• expired

Select Items $1 (Max 3 Quantity Per Item) + Fees @ 7-Eleven via Uber Eats


Uber eats has Promotion going on certain varieties of red bull, RedRock Chips,Slurpees at 1$ each.
Uber One has Free Delivery, Only service charge apply.

Mod: Still working at select locations.

Tip: It is best not to select substitutes (instead, take the refund) as you may be charged full price for that replacement item

Referral Links

Referral: random (1445)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

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Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +12

    cheers just saved $514 with promotions wtf hahahaha

    • +2

      This guy OzBargains

    • really 114

    • Did you get your items tho

      • +9

        nope cancelled ages ago haha. fair enough if i was a uber driver and seen i had to pick 93 items i wouldve cancelled aswell

  • +3

    its 3 per item by the way ive probably just cleared my local 7/11

  • Just tried to order but it said the store wasn't accepting orders

  • +3

    Wow this will get shut down very soon. There is only a limit for each individual item. I just got 15x 165g bags of chips for $15 lol. Massive bargain

  • brought RedRock Chips thanks

  • +3


    Forgot to change one of the chips to refund only. They replaced it with kettle $9.99 each.

    red rock deli sweet chilli 165gr replaced with kettle crafted beef and caramelized onion 150gr.

    How is that remotely similar???

    • +1

      did they charge you the 9.99?

      • +1

        Yes they do 😒

      • +3

        Yeah. But going to argue since their best match policy is max $5 more or 30% more than original price. Not paying 3 (I ordered 3 of the rrd) x $9.99 for something that I don't ever think to buy.

    • +2

      You can Get help > more option > another order issue > my order had missing or inccorect food items > The item I requested is different than what I received > completely differnt product. Just put your that you dont like replacement flavour and it will automattically be refunded.

      • Thank you! Will remember for next time.

        Tried it, but unfortunately already raised similar support message that still waiting for response.

        • did you get a response yet? i am still waiting over 24h later

          • @grack: No. I suggest you contact uber support on x.
            They replied promptly https://x.com/Uber_Support

            This is what I get

            Hi, Tinx.

            Thanks for reporting this issue to us, we are aware of the issue and are currently working on it. Please be assured that consumers who have eligible orders with promotional items being replaced with more expensive items will get a refund.

            Thank you for your patience.

    • -1

      What do you mean, red rock chips and kettle chips are the most similar products?

      Best match is based on item not price lmao. It clearly states this.

      • -2

        They do have other rrd chips available though? And I bought 2 x 3 of other different flavour rrd chips in the same order.

        So my logic IF there was no rrd sweet chilli, I just replace it with more of the other flavour that cust ordered.

        Why would they (7 11) purposely chose something much more expensive at 9.99. not rrd deli chips at 6.90 full price, and smaller 150 vs 165 gr, and totally different flavour if not to screw the customer?

        I didn't even order so much of this price error.
        3 x 3 different flavour rrd chips
        2 x KK single donut
        2 x Cadbury choc

        But if you happy to received this kind of replacement, that's good for you 👍

        • -1

          They do have other rrd chips available though?

          Did they? It's not hard to imagine that when so many people order (esp Brodens) they would have run out. Having other buttons to click ≠ actual stock.

          Best match is exactly that: best match. It says on it that the packer will select a substitute and gives you an option to do so instead, or refund.

          7/11 does have a vendetta against you lmao you were not their only customer. Suddenly a surge of orders come through and they are picking them based on what they have.

          It's a convenience store not a supermarket. There's not a lot of stock or products to choose from - Kettle is a lot more similar to Red Rock than anything else in the shop is.

          • -2

            @pennypincher98: I did check right after they deliver though and yeah. Lots of rrd chips are available at normal price. Actually the sweet chilli also available. Surprise? Not..

            But whatever. I'm not arguing with you lol.

            • -1


              I'm not arguing with you lol

              Hopefully that is because you realise how ridiculous you sound. Not everyone is out to get you and if you think that I would recommend getting help.

              The underpaid international student at 7/11 couldn't give less of a shit.

              • @pennypincher98: No it's because U have ur opinion and I have mine.

                You can have ur own conclusions (even though it's not even related to you) and I can have mine.

                Fyi. 2 of the 7-11 I usually go to usually manned by the owner and family in shift.

                Bye have a nice day.. or not.. whatever 😂

                Peace out

  • +2

    Targeted. Not available in SA

  • It had all cadbury blocks for $1 about an hour ago. Got 30 of them for $30

  • there saying on fb if the items not in stock youll be charged full price even if youve picked substitute

    • Good point - select no substitute/refund to make sure

      • i cant find it now any idea how to find it after the orders been placed?

        • I can’t seem to edit it either - I changed it when it popped up after ordering.

          • @bargainbenny: mine got canned :(

            • @bob98: They replaced two items even though I said didn’t replace. Dispute will be raised 🙄

              • @bargainbenny: Did they charge you full price for the replacement?

