Why Do People Shower Everyday?

Time for ozbargainers to shed their view on this very very controversial topic

Why do people shower everyday


  • +30

    This has been done to death…

      • +29

        3 minute shower is not going to break the bank

        • -2

          Three minute showers are impossible.

          • +44

            @Loopholio: With the minimum prescribed 25 min of reflection and deep thought about origin, life, the universe, 69420 imaginary arguments recreated so you win them,and that one good girl you fumbled back in the day - yeah I agree. Really gotta be more like 30 min showers. And don’t even get me started about the psychopaths that are doing all this with their back AWAY from the water.

            • +9

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: Don't forget practicing Muay Thai moves

            • +11

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: It takes me at least 3 minutes to actually get in the shower after turning it on, waiting for it to warm up a little, checking some messages on my phone while waiting, getting distracted by ozbargain while I'm waiting, pulling out some nose hairs, giving the bathroom mirror a clean, contemplating what pants to wear today, etc.

              Then I get into the meditation chamber.

              • +5

                @freefall101: I completely understand, I too sometimes end up standing completely starkers waiting for the hot water for an overly long period of time, one foot up on my kid’s step up stool while getting over invested in yet another ozbargain forum/ deal comment thread dumpster fire.

                • +5

                  @Jimothy Wongingtons:

                  one foot up on my kid’s step up stool

                  this is too much information, next you will be telling us how you set up a tea bagging live stream

            • +3

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: Stop reading my mind bruh.

          • +2

            @Loopholio: Worked in disability for years, be surprised how quickly someone can be washed with body wash and a two flannels, one for body and one for private areas.
            Get wet, body washed fannel, body wash fannel over private areas, shampoo hair, rinse. Like 3mins.

          • +1

            @Loopholio: Depends.

            • If the water is cold, doesn't take nearly 3 minutes.
            • If you're defence force trained, you learn to shower in less.
            • If you shower straight from bed and keep forgetting where you're up to, it takes far longer.
            • If you're like @Jimothy Wongingtons it takes far longer.
          • @Loopholio: Try a basic training 1 minute shower!

            3 minutes is enough to have a shower to get clean (unless crazy dirty). Any more is just standing there getting wet - no matter how nice this is!

          • @Loopholio: for long hair yes. short hair tho? my Personal best speedrun is 2 minutes 15 seconds approximately

      • +7

        More WFH could also mean less need for showering.

        • +1

          I have a real concern that if I ever lose my wife, I won't shower (or wear more than shorts) from September - May.

          • +1

            @SlickMick: I would have assumed a t-shirt rather than shorts. Just need to remember not to stand up in meetings.

            • @ihfree: lol nah shorts (pjs to be precise) coz sitting on anything is gross without. I hate wearing shirts unless it's cold.

      • Are you suggesting many people can afford a gym membership but not the water bill for a shower at home? 🤔

        • No, I suspect people are maximizing their return on a gym membership.

      • I go to the sauna, sweat out all the stinky germs.

  • +3

    What I don't understand, why it takes longer than 2 minutes. And when you soaping or shampoo, why not stop water.

    • +49

      why it takes longer than 2 minutes

      Because it’s relaxing to stand under the water.

      Also depends on what needs to be done that shower, hair treatment, exfoliate, leg shaving, scrub feet with pumice, that’s going to be a longer shower . It’s possible in a none hair wash day to be in and out in a minute. But if there’s more to be done it takes longer

      • +14

        If I'm going to get naked on a cold night or morning, I'm damn well going to enjoy that warm shower before returning to cold wet nakedness.

    • I remember this was the norm when tank hot water systems was the norm and you had a household of4+ and hot water was scarce lol

      • +4

        We're on tank water, family of five, lived here for 12 and a half years.
        90000l main concrete water tank, lowest tank level approx 10000l left.
        230l electric storage hws, only had luke warm water a few times.
        We have however just had our driest winter so glad we added additional 22000l poly tank (it's full)
        I have around 10 to 12 showers a week in summer, morning one is often 4 minutes to refresh

    • +3

      Floss, waterpik, electric toothbrush, wash hair, wash rest. Adds up. Why do all those things standing over a sink like a chump when you could do them all under hot, relaxing, revitalising water.

      • +3

        Maybe because water shouldn't be wasted

        • +4

          Water you enjoy wasting isn't wasted.

        • +2

          We need to bring down warragamba dams level. Will help those of the floodplains out west.

      • +1

        floss and waterpik same thing

    • +2

      It takes at least a few minutes to finish the Māori haka, two minutes isn't anywhere near long enough

  • +27

    So they don’t smell bad

  • +19

    I like showering.

