• expired

Bonus 30,000 Velocity Points with a New Credit Card from Partners (Min Spend Required, Fees Apply) @ Velocity Frequent Flyer


Get an extra 30,000 Velocity Points

  • American Express Velocity Platinum Card
  • American Express Velocity Business Card
  • Westpac Altitude Black Credit Card with Velocity Points
  • Westpac Altitude Platinum Credit Card with Velocity Points
  • Virgin Australia Velocity High Flyer Card
  • Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card

Get an extra 10,000 Velocity Points

  • NAB Rewards Signature Card

Related Stores

Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer
American Express
American Express
Virgin Money
Virgin Money


    • Ignore that. Privacy law won't let your HR tell anything about you to anyone without your consent.

      Just a stupid default email. They know it and won't call anyone but you.

  • Does anyone know how long Amex take in general to accept an application? Is it worth calling them etc? The automated email said 5-10 days but keen to hear from others

    • +1

      Yep, it is worth to give Amex a call.

      • Thanks for the suggestion.

        Applied at 7 am, called at 2 pm - application approved over the phone and received confirmation email and text.

  • Applied and got rejected for the virgin money card. :(

    • +1

      Apparently they only accept citizen or PR. (I only find out because I look for the BOQ eligibility).

      • You’re right. I called them up, only available for citizen or PR.

        Which is dumb because they should have stated that so people’s credit score wouldn’t take a hit for nothing.

        If they can state required income, not sure what’s stopping them for stating citizenship clause if that’s critical.

  • Application denied. Haven't enrolled in a new card for well over a year, but the last one was the Citi prestige I cancelled a few months ago. Anyone else get declined who is/was with Citi?

    • +1

      Had the application reassessed and it was approved instantly.

      • Hi, how did you get it reassessed.

        I got conditionally approved but rejected after review…

        • +1

          I just called them. Lady couldnt see why it was rejected and seemed to think i had 2 applications. She said to email them and ask for reassessment. Came through the next day

  • I'm sure this questions has been asked in other posts, Are government payment (rego) eligable for reaching your 4k spending with Westpac?
    Would help with 20% off QLD rego coming up

    • Also interested in this. How are people meeting the minimum spends? A bit of a stretch IMO.

      Exact terms seem to exclude pretty much all utilities?:

      ++Eligible purchases do not include interest, fees and charges, cash or ATM cash advances, cash equivalent transactions, gambling transactions, a purchase from or payment to a local, state or federal government or government related agency, BPAY or similar transactions (such as Post Billpay), refunds and balance transfers debited from the card account. Credit Card Product Switches, upgrades or Westpac group staff are ineligible for this offer.

      • +1

        Sniip. Costs you an additional ~1.5%, but gets you the spend, and some points.

      • +3

        BPAY via Zip.

  • Closed the Virgin Flyer card 2 months ago and reapplied just then and was Approved (pending docs upload). 3rd time having this card, only last time I waited 11 months before re-applying - will see if I get the sign up offers this time 🙏🏼

    • +4

      UPDATE: 😂 Ok, so even though I was conditionally approved I got another email later saying I'd been declined. Could be a witch-hunt on churners. Unfortunately still on cooldown for eligibility on the other cards for this offer, oh well! 👀 Be warned YMMV

      • +1

        I closed my two months ago and was just approved again. Will see if it actually arrives

      • Did they give you any reasons?

  • +2

    During the last offer for this, I remember that if you held off uploading some documents, Credit team will call within 2 business days and offer you additional 5k Velocity points if you upload through the link they send through.

    Can anyone confirm if this is still the case?

    • Can confirm this is still the case. Applied online Saturday night, purposely held off uploading any proof of income/employment documents. On midday Monday, got a phone call from them reminding about uploading documents plus bonus 5k Velocity points.

      The link they sent through after the phone call was nothing special, it's the regular link to resume application for your reference number.

  • +1

    Auto declined.
    Currently have citi premier and recently closed citi prestige

    • Shit, I have ANZ left with 6k limit and just closed my Virgin card 6k limit today. Worried they will auto-decline me too when applying next week…

    • Could be that but a little unfair with that one.

      Prestige is a great card but most who jumped on at the $350 fee 12-months ago would not see value in the standard $700 per year cost and would have hopped off - churner or not.

      Anyone know what Westpac is like with application intensity? Considering the Altitude Rewards Black but mindful of avoiding knock-backs if unlikely. The Virgin Flyer one seems popular above but bonus points not as great.