                • @CodeXD: Indeed. But will dispute as I had a screenshot of it saying “refund, do not replace”

                • @CodeXD: They charged full price for me but the automated system refunded me when i pressed "not happy with replacement item"

        • Message your picker when they are assigned to pick your order

    • doesnt seem legal

      • I mean you agree to it when you make the order.

    • Got a link to the fb group/page?

  • Whoa. Nice one ☝️ mostly just milk available now after I’ve ordered

  • cheers got 9 things for $11, hopefully i dont get overcharged.

    • down to 8 items, has not been replaced though by the looks of it.

  • Cheers! Ordered!

  • +5

    unfortunately 7/11 couldn't finish your order……. fair there was 93 items haha

    • LMAO

    • Lol

    • Oh Bob you cracked me up lol

  • Cheers OP, ordered!

  • +9

    Thanks. I can open my own 7 eleven with the items I bought.

    • I'm gonna order from your store with this promo and continue the cycle

  • +1

    Thanks. Literally just destroyed my pantry with chips and chocolate and a choccy Oak for giggles.

  • +1

    Order cancelled. Lol.

  • 40 items for $53. Wish me luck.

    • +1

      Got just over half. No issues with unexpected subs or price changes. Driver looked like he had a car full of chips so hello to all my OzB neighbours.

  • +27

    revenge for fuel lock

    • Love it hahhaha

    • What happened with fuel lock?

      • capped the discount at 25c per litre

  • 36 items for $40.59 including delivery fee and service fee.

    • Update: Missing 2 doughnuts other than that are correct in number.

  • +4

    Remember DO NOT CHOOSE replacement if unavailable, they will charge you full price for the replacement item!

    • +1

      any way i can change that after I've already put in the order?

      • Same problem here right now

        • Message your picker when they are assigned to pick your order

    • -4

      Hmm how is this fair to the customer replacing the item and getting charged full price? Shouldn’t items be replaced with matching price (even with the deal applied)? Even Woolworths, Coles, Milkrun does this matching the discounted price.

      It was too late for me to change replace item to refund item by the time I checked my order. What can we do now?

      • +2

        Press "not happy with replacement item" i got a full refund. Didnt even have to speak to a human

        • Where can we find that option,not able to find,thanks in advance

        • Yeah thanks I did that. Out of the 9 replaced items, the system was only happy to refund 6 replaced items. Played around with different reasons, and ended up now having to leave a chat message for support to get back to me.

  • Everything just went back to normal pricing as I was adding things to my cart. :(

    • Yep, was about to pay and it updated to $260

  • Gone now lol

  • doesnt work for me

  • +1

    30 items for $33 including delivery fee.
    Red Bulls (entire menu), Red Rock Delis and some Cadbury blocks.

    Edit: 3x Red Rock Deli Honey Soy Chicken and 3x Cadbury Choc Malt Breakaway cancelled - got the rest.

    Red Bulls on the cheap!

  • +1

    got 25 items, saying picking up order… hopefuly they didnt sub anything >_<

    • well they are saying they dont have enough items and cant change quantity on their end… so seems i get nothing lol

  • $18 order in cart but changed to $147 at checkout.

  • 78 items for $83 delivered. I marked all items as "Don't replace; refund item" if unavailable. Let's see what turns up…

    • +3

      holy, the delivery driver better have a car and not a motorcycle lol. I ordered 43 items and my driver is on a scooter…

      • +1

        Mine is on a bike riding uphill 😭😭

      • Haha mine says Kia Cerato, though I still feel bad because it looks like he's been waiting in the car park for a while.

    • Update: 24/78 items cancelled & refunded, most of the Red Rocks unfortunately. 1 item missing but I'll let it go lol. 53 items delivered for $59 (Red Bull cans, Cadbury family blocks, Red Rocks).

  • +3

    Party’s over boys and gals!! Lol

  • Party's over.

  •, but I missed it :(

  • OzBargain'd again

  • +1

    Make sure to choose the “refund if item not available” option. Otherwise you could get charged full price for a replacement item.

    • Should've read this, damn. My order has two substitutions and I have to pay heaps for it. Hoping that Uber Support will actually get those refunded rip

  • Still working at Brunswick (Nicholson St), VIC.

  • Still available at the Port Melbourne branch.

  • I got $100 of items for $15 from 7 Eleven Hassall Grove, they didn’t cancel anything and its heading this way now, thanks OP!

    • +3

      Uber eats just called me, they’ve pulled the order from the driver that was halfway here and cancelled it 😑

  • Aw damn. I should have ordered ahead but I was gonna wait til I got home.

  • Rung up the store for no subs.
    Ended up getting no RRD Chips, only got my Red bulls, Flavoured Milk & Choco blocks.

  • +1

    Get a message from the Uber driver "It might take a little longer, there's a long queue of customers" haha

    • Lol this might explain why my driver just abandoned the order after I could see him at the store on the map.

  • Some got cancelled, some got delivered. Thanks op

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