Why Do People Shower Everyday?

Time for ozbargainers to shed their view on this very very controversial topic

Why do people shower everyday


  • Learn something from kids, that’s it’s not necessary to take a shower everyday

    When I ask them to take one today being Sunday, I’m told I just did on Thursday.

    Never mind, they help me saving water and I like wasting

    Sometimes (mostly) I take a long one and there is a knock on the door

    Dad… save water
    Because I scream at them when it’s past 3-4 minutes

    Such a bad dad

  • +1

    I use to work retail and would have to put car air fresheners near the register.
    People that don't shower in the tropics exist and it's offensive.

  • +1

    Why Do People Shower Everyday?

    More to the question, why don't you shower every day?!

  • Coz I pay to heat a tank of hot water each day

  • +2

    Everyday =/= every day

  • Good hygiene I suppose 😜

  • Showering tends to make me feel better. I guess I am a little out of contact with my body. Even dribbling water on my head and face can make me feel a bit more alert.

    Unless you have a dirty, dusty job, water alone don't do much to cleanse your skin. You need something like soap to rip the smelly short chain fatty acids that skin bacteria excrete, from off your epidemris. There are also proteins that yellow white and light blue clothing when they oxidize.

  • Shower in the morning to make me feel fresh and ready to go to work.

    Shower at night to get rid of germs and sweat.

    Then shower again after sex.

    • +5

      Then shower again after sex

      On your bday and xmas

  • +3

    My mental health is so bad that without a 45 minute shower immediately after my wake up alarm (I hate lingering in bed after I wake), I'd be significantly increasing my risk of not being here anymore.

    Even on days I have to be AT work at 5:30am; I make sure to get up with enough time to have my 45 minute shower (this means 4am wakeup).

    If I have a particularly bad day, I'll have another 45 minute one when I return home.

    I have ended relationships over my need to have a 45 minute shower. It's integral to my existence.

    And yes, for what it's worth, hot water is my biggest expense outside of accommodation and food. Worth it.

    Hope that helps.

    • +3

      May as well round that 45 mins to 3hrs at this point

    • Many Japanese use washing as a relaxing ritual. A rewarding luxury after hard work. They also socialize when bathing as did the Romans. Also a shower seat makes it even more relaxing, instead of standing.

      • +1

        Cool. Might just head over to my neighbours when they are having a bath for a chat. They just moved here from Japan.

        • +1

          nah, you sound more like a patron of Thai Soapy joints.

    • I take it you have instantaneous gas hot water, otherwise you'd need quite a large tank to last that long.

      • Yep.

    • 90 mins of hot showers a day?

      Might be cheaper I join a gym just to shower.

  • I'm of SE asian descent and have that dodgy ABCC11 gene. In winter I can get away without showering every day, but still wash the critical bits even with using a bidet at home. Showering too frequently really dries out my skin and I need to use a thick moisturizing cream multiple times a day in winter. Even if I don't wash my hair for 3+ days scalp, skin or anything else doesn't get oil or greasy. Other than that, usually shower once at night.

    • Same here. When I first moved to Aus, I found it gross that most people only shower once a day. I've become more tolerant now since started WFH but once a day is where I draw the line

  • +1

    If you're showering less than once a day you probably smell bad…

    • -1

      I can't smell anything even after 7 days

      • +1

        That's covid

  • Why do people shower everyday

    because it’s ..inevitable.

    I’m watching the matrix reloaded movie.

    reverse boss fight scene is pretty cool.

  • Shower everyday, twice a day. That's the norm. It's tough to understand why people don't shower after a full day's work. Maybe they've become accustomed to their stinky body and stickiness.

    • Yeah I shower morning / night or more but I tend to sweat a fair bit.

      My girlfriend though could go through an entire workday and not stink at all by the end of it. I'm jealous lol.

  • Once at night because I smell after a day of work and once in morning mostly to tame the birds nest hair

  • It's a grim life if u can't enjoy a single hot shower to reflect on the day just gone or you're about to have

  • -1

    So many dirt bags.. twice a day here

  • Am I the only one who shaves (face) in the shower? I don’t see any other mentions. :-/

    • +1

      yep! nice hot water to soften the face.. lovely.

    • -1

      Yes you are.

    • +1

      I shave in the shower, makes it far easier as the skin is already warm.

    • I also shave my head in the shower

  • +1

    Because I don't want to smell like some of the drivers that turn up to work that seem to be immune to showers or deodorant. Once a day to twice if I've been out gardening in summer.

  • +1

    Next Topic: what is the point of the Sauna and Steam rooms at the gym. Do you need both?

