• long running

Free Gaza Solidarity Sticker Delivered after Contact from Amnesty International Australia


Get your sticker to show support or to make sure others cannot show their support.

At the time of writing 689 sign ups of the 2500 goal had been reached.

Please note that due to limited stock and resources, this product is only available to those who have not previously signed up for a free sticker or poster from Amnesty. We will not be able to fulfil your order if you have already signed up for a free sticker or poster from us.

By taking action, you give permission for Amnesty International Australia to contact you about more ways to support our campaigns.

Mod - This deal meets our posting guidelines & there have been previous similar deals posted. #1 Stop Adani Sticker Pack, #2 Start Adani T-Shirt and Sticker Pack, #3 Australian Greens Bumper Sticker, #4 Free Tote Bag Delivered From Sam Hibbins MP, #5 Campaign Stickers: Free via Email Request or $1 Donation @ Smart Energy Council, #6 Free - We Stand with Ukraine Posters & Stickers Delivered @ Vistaprint.

As always, votes need to be made within the voting guidelines. Any negative vote without an explanation given (e.g. "agree" or "no deal") will be revoked by a moderator as per this list. Neg votes for any other reason won't be removed by a mod. These are verbatim phrases.

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Amnesty International Australia
Amnesty International Australia


        • You can give them fake email, phones

          • +1

            @HolyCr4p: They require a delivery address…. uh oh.

            • @Wizard: Give your office address

              • +23

                @HolyCr4p: But why??? Who started it all? Who is supporting Hamas? Who is benefiting from it? Iran's rich resources are being wasted to support Hamas and Palestine. Who is using hospitals and schools as military camps? do a bit of research before blindly fall for the one sided media.

                • +5

                  @harrysab: The illegal occupation started it.

                • +3

                  @harrysab: Do a bit of research yourself and realise that Israel basically says that for anything and people like you keep falling for it.

                • @harrysab: will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

      • +1

        Remember when those SJWs posted about the free portrait of King Charles: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/859020

      • +2

        Fools! No fear though, rwnj on OzBargain are vigilant to foil their commie plots yet again!

    • +2


    • +1

      Definitely not a deal.

  • +1

    Signing nothing to gain nothing!

    • +8

      Signing nothing to gain spamming!

  • -7

    How much Haniyeh's family can receive?
    I feel they could be "poor" now, even they are much richer than 99% people here.

  • +33

    I think such things can put you in danger of not being employed/fired by some companies. Like how some people got fired from Microsoft for supporting Palestine(not Hamas). Israeli side successfully conflated supporting Palestine to supporting terrorism.

    • +7

      Better to not work at them then!

    • +12

      are you saying something about the evil obscene power of the zionist lobby?

    • +7

      Palestinians pretty much = Hamas

      They overwhelmingly supported Hamas and its genocidal-terrorist policies. The support has declined mostly due to Hamas not doing what they promised (kill all jews and erase the state of Israel) more efficiently.

      The reason we haven't seen weekly reports of dead Israeli children in the past decades is not because
      of lack of effort from Palestinians, but the fact that jews run a functioning state that puts significant effort into protecting its citizens.

      If at any point a significant number of Palestinians would have wanted to get rid of Hamas they had Israel right there to help them.
      Instead Palestinians have nurtured Hamas in their homes and shielded the terrorist with their own and their children's bodies.

      • +5

        I’ve got zero idea of Middle East history, and maybe calling it Middle East history is wrong, that’s how low my IQ in this subject is.

        I’m akin to a 3 year old in knowledge on this.

        So if I’m a kiddo in Gaza now, and have zilch idea, but I see bombs and famine, lost family and suffering everywhere etc etc all the time. I reckon in 2040, if I live that long, I’d start/support some organisations that wishes ill on Israeli too.

        • I agree. Its almost like being born into a religious cult. Some brake free, most wont.

          • +2

            @ripprind: When you say some break free, you’re probably talking such small numbers it’s not even gonna register.

            No one in Gaza is able to get away from the war and hunger and displacement and despair. No kiddo, if manage to survive all this destruction ( which is a small miracle in itself) is going to find much hope.
            Their hearts will only be filled with darkness, at least that’s all I could imagine if I was some poor kid in Gaza right now.

