How Much Are You Paying for Your nbn Plan?

Hello everyone,

I'm curious about the different costs people are incurring for their NBN plans. It's always helpful to get a sense of the market and see if I'm getting a good deal or if there are better options out there. Here is my details.

  • Plan Speed - 50/20
  • Monthly Cost - $65/month
  • Provider - Vodafone
  • Location - Sydney

Looking forward to hearing your experiences and recommendations!



  • $3.50 a day for 100/40 with Launtel
    Enjoy the flexibility of changing plan speed regularly with the click of a button without having to go through the process to “change plan”.

    • So you have around 105$?

    • 0.00004050925 per second is expensive

  • 250/25 for $89 per month (for 12 months) on HFC with Leaptel.

  • I get 50/20 with ABB for $80. It sucks

  • $70 pm for next 12 months
    FTTP - 250/20 plan (speed tests normally show up to 260-270Mbps)
    In Perth

    I negotiated a deal with the retention team as was about to jump ship with my NBN and 3 Mobiles. Got deals on all of them. Pay around $130pm for everything for next 12 months.

  • Was looking to change out of mine in Exetel, was amazed how expensive the plans have become. We are getting properly reamed.

  • 110 telstra

  • I pay $79.76 (includes credit card processing fees) to Uniti . It gives me 100/20 & a Static IP plus $10 promo discount. I am not sure how many more months I have for the promo. Quite happy with the service

  • $80 pm
    For 12 month
    Was going to churn and they dropped price when I went through to the retention team

  • +1

    $89/month for 12 months with Leaptel.

    1000/50 FTTP.

    will likely look for ~$65 plan once the promo is over. Preferably 250 or 500 down.

  • Plan Speed - 100/20
    Monthly Cost - $6/month
    Provider - More Telecom (inc. discount due to having CommBank Home Loan)
    Location - Melbourne

  • $60 Month for 50/20 grandfathered for the last 5 years.

  • 250/250
    Pineapple net

  • Not nbn, but payin $69 for 250/250 on pinapple.

  • +1

    100/40 Mbps for $6 month with More NBN (mortgage offer that lasts 3 years). I'm very grateful!

    • Errrr wot?

      • Got free NBN as an offer with my mortgage nearly 2 years ago via CommBank. I also upgraded the free plan and now only pay a small amount for the fastest fttn I can get :)

  • $0 - 50/20 - More NBN CBA mortgage deal thing

    Parents $89 - 1000/50 - iiNet HFC (formally TransACT and Neighborhood before that) but currently that's also discounted to $55 for 12 months

    Internet in Australia is horrendously expensive. Cheapest plans which are amazingly slow at 25/10 are $60, in 15+ years the internet in this country is just as slow and more expensive.

  • 250Mbps/25Mbps Unlimited ($119.00) Aussie Broadband

    Damn, judging by this thread I could be doing alot better?

  • Iinet HFC which is approx 800/40 - $79.99/month which seems to be grandfathered. Was $39.99/month for first 12months which was beyond ridiculousness. So good!

  • $74 for a year on 250/20 with More

  • As part of the NBN plan, the cost of lower speed tiers will increase again on 1/7/25. Therefore, it's best to lock in a plan on the 100/20 speed tier with a provider for the next 12 months. NBN's aim is to raise the cost of lower speed tiers to encourage the majority of users to switch to at least the 100/20 speed tier. Today is the last day for most providers' promotions, which are ending.

  • $49 pronto. NBN50

  • $0 - gov program, SSBI

  • $79/month for 12 months.

    250/25 with Leaptel.

  • Not NBN (Opticomm)

    • Plan Speed - 100/40
    • Monthly Cost - $99.95
    • Provider - iiNet
    • Location - Sydney

    Kind of limited to which service provider I can use, but I am envious of those who are on a similar or better download speed and paying less.

    • iinet is a rip-off. I am with Uniti on Opticomm and it has been great for last 3 years.
      They currently have a deal where you get 1000/50 for $99 / month.

  • Opticomm

    Uniti Internet
    1000 /50
    Static IP

    Paying $89 / month

  • 1000/50 FTTP
    $89 for the first 12 months.

  • Plan Speed - 100/15
    Monthly Cost - $65/month
    Provider - TPG
    Location - Melbourne

    8 people

  • $89 for 1000/50 with Leaptel, when this ends I'll probably sign up with Superloop

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