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Free - We Stand with Ukraine Posters & Stickers Delivered @ Vistaprint

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Nothing to make the weekend better than a deal for people to debate about the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Grab a free sticker whilst you're at it.

Voices around the world are coming together with a single message: We stand with Ukraine. To help amplify these voices, and in solidarity, our creative community designed these posters and stickers. They are completely free and yours to use and share with others. Because quantities are limited, and to give others an opportunity to #StandWithUkraine, please limit your order to 5 products.

These VistaPrint products are part of Vista’s global efforts to shine a light on the atrocities taking place in Ukraine, and to help our 450 team members who live there. See the bottom of this page for more details.

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closed Comments

    • +3

      That song is awful, hurt my ears.

      • +3

        Yeah that song really stings.

      • +4

        Haha yeah, he "hopes" "the Russians love their children too", like they're some soulless animals who naturally don't love. Like the west never commited any aggression, like the west weren't the first to place nuclear missiles on the enemy border (hint, the Cuban missile crisis was a response to American nukes in Turkey).

        The song would've been okay if it called out politicans and those behind all wars, not an ethnic group. Just like those MSM reporters saying we need to take Ukrainians in because they have "blonde hair and blue eyes". The world is full of racist virtue signalling fools.

        Also would've been great if he called out the suffering which Russians living in the disputed regions have been suffering since 2014. But nah, it's all gotta be one sided for y'all.

        • +5

          What country are these "disputed regions" in, and who is doing the "disputing"?

          • -8

            @jackspratt: The regions are in Ukraine and Russians there want their autonomy, they're majority by population and face persecution. So why not grant it to them?

            The Israelis got their autonomy from Palestine, and the Albanians got theirs in Kosovo too, they even built a statue for Mr Clinton as a cheers.

            So why the double standards? People died in those wars too, but here we have the MSM defending Ukrainians saying they "Have blonde hair and blue eyes like us", this level of condemnation is not seen when the aggressor is western, why?

            The MSM supported many "struggles of freedom" and thus the average Joe's of the world did too. But now they don't and the Joe's don't either, because they just following conditioning.

        • +11

          Yeah when a country invades another one and starts shelling civilians they do open themselves up to all sorts of criticism it's really just not fair!

          • +8

            @gakko: 86% of Donbass/Luhansk voted for independent Ukraine not staying in Russia when the Soviet union broke up. Most are Ukrainians not Russians, or they were until Putin invaded and created a civil was because he couldn't do it the way he did in Crimea.

        • -1

          Ukraine is just a hapless victim, same as Vietnam was. And Korea. And Iraq. Victim of what? Ultimately a victim of USA and the west. USA didn't like missiles in Cuba, didn't like Saddam manipulating oil, didn't like Vietnam being communist, nor Korea. All were USA lead conflicts. All failed, as should always happen with bullies and sticky beaks who meddle in others affairs. All hurt the civilian population greatly. And because we are the west, it's always the other side that forced us to do these things.

          • +9

            @jrvb42: Sure. How dare those Ukrainians to deside anything by themselves when they have a border with such a great neighboir like Russia. No country bordering Russia should be allowed to have it's own policies, cause "sphere of influence".
            You do realize you're just parroting stupid Russian propaganda?

        • +6

          Good point, but why were the borders drawn in the first place? The modern border issue has been ongoing ever since the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917, and since 2014 when Russia decided to reclaim it the Russians have been sending terrorists in to destabilise the government. To the point that Ukraine had to build a (Trump like) wall and have entry requirements like the USA has with pre entry clearance and biometrics…, but still Russia was sending militia in to the point the Ukraine had to stop all men between 16 and 60 from entering.

          Like all border regions language become ambiguous, so Russian speaking or not is not an excuse for shifting borders, look at Switzerland as an example.

          Russia has been acting like the PLO or like Hamas, trying to destabilise the government and spread propaganda. If anything Ukraine is more akin to Israel West Bank. Even Mexican travel to USA complete with wall is a similar situation except Mexico doesn't want to invade that part of the USA, nor does USA wish to invade part of Mexico.