      • +1

        That's not true about Israel getting rid of Hamas. Netanyahu has quietly supported the existence of Hamas, because he's a corrupt warmonger who needs fear to stay in power.

    • +1

      I’m reminded of the words of God. You should be discouraged by people reviling you for standing up for righteousnesses sake.

      “Suffer for justice, on behalf of your soul, and struggle, even unto death, on behalf of justice, and God will fight against your enemies on your behalf.”‭‭Sirach‬ ‭4‬:‭33‬ ‭CPDV‬‬

  • +35

    Yay, politics in my bargains.

    I’m not going to ask where the bargain is, as the same question was blocked and my neg revoked on the Warcraft one yesterday. Advertising a digital pet without a discount… Exactly what OZB is for.

    I’m sure this is a bargain to someone. Someone I don’t really want to know.

    • +17

      Totally agree.

      This is just opinion masquerading as a “bargain”.

      Time OzBargain took a stand against politically charged spam and the bigotry it attracts. Not in the spirit of the game.

      Just do bargains ffs.

    • -1

      why didnt you neg the other sticker deals? or is it only because its opposing israel?

      • +3

        I don't read every bargain posted. I have a job.

        Free stickers supporting political opinions, positions or alike should not have a place on Ozbargain.

    • +2


    • +8

      This statement has no statistical proof.
      I support Israelites that don't kill people and I support Palestinians that don't people.

      • +1

        Support Palestinians that don't people? So like Palestinian street cats and dogs instead of Palestinian people?

        • Creaful, JD Vance might think they eat the cats and dogs.

    • +17

      Israel doesn't support Australia (or the US for that matter). They are a liability, not an ally, and leverage the proliferation of highly placed Israeli sympathisers (many of whom have cultural & family ties) in government, media & entertainment to their own advantage, in addition to controlling the public & political narrative, and punishing those who dissent or raise doubts by labelling them "antisemitic".

      FWIW I don't support either side, I just think it sucks innocent people on both side are dying needlessly & on an industrial scale. The Israeli government & Hamas / Hezbollah / IJ etc are all reprehensible.

      • +5

        yep…. if international pressure forced the illegal foreign occupier out of palestine, then the cause for conflict would dissipate

        • +3

          Back here in reality that isn't going to happen.

          • +4

            @Ham Dragon: @ Ham Dragon
            you may not have noticed that in this reality, citizens of the world are standing up in ever growing numbers crying out against the atrocities of israel, and the support for israel's war crimes by the us, britain, and australia.

            • +2

              @rooster7777: is that so? Doesn't seem to be doing anything…maybe they need free stickers from Amnesty too?

              • +6

                @Ham Dragon: You need to stop watching sky. There are numerous UN resolutions against israel's war crimes. Numerous european politicians have stood and spoken against israel's actions. The numerous people commenting here about israel's atrocities seem to have brought out a lot of whining zionists.

        • +1

          Illegal? Wasn't it given to them by the owners at the time (British)?

          "Force them out" - where would you have them put?

          • +2

            @Grish: @ Grish
            No, the areas under illegal occupation by israel were NOT given to them by the mandate holders, the british.
            You'd get a bit of a fuller understanding of that if you research all the european jewish terrorist acts against the british, and the locals.
            Start with the king david hotel bombing.
            Force them out? I would have them put back in the agreed borders of israel.
            If I had my choice and could turn back time, and had the power, I would never have given any part of palestine to east european jews. The local jews were getting on OK with their neighbours. If Britain and/ or the US wanted to create a national state for jews, they should have given away their own lands, not someone else's.

        • +1

          Name me a time in history that the so called “Palestinians” in their current format actually had sovereign control over the land that is Israel now?

          I’ll tell you…never.

          • +1

            @popcornready: Hey mate, steady on with those facts!

            Rooster and his other noisy cock mates don’t like talking in terms of actual events. They prefer to mindlessly, and incessantly regurgitate leftist dogma.

    • +9

      Keep living in your bubble mate. I admit I don't have the stats for the whole of Australia but I do have the stats for this post with 3.87x people supporting humanity over Israel (as of 9:40pm)

      • +1

        Seeing the types of people who support Hamas and the terrorist with their purple hair and “gays for Hamas” slogans, they have more support on ozbargain because they are probably not working

    • -3

      will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

    • +4

      Let's go Brandon? Someone who's brain has rotted from American politics doesn't represent Australians

    • Australians should worry about Australia, Israel and its establishment aren’t that much better themselves.