  • Love it, I’ve wondered why people shower in the morning it makes no sense at all. Unless you are one of the very few that sweats in their sleep there’s no reason to shower in the morning. At night is the best time to shower after a long day, no matter what you do you’ll get dirty to some degree and you’ll get a better night sleep too!!!!

    • For me it is two-fold, everyone seems to sweat a bit in their sleep, I'd say I sweat more than others, which makes morning showers preferrable. But the other factor is just waking up, I find I wake up far quicker and fresher feeling after a morning shower. In an ideal world I would do both, but it's a bit wasteful so if picking one, I do morning, as I don't really get that dirty or sweaty during the day, and if I do I will shower at night.

      • +1

        True that and was I was implying but not many sweat more at night than during the day. In your case if you’re not sweating during the day it probably means you’re not getting enough steps, so from a health point of view it’s not great long-term. Even walking and doing the recommended 10,000 steps a day you’d be sweating more than at night!

        In regards to waking up, I wash my face and moisturise then I feel great afterwards, and even better after having my morning coffee haha

        • +1

          I average well over 10,000 steps, i just don't really get sweaty except for at night for whatever reason. It's odd, but has always been the case.

    • Hot and humid day/night - shower at morning and night
      Other times of year - evening only

      • Fair enough, each to their own. I use a fan so don’t get that sweaty even on humid nights. Imagine if most didn’t shower in the morning and only at night we’d save so much water and wouldn’t have as many restrictions in place.

  • what is a shower?

  • OP are you indian?

    • That’s a bit racist, they smell mainly due to the food they eat. They do waste a lot of water in the workplace and I’ve noticed my Indian neighbours aren’t good with water. I don’t think they understand all our taps inside/outside is essentially drinking water so think about that when using it.

      • +1

        That’s a bit racist,

        Bob knows what's up.

        The rest.

        JFC Bob.

        • +1

          Cheers but JFC?

          I shouldn’t generalise as I’m just going off the ones I work with and live near. For a few Indian friends that aren’t like that at all.

      • +1

        bob was on the money, he just hasn't come across enough Indian dudes to have the same stance as me, he has been fortunate enough to only deal with ones that have good hygiene

  • Basic cleanliness and hygiene.

  • I don’t.

    It depends on the situation. After a full day at work or outside, for sure. If just stay at home doing nothing but desk job, why bother as no sweat or anything and a good ol face wash is enough.

    What concerns me however is why people do it as a habit and not based on need. For example, back where my home country is, it’s norm to have 2-3 showers on average as its hot af and humid and you can easily sweat through multiple tshirts during the day if you’re outside. Yet when I have visitors over they still do the same routine even-though its very different climate here in vic.

    • Yes you’ve hit the nail on the head. My parents made me shower in the morning. When I moved out and made my own decisions I asked them why they shower in the morning, as they aren’t sweaty people when they sleep. They said don’t know I’ve always done that and there lies the issue with most Aussies. Not just with water but everything else in life…

  • Found the engineer.

  • Stank booty

  • I'm pretty frugal in most things in life so a nice good hot shower is one of my few luxuries if any at all.

    Plus it has many other benefits besides just relaxation and calming my nerves down.

    I definitely prefer to be in the proximity of someone who showers more frequently than someone who does not so I also do it for the courtesy of others.

    We can tell.

    It's extremely disgusting to me that lots of people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom as well as don't shower after a hard day of work or just general sweating.

    I get we are all chronically fatigued and tired now I get that but this is a pretty disgusting habit we are forming. It is almost like we are going back to the medieval ages in terms of hygiene and overall levels of cleanliness.

  • Simple because if you dont shower every day you will stink!

    Just because you cant smell yourself doesnt mean other dont they are just too polite to say anything.

  • Hey I recently found out from Reddit that lots of people out there don't wipe their ass because they're afraid it will make them gay or something. Some even shove toilet paper between their cheeks and just walk around wearing like a home made sanitary pad but for shit. Added to the thought of people ALSO not showering…far out.

    If you don't shower or at least bidet every day, people can smell your crotch from afar and will avoid you.

    • +1

      Indians and south Asians do not wipe. They wash. Even better

      • Washing is fine and I agree with you!!

  • -1

    3 times a day

    Once before leaving the house. Courtesy to others.
    Once after getting home. Wash of the general filth of the world.
    Once before going to bed. Freshen up before rolling in it for 8 hours.

    More if it's sweaty weather.

    • No wonder we have water restrictions, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard for a while when it comes to water usage. Just WOW!!!

      • How much water do you think a shower uses?