          Trouble is its all politics and misinformation combined with fascists war mongering selfish leaders who prefer power over peace. I hope we can silence Putin soon, and hope we can find peaceful ways to stop countries and terrorist organisations like them. The world appears to be full of them.

        • +1

          he "hopes" "the Russians love their children too", like they're some soulless animals

          Wow, all those years you've hear the song and TOTALLY missed the point. Do you take one line out of context literally? Try listening to the words around it. "We share the same …"
          But to be fair you are not the only person for whom the point was too subtle. In the recording linked above, Sting changed the last line to " Is that the Russians love their children too."

          Like the west never commited [sic] any aggression,

          No, nobody said that. In this instance, your "triggered millennial" avatar seems appropriate in a totally non-ironic way.

          BTW, Russians and Ukrainians are the same ethnic group, ie Slavs. They have a different language.

    • Why did I think this guy was dead…

      • He has been dead inside for a very long time.

      • Dealbot made a forum post not too long ago, goes into how he decides to post things and why it's gotten slower.

  • +18

    Not really debate worthy. End the crapfest and petrol prices will go back to normal

    • +45

      petrol prices will go back to normal

      Is that all you're worried about?

      • +57

        No. But if I post about how Russia is led by a dicktator who is killing innocent people on here it changes nothing other than to act as a call for the Russian propaganda squad to start commenting.

        I said it is not debate worthy because this unprovoked invasion is clearly wrong and there is no real debate that could justify the loss of so many innocent civilians and the sovereignty of a country or say otherwise but people will still try…

        • +6

          Putin is calling middle East and Syria to help them fight Ukraine…. Not gonna end soon

        • +2

          100% correct.

        • +1

          Totally agree lost of human life is not debatable. A debatable topic is can this war be prevented?

          • +5

            @htc: Yes, by having Putin "accidentally" die before Crimea.

          • +17

            @DrScavenger: So the Ukraine wanting to have closer ties to NATO to ensure it wasn't invaded was unjustified? 👀

            People didn't need to die.

            • +18

              @alwayskeepinitreal: Yes it was. If the west didn't encourage Ukraine to be so hostile towards Russia this whole conflict could have been avoided. This conflict isn't as simple as the people try to make it seem. A big part of the conflict is actually a civil war and the fact that the Ukrainian government was so hostile towards to native Russian speakers in the west did not help.
              This lecture by an American political science professor was recorded in 2015 but the points he makes are just as relevant today as they were then.

              • +6

                @ds311: In case anyone thinks Mearsheimer isn't mainstream enough here's a link to our own Peter Greste, an international journalist who's been jailed in Egypt and is currently tenured at Macquarie Uni on the ABC:


                Peace doesn't mean wars that we win, it means disarmament.

                • +3

                  @Jackson: Thank I just listen, thanks for sharing

                • @Jackson: Disarmament is exactly what Ukraine was doing and as a result it was invaded by Russia in 2014. Check Budapest Memorandum.

                • @Jackson: Russell Brand is now across this, it would be great if everyone could watch his take, if not to understand that we were sleepwalking towards this war but just to see the other perspective. This is a breakdown of a recent Glen Greenwald article, who was the reporter that broke the Snowden story:


              • +11

                @ds311: Very glad someone brought up the lecture by John Mearsheimer.

                I agree that this situation likely could have been avoided if NATO did not make the statement in Bucharest 2008.

                Ukraine could have tried to be a buffer state, but everything got nudged towards NATO/USA.

              • -3

                @ds311: I think you should give Russia some agency on how Ukrainians feel. Russia is on its border, not some burgher in Belgium.

                • +8

                  @entropysbane: If we didn't push so hard to encorporate Ukraine into NATO and the EU which would mean dissolving Ukraine into America's sphere of influence and putting troops on Russia's border this invasion would not have happened. It's horrible what's happening in Ukraine but to cast the blame solely on Russia or Putin is ignoring everything building up to the invasion.

              • @ds311: You clearly don't know what you are talking about. And as for your statement that "the Ukrainian government was so hostile towards to native Russian speakers" it is total BS which has been used by Russian govt controlled media. Not to mention that a native Russian speaker was elected by overwhelming majority as a President of Ukraine.

