• out of stock

Sony PlayStation PS5 Dualsense Edge Controller $299 Delivered @ BIG W via Everyday Market

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First time deal poster so apologies in advance for any mistakes.

PS5 DualSense Edge Wireless - currently $299.00 BF sale price, but if purchased through topcashback using 25% off, can be had for $224.25 - (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/880037).

Total discount is from $339 down to $224.25 = $114.75 (33.8%) off RRP which is a bargain for a controller which rarely has discounts.

Credit to ely for posting above deal at topcashback.

Please note: the purchase must be made by clicking through the topcashback deal AND purchased from “Woolworths marketplace”. It is actually comes from big w but the cashback only applies if bought from “Woolworths marketplace”. I stuffed this up myself first and had to repurchase as stated above.

Deal ends midnight tonight - sorry for the late notice though it looks like topcashback have had similar deals recently / 7 days ago https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/878173. Though this is stacked with existing BF price drop of $40. Usual price is RRP $339.00.

Other electronics can be purchased this way at a 25% discount if big w stock them.

Happy OzBargaining.

PS - I did order this and did get tracking but needed to talk to CS first as I think they realised the deal was too good (actually they said OOS first then “fraud protection”). I did make edits for price and for my experience with here but someone removed them 👀)

Mod: Price should be excluding cashback.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • ah too bad I bought mine last week via amazon + 10% off gift card for around $260.

    • I got 35th anniversary one from JB and it cost $374.99. Guess I should order one of these and try to resell mine? Big markup just for a gray controller jeez

  • Just got an email from Woolworths that my order has been cancelled but with no explanation. I’ll follow it up with them but I think this deal is dead. Apologies OzB ppl.

    • Happens Everytime ps5 order cancelled, I suggest people don't post anything ps related when those cashback are on.

      • +1

        My PS5 came through just fine. The cashback, on the other hand, yet to be seen..

  • +6

    What's so good about these??? Must be something to do with competitive shooters.

    I just bought a new PS5 slim for effectively $289 (net) so the fact that a controller sells for the same amount is a bit mind blowing. $599 from EB games, less 10% vouchers = 539. Sell disk drive for $250 = $289 net.

    • +3

      Yeah pretty much, better for competitive games as it has lower input lag and higher polling rate compared to regular dual sense controller. Great price on your PS5 btw.

    • +1

      How the actual heck did you get a PS5 slim for $289??? I feel very out of the loop here lol and probably because I don't do any cashback stuff other than PayPal Honey?

      • +3

        price protection, cash back , triple points, on special , eyes wide open like a hawk¬

      • +3

        Assuming that your time is near worthless you can achieve amazing deals these days!

        Disk Slim PS5 was $599 from here (am a plus member).

        10% off EB games gift cards was here.

        Then you had to remove the disk drive and sell it, and swap the relevant covers with a motivated PS5 Pro owner, of which there are fortunately many. The drives are in very high demand at the moment.

        I'm not saying it was easy, but it was doable.

  • +5

    You can get hall effect controllers for sub $100 easy.

    You can get regular PS5 controllers for $69.

    HTF these come in as $299 is just gouging young kids from their parents money. I am an older gamer, and play FPS.. but no way is this making sense from any vantage point.. its similar tech being sold for absolute creme

    • Depends what you play. If you’re playing competitive FPS where milliseconds determine you winning and losing then this is one of the best options for PS5. Price gouging for sure but if it’s a hobby you enjoy then why not.

      Edit - half effects are amazing. Had them for my Xbox and never drifted. Prior to that had 3 Xbox controllers all get drift in under 1 year. All replaced under warranty but still.

    • +1

      Where do you get Hall Effects controllers for under $100? Didn’t know about them but did a quick google and get prices similar to this

      • PS3 controllers are Hall effects controllers. Since then all ps4/5/edge/portal controllers drift.

      • +1

        There's plenty of sub-$100 hall effect controllers for PC/Switch/Xbox (mainly 8BitDo Ultimate variants, but there's others on the market as well).

        It's a lot more expense for the PS5 because PlayStation only allows a small number of them to be licensed and natively compatible with the PS5, and only if they're priced in such a way that it's hard for them to undercut the Edge controller.

  • +3

    Apologies OzBargainers - deal is again live. Talked to CS for 20mins to find out my order was knocked back for “fraud protection”. This is after they told me on chat it was “out of stock”. So buyer beware you may need to call CS to ensure this purchase goes through for you too.

    • +1

      Thanks for update

  • +1

    How long does this usually take to track? I clicked the Get 25% Cashback button it took me there. But its not showing Woolworths in the 'My Visited Merchants' just showing in 'Browsed Merchants'.

    • Mine took 1 minute

    • It was pretty straightforward for me man, clicked through pink 25% button of topcashback to get to Woolworths marketplace, then searched dual sense edge and purchased. All in same browser and tracked right away. I did have the issues mentioned in my post where my first order was cancelled and later repurchased successfully after talking to customer service.
      Sadly OOS now.

  • inflation, my first ps1 was like 150 bucks + 50 bucks for the mod to play copied games

  • Oh look it ran out of stock before I decided to buy it, how surprising. Should have bought first and deliberated later

    • I think they got onto it reasonably quickly. Hopefully someone else got it too.

      • I hope I get a similar deal on friday-monday but I dont have hopes tbh

        • Officeworks online say OOS for DSEdge controller but they may have some in store.

          If so there is 10% off celebration GC tomorrow at Coles which can be used at officeworks (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/878372). I was planning to stack this with OW 5% pricebeat to get a similar price tomorrow. I have no idea if there is actually any stock in store though sorry.

          Edit - after looking at previous prices/deals the price never seems to go lower than 280-290 but good luck maybe something will come up.

        • https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/1074474635…

          Same deal but sold by gamesmen - 321.95 - 30% through ShopBack = $225.37

          • @Rgh: :O should I wait for it to get back in stock by Woolies itself?

  • It's back in stock and good timing with Shopback 35% cashback.

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