Carmen Sandiego » user profile

Member Since | 13/08/2013 |
Last Seen | 15 hours 53 min |
Badges | 2 |
Location | Melbourne |
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I did a paper in university about this, and I actually found that the Salvo's were the worst of them all, not the Catholics. Yes, the…

...surely it's the same amount (daily or every 2 days) since lower end is only part of the body...?

Carmen Sandiego commented on Why Do People Shower Everyday?
I personally have the genetics where I don't sweat so, don't do it every day. Do wash feet and face before bed though. My bigger questions…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
Blahness on Vietnam Airlines Return Flights to Ho Chi Minh City $632, Hanoi $643, Seoul $830, Paris $1259, Frankfurt $1369 (Apr-Jun) @ IWTF

It's not quite that - I didn't want to go through the entire visa process to leave the airport if all I'm doing is transiting. Vietnam,…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
Flying Ace on Vietnam Airlines Return Flights to Ho Chi Minh City $632, Hanoi $643, Seoul $830, Paris $1259, Frankfurt $1369 (Apr-Jun) @ IWTF

To exit the airport, you need a visa, with a flat fee of USD $25 - I was not really keen on doing so, I stayed.

Carmen Sandiego replied to
daveee on Vietnam Airlines Return Flights to Ho Chi Minh City $632, Hanoi $643, Seoul $830, Paris $1259, Frankfurt $1369 (Apr-Jun) @ IWTF

Can confirm there's literally nothing to do in HCM Airport - spent 8hrs there in December.

So cringe! A good 90% of the time, it makes me realise the speaker really has no real tact, or they think everyone's Chinese Between the…

As an Asian female, "Where are you from" itself isn't inherently racist, but, the follow up question (about 30% of the time now, 80% back…

To be fair to Gekov, the definition of tea is a "hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water",…

Carmen Sandiego commented on [Resolved] Can't Get a Job
Like many in this post, I can see why you're not getting hired - as much as everyone wants to get paid, walking into applying for a job is…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
flud on Transaction/Savings Account 4.75% p.a. Interest on Balance up to $1,000,000 @ Macquarie Bank

Honestly, that's the best condition you'll get for 5%

Carmen Sandiego commented on Transaction/Savings Account 4.75% p.a. Interest on Balance up to $1,000,000 @ Macquarie Bank
NAB Reward Saver is going to 5% on the 27th - no minimum or conditions

Carmen Sandiego commented on I Don't Know What to Do with My Life
If my life has taught me anything "rejection/failure is redirection" - you will *always* learn more things by failing something than not.…

Absolutely. I have 99% of a HS teaching degree, all of a BA, and I got my start in Insurance due to the fact I had a degree. Also, stuff…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
Astronaut Joe on [SUBS] A Haunting in Venice Streaming from 31 October 2023 @ Disney+

There's several books Agatha Christie wrote where they appear, and heavily get involved in - if Branagh avoids them all, it'll be weird.…

Carmen Sandiego commented on Are Roadwork Speed Limits Enforced?
Yes and the only reason I know why is that I had to get someone insurance who lost their license due to going 100km on a freeway, at 11pm,…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
Taro Milk Tea on [SUBS] A Haunting in Venice Streaming from 31 October 2023 @ Disney+

This has a "supernatural" spin on it but, ultimately, it is a murder mystery with a huge human element - I walked away feeling empathy for…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
OzBoganYeah on [SUBS] A Haunting in Venice Streaming from 31 October 2023 @ Disney+

No problems :) Yeah, that's a funny autocorrect. I also think this might be the last one that's fully standalone in this iteration of…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
Stingiest on [SUBS] A Haunting in Venice Streaming from 31 October 2023 @ Disney+

After watching the movie in cinemas, this is the perfect day to release it.

Carmen Sandiego replied to
OzBoganYeah on [SUBS] A Haunting in Venice Streaming from 31 October 2023 @ Disney+

I watched this in cinemas - the only thing that continues is Poirot. Due to the events in Death in the Nile, he's a lot more jaded. But,…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
Russ on Seoul, South Korea from Sydney $957, Brisbane $984 Direct Return via Korean Air @ IWTF

There is a ferry that goes from both Seoul and Busan to Japan (I know the Busan one goes to Fukuoka, not sure where the Seoul one takes you…

Well, I'm on the fun combination ones so, it's all night tablets to me :) But, thank you for the FYI :)

I take my antidepressants at night (like you're supposed to) so, that's not an issue :)

Added to that, Car Insurance Liability, in Australia, is usually minimum $20M and that's the part that gets used to pay the really fun…

I have seen more than my fair share :P (aka I'm an Insurance Broker)

Carmen Sandiego replied to
jcdenton on [VIC] HECS Fee Paid for Students Who Agree to Teach in Secondary Government School for 2 Years after Grad @ Victoria Government

Good luck to them with the degree

It's people like you who I avoid like the plague. The whole point of Insurance is paying the liability of unforeseen losses - you might…

During COVID, I lived with a housemate, who I thought I knew as a friend prior to being a housemate, who abused "nangs"/nitrous oxide. It…

Carmen Sandiego commented on [VIC] HECS Fee Paid for Students Who Agree to Teach in Secondary Government School for 2 Years after Grad @ Victoria Government
Chiming in again as someone who's done all 4 years of a B.Teach/B.Arts - I'm never finishing it for love nor money. My best friend's…

Carmen Sandiego replied to
ColtNoir on Do Antihistamines Work More Effectively When Taken Regularly?

Dymista is great but, that back-taste will always haunt me :(