              • -1

                @ds311: Mearsheimer is substantially proven wrong with a lot of what he says. Just listen from 23:10 where he waxes lyrical about how smart Putin is and how he won't invade Ukraine…. He'll just wreck Ukraine instead through destabilisation etc.

                Honestly, this guy is a political professor who has spent his life studying geopolitics and his entire thinking is shaped by "spheres of influence" and the behaviours of superpowers which effectively translate in to rules for superpowers to bully and ignore what the people really want.

                All of the scene setting with ethno linguistic maps and calling Ukraine a divided nation has been totally disproven during the course of the Russian invasion by fact that not one Ukrainian city rolled over and welcomed Russians in to take over. NOT ONE. If this guy was anywhere near the money you would've expected Odessa, Mariupol, Melitopol, Berdyan, Kherson etc to roll over and roll out the welcome mat. This didn't happen and Mr Ivory tower political lecturer will simply update his next set of slides to deliver another interesting academic speech divorced from what average Ukrainians want across the country which is life not beholden to Putin and his thugs.

                • @Punkboy: Firstly what Putin is doing is destabilisation not conquering. And secondly what about the separatist states? Aren't they part of Ukraine? Not only are they welcoming Putin they've been fighting against the rest of Russia in a Civil war since 2016. If Ukraine isn't divided then explain that.

            • +1

              @alwayskeepinitreal: All Zelensky needed to do is to remain neutral like Switzerland and all these people who died of this conflict could be saved. No but instead he wanted to swing to one side and regardless of which side he swings to he'll get the shit from the other side

              • +1

                @mengqing: I guess you're not a fan of democracy? Ukrainian people want freedom more than anything which includes aligning itself with like minded democratic European countries. Have some respect for the wishes of their people. They are dying to fight off a superpower such is the convictions of their desire for their own homeland and future security against their bullying neighbour.

          • -1

            @DrScavenger: Says the Russian TV…

        • +2

          Ignorance, Capitalist propaganda & our incmpetent govt is costing us more. Provoked by the US/NATO that trained Nazi groups in Ukraine against the Russian groups.
          We need to debate & discover the real truth & reasons for feeding the Military Industria Complex of the US & the AU/UK/EU puppets.
          This is on top if the

          The only credible journalist is locked by NATO bullies.
          "If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.” — Julian Assange quotes from Wallpapers With Inspirational Quotes


          • -4

            @taki: While I couldn't agree more with what you said, I afraids your unpopular opinion wont be welcomed around here … As long as Julian Assange is in prison and the war starter & perpetrators of wars sit in high position in public office, the public worldwide wont wake up … "There is no business like wars"

            • +1

              @frewer: How the hell are you getting neg voted for defending Julian Assange? Wow.

              Edit. Actually it's probably JV. Makes sense.

        • -4

          "unprovoked invasion" ahahhhhahhahhahhhahahahahhaHhahahahahahahahahahahhahahah. Lay off the propoganda, Ukraine made this mess and now want ww3. Live by the sword….

          • +3

            @lew380: Ukraine didn't start jack mate, this is Putin's dream to Make Russia Great Again.

      • +5

        You don't have to be worried about exclusively one thing at a time, especially knowing that worrying won't solve anything.

      • A lot of retro video game flashcarts are made in Ukraine, it would be nice if the war could end so they can all be back in stock again.

        • The very early stage Sega Saturn core for the MiSTer FPGA is being developed by a Ukrainian developer. Probably going to be a while before that gets released now.

      • +1


    • +17

      As someone with a bit of insider knowledge of the industry, fuel prices would not go down even if the Ukraine nonsense ended tomorrow.

      It's an influence sure, but mostly being used as an excuse to finally pass on price pressures that have been building for over a year while minimising blowback.

      I guess it worked.

      • -3

        Simple economics of supply and demand would dictate that prices would certainly drop. Maybe not to pre war levels but nowhere near what they are touted to surge to

        • +1

          Do the simple economics of supply and demand tell us why fuel prices surged in the first place?

