• expired

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256GB $487 ($1700 off) + $300 Giftcard on JB Hi-Fi Mobile $99/M 24M SIM Plan @ JB Hi-Fi (in-Store)


Credits to JinTheGod for discovering this via the similar deal for Pixel 9 Pro XL here - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/866174

As confirmed in the previous JB Telstra cancellation deals , the cancellation cost would be $766.59 + $99 for the first month fee
Hence the total cost would be $766.59+$99+$2187-$1700 = $1352.59 for the 256GB Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
In addition to the above, JB is throwing in an extra $300 Bonus Giftcard for this sign up, bringing the cost down to $1052.59

Not bad if you're eyeing the S24U and don't mind exploiting the cancellation loophole.

EDIT: for those who are with Telstra, you might have an opportunity to bring the price lower by asking JB to price match Telstra store.

As quoted, by ShinyDiamond
"I spoke to Jbhifi Melbourne Central, they mentioned they can price match Telstra if I show then in store that I have an active Telstra account. Telstra 256gb is $1899 vs $2187 at jbhifi. They agreed to price match this price.

256gb price = $1899 - $1700 + $99 + $766 = $1064 and $300 gift card"

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closed Comments

    • Would like to know this as well.

    • +1

      No you won't get any nasty surprise. You either pay invoice manually or leave it and it will get deducted from the card you've provided during the signup.

    • I wouldn’t open the phone until October 2025 - just to be safe .
      You may need to change all your banking details also, and how attached are you to that face?

  • Just got the phone. So how long should I wait before cancelling the contract?

    Also the guy told me there is no cooling off period, is that correct?

  • Telstra App isn't showing my new contract. Should i wait until this appears before cancelling?

    • +1

      You don't have to. They can do it based on your phone number.

  • They didn't charge me $99 for the 1st month so do I still have to pay for it when cancelling?

    The sales guy told me I will pay the prorated of $1700 if cancelled early. Can someone confirm this is not correct.

    • Is that in writing? They provide a contract stating 800, and verbally 800 is the only figure they told me.

    • You'll make a great financial advisor, power to you. Go ahead and show these neggers that CIS doesnt mean sh*t. Ultra legends only believe what they believe.

      • -7

        Credit history ruined forever for a few quid

  • I recently used TGG's $1400 deal on MacBook Air and cancelled the plan immediately. I am interested in purchasing this mobile again. Will Telstra keep list of previous cancellations of mobile plans? Will it affect my credit? I appreciate your input.

    • -8

      yes, it will ruin your credit

      • 😆

        • Came here for U300004 comments and was pleasantly enjoyed with some popcorn

          • -1

            @Discoaus: You're welcome. I got the popcorn reqdy for comments when hb hits them with $1700 bill. O boy o boy

  • I luckily got a price match at JB Hifi World Square. I came at about 7PM and two gentlemen were also doing price match with the sale agents before me (must be Ozbargainers too lol). The staff there are quite nice and attentive. They did not ask if you are a Telstra customer.

    • Same here mate i was there at 7pm

      • Congrats on getting the Deal of the year.

        • You too bro. They were super friendly. I was sad inside what i was about to do lol

  • Did this with a 512gb. Thanks!

    Sadly the rep wouldn't price match other stores 😢

    • -2

      I havent opened the phone yet. Assuming tmr if they would have the same deal, and I would go to return it. What would happen if JB chat did not approve to return the early termination fee, does it mean we would lose $766.58?

  • How's everyone liking the size of this thing? If it wasn't so huge I'd have got one, they're pretty good phones

    • To me, the Ultra looks nice, but when holding it, it's a big too big, especially with the case on, feels bulky. Picked up s24 plus instead.

      • +1

        You'll get used to it real quick. I was the same initially. Now I'd never go smaller

        • Before the S24+, I was on the Find x5 Pro, so it's already a big and heavy phone, wanted something slightly lighter this time, at least :)

  • Telstra App Chat refused the $99 refund as its “valid fee”.
    Is it luck of the draw who you get?

    • JB live chat also highlighted that the $99 won't be refunded.

    • No luck either. It would have been nice to get refund but no luck with many agents. That's ok, it was worth a try. Deal is still awesome

    • Try again. I did mine yesterday and was able to get it. I cancelled my plan first and then a few hours later asked for the $99 refund and said that I hadn't used my plan at all. Probably luck of the draw

      • This worked for me. Cancelled via jb app, where they pre-emptively tell you it can't be refunded.

        I then went to Telstra chat, and they happily refunded the $99.

        I did this all today after purchasing on Sunday. I did not use the sim at all.

        • +1

          Just wondering, was it telstra chat from their website?

          • @krisspy: Need to give that a crack today too.
            Telstra reckons you need to contact JB as they can only refund an amount if it's from a Telstra plan.
            May be out of luck.

