How Much Are You Paying for Your nbn Plan?

Hello everyone,

I'm curious about the different costs people are incurring for their NBN plans. It's always helpful to get a sense of the market and see if I'm getting a good deal or if there are better options out there. Here is my details.

  • Plan Speed - 50/20
  • Monthly Cost - $65/month
  • Provider - Vodafone
  • Location - Sydney

Looking forward to hearing your experiences and recommendations!



    • +2

      Very disappointed with the price increases

      Switch to More (if you have a CBA credit/debit card) or Leaptel… Much cheaper than Superloop for 25/10

      • +1

        Was on 25/5 fttn for $64, now on Telstra 5G 500/50ish for $85. Enjoying the speed.

        • That's 5G though… I prefer FTTP…

    • How is 25/10
      We work from home and only stream 1080p. No 4k here. Some minor online gaming like aoe4….will 25/10 be ok for my needs?

      • +1

        I think so.

      • I have 25/10 and most things are fine, I work from home and mild gaming. For YouTube I use smarttubenext on the tv which allows you to choose a bitrate as some 4k vids are over 25Mbps, MSFS I cache some scenery as it wants 50Mbps and some Truenas Scale dockers need to be manually pulled or they timeout

  • -1

    Not on NBN but with Gigacomm on 200/50 for $79/month.

    Started with $59/month for 6 months almost 2 years ago. I wouldn’t touch NBN with a ten-foot pole

    • +2

      I wouldn’t touch NBN with a ten-foot pole

      It's under ground…

    • same plan… won't touch nbn again

  • NBN Port 1 - $120 month 1000/50 - ABB
    NBN Port 2 - $0 50/25 CBA / more

    • $0? How does that work?

      • CBA deal due to mortgage - free connection for 3 years or so with More.
        Basically use it as a free fail over.

        • Wouldn't most of the time when there is a outage, it would bring both down.

          Would only work for planned maintenance by each company.

          But if NBN does a planned maintenance both would be out too.

          • @jerjergege: Kinda, still can have ISP outage and not full NBN.
            But also right on planned maintenance being like 80-90% of the case.

    • Same: $120 month 1000/50 - ABB.
      Located in Brisbane

  • Was paying $99. Now after the 6 months promotion, I'm paying $109 for 1000/50. Decent for the price. Just wished the upload speed was faster.

  • Plan Speed -100/20
    Monthly Cost - $56.40/month (Commbank Yello rate. Original price is $94 so will probs look around once our year is up)
    Provider - MoreNBN
    Location - Melbourne

    • +2

      They are happy to renew it as long as you have a new code, which is available from Commbank Yello. I just did it after my 12 months period, and to my surprise it's even cheaper now because the discount is bigger from Yello.

  • +1

    $139 a month
    200 - 400mbps download speeds (depending on the day).

    • why starlink? are you in the outback?

      • I'm in metro but in the hills, there's no wired or wimax NBN here.

        Starlink saved my arse - our other option was LTE which is pants for whole house internet.

    • -5

      It is like 50 bucks in Europe! Thank Albo's middle finger to Musk, it caused to go up from 89 to 139!

      • +1

        And 75 pounds in the UK and US$120 in the states.

        The pricing disparity probably has more to do with existing infrastructure and competition than Albo.

        • "The median price for internet access is about $75 per month" in the US according to:


          The site continues that a $70 price tag will cover:

          • Download speeds of 100Mbps or better
          • Included Wi-Fi equipment (modem+router or gateway)
          • Extra fees such as Wi-Fi access or infrastructure fees
          • @namenotspecified: I was responding to a comment on the pricing of Starlink in Australia being high due to Albo's relationship with Musk.

  • Plan Speed - 250/25
    Monthly Cost - $27/month ($77/month discount for 3 years from Commbank Home Loan Deal two years ago otherwise would've been free internet for 3 years if i only opted for the 50/20 plan.).
    Provider - MoreNBN
    Location - Melbourne

  • -3


    • Incredible insight and contribution. Thanks for your time.

      • I was paying $54/month for 50/20 from More NBN since last year when I cancelled it and started using Boost and Amaysim cashback deals to get close to 300GB per month which is sufficient for me to even stream movies. Got a spare mobile to use as hotspot for everyone in family to connect to. There's no going back until CB deals will keep on coming.

  • When I lived in north Adelaide, I was on a commercial street and had the option to buy 10gigabit connection for $400 a month.

    Question to the round, who would pay this? I men you’d have to have a good use case. But I thought about getting it and sharing it with 4 neighbours (apartment living)

    • Streamers - anyone working with large content they need to move around - medical imaging - cad / video editing etc - sending stuff offsite and or back down to/from clients/storage etc

      • Would any of them really require 10 gigabit connection? 120megabytes per second would cover a lot of cases! 1200 megabytes a second would be crazy though!