          • -4

            @lozzag123: Supply and demand… You'll have to do the thinking yourself but I've given you the starting point. If you are stuck you could try Google fuel, covid war, limited supply opec etc. Good luck on your quest for knowledge

            • +1

              @Chocobros: What changed, in terms of supply and demand of refined automobile fuels, between the 24th of February and the 27th of February? Because I can see that fuel prices were stable before this period of time and have started shooting up ever since. Are Australians buying more fuel? Or did something happen to our fuel reserves?

              • @lozzag123: I'll be honest I am no fuel / fuel price specialist. Maybe you could shed some light on it? Mitt says they have insider knowledge. Maybe they could advise?

                Could it be sentiment and speculation on the predicted shortfall of fuel to come? Could it be an already limited supply from opec countries and then an increased demand while countries demand more oil post covid and then the idea that war with an oil producing country limits supply even further?

                Increasing fuel costs from limited supply and increased demand lead to increased transport costs and so the cost of everyday items go up I.e. Inflation. Thus only compounds the problem.

                I think if covid has shown us anything it is that the human race is illogical and stupid. Unfounded fears lead to crazy behaviours like panic buying toilet paper etc. Keep in mind toilet paper is not even deemed an essential good. Fuel on the other hand…

                • -2

                  @Chocobros: Here Jason Burack (Are Gas Prices Going Higher? Oil Stocks Deep Dive, Commodities Intel)

                • +1

                  @Chocobros: My insider knowledge is mostly knowing a few guys high up in the hierarchy at a big fuel supplier (wont say which one). They were talking/commiserating about prices soon exceeding $2/L at the pump for standard unleaded back in Jan. They were speculating on it back then, well before Ukraine kicked off.

          • @lozzag123: Because they can.
            Greedy oil companies and the government don't give a shit. Just like how the prices surge on the eve of a long weekend.
            They'd jack the prices up based on the wrong footy team losing a game if they could. (They probably have)

      • +2

        Spot on. We are in an inflationary environment anyway. Supply/demand imbalances and underinvestment in new projects for years across most commodities for a variety of reasons. The Ukraine invasion is just accelerating an existing trend. Probably one of the various reasons why Putin chose this moment.

        • But we can all eat services can’t we?

      • -2

        The only driver for capitalists is profit. Without proper state planning, life will only get more challenging.
        With incompetent & damaging govt we can only blame external distractions instead of waking up & taking responsibility for our (in)actions.

        The only credible journalist is locked by NATO bullies.
        "If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.” — Julian Assange quotes from Wallpapers With Inspirational Quotes
        I do not defend military actions by anyone. The whole world needs to be demilitarised immediately. Not feeding the US Military-Industrial Complex (or Big Pharma manipulators) with more weapons that intensify the wars - with our tax money :(

        Better small investment :)

        • Hahaha. There is a video called I pencil that is worth you watching.
          The role of the state is regulatory, anything beyond that and eventually there is trouble.

          And yes, it is time to rebuild the military.

          • +1

            @entropysbane: "Rebuild the military" with direct participation if you dare - not socializing with other people's money & risk.
            The govt is contracted to people for the people, not the few capitalist exploiters.
            In real democracy, we should be able to sack them any time they start to do damage increasing in the last 10ish years.
            Why do we wait so long? Ignorance, brainwashed, …?

      • As someone with a bit of insider knowledge of the industry, fuel prices would not go down even if the Ukraine nonsense ended tomorrow.

        Prob cause the sanctions will still be in place long after this war is over.

        • Well the guys I was talking to that are high enough up the chain to know were bracing for $2/l at the pump in January, before Ukraine was a concern, so while the sanctions added some extra spice on top, it likely wont be going back to start of the year prices any time soon.

    • +1

      ukraine is one of the worlds largest producers of wheat ….stalin called it the bread basket of russia ….. .so will also impact the price of bread / wheat goods if harvest is disrupted ….. if australia exports more wheat to make up global short fall price of wheat goods will up in australia also , ukraine produces raw materials used in chip manufacturing so that will also impact the chip shortage ……..

  • +8

    I am sure the 450 team members who live in Ukraine will really appreciate the free stickers.

    • +1

      who what what now?

      • +1

        Yes, they are all Uber eats drivers there.

  • +4

    Not sure it will help, but it is a nice touch being free and with free shipping.

