50% off NBN Plans for 6 Months When Bundled with Energy Supply (+ Free 12-Month Paramount+ Standard) @ Origin (Excl. WA / NT)


Origin - Bundle with Energy and Get 50% off Internet for 6 Months. Offer Ends 31 March 2025 Unless Withdrawn Prior. T&Cs Apply
This is a great deal if you're an existing or new Origin Energy customer.
Multiple speed options available for both NBN and Opticomm networks

Origin Family and Friends Energy Deal: 5% off Currently Advertised Origin Go Variable Rates for 12 Months @ Origin

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (36)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (574)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy


  • Essentially, Superloop correct?

    Can confirm it works if you're on the family/friends discount rate.

    • +1

      Yeah Origin nbn is supplied by Superloop.

      • Do they (Origin) do boost days too (like Superloop and Exetel)?

        • +1

          Not with Origin.

  • +1

    "Origin Energy electricity and/or natural gas plan and/or LPG"

    Origin Hot Water not included… Blah.. :(

  • Great timing. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Will discounted internet still be apllicabe until 6months if I switch electricity after signed up?

    • +4

      If your energy plan is cancelled for any reason during the first six months of your plan, the Offer will end, and you will need to pay the standard cost for your internet plan thereafter.

  • +1

    I am with Origin already, is the referral bonus credit only for signing up the Energy plans and not for the NBN plan?

    • Yes correct, it only applies when you are signing up for an energy plan

      Source: the popup that comes up after clicking referral link

      has referred you - you’re on your way to $50 bill credit!
      When you sign up to any home energy plan.

  • Can you speed boost on origin if it is provided by superloop?

    • Nope

  • +5

    On One Big Switch for Origin energy they have an offer for $200 back + a $50 prepaid mastercard for 'new and moving electricity customers' in NSW, SA or VIC.

    Might be better than the 5% off if you're churning offers.


    I am not sure what the definition of a new electricity customer is since I have had Origin energy before at this address.

    Obviously this if you aren't already with Origin for electricity and want to stack offers.

    • I am SA and looking at the deal and only see a $50 Mastercard - no reference to $200 back. There is a $50 back if you go for electricity without solar though.

      • +1

        Ah I guess it must vary state to state. The fine print referenced SA so I had thought it must be the same for all 3 states, but apparently not!

    • Do you have to sign up for the electricity plan first before the internet to get the best of both worlds?

      • I just went through a dummy sign up. Looks like you can't do the onebigswitch offer + half price internet bundle in one go :(

    • Nothing for Qld?? Discrimination! 😤

    • Relative Currently on origin variable if they move to the plan on one big switch would they get the $250 as they moving?

      They are on benefits so for eg switching to agl for sign up bonus they might get rejected on credit check and forced on worse situation ie default rates

  • +4

    Thankyou OP!

    Moving from:

    FLIP $64/Month for NBN 50

    ORIGIN $65/Month for NBN 1000 + getting rewards points + getting free paramount subscription

  • +1

    Churned from Leaptel 100/20 paying $79.95 as a post-promotional period customer to Origin Broadband 100/40 ($55.00) (100/20 was $52.50.. $2.50 why not lol)

    Money back in the pocket for jumping ship, and double the upload speed!

    Edit: On Live Chat atm - cautioning to all gamers no CGNAT opt out available. Even though Superloop offer it lol.
    "We can't disable CGNAT on our service and the only way around it is to add on a static IP. This is an extra $5 per month"

    • +3

      Can't opt out from CGNAT - > non starter.

    • Thank you, this answers my comment below. I’m so disappointed. This feature was an absolute deal breaker the last time I switched to them a few years ago.

    • Do gamers care about CGNAT for IP bans?

  • +1

    Does this work if you are already with Superloop for Internet and already with Origin for Elec & Gas?

    Also does this work if you sign-up online given Superloop have a 1 month cancellation policy?

    • +2

      I've been trying to find out from their online chat whether I can be migrated without the month's waiting period.. been waiting for a team member to respond to me for 2h so far..

      • +2

        For those that care, 4h later - I get an auto response saying they're super busy and that they're logging off for the day but promise to message me on Monday.. I don't fancy my chances of getting a clear answer

    • +5

      Just got my friend, who is currently with Superloop for internet and Origin for Elec & Gas, to sign up to this plan. Superloop has a 1 month cancellation policy but Origin allows you to choose when your plan will start, so just inform Superloop you’re cancelling and choose a start date with Origin to coincide with the end of your contract period.

