nbn 250/25 $78/M for 8-Months ($98/M Ongoing), 1000/50 $88/M for 8-Months ($108/M Ongoing) (FTTP and HFC Only) @ Quokka Net


Update: Avoid! I have asked very basic questions of this crowd and getting any type of technical answers or support from these guys is a nightmare i would recommending avoiding.

Came across this deal $88 dollar for 1000/50 probably the cheapest ive seen anywhere, they're backed by URL Networks https://www.url.net.au so not sure what their performance is like.

CGNat only no Opt-Out

Must enter promo code at checkout: Quokkas Love Eights

Upstream Providers:
AS9507 - NextHop Pty Ltd

Related Stores

Quokka Net
Quokka Net


  • +1

    how to check address, whether available or not?

    • just check here: https://www.nbnco.com.au/connect-home-or-business/check-your…

      If you have FTTP and HFC then you good to go

      • thats i already know… just curious if the website confirms that too?

      • -1

        It is a bit hard to have both.

        • +2

          Seems like sarcasm is forbidden here.
          I’ll interpret for the simple minded…..
          He is suggesting the OP
          should’ve used an ‘or’ instead of ‘and’
          please stop negging, it’s really not necessary for such petty reasons!

  • +5

    CGNat , no static

    Is this an issue? What does this mean for a bog standard user?

    • +5

      CGNAT might cause some latency increase, static IP is nasically useless unless you already know you need one.

      • +8

        Also bad if you want to host game servers etc.

        • “What does this mean for a bog standard user?”

          • +1

            @jv: Lots of games can self-host servers, Minecraft for example, and it's fairly popular :D CGNat doesn't rule it out, but it makes it harder/less-reliable as it will do with any game with a p2p netcode.

        • If you are hosting a game,you already know。

        • What about Plex server?

        • also bad for uploading stuff, (like a home tailscale network, slows everything down so much in reaching home network from outside home)

      • -6

        CGNAT might cause some latency increase

        Nah, my ping is always 2ms

        • +1

          Good to know.

        • I needs 1ms in order to trade NasDaq in 1minute timeframe though

        • To Ozbargain?

        • +1

          right, all the internet you ever use is strictly less than 300km (and realistically less than 100km) away from you

    • +2

      Chnat, avoid if you want to rob any type of server, weather gaming or Plex. It is possible but hurts.

      My use case is avoid at all costs.

      • +4

        What is weather gaming?

        • +2

          Whether, sorry… sywpe and spell fails, with an auto correct
          CGNAT, avoid at all cost if you want to run any type of publicly accessable server….

          • +5

            @wisc: You rob servers a lot?

            • +29

              @Ge3ks: Not as much as I fail at keyboarding…

              • +1

                @wisc: Kudos for having a sense of humour and being able to have a laugh at yourself.

        • +2

          ? Limits you to 2mbps though as it uses plex's relay though right ?

          Need to opt out of you want it open

          • -4

            @SubNoize: Does it?

            Still works fine when I stream.

            • +1

              @jv: You can't fully remotely access your plex server behind cgnat. As SubNoize mentioned, you get limited speed to the point of making it useless.

              • @bert-lifts: Looks like shit compared to fill quality though

              • @bert-lifts: Couldn't you use Tailscale?

                • +1

                  @5kbjvb3o: yeah you can use that or some type of reverse proxy. But that's probably outside the scope of the average user. Easier to just get off cgnat.

            • @jv: Do you get special badges or acknowledgment from OzB for all the negs you manage to acquire, feels like there’s a pretty passionate community out there just waiting for you to comment ;)
              It’s all about engagement after all so I feel there should be an award for most negs in a calendar year, maybe a free SB+ membership at least lol

              • @Clarky77:

                feels like there’s a pretty passionate community out there just waiting for you to comment

                They’re all professionals.

          • @SubNoize: But this deal doesn't allow

      • Same, I have way too much use of plex to use cgnat

    • You'll have issues playing Nintendo switch online

      • +12

        You're not wrong. I have internet that uses CGNAT and have trouble playing switch online. Mainly because I don't own a switch.

        • Get one what? You want to opt out of CGNAT

          • @CodeXD: A switch. But that's on me I should have made that clearer in my post.

    • +2

      Probably not a lot. I run a Plex server and access it externally so no good for me.