        • Considering people like you selfishly have 3 a day and some have 15 minute showers, when the recommended maximum is 4 minutes (must be for females only as males don’t need that long). Then considering all the people across the country it’s a lot of hours. Plus it’s all about habits, start reducing time in the shower and then it will filter down to other areas.

  • +1

    I've done the math and calculated that my daily 15 minute luxury treat hot shower cost me - before COVID, about $1 a day, but since electricity price jumps, maybe $1.50 a day. I can afford that for the feeling of washing off the dirt of the day (we and Asians typically shower at night) then changing into pyjamas nice and clean ready for bed - not getting dirty into bed like morning showerers might.

    A work colleague who once proudly told me he only washed 'the hairy bits' (armpits and groin) - unh - what I didn't tell him in reply was that he smelled bad.

    That said - the English trope, that they bathed 'once a year, whether they needed it or not' - may have been okay in a colder climate, and I went two weeks in the same thermal underwear top and bottoms in 6C minus windchill France in April this year without feeling a need to wash those, but in Australia I've grown up showering once a day, and so I continue.

    • Agreed except for the time it’s not about the cost but the watering saving. It’s recommended to keep showers to a max of 4 minutes which is easy to do!!!

      • disagree - by my estimates, cold water costs about 1/10th of my cost of heating hot water

        in my residential strata unit I estimated that if I used a flush saver weight to reduce my toilet flush water by a major percent, my net saving would only be 1.4% of the total water saving for the single meter complex, and I estimated that I personally might then save $6 a year - how much time did I then spend worrying about that ? I stopped.

        last I looked cold water costs me about $2.20/kL - so if I use 80L of water in my shower, that cost me about 18 cents

        but the heating cost of that 80L of hot water might be of the order of $1.80 - give or take - I had estimated my current cost to be about $1.60 for my hot shower, so maybe 16c cold and $1.44 hot - something like that.

        In other words, for my shower, heating costs way more than the cold water. And as we were caught in yesterday afternoon's torrential thunderstorm downpour in Sydney, I don't think we have water shortages in Sydney at the mo' …

        • Of course heating costs more, that’s a no brainer. My point is everyone should be using less water as it’s a precious resource and now we need desalination plants which cost money to run, which is then passed onto us. I’m saying the money shouldn’t even come into the thought process.

  • Because we stinks like a todger

  • i shower cause my balls stink after work

    • how often do you check for ball stank

      • +1

        Only after work apparently

  • If I'm gonna wash my arse, I'm going to do it right and do a full clean.

    • Are you one of those people that do a full shower after a poop?

      • Well if it's a very bad poop thanks to excess lactose or curry catching me off guard then yeah… I'd be doing everyone a favour by showering.

  • +2

    I shower twice a day morning and night

    Morning mostly to wake me up

    Night to get clean and help me sleep as the hot water results in vasodilatioj relaxtion of the muscles

  • +2

    Twice a day, morning and night.

  • Who dare told you I shower every day?

  • That’s a rhetorical question don’t you think?

  • -1

    You don't have to shower every day, but there are people that should, and there are people I appreciate that do.

  • I always like these threads. Perfectly explains why so many people stink. They don't shower because they are apparently oblivious to their own stank.

    News flash… if you don't shower regularly you stink. People you meet and work with refer to you as "the stinky person". The person they don't like being in an elevator or meeting with due to the pervasive funk. The fact that you are unaware that people talk about you like this is irrelevant. You are the stinky person.

  • -1

    I do shower once-3x a day depending on sports / weight lifting / work etc. But I have read that most times just water is fine and using soaps / body washes etc arent necessary daily but rather every couple or few days except for a couple of areas that are crevices / covered up and hence can collect dirt / odours / dont get washed as easily.

  • If you don't clean yourself every day then chances are you are the smelly person other people avoid. They won't tell you because they're being polite, and you can't detect your body odour as you're accustomed to it.

  • Nah I don't. People don't think I smell, the only comment I've got on smell is 'dust'.
    I would only shower if I didn't have the luxury of bidets just to ensure I don't have mudbutt/swampass

    I do wash my hands multiple times a day and will shower if there are extenuating circumstances (haircut, pool/beach, actual dirt)

  • You're a dirty man easternculture.

  • This topic is actually relate to why we have so many flies in Australia.

  • No wonder there are so many stinky people when I'm out and about.

  • What a stupendous waste of water showering is. We are going to have to invent a better way of getting clean after the water wars start. Anybody working on that?

  • The daily morning cold shower properly wakes me up. It's better than coffee cuz it's instant and there's no crash afterwards.

    The evening shower is mandatory for me, otherwise I'd be grossed out hopping in bed with all the crap I've accumulated on my skin during the day.

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