• long running

Free Gaza Solidarity Sticker Delivered after Contact from Amnesty International Australia


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At the time of writing 689 sign ups of the 2500 goal had been reached.

Please note that due to limited stock and resources, this product is only available to those who have not previously signed up for a free sticker or poster from Amnesty. We will not be able to fulfil your order if you have already signed up for a free sticker or poster from us.

By taking action, you give permission for Amnesty International Australia to contact you about more ways to support our campaigns.

Mod - This deal meets our posting guidelines & there have been previous similar deals posted. #1 Stop Adani Sticker Pack, #2 Start Adani T-Shirt and Sticker Pack, #3 Australian Greens Bumper Sticker, #4 Free Tote Bag Delivered From Sam Hibbins MP, #5 Campaign Stickers: Free via Email Request or $1 Donation @ Smart Energy Council, #6 Free - We Stand with Ukraine Posters & Stickers Delivered @ Vistaprint.

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Amnesty International Australia


    • +42

      Is this a slogan Hamas uses?

      • +103

        will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

        • +7

          Yes I will

          • +8

            @belmakov: List of respected Jewish academics who have criticized Netanyahu's actions in Gaza, which some have characterized as genocidal:
            1. Barry Trachtenberg - Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History at Wake Forest University. He has testified in court against Biden administration's support for Israel's actions in Gaza.
            2. Peter Beinart - Journalist, political commentator,& professor at City University of New York. He has been critical of Netanyahu's rhetoric& policies.
            3. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian - Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has faced repercussions for criticizing Israel's actions in Gaza.
            4. Norman Finkelstein - American political scientist& author known for his critical work on Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
            5. Ilan Pappé - Israeli historian& socialist activist, professor at Uni of Exeter.
            6. Judith Butler - Philosopher& gender theorist at Uni of California, Berkeley, who has been critical of Israeli policies.
            7. Noam Chomsky - Linguist& political activist, professor Emeritus at MIT, known for his criticism of Israeli policies.
            8. Sara Roy - Senior research scholar at Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, known for her work on Gaza Strip.
            9. Marc Ellis - Retired university professor& author, known for his work on contemporary Judaism& Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
            10. Daniel Boyarin - Talmudic culture& rhetoric professor at University of California, Berkeley, who has been critical of Zionism.

            • +2

              @taki: A lot of good moderate Israelis have criticised Netanyahu. No need to cite tanky Genocide deniers like Chomsky.

            • +4

              @taki: Anyone who can make you believe absurdities (C/iA goal) can make you commit atrocities - Voltaire
              Let's address the elephant in the room. The origins of today's global suffering. Soft intro before the historical facts.

              Einstein’s letter to Chaim Weizman (Zionist leader), 25/11/1929 « If we prove incapable of achieving cohabitation & honest agreements with the Arabs, then we will have learned absolutely nothing during our 2000 years of suffering & will deserve everything that happens to us ».
              He's trying to save Israelites from self-destruction. Zion/National-ism is self-destructive.
              Big picture ~Early expulsions FROM mostly EUROPE:
              19: Emperor Tiberius expelled Jews from Rome. 38: expelled from Alexandria, Egypt.
              41-53: Claudius expelled Jews from Rome. 73: >1st Jewish-Roman War, many displaced/enslaved.
              117: Diaspora Revolt →mass expulsions& near annihilation of Jews in Cyrenaica, Cyprus & parts of Egypt.
              135: >Bar Kokhba revolt, expelled from Jerusalem& surrounding areas, many sold into slavery.
              1290: King Edward I issued Edict of Expulsion, banishing all Jews from England (estimated 16,000 people).
              1306& 1394: Major expulsions from France (~100k in 1394).
              1421: expelled from Austria by Duke Albert V.
              1492: Alhambra Decree expulsion from Spain (few 100k).
              1496: expelled from Portugal.
              1491: expelled from Ravenna, Italy.
              1496: expelled from Styria& Wiener Neustadt by Maximilian I.
              1551: expelled from Bavaria.
              1569-1593: Popes Pius V & Clement VIII expelled them from most papal states.
              1495: temporarily expelled from Lithuania.
              1940: Soviet deportation of Polish Jews to Siberia& other remote areas.
              1943-1944: Expulsions & pogroms in some Italian cities.
              Jews found refuge in Poland, which became centre of Jewish life in Europe for centuries. The expulsions reshaped the demographic distribution of European Jewry & contributed to development of distinct traditions: Sephardic (Iberia) & Ashkenazic(Rhineland/Germany before migrating to Slavic regions).