  • +18

    A shower is basically a hot water massage. I can't complain except for the high water bills. Not because of the usage just the insane connection fees.

    Now a shower with many people is amazing. Especially this one time when out in the wilderness and a good 200 of us couldn't shower for 8 days.

    • +17

      Your orgies are getting wilder.

      • +4

        I blame Thai Honey.

        On a more serious note it was after a field exercise. Many, many dirty sweaty guys getting the hose down.

      • I’m not sure I want to get an invite to the jv weekly bbq/goat sacrifice anymore…

    • +1

      A shower is basically a hot water massage.

      you must have a fancy shower head or great water pressure.

      to me it just feels like someone is dumping water through a colander.

      I mean not bad but shower is a shower not close to any massage. my shower head isn’t crappy it’s just a normal one.

      ACTUALLY I just remember. a friend of mine used to have this shower head that would pulse. you must have one of those, and great water pressure.

      • +3

        either that or he sits in the corner while someone else showers him… with love, of course

  • +31

    I feel compelled to clean the stench of failure off me but no matter how hard I scrub…

  • +16

    I shower twice. You sweat, a lot. Even in bed. Never understood how someone could put on fresh knickers on a not fresh body? Maybe it's me 🤷‍♀️ Maybe it's a woman thing? I dunno.

    At night, it's more obvious. Sweat, dirt etc from the day. Obviously varies on the person/job. I teach so I treat it like a decontamination process. Some teacher's partners label the school stink by name - 'fuah, something stinks of so n so (school name)' 🤢

    • +18

      I never understand people who only shower in the morning. All day regardless of what you’ve done; then go into bed with all “that” lol

      • Indeed. If you shower once a day it has to be at night. People say otherwise are “…. “. I leave it to your imagination.

    • I'm the same. I don't get out of the pjs in the morning unless I'm showering.
      And showering before bed, especially in summer, saves thrashing around for a few restless hours then finally showering before having a comfortable night's sleep.

  • +8

    I shower twice a day. Don't feel like I've properly woken up until I've had a hot shower.

    You sweat all night, and bacteria grows in your dried sweat. If you don't shower in the morning, you'll smell during the day. Some people exude a very smelly sweat in their hair while sleeping, and they need to at least rinse their hair in the morning if they don't want to smell all day.

    Your body, especially your face, exudes sweat/oil and sheds dead skin-cells all day. If you don't shower before sleeping, dust mites and bed bugs/microscopic creepy crawlies will climb on your face and eat your dried sweat and dead skin cells all night. Some people are sensitive to this process, and it will interfere with their sleep.

  • +8

    I live in North Qld in the tropics. You have to shower AT LEAST twice a day often more if you want to go somewhere in the middle of the day. You sweat, oh boy do you sweat, from the tip of your head to the big toe on your foot. I am thinking you live in the dry heat down south where even so you take your air conditioned ride to work in an air conditioned office never venturing outside. It is a totally different world up here in the tropics especially in summer. To be fair though we don't even really get winter. I don't think I even pulled my long sleeves out of storage this year even at night.

      • +5

        Can I Sweat Out Toxins That Are in My Body?

        In a word, no. You may have heard that sitting in a sauna or going to a hot yoga class will help your body sweat out dangerous toxins. But your sweat is 99% water. Trace amounts of metals and other chemicals can be present in your sweat, but your kidneys and liver do most of the work when it comes to getting rid of toxins in the body.


        • -7

          So sweating does remove "trace amounts metals and other chemicals"? Good to know. Lol, webmd.

          Here's a hint: most of your body is "water".

          • +8


            sweating does remove "trace amounts metals and other chemicals"

            In such minute amounts compared to the kidneys and liver, that it would be insignificant if your purpose is to detoxify.

            If you still believe in sweating to detoxify, Gwyneth Paltrow has an infrared sauna blanket on her Goop website.

            • -5

              @DashCam AKA Rolts:

              In such minute amounts compared to the kidneys and liver, that it would be insignificant if your purpose is to detoxify.

              I'm sure both of us can find scientific articles that support our positions.

              eg: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22505948/

              It is worth noting that webmd article provides no references or citations to the scientific literature.

              • @mrdean: So are you ordering an infrared sauna blanket from the Goop website? Jade egg as well?

                • -2

                  @DashCam AKA Rolts:

                  So are you ordering an infrared sauna blanket from the Goop website? Jade egg as well?

                  Hahaha. I already have multiple! Not.

                  Actually, in all seriousness, I align with the now deceased Dr Nicholas Gonzalez & his views on radiation type health products. He advised to be very careful in one's use of them (like IR/NIR/FIR/PEMF etc) as they could be harmful to those already sick with serious illnesses. Basically, he advised to know what you are doing. Which isn't easy, even for experienced practitioners.

