• long running

Free Portrait of HM King Charles III for Citizens of Australia by Request to Your Federal MP


“ Australians can request printed versions of the portraits through their Federal Member of the House of Representatives or Senator in their state or territory.”
Newly released and free!

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  • +3

    Yes please Charles

  • +1

    My bonnie cousin

  • +4


  • +9

    Royal equivalent of a d*ckpic

    • -8

      Charles, Charlie, Dick

    • +6

      that's Andrew

    • +1

      I like that this comment has stayed. I came for it

    • +1

      Solicited though

  • +29

    One for the dart board

    • +3

      I'll order multiple copies to line my budgies' cages.

      • +1

        That’s insulting to them.

  • +4

    No sausage fingers, no deal

  • +1

    I've been waiting for mine for months now :(

    • +1

      They only just finished painting the official portrait a few weeks ago. It's the rather iffy satanic red looking thing.

      Edit: I just followed the link. Damn, it's a boring old photo that looks more like great uncle Rupert and his "friend" from the bowling club.

  • +10

    How did he earn all those medals? Must have been one heck of a brave soldier.

    • +3

      Inherited. Like everything that Charles has

      • +1

        They are on his left side so he did earn them.


        • +2

          There are actual soldiers out there with decoration. This is a kick in the face to them

          Quick Google suggests he visited soldiers in Kosovo; Afghanistan. Other than that it seems honorary or figureheading.

          Don't get me wrong, I don't think the king should be on the ground. But he should also be undecorated.

          • +6

            @justtoreply: He was actually in the Navy. Pretty much every male monarch in Britain has served in the military.

            • +1

              @alphas: Ok. Good to know

            • +5


              He was actually in the Navy

              and the army and the air force …

              "In 2012, the late Queen Elizabeth II awarded him the highest rank in all three services - Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet and Marshal of the Royal Air Force."

              what a man!

              • +5

                @c64: Kind of like getting Prestige 10 in every call of duty, what a boss

              • +1

                @c64: He rolled straight 18’s when spec’ing his build out.

        • Interesting that 3 of them are issued by/for/with respect to (the Monarch of) New Zealand. Wasn't expecting that.

    • +2

      He plays Battlefield 2…

      • +10

        i think you meant to say he gets someone to play for him

        • +2

          And he was born with the "infinite lives" cheat code.

  • +1

    toilet paper for the year sorted

    • +1

      I believe all of HM’s portraits are automatically printed on 3-ply.

    • +1

      Bit shiny though.

  • +12

    Really do we pay with our tax for this crap?

    • +17

      You're paying either way whether we get this or not. So who cares. There's no f's given and zero accountability for tax money in this country for the last 2 decades anyways.

      • +4

        That's kind of not how taxes work. If the demand goes up, so does the claim for a bigger slice of the budget the following year.

        • I presume the demand for looking good overseas goes up too so we hand more millions overseas too as we have lots of money to share

      • Far out I thought we have way more ways to spend our money in benefit of our people. Not some old fella picture that represents nothing in nowadays Australia society that is so sad.

    • +1

      When is the next republic referendum? Can't wait.

  • How many ply is it..and how many sheets per roll?

  • Annibyniaeth

  • I can envisage lots of these at the local paintball place

  • +2

    Guess the dart board is sorted now.

    • +1

      the ears are only worth 1 point.

  • -3

    No deal, they look like a Monthy Python rip-off

  • +9

    Would prefer a Portrait of jv in the penalty box

  • +1

    How’s this a deal?

  • +3

    Why would govt even consider wasting tax money on such stupid things?

    • Still waiting to hear about when they'll update our currency with his mug on them too lol

      • Already been in circulation for a couple of months now.

    • +1

      Because officially he's the head of state of Australia.

  • Who?

    • +4

      They have the internet on computers now.

  • +28

    waste of taxpayer money

    • +2

      Thanks upvoted.

    • Yep.

    • 100% true

  • +8

    Waste of paper

    • Looks like his suit is stuffed with paper. (And her face is made of sandpaper.)

  • +2

    Just what nobody asked for, nor need.

  • Where's the Prince Andrew Boeing 727 edition?

  • could have been a deal if it was a door mat.

  • +2

    What! A portrait of normal Charlie, not the blood red portrait of Lord Charligo the Carpathian? No deal.

  • -1

    This dude spends quite a lot of money on the best food he eats is what I hear.

  • Anyone got a copy? Are his fingers in the pic?

  • And if one wanted to send one of these to one's friend.. How would one do so?

  • +2

    I'm going to get one of those printed and put it in a little frame and put it on my wife's bedside table (she says she supports the monarchy). Can't wait for the reaction.

    • Just to show you're not prejudiced… you could get one of horsey's portraits and put it on your bedsider, for a matching pair.

  • Ol mate forgot to iron his pants.

  • -4

    Isn't Charles the Biden in Royal Family?

    • Yeah like Andrew is the Trump.

  • -1

    Can I get mine with a copy of the recording of his famously leaked telephone conversation with Camilla (when he was still married to Diana) telling her he wanted to be her sanitary product (now known as Tampongate)? Would be a great conversation starter at our Kings Birthday holiday BBQs.

    Utter fraud.

    • +1

      Turns you on does it…

    • Too many royalists lurking in this place for my liking! I mean, any ozbargainer that reckons pommy royalty is a bargain need to take a good hard look at themselves, and then self flagellate!
      I gave you a + tp do my bit at introducing some reality to the bootlickery going on.

  • +1

    No red background = no sale

  • Can we get an accompanying framed portrait of Bronwyn Bishop?

  • +1

    'Strange women lying in ponds, distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government!'

  • +4

    All that money and they couldn't put him in a tailored suit?

    • Seriously! I expected the clothing to be better for a king!

  • +1

    Who would want a photo of him???

    • +1


      • Unnecessary, those ears are visible from space.

  • +1

    For those that need their dartboard updated!!!

  • Looks ridiculous. Those pants have more bagginess than MC Hammer pants!
    The shoulders are hanging off him too.

    For the King of England, he looks like he's borrowed those clothes from someone else!

  • Last time I asked for a portrait (of Prince Philip), my local MPs office claimed they didn't have any and would get back to me when they had more available. Which of course never happened - disgraceful! Lol

  • Nice! I'm going to get one and put it on my leftist gf's wall muahaha

  • +1

    does it come with his theme song?


  • My mum was a huge Diana fan so im gonna grab the one of them both and Camilla for her and frame them for her birthday in August. Priceless. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Poor old Charlie -really does look like he scored his suit at the Op Shop.
    Surprised he doesn't have a better fitting one

    • really does look like he scored his suit at the Op Shop

      could be. the jacket has stains on it

      • Really amazing his minders let him out like that. Lol

  • Not these elite, 1% sect club, nazzczzies again. I just hope he doesn't die soon, i couldn't handle another fake "free world" mourning, like for the old hag B_tch.

  • How to request printed version? I don't see a button.

    • Australians can request printed versions of the portraits through their Federal Member of the House of Representatives or Senator in their state or territory.

  • Absolutely gutted Charles kept his hands behind his back for the shoot… I really wanted to see those sausages in gorgeous 4K

  • Is that the one with the devil in the background?

  • accidentallespatterson

  • Kate would be better for the bathroom.

  • How much is that costing? Isn't there better things to spend tax payer $ on??

    • Agreed…. If we have to have anything associated with british royalty, at least make it an australian product, like that daft wingnut that knighted phil the greek.

  • Why is this a deal?
    Nothing is free… this will end up costing the taxpayer…

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