      • Westpac card: 90k points $225 annual fee (only for existing customer)
        Virgin card: 60k points, $129 travel credit for $74 annual fee

        I know which one I would choose

        • Is points accrual per dollar less on the virgin, though, and does the virgin have a points cap or is it uncapped? I’ll see if I can find it mentioned in the PDS.

          I’m after a decent card to hold for a bit. Westpac has a bonus 30K points in year two.

          That said, the Virgin does look pretty good.

          • @fookos: No idea I only consider these churn cards

            • @Brick50: Flyer is capped at 1,500 points per month for anyone grabbing that one. Good card if you want bonus points at low buy-in but won’t be a point earner for you if intended as a main card while you hold it.

      • +1

        Ehh I churn a lot but I kept my Prestige card to the second year. I asked for an annual fee discount and got 50% off. I use the following benefits:

        • Citi Payall feature: I put it towards my mortgage every month so probably saving around 1k in interest a year. Also get 20k points a month from it too.
        • Lounges: I probably used this 10-15 times in the last 12 months
        • Free airport transfer a year up to $100 - used this for a 6:30am transfer on Christmas day last year and would recommend it
        • Krisflyer redemptions: Transfer rates on Krisflyer are super reasonable and only slightly more than Velocity. I ended up booking business flights from Europe on a public holiday with no issue.

        I will probably cancel it when my free PayAll expires at the end of 2025 though.

        • How did you get free PayAll until the end of 2025? I thought they ended it late last year and you could only schedule up to a year in advance?

          I've scheduled PayAll transactions until August when my first year of the card expires. I'll be cancelling it then as I don't expect to travel anywhere near as much next year as I did this year. I used the 4th night free three times, the free airport transfer, and got entry to ~25 lounges, and have another ~5 coming up. With the sign on bonus and PayAll points, I got something like $2500 value out of the $700 annual fee in the first year.

          • @puffinfresh: You used to be able to schedule them years in advance. I have mine setup to 2027.

        • The best benefits of prestige I find is the resteraunt redemptions at airports. One trip out of Melbourne T2 is worth $210 in credits of you hit all three resteraunts

        • Free transfer is now with Uber Premier and they're refund you $100 if the trip goes over $100.

    • Which card did you apply for that got auto declined?

  • +1

    Hi guys am a bit confused

    Can I apply for the virgin flyer card and get the bonus 30k as well as apply for the Westpac altitude one and get the bonus 30k too on top of their normal sign up offers

    Assuming am credit approved etc etc


    • If you have 2 VFF accounts but you won’t get bonus twice

      • Damn thanks oh well guess I'll just be happy with my virgin one for now

      • So if I were to get 2 cards, I realise the bonus 30k points in this deal would only be credited to the one card.

        But how about the regular bonus point offers that come with those cards? For example

        The velocity flyer base offer is 60k bonus pts and Westpac Altitude Black is 120 bonus pts (split over 2 years).
        I am trying to understand if I can get both those base offers (i.e. 180k pts + the 30k bonus points once for a total of 210k across the two cards)?

        • Yes correct, but does anyone share your surname at home? My understanding is that you can open a FF account for them and use it in your application so long as the last name matches your own.

          Then setup family pooling for the points

          • @Brick50: Interesting! So even if its my wife for example having a different gender to me, thats ok? They just checking for a match on last name?

            • @Eupdark: I believe that is correct, I haven't had the opportunity to test it out yet but that's what I have heard

              • @Brick50: Can I ask where you heard of this? Im interested to research this and let you know anything more I find out

                • @txb: I tried looking the other day but couldn’t find where myself. However I recall in the past when signing up to CC’s they have asked me surname and FF number?

                  I’ll have to test it out one day and see

                  • @Brick50: On the nab rewards portal it has my first and surname in greyed out boxes as well as a fillable box for my vff number. Thats possibly indicative they crosscheck fore and surnames. Id try it but I dont want to risk it going into space and dealing with an aftermath.

                    • @txb: Yeah I wonder if you can possibly change your FF number after the fact?

                      I wouldn’t mind risking a months worth of points and seeing if it goes through but I don’t want to risk any bonus points haha

  • +1

    Recently approved for Westpac Platinum. From what I'm reading in thread, no way to register for or activate this offer, right? Just fingers crossed I see an extra 30k points in my Velocity account 10-12 weeks after meeting my minimum spend.

