nbn 25/10Mbps $39/Month for 6 Months (New Customers Only, Ongoing $57.90/Month) @ Flip Connect


Seems to be the best deal on nbn 25 at the moment.

Typical evening speed 25Mbps download, 8Mbps upload.

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Referral: random (2)

$15 credit to referrer. $15 off 2nd payment for referee.

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    • +21

      Because it's cheap and more than sufficient for streaming, browsing, emails etc. Being on 25/10 plan for couple of years and its fine for two people. Perhaps not for gamers or 4K streams.

      • +9

        I'm on Felix unlimited 4G/5G data at 20mbps and I stream 4K absolutely fine 95% of the time.

        • Using phone hotspot or 4G router with sim card?

          • @arctan: I have Felix too. Samsung A8 tablet connected to router with an usb-C ethernet adapter.

            I live near a train line so can slow down a bit.

            • @Caped Baldy: So the sim card is in the Samsung A8 tablet and connects to a router? Wouldn't it be easier just go with a 5G phone hotspot?

              • @arctan: Yes, in the tablet and yes, connects to the router with this USB C to Ethernet Adapter https://amzn.asia/d/0bHe4C2F.

                I think the tablet might only be 4g… But anyway, I've got multiple devices and I figured it'd be easier to manage using a dedicated router.

            • +1

              @Caped Baldy: What slows down?? The train?

              • @U30004: The internet, guessing due to the people on the train using their phones.

              • @U30004: Yes, because the data signal interferes with the flow of electrical power to the train. Jeez, its not rocket science. :)

        • +3

          4K streams are 16-20mbps so if you do anything else at the same time you will see buffering or quality drops.

      • +5

        I'm with flip 25/10, it's fine for occasional gaming and one 4k stream at any time. For gaming, the only issue is for huge updates like 100gb - you need to have it download overnight.

    • At least it is much better than 12/1 (The ADSL-equivalent teir of NBN, and a poor ADSL connection could be way worse than that.)

  • +3

    NBN for ants? The bees said NO

  • +2

    Legit use Felix, only a smidge slower download speed and you get more than double the upload speed, as well as unlimited calls and texts.

    Obviously has the upside of being able to be taken with you anywhere as portable internets and or replacing / saving you on your current phone setup.

    Services like this should be 30 at the absolute max.

    • +2

      The ping on Felix wouldn’t be anywhere near as good so for gaming it would be noticeably worse.

      • Idk I know nothing tbh, I haven't really played anything online outside of Fortnite in almost ten years, but I've won many a match on Felix.

        • +1

          For casual gaming it would be fine but for anything competitive you'd ideally want a fixed line connection as the not only the ping but the jitter is way less meaning a way more stable connection.

    • Do you use a pocket wifi? or hotspot via phone?

  • plus $5.50 for static IP if you don't want CGNAT (assuming they will do it on this plan). They don't seem to have an option in between.

    Probably not a huge deal for most, but I use a DDNS service myself so CGNAT would require me to give that up.

    • +8

      Most people on a 25Mbps plan wouldn't know or care about CGNAT.

      • Whats CGNAT?

        • Means you don’t get a directly routable public IP address. If you have NVR, NAS, Remote Desktop or remote play, the experience would be very bad.

          • +1

            @xmagic: Doesn't Tailscale solve those problems?

            • @frugalferret: When I can route my traffic directly to my own gateway, why bother using NAT traversal that may even involve routing to a 3rd party service, despite if it's known to be free and relatively safe? Just me being paranoid I guess.

              Yes, I personally like Cloudflare but I still prefer direct link over WARP or CF Tunnel if I have a choice.

      • Why?

    • There are workarounds (Cloudflare tunnels or IPv6) but having a public IP is very useful.

  • Great if you have low traffic at home.

    • +7

      We have a few speed bumps though

  • -1

    Don't go, slow to die…

    • +4

      Not everyone is terminally online.