              Debunking propaganda (12k shares since 12’20): https://www.middleeasteye.net/big-story/truth-behind-israeli…

              Israeli historian Ilan Pappe addressing UN about 1948 Nakba & formation of Israel. ‘Nakba’ means "catastrophe" in Arabic, - displacement of Palestinians during Israel's creation. 9’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtFSbhhvD0s

            • +1

              @taki: I see very failed “genocide” in China’s Xinjiang (need to study) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6cNsBY3008

          • -6

            @Hamsahamsahamsa: Israel is the founder of terrorism

            • +11

              @sarah965: Isn't that the UK…

              • +1

                @JobDestroyer: Romans were doing some kick ass terrorism a while back, the Huns were pretty good at it too.

              • @JobDestroyer: perfected by us ;) trend ~71% goal of 2,500 achieved

                • @taki: Almost 80% of the 2500 goal (Pareto) ~100% ordered stickers. 57 bargain stickers to go ;)

              • -1

                @JobDestroyer: Yes & they put them there as agents in the middle of the Arab world. +ve side 4:1 & ~>82% of 2500 target which is success by the Pareto 80-20 rule ;)

            • +12

              @sarah965: As a true blue aussie I feel delighted and privileged to be able to respond with the following:

              Am Yisrael Chai!

              The only terrorist entity in this deal is Hamas, who amnesty is in support of.
              Since 2001, Australia has listed Hamas in its entirety as a terrorist entity for financial sanctions under part 4 of the Charter of the United Nations Act 1945, as part of implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373.

              This post, indirectly/directly supporting a terrorist entity financially, is potentially breaking the law.

              If you come across any comments that sound "terroristy", please click the link and call the number

              • +10

                @Hamsahamsahamsa: colonialists caping for other colonial entities, so courageous. you willfully stand on the wrong side of history, you think a state definition of a terrorist = terrorist? maybe we could sit down and talk about the CIA/FBI's(australia being americas bitch would not oppose these classifications) long history of classifying civil rights activists as terrorists to justify harassment, suppression and in many cases murder, but i assume you are too stupid to engage in such a discussion. nelson mandela was classified as "terrorist" until 2008, would you spit in his face and say he deserves to die? i guess you would when i tell you he rightfully supports palestine, palestinians who are subjugated under the apartheid state of israel, mandela might have a little more expertise on the issue then you, a proud australian, i assume you are probably proud of the fact that 45% of adult australians are functionally illiterate(you very likely being one of them). i suppose you were a big supporter of australia taking in alot of rhodesians when the apartheid state in south africa fell in the 90's, with little to no immigration process no less? truly a wonder when a white coloniser state comes to the aid of other white coloniser states, i wonder why that happens.

                • +7


                  you willfully stand on the wrong side of history,

                  Whenever I see 'the wrong side of history' I think this is a person that can't come up with any justification for what they believe…

                  the fact that 45% of adult australians are functionally illiterate(you very likely being one of them)

                  Like knowing how capital letters work for example. Truly remarkable logic on display here…

                  when a white coloniser state comes to the aid of other white coloniser states, i wonder why that happens.

                  When did Jews become White? White people originated in Europe. Israel is not Europe, in case you weren't aware. What was that about illiteracy?
                  Also, if you don't like the White coloniser state, when are you leaving it? Or are you one of those entitled types that enjoy all the benefits of the place you live while at the same type moaning about all of it? So brave. So courageous.

                  • -3

                    @1st-Amendment: Someone with a name having nothing to do with australia, but strongly linked to another country, is banging on about australians?

                    Someone who seeks to deflect from the horrific inhuman acts of israel by talking about punctuation?

                    OK….jews aren't white according to you. I'm interested. Is being jewish a racial characteristic, or a religious characteristic? Clearly you have an answer because you imply someone not being aware of such things may be illiterate.

                    The irony of a zionist suggesting that someone is not brave or courageous because they stand against evil highlights your values and behaviour.

