• expired

[Pre Order] Samsung Galaxy S25 512GB $0 Upfront on $79/M 24M TGG by Telstra Mobile Plan (Port-in Only, in-Store) @ The Good Guys


Pre-order a Samsung Galaxy S25 512GB for $0 when you port your number to The Good Guys Better Mobile Plan.

  • $79 per month, minimum cost $1896 over 24 months
  • 150GB data allowance
  • Unlimited standard national talk & text
  • Available in store only.

Just went to TGG store and found this deal.

As per T&C, Maximum voucher repayment is $550.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


        • Mine just got on the way half an hr ago

          • @OZBUser2022: I just received an email mentioning:

            “We wanted to let you know that your order, XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX is still being prepared and has an updated dispatch date of 11/02/2024.”

            Ordered Jetblack S25U 256GB on 23rd 9pm

  • hi there sorry for my ignorance but seems most people want to cancel the plan immediately.
    i want to sign up to a 24 month plan and am currently with Telstra via TGG.
    is it better for me to port current telstra number out to aldi sim before going into JB/TGG to sign up to deal
    or is it better for me to port in brand new aldi number and sign up to deal and then port in current telstra number at a later date?
    also is that 30 day previously on the Telstra network policy still in effect if i port out to Aldi sim and then port back in to Telstra straight after?

    • Is your current "Telstra via TGG" plan finished i.e. nothing to pay out if you Port Out?
      Porting = For simplicity, I'd say just grab a $5 Aldi Sim and get that activated. Port this to new S25.
      You could just move your current SIM from old phone to it once on hand. Saves confusion and less risk of any downtime on existing number. My opinion only!

      • yeh my plan is finished so no cancellation fees to pay.
        so i can port my current Telstra number in after i have setup my new plan on the ported in aldi number and got the new s25U?
        thanks for your help

        • Sorry, I see what you are asking.
          I don't think so, you would need to port your existing primary "Telstra" number out first and then back in to put it on the new $79 plan assuming you wanted to remain on it rather than cancelling it like many here.

          • @Borg: Update to above, I just came from JB and asked the question about porting existing Telstra out and then back in.
            He noted that one can't port back in for 30 days from Aldi (who are Telstra as well). I'd recommend calling Telstra and ask them to check if coming back from an alternate network carrier like Optus, Vodafone.

          • @Borg: ok cool thanks for clearing that up. do you know if they still enforce that 30 day previous on the telstra network policy anymore?

    • yep that 30 day minimum on different provider needs to be met before you can port in to these plans.

  • Tried to get this plan but apparently my credit rating isn't good enough? So strange. Have never defaulted on a loan or anything.

    • perhaps you should dig deeper into this it could affect you with many other things ? Or you could have been a victim of identity theft ?

      • I just checked on mycreditsavvy and my score is 850/1000 which is considered excellent, so I have no idea whats going on with Telstra

  • +7

    Picked my S25 - 512GB today from JB Hifi Adelaide City today

    The deal got sweetened for me.

    $529.93 for cancellation (Telstra refund $79 first month fees - Sim was not used
    $200 gift card received from JB against the Pre Order Promo Code towards accessories
    Card can be used for any purchases as accessories are not yet available.

    Effective price $329.93

    $200 coupon was recieved few days after I pre ordered the phone, but JB Hifi was kind enough to still provide gift card against the Pre order voucher.


    • WoW thats definitely unbelievably good deal.

      • Such a great deal
        Just wonder how you obtain the $200 gift card? Redeem the JB hifi pre order coupon?

        • Yes, that coupon, I never registered for pre order offer. Just called JB saying I would like the $200 coupon, they said my email was not registered for pre order offer but then 24 hrs later I got $200 coupon on my email which was yesterday.

          Called JB today saying I have a coupon, they cancelled my existing preorder for phone and created a new pre order when I was collecting my phone l and issued $200 gift voucher

          • @CT30: Can I wait until I get the phone and have them recreate the invoice with the $200 coupon? Or do I have to call them after I get the $200 coupon?

            • +1

              @Pharos: Call them once you have the coupon but before the collection of phone. They cancelled my existing pre order and placed new pre order with additional 200 gift voucher against the coupon.

              Once you collect the phone then the order is complete they cannot change anything after that

              • @CT30: I canceled my $99 24 months plan from Telstra. Will recreating the invoice have any impact? Do they check if I am still with JB Mobile or not?

                • +1

                  @Pharos: No they don't check, but this could be hit or miss as they could decline to offer any gift voucher. No harm calling them and trying

                  • @CT30: Thank you, I will try it tomorrow. Hopefully, there is still enough time to recreate the invoice.

                    • @Pharos: Any luck with getting a gift voucher, @Pharos?

                      • +1

                        @yjm: Nah, I still haven't received the preorder code yet. I plan to live chat with a few different agents on JB Hi-Fi to get the code and see how it goes. There are a few people on OzBargain reported back who still managed to get a $200 gift voucher after receiving the phone, so there's no hurry yet.

                        • +1

                          @Pharos: No worries, mate. Good luck! And give us an update!