      • +10

        25/10 is realistically plenty for 20-30% of households. not everyone has netflix, games online.

        some just scroll through tiktok and YouTube on their iPads or are elderly…

        • +2

          20mbs Felix powered our whole household for years, 4k streaming, gaming out the arse, half a dozen Alexa's and shit always on 247, and so on.

          The price is a tall ask, but yeah, you can absolutely get by with it.

        • +6

          I use Netflix, Kayo and Youtube and often concurrently in different rooms. Works absolutely fine on 25/10. Many of my friends downgraded not realising and are also happy. As noted below many people overspec thinking faster must be better. It really depends on use.

          • +1

            @Borg: We did the FTTP upgrade when I went on 100mbps plan then I told wife we moving to another provider at 25mbps to reduce cost and to see if she notices any difference with speed (watching Netflix or wfh) - she didn’t notice any difference so I’m happy to stick with 25mbps for our household

        • +1

          25 is enough for online gaming. For me personally in Perth whether I have 20 or 200mbps my ping is 50 because the servers are based in Sydney only. Makes no diff

          • +6

            @iDeker: Whats Perth?

            • @U30004: (profanity) if I know. Apparently it’s in “Western Australia” but I can’t find it

              • @iDeker: Only Sydney and Melbourne, nothing else

          • @iDeker: Gaming is less related to total throughput and related latency which is determine by a few factors but also the RSP having a local POP in your city. Many RSP’s route through Melbourne/Sydney. For 99% of users that’s fine, but something to consider if you’re outside capital cities and your primary goal is gaming.

        • +1

          How old is elderly? Technology has been in offices for 40 years. If the TikTok generation's fried dopamine receptors ever last that long, they won't be sliding into nights in with reruns of A Country Practice on VHS.

          • @Daabido: "reruns of A Country Practice on VHS"..hahaha. how's the wombat going :-)
            Actually just pulled my VHS recorder out of TV cabinate today as its been years since using. Off to Salvos with it as am sure there are plenty of people with a decent range of tapes.

        • -2

          I'd argue even more than 20-30% of households tbh… No one wants to admit it though because then it would mean them there "liberals" were actually right and having fibre in a CBD and high density suburbs, then ADSL in the suburbs where there is no chance of ever recouping the investment of installing fiber in its lifetime (before wireless fully takes over) was the correct move.

          Instead we (taxpayers) are paying $100,000+ per connection for some semi rural houses to be on a $59 50/20 plan for the next 10-20 years until either wireless or near earth satellite takes over… But hey "we needed it!"

          • @Binchicken22: Building infrastructure is not meant to be solely about what's good enough for most households right now.

            Remember when 512kbps ADSL was 'good enough for most households'?

        • What percentage of households have access to higher speeds? 25/4 is all we get on our 1km odd stretch of 40yo copper attached to the node….best case, but often less.

          No 5g options here (I check regularly).

          Starlink is tempting…though that $140/mth price tag.

          We are heavy users of the Internet, and higher bandwidth would be nice…but there's just not a whole lot of choices.

    • +12

      lol been using 25 for ages. Stream, youtube, video calls no issues. I'm sure there's tons of ppl out there who overspec.

  • +4

    Good deal for elderly and light users needing a solid connection (not 4g)

  • Looks like good deal. FlipConnect are the only providers for close to $50 per month. Anyone has any experience with them?

  • 25mbps should be illegal in 2024!

    I had 100mbps cable 20 years ago for $69-79 a month

    Aus the only country in the world where internet has gone backwards because of nbn co!

    • 25mbps can be suffice for some people, why do I need faster internet speed and pay more for it when 25mbps at a lower cost can be suited for some people/families.

      For my family it’s actually quite enough, we have the 1 Tv for the kids, we can wfh, 2 mobile phones watching Netflix at same time and 25mbps is suffice for us and we don’t have to double double speeds for what , for pretty much the same thing, not like I’m going to notice unless I need to watch something 4K maybe but not the end of the world

      • +1

        The key to get good user experience on low-bandwidth is to enable SQM.

        Latency-sensitive applications such as gaming and video conferencing can stutter if another application downloads a big parcel of data with no throughput limitation, eg when Netflix refill the buffer.

