesn't want to tell.

Why not try it yourself?

Anywhere between Cameron Corner and MacCabe Corner is certainly west... Maybe the OP's actual location is a town so small that they're…

pjetson replied to
scrambledeggs on Should I Continue Using Toyota Service Centre or Use Other Places?

I think the extra hybrid battery warranty is contingent on an annual inspection by Toyota.

pjetson replied to
welcomeUniverseWorld on Should I Continue Using Toyota Service Centre or Use Other Places?

If you tell us where you are, maybe someone here might be able to suggest a mechanic.

pjetson commented on Disposable or Temporary Bank Accs?
You can open an account online with many banks with just a medicare number for identification. It seems that the 100 point thing is…

How does engraving stop that?

> engrave my hot water system Why?

The last few batteries I've purchased for various laptops have been from [Broadway Computers](https://www.broadwaycomputers.net.au), good…

pjetson commented on nbn FTTN Vs FTTP
I upgraded from FTTN to FTTP about ten days ago, with Launtel. I was only able to get about 65Mb before on a 100Mb plan, now I get what I'm…

pjetson replied to
RTX9090Ti on God, Ubank are snakes (missed email about the increase from $200 to $500)

On the positive side, the OP didn't have to pay tax on the 6K.

Ask them to throw down a rope and you can tie the hat on.

pjetson replied to
Daabido on Keji 96-Page Exercise Books $0.49 (from 1 Jan), Highlights 4-Pack $0.50, Staedtler Pencil HB or 2B $0.38 C&C/ +Del @ Officeworks

> in my draw. Drawer.

pjetson replied to
Buyingcrap on Projecta 8A 12V 6-Stage Smart Battery Charger SMC800 $49 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ OnePass) @ Bunnings

I'm not sure that's a safe generalisation. This charger is advertised as a "leave it connected forever" device. Some automatic battery…