• expired

[Pre Order] Samsung Galaxy S25 512GB $0 Upfront on $79/M 24M TGG by Telstra Mobile Plan (Port-in Only, in-Store) @ The Good Guys


Pre-order a Samsung Galaxy S25 512GB for $0 when you port your number to The Good Guys Better Mobile Plan.

  • $79 per month, minimum cost $1896 over 24 months
  • 150GB data allowance
  • Unlimited standard national talk & text
  • Available in store only.

Just went to TGG store and found this deal.

As per T&C, Maximum voucher repayment is $550.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • Wait what? Max repayment is $550?

      • I was referring to op's statement of "Maximum voucher repayment is $550."
        Doesn't look right

        • nope it's $550 maximum + $79 first month :)

  • +1

    Someone give me a breakdown of final cost

    • +8

      No upfront fee. So $550 cancellations + $79 (first month).

      • Unbelievable

      • +7

        I'm new to this.

        This means, I can buy this phone, for $79/M plan, then straight away cancel by paying first month 79$ + 550$ ?
        Is that what this means ?

        • +1


        • +1

          yeah mate, I did the same for my S24 FE few months ago

  • -5

    Any significant upgrade from iGalaxy S24??
    Just asking for a friend.

    • +10

      Tell your friend to get off his/her arse , and ask themselves !

    • +3

      Sell the S24 for $620 or $630 and get S25 for $550 if you can get first month fee refunded.

      • It looks like they have significantly dropped the value for S24, 128 gb ($455) and other phones too. I checked for my phone S24FE, 128 gb ($535). Just a week back, it was showing $595. ;( All are as new prices.

        • +1

          I sold my S24 Ultra 256GB for $950 a few days ago. Now the price has dropped to $860.

          • @jimojr: As such, they don't accept S24 FE phone yet. I will ring them and ask.

            • @Utsav23: They were good, I received the funds the next day after I dropped off the phone.

          • @jimojr: Thats ultra though. This is comparing the standard model as thays the one in the deal

      • @jimojr: Thanks for the heads up on mobileguru buy back. Was new to me. I ended up getting $630 on my S23 256GB. Glad I checked as buy back has dropped to $510 now for mint condition. Of course didn't help with the recent drop in price of the S24 to $737. Anyhow, thanks again for the heads up.

    • Considering the S24 has a Samsung chip and the S25 has Qualcomm…I would say yes it's worth upgrading.

    • +1

      We have Samsung Galaxy S24 at home

      at home

      iGalaxy S24

  • +1

    S25 ultra, look like same deal with JB

    • Yes, JB bought out Goodguys years ago

  • How is this different from the JB Hi-Fi deal? Does this one require a credit check too?

  • +6

    According to this it's correct. https://www.telstra.com.au/help/critical-information-summari…

    79$ plan = pay first month then 550$ maximum cancellation fee
    99$ plan = pay first month then 800$ maximum cancellation fee

    Can I cancel my plan?

    Yes, you can cancel your plan at any time by calling us on 13 50 88 or visiting a The Good Guys store. When you cancel, your service will be disconnected immediately. We won’t refund any money you’ve already paid and you’ll need to pay out any remaining Voucher Repayment Fee.

    Just FYI - I paid 780$ (+300 phone trade+60$ process fee in which I'm gonna sell for 500 on marketplace) for S25 512GB + Watch 7 + band + phone screen protector and case. When I walked into the Macquarie samsung store and the rep came up to me while I was checking out the phone, I mentioned to him that I already bought it and told him how much and what I bought. He mentioned to me next time come into store and they will provide a way better discount, even saying he would of added the watch for free, the phone would of been slightly more expensive, but in total woulda been cheaper than what I paid. :D I believe it's still going if you go instore to see what they can provide while preorders are still on.

    • so how much for phone?

        • How many ultra did you grab this time? Thoughts comparing to pixel?

      • How much I paid for the phone alone? 379 (-300 for trade in phone) so 679 was for the phone alone (Inclusive of all the discounts) Watch face was 336 + 71.60 for band.

        I didn't ask the in store rep what he could of get it for me, I just showed him my purchase receipt and he just mentioned if I had come in would of been cheaper and that to come in store next time for pre-ordering it'll be the best deal as they can do better discounts then live chat and whats currently available to public.

        • so you cancel the plan after the month?

          • @ilove: OH you mean this deal, I was talking about what I paid for samsung online deal.

            This deal will be 606.08.

            First Month = 79$

            Voucher Pro Rata = (550/24)*23, if you cancel first month. = 527.08.

            Final 79 + 527.08 = 606.08.

    • Will try this in store. Do you know if i need to do a trade in to get this store discount?

      • +1

        Didn't probe him much on it, just mention what all the discounts you got and see if they can do any better.