        A corretly configured SQM will largely mitigate this phenomenon known as bufferbloat

        Fa quick reference from Tom Lawrence https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gEH5UMjHT_8&pp=ygUZVG9tIGxhd3J…

    • +1

      cries in FTTN

      I'll probably take this deal and when the 6 months are up I still probably won't have FTTP :(

    • That's objectively false.

  • Flips 'Family' plan (50/17) seems pretty good too: $64/$73.9

    Am currently with Superloop (VIC) and their recent price rise ($82 - 50/20) has motivated me to look elsewhere.

    Anyone have any experience with Flip, or can suggest an alternative? Thanks in advance.

    • +4

      If you want the cheapest plan then Mate's 50/20 is $55/month for the first 6 months here.

      If you're happy with Superloop and don't want to take the hassle/risk of a cheaper ISP then Exetel has 50/20 for $64/month for the first 6 months here. Superloop and Exetel are the same company.

      Superloop considers you a new customer after 12 months. You can sign back up to them at the promo rate and repeat.

      If you don't want to switch every 6 months then I would go with Leaptel here. Their ongoing price for 50/20 is $80/month. If you ask for a cheaper price after 6 months they'll likely offer you at least $10/month off. I'm not sure how long they will keep doing this. Their service is comparable, perhaps better, than Superloop. Leaptel have better support and you don't need to provide them with 30 days notice of cancellation unlike Superloop/Exetel (something to keep in mind if you do switch from Superloop).

      Hope that helps.

    • Been on flip now for 3 months on 100/20 plan that for first 6 months at 65 p.m. been okay. Had a few small dropouts but that's about it. Been very consistent. Gives me around 99 mpbs during peak times, 103 ish other times.. Very happy with the speed. No dramas. FTTH connection

    • FYI being a gang member of Superloop means you need to inform them 3 months in advanced before you get out. Otherwise bloody neck slash.

  • -1

    For those who miss ADSL? What’s next? Dial-up speeds?

  • Anyone know if referral program still active with flip? I can't find anything related to that on their website.

  • +8

    This speed is perfect for many users. Far better a stable speed rather than 4/5G etc.

    Pings should be decent, maybe 6/8 m/S and that really only matters to gamers. If you want better then you need FTTP and you should get 3m/S or so.

    4K streams just fine so that covers off Netflix et al. 2 x 4K seems to work okay as well although I only tried that for a few minutes at a customer.

    For some saving approx. $30/40 per month over the typical 50/20 plan is a big deal.

  • -1

    I used to chase these deals but for an extra $30 per month I’d rather keep the 100/40. Is it just the thrill of the bargain for most or what?

    $30 per month is chicken feed in the scheme of things, and if there’s one Saturday night where the link becomes congested and the streams turn to shit then I have negated any savings.

    • "Is it just the thrill of the bargain for most or what?"

      I suspect in many cases it is and I'm guilty as well but when it comes down to base connectivity I prefer a solid wired NBN link with a known and trusted provider. In my case TPG but whilst many might criticise that choice they just remember that TPG are only reselling the NBN service and all it's warts etc.

      Basically it "just works" - 100/20 plan for now as still on FTTC but have a few spare NCDs for myself and customers, we get lots of lightening hits here….

    • $30/month is $330/year. Add all the other deals you can get like electricity/gas credits, cash rewards and you can save a few thousand a year. Maybe chicken feed to some but is a lot to others. And if you can't find something else to do on the ultra off chance that your Saturday night is ruined by a slow link the. May e you need to find some other hobbies that aren't tied to an internet connection.

    • What must you be online on a Saturday night? Live streaming or some private chat OnFans? If that's your income, then you should invest in a business connection.

  • Do they use Vocus ?

  • -5

    25/10???WTF!!!??? Have i gone back time to 2006?

  • Doh. Just signed a family member up to Exetel yesterday at $54 a month. Anyone know the situation with cooling off periods with NBN providers?

  • I will give this a try.