                    • -1


                      Someone with a name…

                      When you have no argument, do whatever is you just did there.
                      I added $1 to the brain fart jar on your behalf :)

                      by talking about punctuation?

                      You raised the idea of illiteracy while at the same time demonstrating illiteracy.
                      Also capitalisation is not the same as punctuation. Perhaps it's not a good idea to accuse others of being illiterate if you don't know the basics yourself.

                      suggesting that someone is not brave or courageous because they stand against evil

                      Well that's the point you're not standing for anything, you're just crying about it like a toddler does when they don't get their ice cream. If you want to take a stand, why not go to Gaza and pick up a rifle? Because simply crying about stuff is much easier that's why. We know the drill

                      • @1st-Amendment: Most of what you wrote is verbal runs, and you know it.

                        I am however waiting for your articulate response to my question
                        "OK….jews aren't white according to you. I'm interested. Is being jewish a racial characteristic, or a religious characteristic? Clearly you have an answer because you imply someone not being aware of such things may be illiterate."

                        I'm not going to "go to gaza and pick up a rifle"…. we both know that's suicide… the resistance with rifles up against an army of occupation with some of the most sophisticated weapons in the world, because USA gave them to israel. I don't feel like taking a rifle to an area where amoral occupational forces are shelling and bombing indiscriminantly.

                        What I and many others are doing is bringing to the population's attention the outrageous war crimes that israel is committing continuously, while being shielded in the UN by australia and the US, and armed with massive amounts of munitions by the US. Is knowingly supplying arms to a force continuously carrying out war crimes….a war crime in itself?

                        • +1


                          Clearly you have an answer because you imply someone not being aware of such things may be illiterate."

                          Nope. The illiterate part comes you clearly not knowing how Capitalisation works, although you seemed to have worked it out now. Well done.

                          I am however waiting for your articulate response to my question

                          You also struggle with basic Google too…

                          'The Jews or Jewish people are an ethno-religious group and nation originating from the Israelites of the historical kingdoms of Israel and Judah.' - wikipedia.

                          So explain to us how this ethno-relgious group from the Middle East is now labelled as White when 'White' are people traditionally from Europe and the Middle East is not in Europe? Is this all part of the anti-White racism that seems to popular with kids these days? But since Jews are not White it's a little inconvenient for the narrative, so you just pretend they are White to keep up the Anti -White racist rhetoric?

                          I'm not going to "go to gaza and pick up a rifle …. we both know that's suicide"….

                          So much for 'taking a stand' then. You're not 'taking a stand', you're just lying down whining like a baby about stuff the man on the TV told you to be upset about. Slactivism at it's finest…

                          • -2

                            @1st-Amendment: I'm not asking google questions….I'm asking YOU

                            Are you saying being jewish is a racial characteristic, or a religious characteristic, or both.

                            I'm waiting for an answer of what YOU believe….not AI chat or google

                            "you're just lying down whining like a baby about stuff the man on the TV told you to be upset about. Slactivism at it's finest…" highlights your thinking process…. you scream anti semitism as a defence against logical points about the evil horrors of israel's war crimes, but then have tantrums trying to insult and belittle with the intelligence of a 5 year old. Evidence of israel's war crimes is very simple to find, ranging from shelling and missiles on hospitals and known civilian targets, to assassination of journalists and aid workers, to brutal torture….the list goes on and on. One only has to watch video of speeches by israeli politicians to see the absolute evil of the state.

                            You have so far avoided answering the question of your nationality. Are you an australian who believes there is a first amendment relating to freedoms of speech (which would indicate a complete ignorance of our constitution, as australia has acts "altering the constitution", and the first such act of 1907 is in regard to senate elections) or are you an american joining this conversation from far away?

                            A brief look at your posting history on various topics suggests you are emotionally unhinged. Have you ever posted a comment that offers valid comment, and isn't simply a string of howling childish insults?

                            • -1


                              I'm not asking google questions….I'm asking YOU

                              Cool and I gave you the answer. But we've established that you literacy level is not great so I'll spell it out again:

                              My definition is that 'The Jewish people are an ethno-religious group originating from the Israelites of the historical kingdoms of Israel and Judah

                              Now your turn, when did people from the suddenly become White to you?

                              you scream anti semitism

                              Citation required. If you need to make things up to deflect from the argument then you have already lost.