  • +8

    Those base prices for NBN are clearly inflated for the purposes of fake discounting them for people who bundle their energy plans and making promotions such as this seem more impressive than they actually are.

    In what world would any sane person think $83, $95 and $105 per month as appropriate price points for NBN 25/10, 50/20 and 100/20, respectively?

    Very important to set a 6 month reminder from date of connection to make sure you don't forget to churn, because even a single month at base price is a huge penalty.

    • +3

      Very important to set reminder to 5 months and cancel 1 month in advanced otherwise you’ll get burned. Have avoided Superloop ever since after they messed up my cancellation

  • Crafty way of promoting their energy plans lol. You save pennies to lost the dollars.

    • Every time ive needed power support they try to upsell me to internet. I say "you cant beat my current price" and then when i tell them about my $44 50meg plan they just agree that they cant and let me go.

      • Do you mind if I ask what provider gave you a 50/20 plan at $44?

        Is this NBN or a private fibre provider?

        • +1

          Its More with 40% off for CBA mortgage, or maybe 50%. Lasts for 3 years.
          NBN FTTP

          • @wetsandwich: Ah, I see.

            Are you essentially paying for the cheaper NBN via a less competitive mortgage rate or is the mortgage rate good as well?

            • @scalebearer: it's 1 year discount if you have normal commbank yello.. offer. 3 years if you got a mortgate? or some other big ticket product from commbank. Check you commbank rewards to see if there's a offer for 50% off More internet.

            • @scalebearer: 6.24% which is moderately competitive. Im using Vic Homebuyer Fund which only has 3 eligible banks with all about the same rate. Im definitely not with CBA just for a $40 internet discount.

        • I wouldnt say wireless is the same product, but for the extreme bargainer thats decent for nbn replacement

          • @wetsandwich: It isn't, but does the median residential user really need 20, 50, 100 Mbps? I've only been able to get 13 Mbps on nbn — at most! — with Origin!! — and it suffices for streaming and browsing, which is all I need it for (it's only when it drops to kbps, and it did quite often, that things stop working).

  • +1

    I am not a fan of energy companies trying to increase their revenue by trying to badge their own name on everything like Kogan or Coles. They have a bad enough reputation of shady/illegal practises, why would i want their internet when theyll randomly estimate extra amounts i have to pay or other underhanded stuff? Just stick to your corrupt power reselling which shouldnt even exist.

    • +1

      Some people (usually stupid ones) like it when all their utilities are all under one brand.
      It makes things feel tidier and simplifies it for them.

      Obviously this guarantees that at least one of the utilities will be poor value in order to make money off these people and one might be a loss leader to attract people there in the first place.

      Think about it. An elderly couple are already with one of the big energy providers like AGL or Origin Energy.
      They want internet as well, so they decide to try one of the NBN plans with their energy retailer as well.
      Easy customer gain.

      It also makes people feel like it is harder to switch off them because there may be fake discounts that are tied to having multiple utilities with them.
      Again, people with a basic understanding of mathematics and consumerism won't fall for this, but most people don't.

  • I thought origin uses Aussie bb? Anyway I used in the past ant they were fantastic. Currently with dodo which is also discounted but I will move to this, because their nbn is fairly slow at night

  • -4

    I honestly am not a fan of this… Get 50% off the Internet for 6 Months.. then it's like 150% of the average price. Beware of that 7th month+ price

    • It’s a bit of a stretch to say it’s 150% above the average price. More like 10% - 20%. It’s around 5% higher than if you went through Superloop directly (which is who Origin use)

    • +1

      Superloop currently offers me $109/m for 6month then $119

      This one is $65/m for 6 months and still same provider + perks, honestly, no brainer.

  • Thanks OP. Moved from current provider, took literally 3 minutes.

    On the 250mbit Opticomm plan for $60 per month.

    • Hey, do you know if they are using Superloop for opticomm as well? You can check on this site https://bgp.he.net


  • -1

    If anyone wants to sell their Paramount+ offer, let us know (kids use it to watch Paw Patrol).

  • Could anyone tell me what a cheapo basic 25 plan comes to?

    • +1


      • Thanks fella

  • I can't activate my Paramount subscription whatever the cards I use. I have tried all my cards, approx. 10 of them.

    • Same! Any fix to this?