    • +2

      CGNat , no static
      Is this an issue?

      for most of the population no.

      What does this mean for a bog standard user?

      nothing. for most people is like buying a $10k bicycle vs a $1k one. i don't need to pay more to get my fat arse down the pub.

      • +3

        It can mean something for the bog standard user, for example if your CGNat IP is banned due to some asshat is using the same server you use on a network, you'll also be banned.

    • i'm nit expert in this subject at all, and hoping those who are can add something, but why in these settings is IPV4 required?
      IPV6 means we can have a set address for every device, don't need to "share" them which is what CGNAT does.
      Why do these services that need a static address not use IPV6?

      • Probably because upgrading to IPv6 requires time, money and expertise that can be avoided by using v4 for as long as possible.

  • Isn't this a cute furry marsupial?

  • That will be our Rotto Quoka

    This mob may be Perth based?

    • Parent company is in Melbourne.

  • +1

    Is that $11 a month or $88 a month for the first 8 months?

    • $88 per month for the first 8 months then $108 ongoing*

      • -1

        or on Going.
        I thought that Going was the company name…

  • hows their customer service? tempted to join them and start churning their internet

  • +1

    At Quokka Net we use PPPoE to get you connected.

    This means that when you order a service, we will send you a username and password that you will need to use to get connected (this is what you will configure in your router).

    We do not currently support IPoE (also known as DHCP client). We have plans to support this in the future.

    • +1

      No go for me. IPoE is great for churning. No reconfiguring credentials.

      • +1

        Exactly. Just churned to SL. Hoping this has changed to ipoe by next churn cycle

      • +9

        It’s literally a 2 minutes task to change your router settings and input a username and password.

        • +1

          Probably were born long after the dialup days haha

        • they are crap either way, most other more known ISPs without CG NAT are only few dollars more expensive and at base price almost the same price

        • Except my google nest pro is a PITA to change settings. Last time had to do a full reset and had yellow flashing lights for months.

  • Do you provide opticomm service too?

  • +8

    For everyone worried about CGNAT for things like home assistant etc, consider CloudFlare tunnels.

    Instead of opening a port and forwarding it, you connect your device to a CloudFlare tunnel and all your data gets routed through that. You also get SSL. Any questions let me know

    • I have static IP6 which gives each of my devices at home a static address at home. I allowed SSH-ing to my home desktop from outside (directly, not port forwarding on the router). RDP is also enabled.
      Is that risky?

      • +2

        Uh it sure sounds risky, can you access those computers from the outside? If so, what stops someone from brute forcing your SSH password, or if there's an exploit in remote desktop?

        • Yes, there's no other layer of protection.
          For SSH I disabled password-based authentication.
          So, does that mean solutions like CloudFlare is always preferred?

          • +1

            @Averell: yes CloudFlare tunnels is a modern version of VPN. Your client is the CloudFlare app and instead of tunneling back to your own network, you tunnel into the CloudFlare network with the client from your phone/laptop. Your home server does the same where it uses a CloudFlare client to tunnel into CloudFlare's network.

            never expose any ports directly to the internet unless you are publicly hosting a website. especially SSH and RDP as when the next zero day exploit hits (and yes it will happen 100%) your gonna get screwed.

            get CloudFlare tunnels or setup wireguard/openvpn and block those public facing ports asap.

      • have a look at tailscale to allow vpn'ing to your network.

        • Prior to static IP6 (I just recently switched from mobile broadband to FTTP), I was using ZeroTier. The only problem with that was it's sometimes blocked (when I am at work, for example)

          • +1

            @Averell: give CloudFlare tunnels a try. its pretty hard to block as most businesses will use CloudFlare's network either directly or indirectly. and it runs over 443. So unless your work does SSL inspection on their firewalls and specifically looks for this type of traffic, its not easily blocked.

      • You can do that? Thought ISP by default block all incoming via IPv6?

        • -1

          no thats the beauty of IPv6 it is all publicly routable address space. there is no such thing as public/private with IPv6 so it is up to you to make sure your firewall is configured correctly so you don't expose your entire internal network to the internet.

          • @r33tom: "there is no such thing as public/private with IPv6" - you clearly don't know what your talking about, stop misinforming people.

      • Incredibly bad idea.