                              • -5

                                @1st-Amendment: OK…
                                I've established you can't answer questions
                                Research has shown that you're a serial pest poster, continuously insulting others rather than having discussions of fact.
                                I'm not going to play your puerile game any longer.
                                I'll simply state that you are a classic example of the toxicity of zionism.
                                Keep spewing craziness…. I'm sure your "1st amendment" will shield you… in combination with the tinfoil headgear you should use.

                                • @rooster7777: Imagine not claiming that Jews are White then not being able to answer how or when that happened.

                                  I thought you were 'taking a stand'? This sounds an awful like running and hiding… Slactivism at it's finest.

              • -4
              • +20

                @Hamsahamsahamsa: Actually, Amnesty is not supporting Hamas - that's incorrect and misleading. You've provided no proof that Amnesty is supporting Hamas either directly or indirectly. What Amnesty IS doing is trying to support and intervene in a dire humanitarian crisis and provide aid as per its right under international law. Israel should also be providing aid to innocent civilians - a point not lost on the US.

                So, also as a 'true blue Aussie', I feel 'delighted and privileged' to be able to say that the Palestinian people have a right to self-determination and definitely not bombed out of existence by an ultra-right-wing Israeli government.

                If you want to know exactly what Amnesty is calling for, it's on their website but I'll also post it here for you…

                Amnesty is calling for:

                A sustained, meaningful and effective ceasefire and put an end to the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza,
                Israeli and Palestinian armed groups to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians, in line with their obligations under international humanitarian law,
                Israeli authorities to refrain from committing unlawful attacks that kill or injure civilians and destroy civilian homes, hospitals, schools and infrastructure,
                All Palestinian armed groups in Gaza to release all civilian hostages unconditionally and immediately,
                Israel to facilitate the establishment of humanitarian corridors for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and to allow safe passage for those in need of medical care outside the Gaza Strip
                The Australian Government to call for the protection of civilians and not be selective about which war crimes it denounces

              • -1

                @Hamsahamsahamsa: Funny, the coward IDF don’t know how to fight man to man, that’s why they bomb from the air targeting kids and anything that moves.

              • -4

                @Hamsahamsahamsa: As a true blue aussie who take care to educate myself about history and world affairs, you disgust me.

                European jews have carried out monstrous terrorist acts in the middle east prior to the formation of israel, and israelis have carried out monstrous acts after the formation of israel, illegally occupying land, stealing land, brutalizing, torturing, and killing countless people for generations.

                You describe yourself as a true blue aussie, and then start quoting yiddish. Are you a jewish zionist, or a misinformed non jewish zionist?
                The UN and the world knows that israel continues to commit war crimes. It has an ongoing strategy of assassinating journalists and aid workers, as well as the deliberate slaughter of thousands of civilians.

                Please report yourself to a committee oversighting the degeneration of human morality.

                • @rooster7777:

                  As a true blue aussie who take care to educate myself about history and world affairs

                  So tell us, how are Jews considered White?
                  Please enlighten us with this education you have…

                  jews have carried out monstrous terrorist acts

                  That's what the Austrian painter used to say.. imagine aligning yourself with that thinking that you're 'on the right side history' lol…

                  Cartoons called, they want their logic back 🤣

              • @Hamsahamsahamsa: I think it's about freeing Gaza rather than killing everyone.

              • +1

                @Hamsahamsahamsa: Is that why the ICC has now issues the arrest warrants for Ben and his mate?

                Also, just FYI, if you didn't know, Hamas is literally the product of an investment and project by the government of Israel.

                Context is everything, don't be so confident in your night and day answer. If you are willing to learn about it, there are people willing to help.


            • -4

              @sarah965: "Israel is the founder of terrorism" your internet licence is revoked.

              • -1

                @Bdawg: This blunt sloganeering seems as dangerous as the one on the sticker.

              • -4

                @Bdawg: She should have said "the european jews in the middle east committing terrorist acts against civilians and the british mandate/peacekeeping forces were the founders of modern terrorism.

                Israel is a country very active in the business of modern day war crimes.

            • +2

              @sarah965: meh, the english and spanish made a sport out of it in both The Indian Subcontinent, South East Asia and the Americas, and don't get me started on Japan pre-ww2. But yeah, colonialism is the ugliest demon man has ever spawned.

