Discoaus » user profile

Member Since 26/09/2020
Last Seen 2 hours 19 min
Badges 1
Location Queensland

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This is over a year ago. And not substantially that much cheaper for how inflation goes since then
02/07/2024 - 10:27
Yeah not feeling like using a blade, I mean that would be to the scalp so that’d be the most ideal. But yeah eyeing off the pitbull gold…
28/05/2024 - 10:22
Appreciate the response! I won’t waste my money on the Remington on the recommendation of their failures. I’ve seen many reviews on ozB…
27/05/2024 - 16:53
As title suggests. Looking at one of these 2 options as they seem best recommended for bald or almost completely bald head shaving Con for…
27/05/2024 - 10:11
Also! Anyone own a Remington rx7 and compared to this? My only downfall buying one is the blade accessibility being a lot harder to…
27/05/2024 - 10:05
Is the added extras of the platinum worth it over the gold? (Travel case + travel lock, stand, and slightly different screen) same blade…
27/05/2024 - 10:03
I was a regular of Kai for 5 years prior to roasting for myself. Can 100% recommend them to anyone on the fence. This price is great. Arrow…
25/05/2024 - 11:31
Sure can! That’s what I did. I ordered and waited to activate till my current plan finished
24/03/2024 - 22:48
You have to purchase the sim and pay for 1 month upfront. You just don’t have to activate it straight away. The upfront money will be…
24/03/2024 - 22:47
If you’re already activated, you cannot change over to the lower price. I ordered mine a couple months back when the price was like…
24/03/2024 - 22:46
Aldi is definitely not the way to go 😂 anyone with some form of tastebuds knows what fresh roasted beans, or decent roasted beans taste…
18/03/2024 - 16:08
Maybe they changed it, but my plan shows $64.90 for 6 months. I have an email showing this price also
04/03/2024 - 15:21
Tangerine is currently $64.90 for 6 months also. That’s who I swapped over to
03/03/2024 - 11:04
I actually couldn’t agree more with you. Of all the eggs I have tasted in the ramen shops I’ve tried throughout Brisbane and Sunshine…
27/01/2024 - 18:33
I unfortunately cannot agree on your opinion of taros. I have friends from Japan that I work with and also a friend who is from Korea, and…
27/01/2024 - 12:28
Thanks for the response, but yes hit and miss in Japan for sure, but I’d rather base Australian ramen on Japanese ramen more so than…
27/01/2024 - 12:25
I’d like to know this also Taros has been my fav in ascot, liked beppin but wasn’t a huge fan. Haven’t tried haktaya Is there…
27/01/2024 - 01:24
You charge and use the spot, you don’t charge and you find another spot. Simple. You go to a fuel station and fill up at the spot, you…
09/12/2023 - 20:50
The AUTNOV code does not work, tried at 1845 QLD time
05/12/2023 - 19:46
The VS03 is now currently out of stock unfortunately. I missed out on this deal, but the VS02 can be grabbed for $54. Has 5kpa better…
29/11/2023 - 05:07
Tried a bootable windows drive, I tried just a reinstall from the main windows. Did this all off the old cpu, tried it on the new cpu also.…
20/11/2023 - 06:29
CPU is displayed as a 5700x under the bios, but when you save changes or discard, it will go to the windows right before the screen where…
20/11/2023 - 05:23
Honestly, I spent days, and I mean days just trying to solve it, reset after reset, with no resolve. I was frustrated thinking why won’t…
19/11/2023 - 12:30
So if it’s a windows issue, then why will windows load with the 2700x cpu, but not with 2 different 5700x CPU’s?
19/11/2023 - 08:54
I believe I tried that, did you change from a 2000 series cpu to 5000 or above?
19/11/2023 - 08:52
So directly after the bios screen shows up, if gives you the window logo with the circle loading, right before it has the welcome page to…
19/11/2023 - 08:52
I quadruple checked 😂😂. So that was definitely the first thing I tried. I even deleted the bios file and re downloaded the bios again…
19/11/2023 - 01:41
To elaborate on the subject name I have an AMD system. Currently running Asus x-570f gaming motherboard And Ryzen 2700x Gskill 3200mhz 32gb…
19/11/2023 - 00:57