Alice McGregor » user profile

Member Since | 23/09/2023 |
Last Seen | 18/01/2025 |
Location | Wa |
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10km a year probably isn't enough for fuel price to matter. So having PV isn't a big factor. Although some people value saving money more…

> 8 total EV fires in Australia since 2010 409 people were murdered last year. About 100 struck by lightning. 9 people have won $50million…

Alice McGregor replied to
samfisher5986 on Photography and Videography Prices for Weddings! Why So High?

It only takes 20min to mow a lawn. Do you think the gardener is making $80 X 3x 8h = $1900 a day? Obviously not. The gardener charges $80…

Alice McGregor replied to
samfisher5986 on Photography and Videography Prices for Weddings! Why So High?

Of course they do. That's how all employment works. I'm sure your hourly rate accounts for the fact you won't work 24h a day. My daily rate…

Its a $40k car. Let's assume horrible 2 year depreciation to 25k. You can now buy 2 year old car for $25k. Depreciation has saved you…

Alice McGregor commented on Is It Worth Buying MG4 ?
>Is it worth buying MG4 in current climate as the depreciation is so much that savings are negated. If depreciation is so high just buy a…

That's silly. My gwm ute was mechanically bulletproof. Used to tow the 3t car trailer without issue. It's still going as a friend's farm…

Alice McGregor commented on Affordable Mens Perfume for Office ?
As an engineer at various Perth mining companies over the years, please don't. Absolutely no one wants to smell you. Just shower with soap…

Alice McGregor replied to
samfisher5986 on Photography and Videography Prices for Weddings! Why So High?

>Not sure I understand this, does a gardener charge more because he might not find enough clients to fill every day? Yes

>I suppose you could apply this sort of argument to anything you didn't know about, though, right? Yes. That's how everything works.…

There's a few arguments here, cost, quality, usefulness. My problem is with the structure of this handout. Reducing HECS debts does exactly…

If uni taught how to write succinctly I wouldn't have to tldr so many people. It's not that I can't read, it's that most people can't write.

$14/day for insurance last year. It was about $50/day total on the weekly rate. Bayswater were easily the cheapest car around. And the…

How much water do you think a shower uses?

That only makes financial sense if you're taking unpaid leave to service your car. It can of course make personal sense if lying in front…

Alice McGregor commented on Why Do People Shower Everyday?
3 times a day Once before leaving the house. Courtesy to others. Once after getting home. Wash of the general filth of the world. Once…

Selling her wouldn't raise very much.

Don't know about negotiated access. Most just fly enough to have status. Same as if you catch a flight to Perth from Sydney or Melbourne.…

I haven't had a single pregnancy since I was vaccinated. Confirmed for making you infertile

I had an Isuzu with a power tailgate last week. Way too slow and constantly beeping. Opening the boot goes from a 2s job to a 10s beep…

Alice McGregor commented on Should Negative Gearing Be Abolished?
How to lower housing costs. 1. Cut immigration. Less demand 2. Land taxes. Incentivises the most profitable use of land, ie build a house…

Rest is an 'industry fund'. But I also use them for their low fee index options.

That's not true. There are plenty of industry funds that perform worse than private funds. For example Australian Super high growth…

But moar leverage. And that's all that really matters.

Uh mondays. Am I right?

Alice McGregor replied to
pencilhead on Superannuation Fund Recommendation for First Job Suggestions

Australian super high growth is expensive compared to a share index fund. Assuming 10k super Australian supers own actively managed share…

Ducks can be found free at the park

I think you're sleeping on ham sandwichs. There are a hundred different styles with different flavours and ingredients. Even the different…

When did the transition from pork roll happen? I know there's still a few out there selling pork rolls but as this thread attests its…

>Ive never been able to hit the threshold working for the DfE. >Recently reapplied for a mortgage and my casual employment and that HECS…