    Actually, I was approved just before promo window but haven't even received my card yet. Hoping I can sneak in unnoticed.

  • Probably a dumb question but I just have to sign up and receive the card before that date and not meet the spending limit by that date right?

    • +1

      yes, although last deal a few months ago I signed up day before it expired, approved couple days after and still got points

      There’s no real tracking I don’t believe, some people even got 30k points twice, as they had the same promotion 3 months earlier

      • Yes that happened to me … i got the 30k points twice even though i only applied for 1 card during the later offer was the best thing haha

  • It seems I got this even though I had already signed up with Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card before campaign began.

  • Received card today

  • i currently have the Virgin high flyer card but I would like to sign up for the Flyer card. My next statement ends on Jul 2. Does anyone know if I can close the account immediately after, sign up for the Flyer card by the 15th of July and be eligible for this offer? As I understand there is no 12 month waiting period with Virgin

    • You can have both simultaneously. Though you may be rejected, and have to manually reapply.

  • The additional 30k bonus offer on select cards ends 15 July 2024. -> Do i have to apply by that date?

    • Yes.

    • Not necessarily. If you get your bonus points paid out quickly you may still be eligible as its the rewards points transaction which generally triggers it.

  • Could I refer someone so I get 20,000 bonus points via the referral and they also get these 30,000 bonus points?

  • With the Virgin cards and the spend $xxxx every month for 2 months. What do they determine as a month?

    First of the month or statement cycle?

    For example I got my Flyer card today, do I need to spend $1500 by the end of this month, or by the next statement date?

    • +1

      Statement date.

    • FIrst month starts from date of approval I remember reading in a previous thread.

  • With the Virgin cards citibank used to have a 9month wait between applications not sure if nab is doing the same? was going to take up the amex escape upgrade to platinum offer an create and link it to a new velocity account to get this deal but i dont see it anymore in my amex offers and for this offer there isnt a register option only a special link to apply for the listed cards?.i guess they must of gotten smarter. do amex still send out upgrade offers if you ask them for it or is it just targeted now? does anyone have an amex upgrade url they can send me to try?

  • +11

    Virgin Money request for reassessment succesful after denied

    I've was successful this time again when sending a request for reassessment and once before in the past. I'm not sure the reason for the denied application but what I do is send my idenfication documents and 2 recent payslips as part of the reassessment. If I have recently closed a credit card that may still be shown as open on my credit report, I will attach the closure letter as well.

    Note that if your reassessment is successful, it appears they create a new application for you including a new Velocity Frequent Flyer account which you'll need to change in the system once you have access to the account. Otherwise the points will go into the new Velocity account so you'll need to do a family transfer to your main Velocity account.

    Email: [email protected]
    Subject: Request for reassessment


    I would like to formally request a reassessment of my credit card application please.

    Details of my application are:

    Full name:
    Application ID:
    Product: Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Credit Card
    Date of Application:

    Reasons: include any supporting reasons why you believe you shouldn't have been denied. Example:

    1. I do not believe information on my credit report accurately reflects the current status. So I wish to provide you supporting information up to date information that verifies that certain accounts have been closed. Please see attached letter that my Citi bank account has been closed.
    • Requested for reassessment and still got declined :(

      The email starts with.. "Unfortunately we have to say no."

      • Sounds a bit personal

    • Did something similar but the reassessment/new application they created caused new enquiry on my credit report. Was this the case for you each time?

      • I am not the OP but my application didn't change after reassessment and no additional credit checks appeared. I didn't even have to update my Velocity number.

        • Are you saying you asked for reassessment and was approved?

          • @Brick50: Correct.

            • @Azro: thanks did you also upload ID?

              • +1

                @Brick50: No ID's. I only attached my financial docs to the email - tax returns and BAS.

  • Their service is worst I have ever seen. I was approved and received the card. I try to activate the card via app but the app keeps giving error message “Something went wrong on our end”. I went to their website and successfully activated the card and can log into user portal. However I still cannot log into the mobile app. The mobile app needs an access code to log in which new user don’t have. And there is nowhere to reset it on the website. If you try to reset the access code you immediately get error message “Something went wrong on our end”. I made 5 calls about this and they simply kick the ball between customer service and app department. The app department say they are going to give me a call which I never received. And the customer service operator will transfer you to the app department even if it is not working time for the app department and you have to end the call to call again. Worst ever. Oh and I still did not see any sign about the 5000 points promised for uploading my document even if I am rejected.