        • +87

          Free Gaza from Hamas. Fixed.

          • @TangoCharlieAlpha: This is the way. Now, do even more to reduce civilian casualty without increasing IDF casualty.

          • +7

            @TangoCharlieAlpha: Let's make sure we don't forget any baddies, how about "Free Gaza from Hamas and Israel?"

            • +10

              @ousema: Israel left Gaza in 2005.

              Before you mention the border fence, it was only erected after 2007 because instead of developing Gaza and improving lives of Gazans, Hamas started doing terror activities against Israeli communities near Gaza.

              Gaza was under Egyption occupation before 1967 and we never heard anyone say "Free Gaza" back then.

              • +5

                @TangoCharlieAlpha: You're surprised that people started saying "Free Gaza", after 'somebody' wrapped a concrete wall around the whole place and manages all people/supplies in and out?

                • +13

                  @JohnnyB.Cheap: Did you even read my comment?

                  Why did Israel had to erect the concrete wall? Because Hamas true to their charter started killing Israelis in terrorist attacks rather than enjoy freedom and improve life in Gaza.

                  Shame on useful gullible idiots, who donate money to charities that support these terrorists and that same money goes into building terror tunnels and weapons instead of developing Gaza.

              • +1

                @TangoCharlieAlpha: From wikipedia (Israel Disengagement From the Gaza Strip):
                The motivation behind the disengagement was described by Sharon's top aide as a means of isolating Gaza and avoiding international pressure on Israel to reach a political settlement with the Palestinians.
                The United Nations, international human rights organizations, many legal scholars, and a “majority of academic commentators” regard the Gaza Strip to still be under military occupation by Israel.[13] The International Court of Justice (ICJ) reaffirmed this position on the basis of Israel's continued control of the Gaza Strip. The 2024 ICJ advisory opinion, Article 42 of the Hague Relations and precedent in international law maintain that a territory remains occupied so long as an army could reestablish physical control at any time.[14][15]

                • +22

                  @ousema: -500,000 people died in Syrian war - not a peep and no demonstrations against Syrian dictator

                  -150,000 people died in Yemen war - not a peep and no demonstrations against Saudis

                  -100,000 people have died in ongoing Sudan war - not a peep and no demonstrations against RSF militias committing actual genocide

                  -1000,000 Uighurs incarcerated in China - not a peep and no demonstrations against China

                  Right after 7th Oct massacre in Israel, Sydney's peaceful community goes at Opera House and starts shouting "Gas the Jews" "Kill the Jews". Obviously, your comments are not biased at all.

                  No Jews No News

                  • +2

                    @TangoCharlieAlpha: So according to you, too big of a fuss is being made? You don't like disproportionate talk about Israel's response, but it's okay for Israel to kill disproportionately?

                    You bring jews and jew haters into the discussion and you seem to believe that I have a bias against jews. Well, not my bias. Maybe you shouldn't lump up all jews in the same boat either. There are jews in Israel that speak against the far right government, try to promote peace talks and political solutions. There are jews in Israel who have compassion for Palestinians and don't dehumanise them (https://jacobin.com/2024/07/amos-goldberg-genocide-gaza-isra…) but they get persecuted for it and labeled as Hamas supporters (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/13/it-is-a-time-o…). I respect those courageous people.

                    I strongly condemn the massacres perpetrated by BOTH sides. They are incredibly short-sighted, irresponsible, stupid and only seed more violence and hatred.

                    I also condemn Israel's colonialist policy. Israel's ongoing colonisation with the blessing of its powerful allies is a disgusting abomination. And whereever there is such a thing, there should be news, jews or not.

                    • +10

                      @ousema: Israel didn't start this conflict and you reap what you sow. Israel has offered 2 state solution so many times in the past, but it has been rejected each time by Palestinian leadership, hell bent on complete destruction of Israel and Jews. It's not about land, it's the indoctrination that motivates them to kill and celebrate.

                      And yes, Muslims and Leftist liberals are biased. They would turn a blind eye when Muslims kill other Muslims but protest all around the world when Israel fight legitimate war against a terror group embedded in civilian population while holding Israelis hostages and firing rockets at Israeli civilians. I don't believe in civilian death numbers provided by terrorist Hamas affiliated agency either, who count Hamas terrorists as civilians and don't differentiate.