            • @G-rig: Yeah I've asked on the jb hifi chat when I was cancelling and they said nothing could be refunded

            • +2

              @G-rig: Ok so update. I was successful in getting a refund on the chat at telstra website. I just told them I bought the plans by accident and didn't use the sim at all. I opened the plans last monday

              Got refunds on 2 numbers

              • +1

                @krisspy: I just did the same and got a refund of the $99 using Telstra chat. Only remaining payment is the $766 termination payment.

              • @krisspy: Geez I'll have to try again, I've been issued the invoice but pretty inconsistent if they do it for some people not others. Is the trick not to mention JB or something?

                • +1

                  @G-rig: Just use Telstra app. I said i purchased by accident and haven't activated the sim.

                • +1

                  @G-rig: I haven't even gotten the termination invoice for one of my numbers (was on chat with jb before telstra, they said there was an error and they sent a cancellation request again) telstra still saw it as terminated and issued the refund.

                  I didn't mention jb, as far as telstra knows, it could have been one of their agents that cancelled it.

                  • @krisspy: Yes good idea maybe that was my mistake.
                    Pretty sure you'll hear about it nearly 800 bucks.

                    @Duece1995 done, great result cheers.
                    Helps that uI didn't activate or use it at all for $99, so only fair 👍.

          • +1

            @krisspy: Yes it was on Telstra's website

    • I was refused as well. Not too fussed as i was able to get the Telstra price matched when purchased.

  • “The item/s below will be disconnected on 18/09/2024.
    The current plan includes a gift card with a commitment to stay on that plan for 24 months. If you disconnect your plan early, you’ll need to repay the value of the gift card.

    We'll send an invoice to the registered email on file. We'll debit the amount from your default payment method if you haven't paid within 10 days.”

    • +2

      Damn, sounds like you got a tight agent. FWIW, the repayment is listed as Voucher Repayment Fee, the maximum on the CIM being $800. Good luck to them clawing back an additional $900.

    • +2

      Yes. But as per CIS customer signed the maximum value of GC is $800. They ll send invoice of that or less (depending on what u got charged and used in first month), then u have 10 days to pay. I got invoice and paid 766 already.

      If they send bigger bill, i am sure it ll be ozbargainer's class action. Everyone is in it together :)

    • -2

      So 766.58 (termination) + 800 (repayment fee for gift card)?

      • +4

        There is no termination fee as such, just the voucher repayment, which maxes out at 800 on the CIS.

      • +3

        Termination is max $800 for 24 months. The 766.67 is derived from $800 max divided by 24 months x 23 months of the plan unused/cancelled

  • Can the $300 giftcard used for the remaining payable?

    • +1

      In the next transaction. If u buy 2 then u can use the first card to pay 2nd phone remaining balance

      • +1

        thanks, even though still very worthy.

  • Anyone know a way to make payments to the termination bill? I need to pay across a few cards, but can't work it out in the app.

    • +1

      Login to telstra app with ur telstra login. It will show u pending payments. U can do pay now from there.

      Telstra app doesn't show the service but Jb mobile app does. But jb mobile app doesn't show the pending payment but telstra app does. Strange…

      • +1

        Thanks, managed to do it now. I guess it's the convoluted nature of it all that allows us to game the system.

        • -6

          And you're proud of your actions?? Karma will catchup eventually

  • What case is everyone getting for their Ultra? Apart from Spigen, they seem a bit expensive now:(

    • -5

      A very expensive "legal" case from jbhifi

    • +1

      Just getting this to start with, nice and gripping for a bigger phone.

      Spigen rugged or tough armour I also a good choice, they are around $26-40, wouldn't say that expensive.

        • +1

          Saw those too, plenty of options, but wanted something more slim. The AmFilm protectors worked a treat and easy to install.

        • Does the sensitivity of touch screen get affected much with that front cover?

      • I had the spigen tough amour for my s20+ for 4 years, protect the phone with many fall. It is a quality case. I juat recall people on here start recommend ESR case instead of spigen due to it is more competitive in prices. Just want to see if people have other good option

        • Yeah I saw esr, look great for the price.
          As does tough armour. people say the kick stand wears out, rugged armour fine usually (but feels a bit cheap if you pay more than. $20.

        • I always use spigen, only need 1 case for the life of phone. Really good quality

    • I've been using this from AE

      It's the only matte clear case I've found that has a MagSafe stand. The magnet is quite strong too. Sticks well on my wireless car charger.

      • Looks alright. I usually use a magnetic mount in the car, haven't sorted that yet but usually put a plate thing between the case and phone (don't care about wireless charger). Probably grab an esr one.

        Does the magnetic affect the Spen?

  • +1

    Jb advertised the deal again with 1500$ GC now. If a company is losing money why would they do in it again? I think the aim is different, probably sell more samsung phones as iphone 16 launched. Interesting……..

    • +2

      Coming to end of life too. Most likely trying to clear excess stock.