        • could you please suggest an alternative?

    • is there any tutorial of how to set up external access? i want to do that for a long time and have a ipv4 but i cannot find much tutorial of how to start

  • +9

    The code also applies to the 100mbit plan for 68$/pm fyi

  • -2

    I swear there is some sort of price fixing going on here NBN price have been going up instead of going down due to competition.

    • There is no NBN competition.

      • +1

        Other than 5g and Starlink

      • Come on mate, surely you realised your mistake as soon as you posted it.
        Out of interest, is your bill from NBNco?

        • Given that NBN is a monopoly, and has close to 90% of the broadband market, it effectively has no competition.

          No, it's from True Online, and I pay about $25/month for 1000/200 unlimited fibre internet + my mobile service + limited cable TV channels, inclusive.

    • +19

      NBNco sets wholesale prices for the NBN connection part (the "last mile" from your house to the internet provider), and then the company you buy your service from has to provide the rest (the connection to the internet i.e. IP transit, the IP addresses, the support services, etc).

      The wholesale cost on a 50/20 NBN connection is $52.52 ex GST per month since 1 July 2024 ($57.77 once GST is added when you sell it to a consumer). The cost for 100/20 is $57.22 ($62.94 after GST). 250/25 is $62.22 ($68.44 after GST) and 1000/50 is $72.22 ($79.44 after GST). Source

      On this offer, on 250/25 they've got $8.68 ex GST to work with to provide an unlimited internet connection and support for a whole month once the connection between you and NBNco is paid for. On 1000/50 it's even lower at $7.78 ex GST. I don't know what you expect competition to do when companies are already throwing away any hope of profit for extended periods of time in the hopes that you'll stick around.

      If you want to know who to blame, it's the Australian public who believed the lie that the multi technology mix NBN was cheaper.

      Edit: Aussie Broadband's Buddy Telco is cheaper than this provider on an ongoing basis at $99 for 1000/50 if you don't want to have to move around to chase promotions.

      • -7

        Mixed NBN tech is cheaper and gets the job done slightly quicker, allowing NBNco to start making money earlier. It is nonetheless not future proof, which is why NBNco is still upgrading a lot of places, and overall the project ended up costing more.

        Regardless whether it was mixed tech or full fiber, this was an extremely expensive project and it was a monopoly, everyone need to use have to pay heavy price. Fortunately, now with 5G and satellite internet, many do have alternatives.

      • No one actually believed MTM was cheaper. Other political issues created the scenario that gave idiots the power to change the tech.

        • -1

          Could you provide evidence MTM isn’t cheaper if they don’t need to upgrade later? Less work on last-mile installation, less hardware required, it was cheaper, provided they don’t upgrade later.

          With upgrades, the work was basically doubled and became even more expensive compared to if just do fiber all the way in the first place, which is what happens now, costing taxpayers more money. I totally agree they should have done all fiber in the first place, but I disagree that MTM isn’t cheaper - provided no upgrade is required. Nonetheless, it was a short-sighted policy, they should have known better and not going down this path.

          • @[Deactivated]: Because all the MTM garbage chews electricity that fibre doesn't. So the ongoing cost is much higher.

      • +1

        Australian public who believed the lie that the multi technology mix NBN was cheaper.

        We weren't lied to that it would be cheaper, we were lied to that it would be Sooner, cheaper and more affordable™

        Never forget

        • -1

          This is more accurate 👍

  • Rep, How long is this deal active? Can we sign up now & choose a switch on date?
    I need to give one month notice to Superloop…

  • +1

    Great deal. Currently paying $87.75/m for 1000/50 with More Telecom + Commbank 35% off. I think the discount ends in a month, so will try out Quokka. Cheers

    • +2

      If you're using their mobile serice which has $20pm off for 12 months, then you can have 50% on their NBN by. One of my mate did that last week thru chat.

      • I’m with Kogan Mobile, $150/year for 500GB, and still have 6 months left!

      • Do they have a home loan with CBA?

    • If you are paying $87.75 with More Telecom, then better to stick with them?
      This is $108 after 8 months.

      • More Telecom is $135 after the discount ends, however I found out that I have another 35% off voucher in Commbank app that’s good for another 12 months after the current discount ends :)

        • I thought the 35% discount from Commbank was forever?

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