                      • -2

                        @TangoCharlieAlpha: "Israel didn't start this conflict' said every ignorant person who thinks it began on the 7th of October.

                        Don't even need to read that much to get to the bottom of it all but I guess people rather listen to what is on the news than go do their own research.

                      • @TangoCharlieAlpha: By legitimate war you mean kill everyone and flatten everything because Israel has bigger bombs. So dumb!

                        • +1

                          @kewell: Just because Gazans don't have bigger bombs they are the nice guys? If they can kill so many civilians and cause so much destruction without big bombs on a single day (Oct 7th), I wonder what they would have done with bigger bombs. Ignorant fools will come up with absolutely stupid arguments to justify Hamas terror.

                          You don't have many options when terrorists are hiding in civilian clothes among civilians. War would have ended much earlier if these terrorists had returned the hostages. They are responsible for the destruction and Israel will/should do everything to get the hostages back.

                  • +2

                    @TangoCharlieAlpha: whataboutism

            • +13

              @ousema: Don't forget Egypt and Jordan in your list of "baddies" there. They both have closed borders with Palestinian territories and refuses to let Palestinains into their countries.

              • @Mr Plow: Wouldn't that be nice, bomb them a bit, expect the neighbours to take everyone in, and then go collect the free land.

              • +1

                @Mr Plow: What's your point?

          • +2

            @TangoCharlieAlpha: Free Gaza from People. That's what Israel is doing now.

            • +9

              @bar gain man: Why doesn't Hamas return the hostages and end the war then? You think Gazans don't know where Hamas is keeping the hostages? Last 4 hostages were rescued from busy civilian area.

          • -5

            @TangoCharlieAlpha: Free the middle east from the evil war crimes of israel. Fixed.

            • @rooster7777: Keep dreaming terrorist lover.

              Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and other Iranian puppets will get what they deserve. Don't try to import their evil ideology to Australia.

        • +36

          Hamas surrenders and these ''atrocities'' finish. Start a war and then play the victim……

        • +8

          I will, where can we buy this sticker ?

        • +34

          Well I thought I’d wear my Hamas parade uniform, the one I so proudly wear during Hamas parades when I’m screaming kill the Jews, but can’t seem to find my uniform when it’s an actual war.

          Never mind I’ll blend in like a civilian, Whilst I fire rockets, and shoot Gazans trying to leave areas they’ve been advised to leave.

          You know play the whole let’s increase the civilian casualties by hiding in amongst them (a war crime) like a coward.

          If I do get shot, I can pretend I’m a civilian or better stil a UNRWA worker.

          Nothing like creating the illusion of a Genocide, don’t look at Syria, the 600,000 deaths isn’t a genocide as it’s mostly Muslims doing the killing.

        • +8

          stickers so you can be identified

          That sounds like a threat.

        • -2
          • @zemphism: Einstein’s letter to Chaim Weizman (Zionist leader), 25/11/1929 « If we prove incapable of achieving COHABITATION & HONEST AGREEMENTS with the Arabs, then we will have LEARNED absolutely NOTHING during our 2000 years of suffering & will deserve everything that happens to us ».
            Israeli historian Ilan Pappė addressing UN about 1948 Nakba & formation of Israel. ‘Nakba’ means "catastrophe" in Arabic, - displacement of Palestinians during Israel's creation. 9’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtFSbhhvD0s

        • +10

          I also support what they have done in gaza, lebanon and iran.
          All deaths in gaza are the fault of hamas and their masters in iran…

      • +39

        The false equivalences in the comments are ridiculous and completely expected.

        Some true toddler logic in the pro Israel crowd.

        Israel’s ongoing actions are comparable to justifying the response to a three year old who completely unprovoked goes and kicks someone, and the person who was kicked goes after the kid, then for good measure goes and destroys their family, and their neighbourhood, then the entire suburb. When called out on it, that person and their supporters say ‘well they started it’.

        Truly pathetic to think that at this point any of Israel’s actions have any justification. They have a complete disregard (more likely disdain) for the lives of regular Palestinians, not to mention journalists too.

        When called out about the mass civilian casualties, they insert some thinly veiled excuse that Hamas was using that building/home/hospital to store arms or some other nonsense justification.