    • I am heading to the Macquarie store to try my luck, thanks. The worst case scenario is to waste me about $10 bus cost

    • +1

      Ok, i just tried and failed. Finally the amount they calculated is more than what I paid online… No need to bother now

      • What was the price?

        • I bought a base s25 512gb, a silicon case and an A9+ 128GB for 1259 in online store, and in the physical store, they calculated and said it will be 1325 or 1319 i forgot. The sales rep also said it will be pretty much the same as the online one. The reason of the gap may be because the galaxy2025 is no longer 200 but only 100 now.

      • what was the amount? Did they throw in anything free? aka a Watch 7?

        • No mate, nothing free they offer

          • @OZBUser2022: Damn what was the amount they offered? The guy pretty sure in himself saying to me i would of paid less.

            • @Zabuza: I talked to a female person, maybe that is the issue?

              • @OZBUser2022: Who knows to be fair. Unless he was all puff and lied.

                • @Zabuza: Maybe, no one knows haha

                • @Zabuza: Something the rep did not mention was the 5% 1st time app purchase fee. She also said she has the code for $200 off if i do not want to do trade in. Everything else is pretty much the same as the online store, and the galaxy2025 code now only worth 100. But even if i apply the 5% off, there is nothing better than the online one.

                  • @OZBUser2022: Ill give them a go next year :D see what they say when i want to upgrade to S26 and see if they can beat ozbargain.

                    • @Zabuza: Yes, just try. Btw, you have education account right? Why your order is much cheaper than mine? My s25 512+ silicon case + a9+ 128gb is more than 1250. I applied all the codes as far as i know

                      • @OZBUser2022: Edu correct

                        Samsung Galaxy S25 512 - 379 (300 for phone trade in + [Will be + 60$ as I wont be trading my phone])
                        Galaxy S25 Anti Reflection - 19.50
                        Clear Magnet Case for Galaxy S25 = 27.50
                        Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 - 336
                        Sport Band - 71

                        100$ + 300$ additional trade in bonus, + 200$ with accessory bundle. So total discount was 600$. + Edu discount

                        I paid 760$ (Got to remember the 300$ trade in), I aint trading so total cost will be 1122$ inclusive of the 60$ admin fee for not returning my phone.

                        I'll sell my old phone on facebook for 450-500.

                        • @Zabuza: Then it makes sense.
                          For me, i used the trade in code but did not apply for a trade it, so it gave me $150 instead of $300, but i am also free from the $60 admin fee. I also applied 5% app 1st purchase discount which you did not mention.

                          Btw mate, can you please teach me how to sell my phone oh facebook? Is it better than selling it to a 2nd hand store?
                          I have an orange s24 ultra to sell, and the local store offers $852. Thanks.

                          • @OZBUser2022: Search Facebook Marketplace in google, it's effectively Facebook's version of Gumtree, but way more people use Facebook Marketplace then Gumtree


                            Just search your phone there to see what other people are selling it for to give you an idea of how much you can get.

  • S25 Ultra 512gb or 1tb deal: $1700 off on $99 plan (of which the max voucher repayment fee if $800)

  • Hi just curious TGG and JBHifi using telstra network. Any chance get telstra one for galaxy watch with any of this plan? Thanks

    • According to the link in my previous comment about TGG plan with telstra. The telstra T&Cs mentions Telstra One is capable for 5$ a month more

  • +1

    How much for s25 plus

  • Can someone who tried it confirm?
    Its 550$ + 79$ ?

    • +2

      $550/24x 23 + $79

      • 550 divide by 24 multiplied by 23 is 527
        Plus 79
        That is 606 .. is my math correct?

      • You tried it ? That means this is just
        $606 at the end ?

        • +1

          I was on the $99 plan and ended up paying only $766 after getting the first month's fee refunded. One lucky guy even managed to get the voucher repayment refunded.

          • @jimojr: Thanks.
            I'm new to this. Actually new to AU. So,
            How does this usually work ?
            I purchase this online, then cancel it by paying first month fee (79$ + $550), so I'll just receive the phone ?

            • +5

              @perthguy92: Go to JB or TGG to sign up, and you’ll receive the phone after your number is ported in. Then, contact Telstra via chat to cancel the plan. They will inform you that you need to pay the voucher repayment fee. Once the first month's plan fee is cleared in your bank, you can reach out to Telstra to request a refund for it. If they refuse, you may need to try a few times.

              • @jimojr: Thank you very much.
                Got it

                • +1

                  @perthguy92: Do not use the SIM card at all if you want to get the first month's fee refunded. You should use a spare phone number instead of your primary one because if you cancel the plan, the number will no longer be usable.

                  • @jimojr: So buy this plan + phone from TGG. activate it then cancel it immediately via telstra and just pay the $550 + $79 to telstra?

  • +2

    So s25 ultra 512GB is 2137 - 1700 = 437 + $800 + 99 = $1336

    that equates to $55.60 just for the phone over 24 months.