            • +1

              @DashCam AKA Rolts: I'm still trying to figure out how to remove that egg.

      • +8

        I wish ozb had a "this is scientifically incorrect" badge for posts.

        What absolute horse crap

    • I don’t think they realise what living in the Tropics/a sauna is like , and it doesn’t let up until 3 in the morning just before the sun comes back up and it’s blazing Hot again!
      40 degrees and 100% Humidity and you never have to worry about weight loss , it just melts off.
      Yes no winter , just a respite.
      It’s why it’s such a great place to visit , in Winter.

  • +20

    You are disgusting if you don't shower every single day. Yuck

    • +1

      You can tell the people that don't quite easily living up here in the tropics.

  • Same as putting on deodorant. So you don’t smell like $hit

  • I shower when required. If I am vegetating in front of TV with Bathurst on a shower is not required.

    • I had a shower last night after a full day of watching Bathurst because I wore trackies, wearing shorts today

      • Did you see that plane drop off the trophy and strike it's horizontal stabiliser on the wall? The pilot then proceeded to depart at full power over the crowd. FFS. Someone has some explaining to do.

        • Nah, wasn't paying attention too much to that. Did see the take off, not the wall tap.
          I did see the pilot have two goes at flipping his tinted visor down before descent, maybe he's been on it

        • I'm a pilot and what that guy did was totally unacceptable. As pilots, we all make mistakes but you need to own them and do the right thing. This guy didn't.

  • +1

    I had my neighbors laughing the other day. I was talking to them while I watering the lawn. So I turned the hose on the local magpie. They were shocked that I was - they thought - chasing it off. Except the magpie didn't go, and instead walked over and stood in front of me flapping its wings and squawking crazily - obviously enjoying it enormously - while I gave it a shower. You see people sometimes going up to one of the magpies thinking it is dead, and what its doing is having a dirt bath. When it hasn't rained for a while, they roll in the dirt, then lie on the ground in the sun with their wings outstretched.

    The little corella at the local store amazes me that its been there in a cage at the store's front door greeting customers as they come in for 40 years, and despite never having been outside in the weather to get a shower and get clean when it rained, or been given access to a bird bath, it feathers are so clean. Possibly because it doesn't live in the wild and so doesn't get dirty, or with other birds to get bugs from.

  • +1

    OP is obviously a POM who would rather a bath and wash in their own scum.

  • +1

    More important questions, do you use soap on your legs when having a shower?

  • +6

    i usually shower everyday - it's where I go to cry

  • +2

    Here in Saigon Vietnam, I shower twice a day

    • +2

      Holy shit, yes. And when I was working in Singapore a few years ago, it was like 3 times a day.

      Vietnam is hella humid and dusty/polluted. Go out for a ride around or a walk, come home feeling I’ve been working on a dusty of diesel truck.

      • Even the hot humid days in Sydney you need a shower twice daily

      • Lol your last sentence summed it up well.

  • You just said: "Yeah, i shower everyday lol" in other comment :P

    People will feel colder in the morning if not taking a shower. That's why I always take a shower every morning (even during winter) and after work.

    I feel more fresh, clean and more energy after taking a shower.

    • You just said: "Yeah, i shower everyday lol" in other comment :P

      Lol you noticed that.

  • +5

    Because I work with people that don’t shower every day, and personally, y’all (fropanity) stink. Shower, if not for your own personal hygiene, do it for other people around you who shouldn’t be subjected to your filth.

    And people wonder why we had to be locked up during covid and then we get stupid threads like this… FFS.

    (fropanity) grots.

  • -1

    Gotta scrub the poop off my butt at least once per day

  • +1

    The smell of body odour and shit is disgusting and other people shouldn't have to smell these things

  • I don't sweat much, and basically have an office job… but I still feel sticky when I hop into bed without showering at night. It's not a smell, or bacteria, or dirt thing… it's for my own comfort.

    • It's not a smell because you wash it off before that happens.

      If you left that sticky feeling on there for work the next day then it would stink.

  • To answer that question, you have to understand why people shower

  • Learn something from kids, that’s it’s not necessary to take a shower everyday

    When I ask them to take one today being Sunday, I’m told I just did on Thursday.

    Never mind, they help me saving water and I like wasting

    Sometimes (mostly) I take a long one and there is a knock on the door

    Dad… save water
    Because I scream at them when it’s past 3-4 minutes

    Such a bad dad

  • +1

    I use to work retail and would have to put car air fresheners near the register.
    People that don't shower in the tropics exist and it's offensive.

  • +1

    Why Do People Shower Everyday?

    More to the question, why don't you shower every day?!

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