      Once we have our own house in order, maybe then we could look to help elsewhere,

  • +18

    Just here for the comments. Rabble away, angry mob

    • +1


      • +1

        <Michael Jackson eating popcorn.gif>

    • +1

      It's pathetic, isn't it?

  • +5

    Not a Free Gaza Solidarity sticker but End Israel Apartheid sticker!

      • +18

        From Humans Rights Watch, 'The court found Israel’s measures in the West Bank that impose and maintain separation between Palestinians and Israeli settlers are a breach of Article 3 of the UN treaty prohibiting racial discrimination. Article 3 obligates governments to prevent, prohibit, and eradicate all racial segregation and apartheid.

        Though the court’s language is a compromise, limited to separation, the finding means that Israel is responsible for apartheid.'


        • Apartheid refers to treating citizens of a country differently based on race.

          All Israeli citizens are treated equally under the law. Non citizens just like in any country are not given all the same rights as citizens.

          I'm still not sure how Israel is an apartheid state?

          • +8

            @Superkid: Relevant excerpts from the ICJ advisory opinion, https://www.icj-cij.org/case/186

            1. Article 3 of CERD provides as follows: “States Parties particularly condemn racial
              segregation and apartheid and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature
              in territories under their jurisdiction.” This provision refers to two particularly severe forms of racial
              discrimination: racial segregation and apartheid.

            2. The Court observes that Israel’s policies and practices in the West Bank and East
              Jerusalem implement a separation between the Palestinian population and the settlers transferred by
              Israel to the territory.

            3. This separation is first and foremost physical: Israel’s settlement policy furthers the
              fragmentation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the encirclement of Palestinian communities
              into enclaves. As a result of discriminatory policies and practices such as the imposition of a
              residence permit system and the use of distinct road networks, which the Court has discussed above,
              Palestinian communities remain physically isolated from each other and separated from the
              communities of settlers (see, for example, paragraphs 200 and 219).

            4. The separation between the settler and Palestinian communities is also juridical. As a
              result of the partial extension of Israeli law to the West Bank and East Jerusalem, settlers and
              Palestinians are subject to distinct legal systems in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (see
              paragraphs 135-137 above). To the extent that Israeli law applies to Palestinians, it imposes on them
              restrictions, such as the requirement for a permit to reside in East Jerusalem, from which settlers are
              exempt. In addition, Israel’s legislation and measures that have been applicable for decades treat
              Palestinians differently from settlers in a wide range of fields of individual and social activity in the
              West Bank and East Jerusalem (see paragraphs 192-222 above).

            5. The Court observes that Israel’s legislation and measures impose and serve to maintain a
              near-complete separation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem between the settler and Palestinian
              communities. For this reason, the Court considers that Israel’s legislation and measures constitute a
              breach of Article 3 of CERD.

      • +8

        I'm a bit naive so I'm taking your comment as a genuine interest to learn about facts and not just being brainwashed by Israel's propaganda.

        Here's a book for beginners https://www.amazon.com.au/Israeli-Apartheid-Ben-White/dp/074…

        Also check out Jewish professor and intellectual Noam Chomsky's books on the topic to further broaden your mind.

        • +1

          Ah, Noam Chomsky.

          The intellectualist who continually defends Russia's invasion and attack of Ukraine, and criticises the idea of the victim defending themselves. Yes, great humanist and logical thinker there.

          • @odysseus: lmoa citing Chomsky, the card carrying Marxist that defends any bloodshed in the name of his causes.
            Don't get me wrong, a smart guy, but in a subversive and he's not out for your best interests kind of way.
            He's also failed to update himself to the modern world, he can't quite grok globalism in his worldview

      • +2

        forking slow alright!

  • +7

    Didnt the wife was found to be holding an expensive bag? Hermes? Lol

    • +2

      If you compare the photos they are nothing alike, just more bs israeli propaganda

      • -3

        I think youll have more positive effect going voer there, than on ozbargain. You should all charter a plane and provide help over there.

        All the best. Rooting for you all.

  • +27

    More useless junk. No deal.

    • +9

      More garbage to throw in the bin

  • +13

    Are you going to stick it on every light-pole and pollute like all other activists?