        Netanyahu is a far right nationalist psychopath. How anyone can support him and the current actions of Israel is truly baffling.

        • +21

          Most of those "civilians" you are pining over wholeheartedly support the massacre of Jews and are intent on the complete elimination of Israel.
          Israel has done more to prevent civilian casualties in war than any military in history. You need to stop being a useful idiot for Hamas terrorists.

        • +29

          The funny thing is the Palestinians praise Hamas - the same organisation that uses Palestinians as human shields, and whom knew that Israel would take 30+ Palestinians lives (mostly civilians) for every Israeli life as a result of the attack. Hamas' military capability is nothing compared to Israel's, so defeat was always a given.

          Doesn't feel like Hamas loves their own people very much.

            • +8

              @venomqo: I'll have a go. You conveniently ignore my point about Israel placing a higher value on life than Hamas - Hamas knew the attack would result in many of it's own people getting killed.

              And I'm not sure how you compare Israeli fighters using Palestinians as human shields with Hamas using Palestinians as human shields.

              Honestly I wouldn't expect much better behaviour from exiled Egyptian terrorists.

              • -7

                @Lets Make Sandwiches: its not a comparison you imbecile and i am not avoiding anything you think you have said, it is just patently false. or would you like to pull up the 3d images the IDF decided to release "showing" Lebanese houses hiding fighter jets, i wonder where Gazans could hide those fighter jets in a country with no air-strips? let me be abundantly clear, it is propaganda made for idiots(like you clearly) to justify the murder of civilians. the israeli's themselves have openly said there is no civilians in Gaza(again, a completely false statement), and they consider THEM ALL to be part of 'Hamas'. have some quotes:

                Avigdor Lieberman ex Defense Minister - “there are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip” because “everyone has a connection to Hamas.”

                “We are fighting human animals.” - Yoav Gallant, current minister of defence.

                “There is no such thing as a Palestinian nation. There is no Palestinian history. There is no Palestinian language,” - Bezalel Smotrich

                Is this a government showing concern for civilian lives? these are just the tame ones, there are many more quotes i can go through that you have clearly been oblivious to. i think we can both agree that slavery is wrong(at least i would hope so) would you forsake slaves for rising up against their oppressors? would you say what Nat Turner did is wrong? would you say what the Haitians did during their slave rebellion against the french colonizers is wrong? what about the multiple indian uprisings against the british? alot of rebellions failed, and resulted in the colonial powers(that were already oppressing the indigenous/local population, oppression = violence just to remind you) lashing out with more heinous barbaric violence against the local populations(see any similarities?), and yet those of us who know a little something about history would be remiss to say what they(participants of the rebellions) did was wrong given the wider context and what they may have inspired.

                now back to the main point, caring about civilians, you probably missed the news since you were glued to sky news or your racist facebook groups, israel killed alot of their own people in the chaos of october 7, i know, this must be a shock. they shot their own people with tanks, with hellfire missiles and god knows what else(there is witness testimony, recordings and a pile of evidence to show this and also the martyrs did not have the munitions to cause that level of destruction. but you know what there is no evidence for? the supposed mass rapes and mass baby murders the israeli propaganda machine announced). now tell me, who cares more about civilians? do you think all the doctors, teachers, aid workers, journalists and social workers are not civilians? do you think Zomi Frankcom was a member of Hamas? do you think all the activists that israel has killed were members of 'hamas'?

                Now lets talk about Hamas, all evidence shows they have treated the prisoners they took during the Al Aqsa Flood BETTER then Israel has EVER treated any prisoners they have taken(lets ignore for a second all the children and complete innocents Israel has detained/abused/tortured over last half century), how about we look at testimonies from the captured? oh wait we cant because they were immediately suppressed, i wonder why, or how about we compare this to footage of when the Israeli's finally release someone they detained when they were 9, 15 years later, malnourished, traumatised and broken(again, im sure this is something you have been ignorant of). now lets go further:

                "On 14 October, Hamas stated that nine hostages had been killed over a 24-hour period due to Israeli airstrikes.[138] On 4 November, Hamas reported that 60 hostages had died as a result of Israel's bombing of Gaza."