      • Have you tried any Australian issued credit card? I don't have one, so I guess we need to have one for the subs

    • I'm just getting an invalid code error…

      Edit: I ended up getting it to work… Not sure how really, just messed around with different accounts and browsers until it worked.

  • Do they still have the NAT type issue which makes it virtually impossible to play online multiplayer, especially on Switch?

    • Yes they don’t allow people to opt of of CGNAT and charge $5/month for a static IP

  • What qualifies a new origin broadband customer? Is it something like a 6-month cooldown?

    • I left for a week then had retentions call and offer a deal, came back and now getting this deal.

  • +2

    Just a heads-up with these energy/broadband bundles. The promo price looks good, but Origin (and other energy retailers that do this) usually have pretty high electricity and gas rates compared to keeping your NBN and energy separate.

    They’re banking on people bundling for convenience, but once the six months are up, a lot of people forget to check their new rates, and that’s when you can end up paying way more. Given power and gas bills make up a much bigger chunk of your yearly expenses, any savings on NBN could easily be wiped out (or worse, cost you more overall).

    Always worth comparing your electricity/gas rates against other retailers, and making sure the "savings" actually stack up long-term!

  • Does anyone know if I can use my current router supplied and branded by belong when switching to origin internet,?

    • +1

      I used my Telstra modem for Optus. Its NBN so didnt have to do anything. Connection transferred automatically on the date Optus promised.

  • Just a heads up to everyone, the Internet connection may take up to 24h to get set up. I made the order yesterday and instantly my current provider(Superloop) disconnected my service and I had to wait 24h for Origin to sort it out.

  • I switched between superloop and origin and had a nightmare. I had no internet with origin for several days. I ended up switching back to superloop after endless calls between origin internet staff who blamed my google nest router. When i switched back to superloop my internet starting working again.

    Unbeknownst to me, my nbn was with origin whilst i was being charged by both superloop and origin. When i got billed for origin, i told them i was with superloop and to cancel my account. This is when i found out my nbn was with origin not superloop as my internet stopped working. When i told Superloop my issue, they cancelled my account and i had sign up again with superloop but at a more expensive plan than i was initially on….

  • Anyone have issues signing up for paramount+ using the link/code for the free 12 months? Have to enter card details but it keeps saying card declined, I've tried several.

    • I don't even get that far. "This promotional code is not valid"

  • I type in my address and asked to call them? I am already with Origin energy

  • Currently with Uniti wireless and want to switch. Uniti asked for 30 days notice which will be ending on the 6th of Mar. I wonder when should I sign up Origin one? Wait until the last few days say 4th or 5th of Mar.? Or can do it now?
    As during the sign up process, Origin says there is currently an active connection and asked what to do…
    A bit confused, not sure if it should be "replace the current connection today" or "keeping the existing one and make another new connection"

  • I was going to sign up to this until i read the the reviews. Shockingly bad.

  • Switched from superloop to origin, it has been two days but the service is still not activated yet.
    Online chat got told 1000/40 is not supported at my address and beyond the nbn box capacity, which makes no sense as the premise is new built at 2021.
    Downgrade to 100/40, one hour passed and still not activated, usually switching only takes few minutes from other ISPs.

    • I’ve never been able to reach the full 1000 Mbps download speed on a 1000/50 plan with different ISPs. Even when directly connected to the NBN box for testing, the download speed was capped at around 500 Mbps. None of the ISPs could determine the cause. I suspect the NBN box might have a capacity limit that's affecting the speed

  • Anyone get the Paramount+ codes to work?

    • I ended up getting it to work after lots of messing around. Trying different browsers, accounts etc.
      Eventually I was able to click the link in the email which prefilled the code. It still said it was charging me for the monthly charge (but also said something about a 12 month discount) but when it went through, no charge.
      Sorry I don't really have any steps to follow to replicate my success. I was pretty much ready to give up when it decided to work.

  • Just switched from MoRe as my 40% off for 12 months was done. Now have lost internet for 24/48 hours as there has been an issue on there end with some settings the tech person said. Great price plus paramount+ for just switching my gas over but off to a shocking start

  • Triggered my 30 day notice with superloop a few days ago It expires on 29th so I just went to sign up via origin to commence around 27th and their address check comes up 'We can't find internet at your address' despite me currently being connected with Superloop!

    With this, and after seeing the issues others are having with switching from Superloop i'm wondering if it's worth it. Whats the best alternatives for 100/40 out there?

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