  • Hi All,

    With westpac cards, if I did made eligible spending and received 20k/30k bonus points for 2nd year. Would I still be able to cancel the cancel and not pay the fee for 2nd year (or even receive a pro-rata refund). thanks.

    • +1

      no, by the time you get the extra 20k/30k points you will have paid the annual fee. To the best of my knowledge Westpac don't do pro-rata refunds YRMV.

  • Does anyone know what the minimum requirement for receiving 'bonus points' is in the Virgin Flyer card? Part (c) of the initial T's&C's state: (c) be approved and meet the minimum spend criteria for the eligible offer associated with the individual card if the application is successful
    Does that mean it's not possible to fulfil 2 months of $1500/month minimum spend, to receive the 30k/month 'bonus points'? Or, if I spend the minimum amount for the first month, before July 15th ("between 12.01am (AEST) 12 June 2024 and 11:59pm (AEST) 15 July 2024"), will that suffice? Thanks!

    • I'm quite sure you'll get the bonus points after 1 month

      • Thanks Puffin. Can I ask what that's based on? Cheers

    • +1

      In the same promotion in the past, I've had the bonus 30k points sent with the first month bonus points in one instance and with the second month in another instance (2 different credit cards - both Flyer). So I'm not exactly sure.

  • Do the points come through after first month's billing cycle or as soon as you reach the minimum spend?

    • After billing cycle

  • whys the ANZ Rewards Platinum Card not listed in the OP? it is on link

    • +1

      It’s not eligible

    • Could be it's Rewards not Velocity points directly

  • Approved for the Velocity credit card, would be my third time I have successfuly applied for this card in 1 year.

    • what's min time between cancelling and applying/getting approved again?

  • Closed this card 3ish weeks ago, counting down the days to reapply again. Anyone else had success cancelling/applying or are you still holding out another week?

  • this or Bonus 20,000 Qantas Points for First-Time Qantas Points Earning Credit Card Cardholders?

  • why is the NAB Rewards Signature Card isn't listed above?

  • My application for an ANZ Rewards card with $6k limit was accepted at the end of May. I've gotten my 70k velocity points and can cancel my card in probably 2 days if I paid if off now.

    I have a mortgage (under $500k net debt after the savings in my offset account are accounted for). I share the mortgage with my wife.

    Do you guys think I have much chance of being accepted for the Virgin Flyer if I apply now?

    • Of course

      • OK, paid off my ANZ card and disassociated it from all direct debits. Last time, paying off the credit card just took an overnight payment so I'll probably cancel it tomorrow once the payment arrives and then open up a new Virgin Flyer.

    • Income level plays a big part in it too, but you should be fine!

      • Agree.

        My ANZ card is now cancelled and I have the Virgin Flyer application in progress. Just waiting for ANZ to send me my closure letter (hopefully by Thursday) and I'll attach it to my Virgin Flyer application as proof the credit card is cancelled.

        Then I got a tonne of bills to pay with this credit card… rego, water rates, council rates, body corp fees, car insurance, etc, etc.

        Hopefully enough of these will count towards the $1500 spend.

        • Well damn. Looks like out of all those costs I have lined up, only the body corp fees and maybe vehicle insurances will qualify as eligible expenditure for the bonus points….

          Velocity membership Terms and Conditions, apply. Velocity Points are earned on Eligible Transactions only. Eligible Transaction means any purchase excluding (but not limited to) Cash Advances, Balance Transfers, Special Promotions, BPAY payments, purchases of foreign currency and travellers cheques, transactions made in operating a business, bank fees and charges such as interest and ATM charges and government related transactions. Government related transactions include transactions with government or semi-government entities, or relating to services provided by or in connection with government (for example but not limited to transactions made at Australia Post, payments to the Australian Taxation Office, council rates, motor registries, tolls, parking stations and meters, fares on public transport, fines and court related costs).

          Just as well, those two costs will be over $1500 alone. Might buy my wife's plane tickets in August. That's $1800 there alone.

          • +2

            @Mugsy: Use Sniip or Zippay for those council bills and rego ;)

            • +1

              @griffy: I have a feeling I was given that advice the last time I applied for the Virgin Flyer!

              Cheers for the reminder.

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