        • Also depends on how many staff the business has that all need high bandwidth access at the same time, likewise even if only needing medium amount of bandwidth per person but 40-50 staff etc.

          • @Sal in SA: Sorry I meant more for a personal user. I wasn’t a business, just had to option if I wanted it.

    • Sooo cheap!
      ABB wants $799 plus GST for 1 gigabit.

  • On Aussie Broadband currently - 250/25 paying $99 per month. On FTTP, so ping is good. Located in Sydney

  • $47 per month
    100/20 speed with More
    CBA 50% staff discount

    • Im surprised, did you get this when it was first introduced or only in the last 12 mths? I got it but it was only for 12 mths. As far as i know this offer is finished?

  • 100/100 Unlimited with Gigafy/Rush Broadband


    Absolutely love the quality. Great for streaming and gaming and had maybe one or two issues in 5 years.

    Great local customer service as well.

    • Gigafy was meh when I was with them. They had a wireless link from the townhouse to some station elsewhere which would constantly die. I think it was to a sister townhouse complex, where the physical link was. Speed was great when it worked, but was annoying working from home.

      I must say though, being able to call them up and then agree it’s broken and get into fixing it in less than a minute was amazing. Unlike other telcos, who would instead try to blame me for half an hour.

  • +1

    free for 2 months then $99
    superloop 1000/50

    • Same plan, fibre to the premises, have a referal discount also so $5 cheaper approximately. Pretty sweet deal for such speeds, and it performs well in peak times too. Maybe not the full 1000 down, but I've seen tests hit 950 easily. Usually about 40 up, not the full 50. Support has been decent so far, and seemingly Aus-based, from my few calls.

  • $70 per month
    50/20 speed (30 plus boosts per of plan 100/40)

  • $79 per month Superloop 100/20.

    Not on a special, permanent 'discounted' pricing.

  • Wow, everyone’s plans are so large! I am still rocking a 25/8 with FlipConnect for 49.90/month. Will be going up to $54/month on the 1st of July.
    FlipConnect had a few connection issues when I first started a few years ago, but they have been very reliable since.

  • My last Exetel bill for our 50/20 service was $69.95 but the next will be $75.99 due to recent price rise minus negotiated discount.

    I'm moving homes soon and next service will be with Future Broadband on their $78 service if it's still around. The speed and data is enough and FBB has a track record of NOT putting up prices.

  • +2

    Why not just do a poll?

  • 1000/50 with More for 87.75. Looking forward to the cheaper 750 plans.

  • +1

    Not on NBN. Get 300/300 (ish) for about $90 a month.

    Could get FTTP but then would be a higher price and not always higher upload.

  • Leaptel 100/20
    $74.95/month (for 12 months)

  • Plan Speed - 45/15
    Monthly Cost - $79/month
    Provider - Exetel
    Location - Perth

    • Ouch!

      • Any recommendations?

        It was $69.95 for ages (maybe a year) until the increase recently.

        Leaptel has a similar plan for $69.95, but only for 6 months. Tempted to go extra $5 for next plan up for their 100/15

        • Kogan is currently $58.90 for first 6 months then $68.90 for the same tier
          Seems like others here have done it too!

  • +1

    50/20 $49 for 6 months with Pronto. Qld. Excellent service. No dropouts.

  • I think it is great that capital city residents have a plethora of options & competitive prices. Anyone outside the major capitals (SYD MEL BNE) has much less choice. Isn't this exactly the issue that NBN was expected to address? I'm with Telstra- not because I have any particular fondness for them, but because I don't see any viable alternative.

    • Was to provide something to outside major areas - but not necessarily to have oodles of provider choice etc.
      Up to providers to determine if it $ viable or even worth the time to operate where they operate.
      Generally rural is just not worth it - or in many case - just going to be a $ loss.

  • +2

    Launtel 250/100 - $4.5 / day.

  • +1

    $109 for 1000/50, was paying $99 previously
    Honestly can't bother churning at this point/their no pro rata refunds makes it more of a pain to leave

  • +1

    Don't have NBN but use Telstra 5G home internet in Parramatta area

    Cost $85 pm
    1000gb a month allowance, then restricted speed at no extra cost at 25 speed
    Speed usually 350/50 but has been as low as 155 and high as 615

  • +2

    $69.95 for 50/20, but was going to increase to $79.95 starting next month.

    Have left and signed up to Kogan's 50/17 plan, $58.90 for 6 months then $68.90 after (equates to ~$63.90/mth for first 12 months)

    • same here!

    • Same, same Moved to Kogan 50/17

  • Been on 90 a month with Superloop for ages. Can't be bothered switching for 6 months deals.

    • What's the speed at $90 a month?

      • +1

        100/20 I think.

        • Excellent deal if not requiring much upstream. Still have flashbacks to our "10"mbps adsl (actually hit about 6 down) with 1mbps maximum upload. Sucked so hard!