    • Why not, a sale is a sale!
      Sounds like they aren't price matching now though.

    • And they're making it $89 per month instead of $99 per month

      They're taking $240 portion from the GC and throwing it into the monthly phone plan

  • +3

    If there's anyone else that also has the same niche, edge-case situation as me, I have been able to successfully keep my previous phone number, as an existing Telstra customer, while remaining on the $99 JB plan (without cancelling it) via a workaround.

    Since I was already on the $75/month 180GB Telstra plan, the price difference between that and the $99/month 300GB JB plan is only $576 over a 24 month period, which is cheaper than the $800 cancellation fee and the $99 initial charge (I just need to remember to downgrade back to a cheaper plan after 24 months). However, the terms and conditions for the S24 Ultra deal states very clearly that only new customers are eligible, and this excludes existing Telstra customers, so you won't be able to port your existing Telstra phone number at the point of sale. There is a workaround, however it relies upon what is essentially a game of Chinese whispers, and the tendency for staff to follow the instructions of support personnel without questioning it, so if this is at odds with your personal moral compass, look away now.

    Step 1: While purchasing the S24 Ultra in-store at JB Hi-Fi, tell them that you would like to open a new account with a new phone number, as a new customer. Receive your phone and new SIM. Don't insert the new SIM.

    Step 2: This step is probably unnecessary, but I first called Telstra customer support on 13 22 00. I told them that I went in-store and started the $99 JB plan, but my previous Telstra phone number "doesn't seem to have been ported correctly". They will then tell you that they are unable to do anything on their end, as these matters are handled by JB/Boost Mobile and not Telstra, however they can put in a support reference number for you that JB/Boost staff can then look at, since they use the same CRM system.

    Step 3: Call JB Hi-Fi Mobile customer support on 13 50 75. I referred the support staff to the previous reference number, but you can probably just directly tell them the issue from Step 2. They will then tell you, correctly so, that you would have been signed up for a new phone plan subscription by the in-store staff and weren't actually ported from your old number. Customer support won't be able to rectify the issue over the phone, and you will need to go in-store to have it sorted out, so the customer support staff will give you a new support reference number that the in-store JB Hi-Fi staff can read the details for.

    Step 4: Go to a different JB Hi-Fi store to where you originally purchased the phone. Tell the in-store staff member that there is an issue with your JB Hi-Fi Mobile account, and that you were given a support reference number by customer service over the phone. After verifying my identity and reading the support ticket, they quickly cancelled my old Telstra plan, and then ported my old phone number to the new JB Hi-Fi plan, in less than 5 minutes. I did not receive any additional charges for this.

    I hope this helps anyone who is also after something similar to this.

  • Just cancelled service via JB app….final ETC $799.92 (not sure what happened to the missing 8c).

    Signed up on 17th but for some reason I wasn't charged the initial $99 activation and I believe this is due to me already having another active service….

    • You’ll be charged $99 in another month, on the 17th in your case.

      • Just jump on the Telstra chat and ask a refund like everyone else. Easier when you haven't used the Sim I think.

  • What fast charger is everyone getting, since the phone doesn't come with one now?

  • -1

    Anyone managed to get $1700 gift card credit by returning the phone back recently in VIC? I tried few stores but all of them refused to return phone back and kept saying that gift card is specific to s24 ultra only and cannot be used for any other item.

    • Just keep it bro.. why did you buy it.

    • I did, but in Brisbane

    • Think they're just scaremongering in an effort to eliminate or at least reduce the amount of refunds…

      I believe the GC does not have any imposed restrictions however the vouchers do.

    • I went into one Brisbane CBD store and was told the same.
      Went into another and it was ok, the Manager was very nice and said they dont normally do it because it's tied to the phone, but it worked out ok.

      • which bris store was this?

  • Contacted Telstra support via chat today. The agent was more than happy to cancel my service and refund $99. The cancelation fee is $767. Hasn't received the invoice yet as the service will be disonnected in a few days (as requested by me).

    • What you told them while cancelling?

      • Well, mostly the truth that now after giving my decision a second thought I realised that this plan doesn't suit my needs, as I already have a work number with Telstra. And as I haven't used the service yet, thought it was fair to get the $99 refunded.

  • Marked as expired? not possible this afternoon?

    • +1

      The new deal (similar) is on but with $1500GC instead of $1700. It's posted on ozbargain too

  • -2

    So i was hitting Telstra chat to cancel 2 contract, only to be advise that total cancellation fee is only 766.59 ( not 766.59x2), i reconfirm with them twice and still get the same answer. Also ask for refund of $99 and only got one out of two.
    Anyway today got 2 separate termination charge invoice in the email of $766.59 each. Chat with Telstra again to see what going on and was finally told to go in to a JB hifi store to get a refund of this $766.59. They told me they can only do it instore. Have Anyone experience similarity case?

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