    • +12

      You could do with watching some mainstream media by the looks of it…

      • +4

        Nice, and the NPC meatbots didn't even pick up on your wit.

    • +1


    • +3

      More downvotes than the free sticker deal has upvotes. Shit take to rival the best of them.

    • +2

      Do you know who is Igor Girkin, he has explanation about past 8 years and how Russia started war back in 2014, also he is one who was taking their part in killing 28 Australians……

    • +14

      Probably right. I often think: "I could really get behind this egomaniacal despot Putin. We just need to make the whole 'repression & genocide' thing just a smidge
      trendier …"

    • +14

      Excuse me, did you know mh17?
      Did you know there were 27 Australian onboard?
      Did you know there was a group of top scientists heading to Melbourne for an academic conference?

      Just because you are ignorant and didn't know where Ukraine is, there are a lot more people different from you.

      • Just because you are ignorant and didn't know where Ukraine is

        He knows. Dražen just being dražen.

      • +2

        Excuse me, did you know mh17?
        Did you know there were 27 Australian onboard?

        But still no one explain why civilian airplane was redirected to fly over warzone. It is was zone where practically every days Ukraine's military airplanes was attacked from Donbass territory to fight their airstrike. In same periods there was destroyed two Ukraine's military airplanes.
        This is not first accident with shotdown civilian airplane.
        On October 4, 2001, a Tu-154 of Russian Siberia Airlines was shot down over the Black Sea, flying along the Tel Aviv-Novosibirsk route. All 78 people on board were killed. The plane was hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile from the S-200V complex, fired during Ukrainian exercises held in Crimea.
        From the very beginning, the Ukrainian authorities refused to admit their guilt, insisting that the fact that the aircraft was hit by a missile does not in itself prove the guilt of their military.
        However, later the Ukrainian government transferred $7.8 million to pay the relatives of the dead Russian passengers. The relatives of the Israeli passengers were also paid $7.5 million.
        The then President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, admitted the guilt of Ukraine, however, in a very strange way:
        "Are we the first or the last? There is no need to make a tragedy out of this, since some kind of mistake has already happened. Mistakes happen everywhere, and not only on this scale, on a much larger scale - planetary," he said, answering journalists' questions.

    • Had a great time in Kyiv and Chernobyl. It's a shame what's happening as I'd love to go back.

      • +1

        I reckon when this is well over they will have massive tourism for a time. All the best to them.

    • +5

      Till yesterday no one knew…

      Outstanding self-righteousness and ignorance. No you're alone. You're welcome.

    • +7

      Till yesterday no one knew where Ukraine is on the map

      the fact that till yesterday you didn't know much of Ukraine sums things up

      the fact that because you didn't know it and that because you didn't know it you assume no-one else knew it explains not only ignorance but low awareness

      it's been on the radar and on the news for a long long time…only dimwits who get their info from right wing conspiracy sites seem to think otherwise

    • +3

      Speak for yourself.

    • You lost me at the ranting. Perhaps consuming too much has reduced my attention span? Probably, yes. But definitely? Maybe not.

  • This better be popcorn worth dealbot

  • +39

    Now we just need some for Palestine.

    • +44

      Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Vietnam and all the other countries where USA and its allies invaded or did proxy wars?

      • +5

        Yes, yes, yes, yes and YASS!

      • +1

        Yes please, it's only fair

      • +13

        USA is the biggest hypocrite in history, they attack Iraq for no reason, kill millions of people, the resistance in Iraq are labelled as "insurgents", same thing happens in Ukraine, the resistance are labelled "Hero's". miss me with that bullshit..

        • +3

          Iraq for no reason

          The reason was so Cheney could make a shitload of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from his defence companies .
          Don't begrudge the man .

        • The russians have kill only 500 civilians or so up to this point, the US were killing 1500/day. Just shows the way the media likes to portray the goodies and the baddies, (hint, we are always the goodies)

          • +1

            @lew380: It's sickening and shameful for you to make this comparison, as if death in war is merely a ledger that needs to be balanced depending on which superpower you back.

            Russian forces are decimating Ukraine and Ukrainians. That is all that needs to be said. Don't justify the killings this way.

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