    Keeping the phone and continuing to use the Telstra 99 plan will be 117 per month.

    So ideally you will have to pay $60/month for the service

    • +2

      2137 - 1700 + 23/24* $800 + 99 = $1302

  • +1

    Thanks op! Didn't know good guys were doing this as well. Will try this at my local for the $99/ month S25 Ultra deal.

    The JB i went to didn't let me do it as I had recently ported away to coles and tried porting back in…

    • What would the max voucher be for that one?

  • +3

    So many conflicting comments.

    Can someone just explain what the final total cost is of you buy this deal then immediately cancel?

    No trades or other assumptions

    • The one above is correct

      • But no one mentions the time it can take and the stuffing about. It's hours of your time that you will never get back. I would easily say that it amounts to over 4 or 5 hours. Based on an hourly rate of $80 ( very conservative) the saving is non existent.

        • 4-5 hours seems like an overestimation but even then, it's saving around $800 off RRP, so at $80 an hour you'd still be up.

          But let's say nobody actually pays RRP and you weren't conservative on your hourly rate. If spending the time doing this meant that you weren't earning big money, then yeah you might be better off just making money instead.

          • +1

            @daemon: I would be hard pressed to justify the time spent in the comments on ozbargain from this perspective

          • @daemon: I can understand that for some people it's the fun of the hunt. But the last JB HI FI did drag out to over 3 hours on the phone going back and forth.

        • +1

          Goddamn, I'm in the wrong profession if your conservative hourly pay is $80

  • If someone can confirm the actual price after canceling straight after it would be greatly appreciated, as there are many conflicting comments.

    • +3

      This deal will be $606.08.

      First Month Payment = $79

      Voucher Pro Rata = ($550/24)*23 = $527.08 if you before 2nd month fee is charged.

      Total Cost: $79 + $527.08 = $606.08.

      • Have you actually done it?

        • +3

          Yes. Already cancelled the plan and received an invoice from Telstra for $526.93 cancellation fee.

          Mobile Voucher Commitment $526.93
          Early Termination charge for remaining 23 months
          Incl. $47.90 GST
          Due Date
          21 Feb 2025

          • @OZBsince2018: Sounds great

            When will or did you pick up the S25?

            Just wondering if there is a chance they could not send the phone or hold it back.

            • @BigMoth: I received the phone after 2 days. Although they can’t as phone is delivered by TGG and Plan is with Telstra, so once you cancel you will receive the cancellation fee invoice from Telstra and not from TGG. But if you don’t want to take any risk, you can use the plan for 1 month as you would pay for the first month cost upfront when you sign, and then cancel the plan before 2nd month payment is charged.

              • @OZBsince2018: thanks - I signed up via JB yesterday, waiting for phone now. I don't mind paying the extra 79 - it's a great deal anyway!

    • You must be new to these deals

    • +8

      CIS shows Maximum Voucher Repayment fee. It's $550 for $79 plan. If you cancel $79 plan, you must pay the cancellation fee $550 * (remaining months / 24). So, if you cancel it in first month, $550 * (23/24) = $527.08.
      JB and TGG offer this plan (Mobile and Mobile Data) for long time. Many users bought iPhone and iPad using this plan.
      Some friends went to TGG and JB to buy S25 today. But, this promo is for only port in. So, my friends bought $5 Aldi simcard and actiavted. Then they went to TGG or JB to buy S25. They were told they will be charged the cancellation fee (maximum $527.08 because they've been already charged $79 for first month).

  • +2

    So can we do this all now including cancelling the sim and still receieve the phone? Is so im cancelling my s25 order on samsung.com and heading to the good guys tomorrow.

    • Interested to know as well ?

  • Will I get an invoice for the phone? I’m planning to do TRS at the airport. Thx

    • +3

      They will give you a receipt that's temporary at the moment which won't mention GST. But when you go to pick it up from the store, 6th feb or whenever. They will give you the reciept with the full price on it. So it will actually work out very well for you.
      Make sure to get your name on the receipt.

      • Thanks for this aman, im planning to go overseas so this will be helpful.

        Just wondering if I could ask some followups

        1. How did u get this info that tax invoice will be provided upon collection?
        2. TRS is 60 day or less from flight, so I'll need to wait till end of Feb to collect, do u think this is ok?
        3. This deal seems to be the same as Jbhifi one, do u know if Jbhifi system or process is the same that itll issue tax invoice dated upon collection?
        • 1- I have placed my order at JB. And that is the info that their staff gave me.

          2- Just to avoid any confusion, make sure your date of order is within 60 days of your flight. (Not the date of collection).

          1. Although I am yet to collect mine from JB. So I can only give you an answer once I receive it. But, my experience from previous "preorders" is that the date on invoice is the date you order it. Not the launch date or collection date.
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