          • @JownehFixIT: I'm no expert but I work from home most of the time and have no issues. We also run our TVs off it and several other phones, laptops etc.

            • @Brianqpr: Yeah you'd need to be chucking a lot of large files up online like OneDrive or whatever else syncing up to even notice a 20mbps upload speed. I'd guess it's well more than enough for many people.

  • More Telecom
    $115 but with CBA discount code so $74.75

  • Leaptel did their free fttn to fttp upgrade, so currently $65 (100/20) for 12 months.

  • Nothing, More Telecom 5G mobile broadband deal instead of long distance FTTN turd

  • Plan Speed - 50/20
    Monthly Cost - $50/month
    Provider - Pronto

  • Plan Speed - 1000/250
    Monthly Cost - $129/month
    Provider - AussieBB
    Location - Sydney
    • +2

      How did you get 1000/250 on ABB?

      • It's 1000/50.

        • Hence my question. 1000/250 is a unicorn package, no one else in Australia seems to have access to it. How did rtf get it? Or do they mean their package is 100/25?

          • @bmxr: 1000/250 doesn't exist on nbn. $129/m is the Aussie BB ongoing price for 1000/50. The speed tiers with faster upload are 250/100, 500/200 and 1000/400.

            100/25 doesn't exist either. The speed tiers are 100/20, 100/40 and 250/25.

            • @Twix: Twix, I know… I have 1000/50 for $129 pm with ABB

              I am asking user rlf how they claim to have;

              rlf on 27/06/2024 - 13:48
              Plan Speed - 1000/250
              Monthly Cost - $129/month
              Provider - AussieBB
              Location - Sydney

              Like you, I believe it's a typo. If not, that is a cracking "unicorn" deal that nobody else in Australia has, and NBN have never offered to RSPs, and I want it!

              • +1

                @bmxr: Sorry everyone I meant 1000/50

  • $44/month for 25/10 with flip internet on a 6 months discount deal, having recently switched from a near identical deal with Mate internet.

    For us 25/10 is fine for all our purposes in a household with 2 users.

    • Is this a HFC connection?
      If so, how did you find if you both tried to stream someone on tv in the evening?

      • I don't think it is, but 2 people streaming works fine.

        • Thanks

  • Plan Speed - 100/20
    Monthly Cost - $100/month
    Provider - Telstra FTTP NBN

    Yes i am getting ripped off but i am looking at changing to Superloop or Leaptel.

    Don't get me wrong Telstra has been very good for us in terms of speeds and reliability. But value is terrible.

  • Plan Speed - 250/25
    Monthly Cost - $79/month
    Provider - Leaptel

    I did their free upgrade from FTTC to FTTP for 12 months, so pretty happy with that. No idea where I will go when that finishes up in November.

  • $81pm 1000/50 with More Telecom (40% CBA discount).

  • Aussie Broadband
    $95 (dropped down from $99 a few months ago)
    Perth Hills

    I have excellent NBN. Although I'm on FTTN, the node is literally across the road from my front gate. I consistently get in excess of 110. I've had very few outages, which have always been fixed quickly. Their customer service and tech support are both excellent. As we're essentially semi-rural, we're not a priority for a FTTP upgrade - which is hoefully going to be next year. Until then, I'm very happy with my NBN. I've got a good setup so won't change providers for short term discounts.

  • Currently paying $60.99 for 50/20 on Exetel HFC until October, but looking to jump ship and upgrade to 100/20 elsewhere.

  • Leaptel FTTP 100/20 - $65 per month

  • Launtel NBN - sticking with them for the $100 refundable static IP and really good network stats.

    AUD 3.10 per day for 100/20 as I don't need the higher upload right now, equates to AUD 94.30 per month.

    Usually on 100/40 at AUD 3.50 per day, equates to AUD 106.45 per month. Prices are changing from 1st July though. Existing users get another month or so of old pricing.

    Keen to try 250/100 at AUD 4.30 per day (AUD 130.79 per month) or even the 500/200 at AUD 4.90 per day, (AUD 149.04 per month), these are the updated pricing.

  • 50/20 $50/mo
    Opticomm (not NBN) FTTP
    Uniti Internet

  • More with CBA discount.

    100/20 for $55/month for 12 months.

  • Plan Speed - 1000/50
    Monthly Cost - $129/month
    Provider - Aussie
    Location - Sydney

  • Not NBN, on VDSL2+ on the old TransACT network with iiNet. $79.99 for 100/25. Actual results tend to be 108-114mbps down, 28-35 up.

    Compared to what some of you are getting it seems a bit mediocre speed wise, but the advantage is that it's been the same price and speed for almost a decade and I've never had more than a day's drama from iiNet personally. Very much a set & forget utility which is kind of great!

  • +1

    NBN 100/20
    $59 per month
    Pronto Broadband

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