                          • +1

                            @yjm: Update: I got the $200 preorder code yesterday. I went to the JB Hi-Fi store today and asked to stack the code into my order. They refunded me with a $200 gift card, and they said my order was ready for pickup. If you get a message saying it's ready for pickup on February 14th, you should go to the store and ask the staff if your phone is ready for pickup.

              • @CT30: ?? Sorry can you be more elaborate?

          • @CT30: I chatted with an agent but he said my email is not registered for a voucher. How did you get the code? Did you register your email?

    • Could I have a background, how did one get the $200 originally? Is it part of JBHIFI Perks?

      • it is answered in the high level comment above yours

        • Yeh but was it for people who actually preordered and bought something or it was a code just out there?

    • Hey bro can you please guide how to get the s25 $0 with that 529 etc

      And that $200 gift card ? Assuming we got voucher from them after that email registration?

        • Just wondering who did you chat with, the sales department or created a ticket for support?

          • @jes: Online customer support.

    • +1

      Congrats, that's probably best discount from RRP of all S25 variants. I was about to buy S25 ultra last week, but I asked whether I could stack $200 code on S25+ or S25 and they agreed to it as well. I ended up with S25+ cause I like the size, but S25 would've been best value of all 3 by combining telstra and pre-registration code.

    • Did you cancel the service before collecting the phone or after collecting the phone?

  • Reading the CIS for the $1700 deal:

    You’ll need to repay Telstra for any vouchers you received when you purchased your plan. The Voucher Repayment Fee (if applicable) is pro-rated, equal to the total amount of the base voucher divided by 24 and multiplied by months (or part months) remaining in your plan term.

    Doesn't this mean they can ask for the entire $1700 back? (Or $1629 after one month)

    • Already cancelled the plan and can confirm the cancellation fee is only $550 pro rata for 23 months and I paid 1st month upfront when signed up for the deal.

      • When did you buy? Judging from the comments here seems the CIS may have been changed after the deal started, may be a bit risky for new sign-ups now…


        • CIS has always been like this. Even TGG rep told me it will $1700 if you cancel but the contract that I received showed $550, and thats what I was billed pro rata.

      • My cancellation fee was $526.93 and not the expected $550.00. No idea why?

        • +1

          $550 is the maximum if you still have 24 months left on the plan.

          You would have paid the first month's $79 so it takes a reduced cancellation fee.

          • +1

            @CodeXD: I cancelled within 2 hours of signing up. Managed to also get the $79 refunded so can't complain :-).

            • @Borg: How did you get the $79 fee refund?

            • @Borg: did you cancel after collecting the phone or before even collecting the phone?

  • I'm presuming, although people are already collecting their pre-ordered phones, they don't just have these under the counter if I were to walk in today to do this? I'm going away in a couple of days so I wouldn't be able to wait for it to be ready to pick up.

    • Call the stores and ask them if they have stock in your preferred colour. If they do and you sign up for "Pre-Order" in store. then they should give it to you on the day.
      They just can't sell to public until release date but pre-orders are all good for them to hand out in advance. Just ask them while on the phone.

      • fair call I'll try that thanks

        I was told Good Guys won't receive and this release any until the official date.
        JB will but have No stock in QLD

        • I signed up on last Sunday Feb 2 at TGG and collected my phone on Tuesday. Shadow Silver S25 512GB

        • JB (& TGG) have been given the OK by Samsung to release phones for Pre Orders (certainly as of Wed). I picked up a S25 from JB yesterday once the model I wanted arrived. I'm in NSW so can't comment on QLD stock levels, perhaps your store hasn't received any yet?

  • Hi everyone, for those who have collected their phones, wanted to ask:

    1) What is the invoice date that you got and does it show the total full amount? (Is the date the preroder date, available for collection date, or collection date, needing to ask for TRS).
    2) For those that used the $200 gift card thing, did you let them know during preorder date or collection date, and when was it received at preorder date or collection date?

    Thank you so much.

    • I ask the JB hifi staff about stacking the $200 with the $79 s25 plan, they said they cannot do that as the s25 is already $0
      So I assume you need to pre-order first with the Telstra sales in the JB hifi, then ask the counter check out staff to stack the $200 voucher
      Someone who successfully get the $200 refund as gift card can provide more info maybe?

      • When you're at the counter, before they use the gift card, say you have a voucher and provide the code. Make sure you specify it is a voucher and not a gift card, it is entered at different times, voucher has to be first. The check out person will say it has lowered the amount by $200, and show you the remainder $1187. They will use the $1387 gift card and since there is still credit left over, they are supposed to return it to you.

  • Just picked my stock from TGG today. No email or SMs, just called and they already have stock reserved and asked to come in. Not sure why no email/SMS, guy was surprised as well.

  • Great deal.

    Did anyone already go through the whole deal and can confirm the actual cancallation charge was as per below?

    "This deal will be $606.08. First Month Payment = $79 Voucher Pro Rata = ($550/24)*23 = $527.08 if you before 2nd month fee is charged. Total Cost: $79 + $527.08 = $606.08"

    • Yes. Already cancelled the plan and received an invoice from Telstra for $526.93 cancellation fee.

