OzBargain Advice for Riding Out The (Hypothetical) Trump Global Recession?

Hi Ozbargainers

With the looming threat of indiscriminate tariffs against countries, ally and foe, there seems to be growing concern about the potential for a significant economic downturn directly related to decisions being made in the White House right now.

As we head toward what may be the second economic slump in only the past four years, and potentially the second global financial crisis within 20 years years, I had hoped Ozbargainers with experience could share how best to survive - and perhaps profit - through a hypothetical 2025 economic downturn.

I have already stocked up on beans and powdered milk, and sold the dog to ensure our provisions last at least an extra month. I have added several editions of Marx and Bukarin to my Kindle in case of a potential anarchist society taking over the other side, plus I have downloaded the Fallout TV series as a guide for any apocalyptic deterioration.

Any suggestions for what I might be missing would be greatly appreciated.


  • +4

    $12 for a waterproof sheet protector at kmart.

    And whatever you do, don't say "Trump, Trump, Trump" in a mirror.

  • +1

    I have already stocked up on beans and powdered milk, and sold the dog to ensure our provisions last at least an extra month. I have added several editions of Marx and Bukarin to my Kindle in case of a potential anarchist society taking over the other side, plus I have downloaded the Fallout TV series as a guide for any apocalyptic deterioration.

    If you had really watched Fallout, then you should know you should had rename your dog "Dogmeat" instead of selling it.

  • +7

    Not vote for Dutton, because he's a moron who will bring Trump policies here

  • +3

    He's a loose cannon. But he might get Russia to agree and finish that war. Once that's done inflation will be down. Remember Ukraine exports a lot of agricultural products. The prices have been sky-rocketing since the war. Inflation might have stabilised recently but inflation shows how much the rate of price increase but not the increase itself.

    So once you sort Ukraine overall prices will drop

    • +2

      "once you sort Ukraine overall prices will drop"

      Have bookmarked this great news.Thanks

      • -1

        Come back here when Ukraine is sorted 😊

        • +3

          Sorted the Gaza way?

  • +2

    it is amazing how the woke media make a bigger deal of Trump putting Tarrifs on 'woke' Canada

    but when China put Tarrifs on us, none of these woke sources seemed to care….

    • +5

      MSM puppets here riding this tariff fad would think you are talking about the retaliatory tariffs that China recently announced.

      When in fact, China has been charging tariffs on US goods for decades despite the massive trade deficit.
      Never heard one person here ever talk about that,

    • -3

      I guess if the U.S. announced it was slapping a 25% tariff on one of its defense allies and major trading partners, a conclusion a normal person would make would be that media reporting on it is "woke".

      And by extension I suppose an especially normal person would use the word "woke" three times in two sentences when discussing tariffs.

    • I don't know what woke media you are woking, but there was a period where every morning I woke up to read about wine tariffs, coal and such. Did you somehow miss all those stories?

      And much like when China put tariffs on our coal, they wound up reversing the decision because it caused them economic harm with little benefit. They got their knickers in a twist over us questioning them on covid and Huawei but all banning our coal did was push up their energy prices and we just exported the coal elsewhere.

      It was bad for everyone, and solely done because Pooh likes to look like a strongman. Sounds familiar, actually.

    • Don’t say that, most OZB are left wing and have drunken the coolaid.

  • +5

    I swear it's been nearly a decade of this seppo d*ck licking on ALL kinds of media…can we just not. Surely someone somewhere is tired of this.

    Anyway my plan is to see how many trees I can plant on my block so I can sit in the shade and read a book and not be force fed TRUMPBIDENDUTTONKAMALABIDENTRUMPALBOTRUMP all the time by every form of media available.

  • Dutton will get in and copy paste trump and we won’t be affected; yet again.

  • Such Is Life

    All those canned goods from the covid lock downs will come in handy.

    • What? After 5 years, I have finally depleted my Covid pantry to normal levels and ready to start shopping for more than just fresh produce.

      • How! Did you sell them?

  • +1

    Fresh deal for you to help you get your head out of your preferred orifice Durex Play 2-in-1 Sensual Massage Gel Ylang Ylang 200ml (Pack of 2)

  • These threads are extremely entertaining to read popcorn

  • +1

    You don't need beans, you need assets

  • You never will know what’s coming, so do yourself a favour to stay positive and ride the wave.

  • +2

    Go check out the Trump & Musk threads on whirlpool (blue sky Australia?) in the 'in the news' section. You would think the sky is falling. I'm sure those guys are getting dopamine hits, just waiting on the next news drop relating to Trump/Musk so that they can all get back to Trump/Musk bashing. I know Trump & Musk are giving plenty of content, but those threads are showing an obsession. TDS?

    • -2

      So ozbargain is visibly left heavy and whirlpool is too?

      I know we vote for the Labour party here but I am just realising how much of the population is far left leaning. Interesting.

      • +1

        I find here (ozbargain) to be a bit more easy going. There are a few pesty lefties here, but with the way there threads are structured, it is easy to skip over a section when the discussion gets side-tracked in something your not interested in.

        I've just noticed how bad these Whirlpool threads have got. The members in the threads are extrapolating out crazy ideas, and the mods are letting it rip. They are whipping up a frenzy and losing all sense of reality.

        • So they are basically just like Reddit then. Btw there’s threads there dedicated to try and dox the young computer engineers working under Musk dismantling the USAID, like full on death threats, piecing info together to successfully track down people to hunt.
          Last time I checked, mods there are complicit themselves and this stuff just keeps spiralling out of control. Crazy times.

    • -2

      Well considering Murdoch met with the Trump the day before he made that Gaza announcement, I'm sure Trump is getting royalties for generating so much clickbait for Murdoch. He's a TV guy, he knows how this works, they're onto a winner with media manipulation so they will get away with as much as they can until history rewrites itself. Why they want to emulate every empire that has failed very badly is beyond me, but here we are.

  • -3

    Trump id10T

  • +1

    Public administrations are typically 3 or 4 years and therefore by definition short-term, they don't substantially affect long-term growth trends of asset prices. Secondly, the economy is not investment markets, they move uncorrelated.

    Hold your assets. Buy more. 420 years of data on publically listed assets shows it's up-and-to-the-right, and it's hard to make out the little blips when you've zoomed out.

    A pessimist sounds smart while the optimist makes money.

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