[Backorder] Sony 28-70mm F2.0 GM $3740.11 + $35.63 Fee + $9.90 Delivery @ Georges Cameras


I believe this is an all time low for this lens. You may be able to get Sony to price match, although maybe not since it's on back order.

A premium lens to be sure, but positive reviews. Alternatives to consider are Tamron / Samyang's 35-150mm f2-2.8, or canon's 28-70mm offering if you're not locked into a system. A prime (or two) may also be a better choice.

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Georges Cameras
Georges Cameras


  • If you need F2.0 at 70mm otherwise the Tamron has twice the reach at almost 50% less. TBH 28 vs 35mm isn’t much different for most people. You won’t be winning any landscape competitions for wide angles, but it’s enough for scenes and groups

    • Agreed, love my Tamron. But this lens does have some advantages particularly in terms of weight! I couldn't justify the price for myself though.

    • +3

      TBH 28 vs 35mm isn’t much different for most people.

      28mm is actually significantly wider than 35mm - if you shoot with primes on those focal lengths often, you can see quite significant differences in composition and the feeling of the shot.

      That said, I think what's best depends on what other lenses you have - the Tamron 35-150mm is useful because it dovetails well with common 16-35mm wide-angle zooms, so it'll be more useful than something like a 24-70mm if you are carrying a wide-angle zoom. The trade-off is that as a singular lens, I think it's much less a useful focal length than a 24-70mm (or even this 28-70mm).

      • if you shoot with primes on those focal lengths often, you can see quite significant differences in composition and the feeling of the shot.

        I think it's much less a useful focal length than a 24-70mm (or even this 28-70mm).

        28mm feels like a crippled 35mm tbh. there's a reason why 35mm is the more popular focal length, along with 50mm.

        If you're on Sony, you could get a smol 24mm to go with the 35-150mm. I had a 24-70mm once, most of the photos were shot between 35mm to 50mm lol.

        • I use the Viltrox 16mm and the 35-150mm.

          I could get a 16-35 but I’ve already got 35mm covered by the 35-150 and the 35/1.2

          The 14-24 would be alright but bulky filters.

          All in all the 16mm/1.8 is sharp, light and works well indoors.

          I know everyone’s needs are different but the Tamron covers me for most social and travel stuff.
          When I really want to go wide I just pill out the 16mm.

          Eventually If Sigma ever get their 12-24 up to a performance I can be happy with I might get it

  • +1

    jeez that kinda money buys some nice faster primes and an f4 zoom lens

    • +2

      Yeah but then I'd have to carry all of them…

      • +1

        Also potential downtime between shots swapping lenses or bodies… I've shot a concert before this was released using three bodies with a 50 1.4, 85 1.4 and 24-70 2.8. Would have much rather stuck this lens on one body and called it a day (with 2nd body acting more as a backup).

    • Got the F4 version and it's superb.

  • +1

    I just had the worst shopping experience with these guys. 6 weeks and sparse communication to get an order and it was eventually refunded. But I had to be at them constantly. Never again

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