  • +4

    Back in the 80s 90s we had around 14.4kbps or less. 25Mbps is about 2000 times faster and is plenty. Kids these days won't know or be grateful.

    • +1

      I was on ADSL 2+ and was 5km from the exchange so I was only getting speeds of 1mbps! Suffice to say this was enough for me to play halo/call of duty back then lol

      So for me 25mbps plan is great and I currently have that with more nbn with CBA 40% off for a year so I’m paying $46 but if I wasn’t on that plan then I’d go for this

      • "more nbn with CBA"
        Price increase 1st Aug. Why I'm researching. Think I'll give this a go.

        • Yes I literally got the letter
          The only thing is with this it’s only valid for 6 months where as with more with the 40% it’s still 1 year

          More nbn with increase for the plan from $42.30 to $45.6 = $547.20 for the year

          With this $39 for 6 months then $59.20, thay would be $589.20

          I suppose if I was a true ozB then I’d just go with this company for 6 months but then would have to see what cheap 25mbps would be available 6 months later 😬

    • Yep, copper lines with crap joiners in kerbside pits full of water, etc, then more before it reached a dialup modem, then PC.
      Even with ADSL decent online gaming was a challenge, head down the local Lan centre where they had satellite. Many hours playing competitive Metal of Honor.

      • Or countrestrike haha
        Does anyone still that game anymore or nah thats killed?

    • Yes, and how big was your average download on 14.4?

      Although it's 2000 times faster I think upload and download needs have grown by more than that.

      Luckily, technology advances - except in Australia

  • Any deals on a Pentium MMX

  • nice one, about time for me to port out of spintel after their 6 month offer

  • I'm on a 50 speed plan
    Would this 25 plan be good enough for 4 people streaming video on 4 different devices at the same time
    Or do I need 50 speed for that

    • Hard to know as depends on streaming bitrate and devices being used. For x4 perhaps 50 if all watching at the same time? My guess it would work as streaming services tend to only stream at the bandwidth available. Give it a go and if crap, then change back to 50!

    • -2

      Hope this isn’t a family - would be sad if 4 people all using difference devices to stream video and not be interacting with each other

    • You'd be pushing it. Id stick to 50 if all 4 are streaming at the same time.

    • It's good if all our devices are 640x480.

  • If your router has a traffic monitoring feature, use it to see your typical bandwidth. For me, still on 25/10 and even with Netflix running on TV and kids on their devices still managing well and there's no need to pay for higher plans.

  • I just joined them last month and missed out on this discounted 6 months promotion. :(
    Wish I could avail of this discounted price after missing out on it for just a few weeks.

    So far they are quite good and never had issues.
    I am on 25/8 plan for usage of 1 person.

  • My parents signed up to the senior plan to start next week. Why is this deal better than the senior plan they signed up on!?

  • What’s browsing like at 25mbps? Unnoticeable?

    • +1

      25 is way more than what is required for browsing so yes absolutely fine. Remember even ADSL was fine for browsing and even streaming and that was slower at say 1.5MB/s (+/-) depending on your connection speed back then.

    • Ads makes up a substantial volume of a website. Blocking ads will make everyday browsing a lot smoother

  • +1

    Anyone know the cheapest 100 speed nbn plan ATM?

  • +1

    25/10 broadband in 2024 should retire. I have lived in a small town in China, the broadband starts 100Mbps and costs around 41 CNY per month (around $9 AUD). This is with China Telecom, their most expensive provider yet. And the service goes up to 1000 in that area, and pretty sure some other bigger cities offer up to 2500Mbps.

    • +2

      The cheaper broadband is Asia is often associated with high density housing and comes with quality of life setbacks such as air pollution and traffic congestion, etc

      • New Zealand has entered the chat. FTTP everywhere, 300/100 for $59, 1000/500 for $72,

        $112 for 2000/2000 but you can run up to 8000/8000 if you inclined.

        Stop spreading lies and nonsense as an excuse for a horrifically mismanaged national broadband network. It’s an absolute disgrace in a country as rich as Australia and with the density in inner capital cities that it’s so atrocious.

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