                Tell me how much care is being shown by the Israeli's? would we also like to go over how they bombed every hospital, university, mosque, church(i know, crazy there are christians in Gaza, how did they survive around all those scary muslims!?), school, road and civil infrastructure, they must all be hiding caches of explosives i guess. every child an IDF sniper has shot in the head, they must be suicide bombers. yeah, israel definitely puts a higher value on lives when they starve 2 million people, when they control the borders and deny any aid, food or resources to enter(there are literally kids starving to death). yeah, they definitely care when they band together to DEFEND soldiers that have raped prisoners ON CAMERA and treat them like heroes on national TV, these are all the traits of a caring hospitable people. god-willing may their level of care come to our shores so you can have a small taste of how much they value human life.

                • +23

                  @venomqo: Thats a really nice long story. Let me make this simple for you - when you murder 1200 people in the most barbaric way and parade it around, you can expect those very same people who were almost wiped out by gas chambers and ovens not too long ago, to take you down without mercy. The way it was done provoked the most lethal type of response. When you do something like that, you lose all right to complain about abuse of human rights.

                  • @Lets Make Sandwiches: 3 sentences is all you can write? how about you share a little of your vast knowledge of history, i would love to see it, you clearly havent addressed a single point of mine, could you even name a slave rebellion? could you properly contextualize the genocide? i would love to see the mental gymnastics. the jewish diaspora(many of which actually oppose the genocide/violence including holocast survivors, but im glad you think yourself experienced enough to speak for them) were subjected to a genocide, so now they get a freebee? by your own logic the palestinians had every right to enact any form of violence given the sheer number of atrocities the israeli's have subjected them to, but i bet you couldnt name a single one. clearly too busy hand-wringing about world war 2 i guess.

                  • +1

                    @Lets Make Sandwiches: Not really. So acting like the Nazis is OK because it happened 80 years ago to Jewish people so now as Jewish people it's OK to destroy the Palestinian people. Hmmm.

              • @Lets Make Sandwiches: I can't see how you come to the conclusion that Israel places a higher value on life, they have killed 43k Palestinians, mostly women and children. That's not putting more value on human life. What you have actually exposed is that Israel puts more value on Israeli lives, which correlates with with white European colonialist supremacists apartheid ways.

                It the same reason why they can't advance in Lebanon, because they only want to fight when it means dropping bombs from afar, or when it means beating on unarmed civilians and bulldozing houses. Not to mention the fact that Israel killed many of its own civilians on October 7, by direct orders:


        • +14

          Read any history?

          When a dog bites you, you scold him. If he does it again, you scold him again. If he doesn't learn, you might squirt water on his nose.

          Eventually he learns to to stop biting you.

          If he doesn't learn, and keeps biting you for 50 years, then suddenly bites off your finger, you are going to have to take some drastic action against him. He has been warned a million times.

        • -1

          Nah, perhaps if you change your 3yo to a 12yo who rapes a 3yo

        • +20

          Sorry, I didn't get the analogy.

          Explain to me how a 3 year old goes paragliding into a music festival killing and raping 100s of people and then goes on killing spree with more than 1200 dead and takes 250 hostages including women, children and old people?

          Terrorist lovers will go any length to justify terror and atrocities. Absolute stupidity.

          If someone is shooting rockets from a house, at my house killing my family, I don't care if he's hiding behind women and children, I would respond until the threat is neutralised. You can't hide behind human shields and continue terror forever.

        • +11

          No justification?
          Burning babies, raping and mutilation of women and families is not enough ‘justification’?
          It’s a shame you guys that would otherwise me campaigning for women’s rights and ‘social justice’ like to turn a blind eye when Jews are involved.

        • +10

          Netanyahu has shown how brilliant he can be in the last couple months! Finish hamas and hezbollah off once and for all!

      • +13

        No bargain here. You have to pay me to have this.

    • +206

      You're getting confused here mate. Israel is the one effectively committing terrorism and killing innocents over there. Gaza is the place where Palestinians live. 😊

      Glad I could help clear up your misunderstanding of the situation!

      • +29

        I agree, Hamas openly use their own vulnerable people as a means of wounding their enemy Israel. Gaza’s need leaders who protect humans life and support human flourishing.

        • -4

          will you be using "I support israel" stickers so you can be identified, or will you hide and wail about anti semitism when israel's atrocities are highlighted?

      • +2

        Your comment is antisemitic. The anti defamation league and mossad will come after you 😉

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