    • +1

      But you have no issue with the amount of pollution being produced by bombing raids and war infrastructure

      • What if I told you people can dislike both of those?

    • -1

      will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

  • +24

    Not a bargain. This is not the place for it.

  • +21

    Let's not politicalise Ozbargain

    • +21

      Being against the killing of innocent civilians (many of whom are children) is not political. The idea that this is political is absurd.

      Obviously there is an underlying political question, and I agree that different people may have different views on how to achieve long term peace and what should happen in the region.

      However, regardless of what the answer to the political question may be, the way to get there is through peace, negotiations, and (if need be) economic pressure. It is not to kill innocent civilians.

      • +21

        Being against the killing of innocent civilians (many of whom are children) is not political.

        You mean like when Gaza's government killed 2,000 innocent people at a music concert a year ago ????????

        • +2

          Yes, against things like that.

        • +15

          Yes, of course, and also the tens of thousands of innocent people killed since.

          • +10

            @p1 ama: So will you also be getting a "Stop Hamas Solidarity Sticker" ?

            • +10

              @jv: Sure, if there was a deal for a "Stop Hamas" sticker, I would say the exact same thing.

              Not sure why you're trying to "gotcha" me, I'm not a supporter of Hamas or of the Israeli government, just of the people who are the innocent victims of this war. The Israeli people are also losers in this conflict.

              The funny thing is that this whole "Palestinian and Israelis are mortal enemies" thing is a media / propaganda creation. I literally have Jewish and Arab (including Palestinian) friends. We work together, have eaten together, sat at a bar together - nobody was on the verge of killing anybody. Most people just want to live normal lives.

              • -1

                @p1 ama:

                Not sure why you're trying to "gotcha" me

                Not all questions are "gotcha"s.

                Why are you so insecure?

              • +6

                @p1 ama: @p1 AMA you are aware that 70% of Palestinians support Hamas?

        • +10

          Wait, what about the beheaded babies??? How could you leave out the most important fake news

        • -1

          will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

          • @rooster7777:

            will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified

            Where did I say I support Israel ?

        • 2000!?

      • No, when fighting a morally bankrupt enemy a decisive victory and flattening of them is the only way to peace.

        I don't understand why you feel negotiations will actually solve it. When your whole reason for existence and charter calls for destruction of the other side, there ain't much to negotiate about.

        • +5

          No, when fighting a morally bankrupt enemy a decisive victory and flattening of them is the only way to peace.

          Who exactly is the enemy, and how do you define a "flattening of them"?

          If you are an Israeli, is some random Palestinian dude who works in IT your "enemy"? And if you are Palestinian, is some random Israeli who works as a teacher your "enemy"?

          Or are you both victims of insane theocratic and genocidal governments who have brainwashed you into hating each other?

          I don't understand why you feel negotiations will actually solve it.

          Because ultimately, all people want very similar things - safety, security, prosperity, clean water, good food, opportunities for their kids…etc. It doesn't matter whether you're an Israeli, Palestinian, Aussie, American, or whatever else.

          What you are saying is completely antithetical to the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Negotiations have been close to working on more than one occasion, and different solutions and borders have been proposed. Both sides have been responsible for such negotiations falling through.

          For over a decade, the Israeli government and PLO (under Arafat) engaged in negotiations (remember the Madrid, Oslo and Camp David?). This even led to the Nobel Peace Prize for Rabin, Arafat and Peres. Certain militant groups rejected the deal, but it was overwhelmingly supported by the Palestinian people. To be honest, both Israelis and Palestinians were responsible for the negotiations eventually breaking down. However, peace has been close before and there is no reason (aside from propaganda) as to why it can't be achieved in future.

          When your whole reason for existence and charter calls for destruction of the other side, there ain't much to negotiate about.

          Do you honestly believe this? The whole reason some random Israeli or Palestinian exists is just to hate some other group of people? That's obviously absurd.

          • @p1 ama: I think zikilaasa is referring to Hamas and their founding charter wayyy back in 1988 and not just some individual random Israeli or Palestinian. Although surely that charter can't still be relevant in 2024 :|

            • +2

              @ElCrypto: Yes, but also the 2017 update which is recent, and yes, they definately have always lived up to their charter in ideology and belief framework.