      Mobile Voucher Commitment $526.93
      Early Termination charge for remaining 23 months
      Incl. $47.90 GST
      Due Date
      21 Feb 2025

  • Can anyone please tell me how to get the $200 JB hi Fi voucher for pre ordering the phone? I've had an online chat but the rep said my email is not registered. Any work around this issue?

    • No workaround. Few got the email after speaking to agent via Chat, maybe the marketing sends them out. Not sure if they check you are JB perks member…

      I got 1 coupon 2 days after speaking to agent on chat. They said I'm not registered but the coupon landed after 2 days

  • Hi there, apologies if I'm being a noob lol
    Is it possible to use the 200$ JB voucher towards accessories like buds 3 pro/case etc?
    If it's possible, Should I inform them about the voucher on pre order date or collection date?

  • Can you activate $2 optus sim without any recharge? I mean can i just buy a $2 sim card and activate it to get a new number?

  • Thanks OP

  • What are some of the cheapest sim cards I can use to port over? Does lebara/boost work?

    • Aldi $5 Sim which includes $5 credit. Niot sure Boost or Lebara have a plan this cheap.

  • Has someone cancelled the Telstra plan before receiving the phone?

    • Yes. I did on the day I signed up (better chance of getting the $79 refunded which they (Telstra) did as I didn't use the SIM). Picked phone up 4 days later. No drama's.

      • Thanks. I had a chat with telstra online but no luck. They refused to refund $79

        • Perhaps too late for yourself however, I usually recommend calling them.
          This allows one to ask a few questions in advance to cancelling and build up a rapport with agent. If they aren't that friendly, just thank them and try later.
          If they sound nice and like a chat, proceed with cancelling and towards end ask about the $79.00. No doubt they'll say its non refundable but let them know you haven’t used it at all and a bit of a waste and only just bought. Touch wood they'll agree and refund. Worked for me a couple of times but luck of the draw I suppose.

          • @Borg: Got to chat with someone else who said that the $79 payment is still pending and hasn't gone through. Asked me to contact in few days time and they might possibly refund the $79 fee.

            I cancelled the service anyway and got a reference number for today's chat. Hopefully will get $79 back but will see how it goes.

            Got a message to pickup the phone as well

            • +1

              @Deal finder: Exactly & nice one.
              Sorry I should have noted this. They can’t refund when pending but they noted to make contact with them if not refunded after the fact. Take note of their name or Telstra id or ask them to email you.

      • Sorry for the dumb question. But how can you cancel without using the SIM ?
        Do you need to create a Telstra account to do that or you just can do it with live chat without logging through the account which I'm gonna cancel ?

        • The SIM is activated i.e. part of the deal was to port existing number over which is done in-store hence the new SIM received is active.
          You can check via https://jbmobile.jbhifi.com.au/ or Telstra direct.

  • Hi really need your expertise on this deal…i ported using my own number which i dont want to lose…what are the next steps i need to do to cancel the deal without losing number? I have a another prepaid plan can i just port into this?

    • Who is your other prepaid plan with? If not with Telstra, then should be fine and hassle free.

    • Ask Telstra live chat to convert your plan from post paid to pre paid - this way your current plan is cancelled, ETC paid and you join a new cheaper plan with Telstra and you can port out whenever to whoever again.

  • Did you guys get a docket / invoice / receipt to say you have ordered the phone from Good guys?
    I went through the port in today but I never got a phone pre-order receipt - there is nothing in my sms or email about this. Just things about the plan I signed up. I have no proof its also the phone.

    • You'll get invoice once you pick it up. That's when they add it (the phone) into their systems, model, serial etc. Did they give you the phone?

      • The phone was out of stock for all colours. Which is why I was hoping to pickup a pre order note at least, but they gave me nothing.

        • Best call them and ask. Perhaps they forgot to give you print out while there. No doubt they can email it to you?

        • Was in same boat as you so i called up and the guy said the phone is ready to be picked up. Give the store you signed up at a call.

  • Been told earliest stock in Vic is in 2 weeks

  • Hi currently on boost pre paid. Can I sign up move my number to GG, then move back to boost prepaid and then cancel?

    • Available to port-in and new customers only (excluding JB Hi-Fi Upfront/Prepaid, The Good Guys Mobile & Broadband, Telstra and Boost).

      From the link pointing to the deal.

      • So I can get a new number on this arrangment? Then jut cancel it?

  • Damn just found out about this and it expires today.. TGG is 2 hours drive from me, can I doit online?

    • JB Hifi have the same deal

      • Same distance for me, it's too late.. bummer! Will be more vigilant next time!

  • Does this come with a case and screen protector? If not, what are people leaning towards?

  • Did anyone else have trouble with the good guys not releasing the phone? They are saying they haven't received permission to release the phone.

    • +1

      Absurd…..ask to speak to manager as Pre Orders got the ok to be handed out by Samsung around the 8th. Regardless, it's been avail to public since 14th so makes no sense.

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