          • +5

            @p1 ama: Yes, I fundamentally believe the following:
            1. To your quote " ultimately, all people want very similar things " - that it is false. I fundamentally believe that a huge number (perhaps even majority) of Palestinians want very different things than a huge number (perhaps even majority) of Israelis. This stems from radical Islamism and indoctrination of kids from young age to hate and kill and 'living for death' - countless casual videos on YouTube of what is being taught in their schools to young kids is revealing and shocking. This is well documented the world over from many independent sources.

            1. I don't believe you should allow yourself to be shot at (or rockets lobbed at you) and not retaliate just because the person doing so is hanging out among civilians. If that terrorist wants to hang out there, all the deaths are on his head.

            2. IDF does not intentionally kill civilians, other side does.
              Yes exceptions may exist on both sides, but this is the jist based off:
              a. One side having a charter to kill the other - and the other doesn't.
              b. One side crashing a party and deciding it's ok to rape/kill/kidnap civilians, and other side doesnt. By this I mean if Hamas thinks they have an opportunity to do so again they would do so in a heartbeat. Israel has plenty of opportunity to mass kidnap every Gazan civilian they encounter but they haven't.
              c. Iran etc sending drones targetting populated cities (ie direct attack on mass civilians) vs Israeli response targetting military area. This is different to Israel targetting Gaza structures as at least they have plausible deniability that terrorists also hang out there, that which cannot be said of all the thousands of rockets etc lobbed over other side.

            And 4. Negotiations won't work due to the indoctrination / strong desire to wipe Israel off the map. That is why no country wants to guarantee Gaza will stop lobbing rockets and not rearm. Yes, I'm looking at you, Arab world.

          • +2

            @p1 ama: Peace was also close with israel and saudi arabia about to announce a partnership agreement. But good ol iran cant have that. And they used their pawns with 'some' effect.

        • @ zikilaasa
          you are suggesting flattening israel is the only way to peace?
          you may be right, but I'd go for the international community forcing them back inside their own borders, and stopping arming them with weapons.

      • +5


        Negotiating with terrorists is a lost cause. It can't be done.

        the way to get there is through peace

        Give peace a chance? Really? That's your solution? Wow. How peaceful is it to take civilians hostage and keep them underground in terror tunnels for a year, and refuse to let them go even though your own people die all around you?

        Islamist terrorists are not normal people. They are Islamic Jihad. Maybe you can't face the horror of this fact. It is disturbing. You have been conned if you think they're "freedom fighters" with rational minds, pursuing justice or wanting peace. Take a look at their track record around the world, unleashing senseless violence on innocent people.

        • +3

          Maybe you should look into what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for the last 76 years

          • +2

            @Duck Mode: Maybe you should watch the speech by Mosab Yousef at the UN last year, a month after October7:


            I mean, don't take my word for it. But you might consider taking the word of someone who grew up in the West Bank, right in the middle of the Hamas leadership team.

        • @ cerealJay
          Do I understand correctly that you agree with the support of resistance groups in WW2 against the barbaric illegal occupation of numerous european countries, but you don't support resistance against israel's barbaric illegal occupation of palestine for so many generatils?

          will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

          • +7


            Do I understand correctly

            Doesn't sound like it.

            "Resistance" isn't about attacking civilians with the intent to kill innocent people. Why do you need this point explained?

            Most states around the world are founded on border disputes. Wherever you have humans bickering over land, you have conflict. That doesn't mean we give up humanity and go flying into someone's music festival, slaughtering, burning, raping and shouting God's name as you do it. If you do that… you don't qualify as a "resistance fighter".

            Gazans are dying because Hamas allows, even desires their martyrdom. Senior Hamas leaders have stated they are willing to sacrifice their own in the cause of destroying Israel. It's sickening stuff, unprecedented in the world, and that's why so many of us struggle to grasp what's going on.

            Activists should direct their fury at Hamas instead of buying what a bunch of terrorists are selling.

    • Already happened. Can't get a 20" double ender on a jack hammer or gun deals on here cause of prudes. But anything political ok

    • +3

      Exactly my thought. Please don't politicise OzBargain.

      • -1

        @ navinjd
        "please look the other way when people are being harmed and killed on an industrial scale"
        do you reminisce about not living in nazi germany?

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