• expired

US$4 off US$29, US$8 off US$59, US$12 off US$89, US$20 off US$139, US$50 off US$299, US$80 off US$499 Spend @ AliExpress

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Everyone's been asking when the next AliExpress sale is as it's long overdue and here it finally is. The "Mega Choice Day Sale" will be kicking off from 5pm AEST on June 1st to June 8th. While the sale is on "Choice" items in previous deals these coupons have worked sitewide.

Expect there to be a slight delay in coupons working from when the sale goes live and high value coupon codes often get used up pretty quickly.

Coupons are 1 per account, do not stack with the new user 'Welcome Offer', "Limited Deals" and minimum spend excludes GST and shipping.

Discount Min Spend Coupon Code
$2 $19 24SC02
$4 $29 SCA4
$4 $29 24SC04
$8 $59 SCA8
$8 $59 24SC08
$12 $89 SCA12
$12 $89 24SC12
$20 $139 SCA20
$20 $139 24SC20
$30 $219 24SC30
$50 $299 SCA50
$50 $299 24SC50
$60 $399 24SC60
$80 $499 SCA80
$80 $499 24SC80
$80 $499 ALIPLANETS80

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closed Comments

      • Which colour/style is best?

        • 40mm 7g. Any colour other than black.

          How to use them - https://youtu.be/91dHfvo9mMU?si=E_mARhVncSp4KPiw&t=59 These are the same lures as the loco vibes.

          • @frugalferret: Thanks for the responses man, just ordered those lures (: would you know if braided line or fluorocarbon leader is reliable from ali as well? Not sure if that is something that would be good to cheap out on and its so hard to tell if reviews on there are legit. tryna get 60lb leader and maybe 50lb braid for catching kings

            • @Tachos: I haven't purchased any line from Aliexpress. I stick to well known brands at local stores - davo's tackle, anglers warehouse, hot tackle etc. Made the mistake of buying cheap braid from anaconda once. Not worth the headache.

  • Any good deals on HDD or SSD?

    • +1

      I'm interested in this too, it seems like everything on there is fake capacity or overpriced no names

  • +1

    Regarding using TopCashBack with AliExpress,

    I went to make my first purchase via TCB, but it says purchases via the AliExpress app are not eligible for cashback. The TCB app opened the Ali app. The Ali item I was buying was only available via the app (coin deals), so it was back to using Shopback.

    This seemed an odd restriction, have I interpreted it wrongly?

    • You can use the coins on the website?

      • Yes and No.

        If you have coins, you often get a slight discount (paying with some coins), on any purchase.
        A daily check-in to the Coins page will increase your coins, as will clicking the coins button after making a purchase.
        On the website, you can go to the Coins page (Account/My Coins), and get offered some larger coin discounts on particular products, but you can't search for products.
        On the App, you can go to the Coins section and get offered larger coin discounts, and search the products with those coin discounts, including a filter for over 20% discount. The product I bought had a "40% discount".
        Note, the offered coin discounts are often not the actual discount when you go to buy the product, you just have to test the end-price to see if it's a good deal or not.
        You can stack coupons with coins.

    • I find TCB has terrible tracking and reporting for AliExpress but that app clause must be new. My last purchase was via app and tracked and confirmed but it was about 3 months ago. I personally find Cashrewards has the best AliExpress tracking and definitely works with the app, but the cashback rate isn't as high.

  • +2

    I'm quite confused, the SC codes seems to tell me it's single use when I haven't even made a purchase yet and the 24SC codes still say restocking…

    Why do we need to play games to just use coupons these days it's so ridiculous that I'd rather not buy anything

    • +1

      Yeah codes are all either saying "single use only." or "isn't quite valid yet."

    • My guess is that they allocate a certain budget and spread it out over the 7 or so days. If they released them all at once, only the bots and hardcore "pro" users would get them. Think eBay a few years ago when they were dropping Apple products for $99. If you were FAST. Carted, coded + paid within 2 seconds fast. The screams and outrage eBay would have endured from the "mums and dads" missing out.

      Anyways, like eBay has changed, doing it like this, makes it more random and gives "mums and dads" a chance.

      Also consider that AliExpress isn't a local website. There is a 1,000,000,000+ people also looking to buy the same cheap trinkets you are. lol

  • All these codes aren't eligible with cashrewards/shopback, right? They don't have any codes listed at all.

    • +2

      Past history is that using coupon codes do not affect cashback, despite what the cashback websites may say. I assume they're keeping their options open in case AliExpress changes that.

      • Thanks. No harm done activating the tracking for a potential 4.5% then. If only the AE codes would work in the first place…

        • +1

          Go to the sale page and press Collect when they're available. Guaranteed to work if you're unable to apply them normally.

          • @Clear: Oh I see the countdown ~2 H 45 mins from time of this comment. Is that when the the codes are expected to go out of "restocking"?

            • +2

              @xrailgun: They've been coming and going for the last couple of days but will definitely restock sometime after the sale starts. Basically if you collect them there they're tied to your account and will auto apply at checkout if the minimum spend is reached.

              • @Clear: Ah turns out we just had to wait for the code to go live lol. The 24SC[XX] series don't have to be collected or whatever, "restocking" was just a poor choice of words.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, got $50 off my $299! :)

  • Got dozens in my basket but I got "inventory out of stock" trying to check out. Any way to tell which one is refers to?

  • Any deals on anbernic plus please

    • +1

      Grab the 35xx sp while you can for around $56 usd

  • Anyone recommend any bargain high brightness torches? Trying to find some cool Christmas presents under $100

    • Going to end up probably around $170 but would highly recommend the Lumintop Thor. You friend(s) will love you forever!

      • +1

        Thanks for the suggestion. Bought 10 of them. Will use it to communicate with aliens.

  • Thank you scored a rg35xx sp and r36s for $115 total

  • Any tried and tested portable monitor?

  • Got messed up over due to the "inventory out of stock issue".

    No way to find out which item it was other than to start removing items and try to submit my order. Then I didn't meet the spend criteria for SCA80.

    Ended up with 2 orders, one with the $50 code and one with the $12. So lost out on $18 USD. Bit annoying.

    How can they say "no inventory" and not tell you which bloody item!!!

  • @Clear - Is the Lenovo Xiaoxin Pad 2024 a good buy for around $210? Apparently the China ROM is needed for Widevine L1 support (Apparently global breaks it). Seems to also have english out of the box.

    If you or anyone else has a better recommendation for a 10" tablet for Widevine L1 let me know :)

  • Any good deals on a portable monitor?

    • M also looking for the same

  • Having trouble looking at item pages, I just get "Page under maintenance"

    • I don't suppose your region is set to Vietnam and your URL is vi.aliexpress.com? Try incognito or different browser.

      • It's not, but all pages are redirecting to vi.aliexpress.com yes. I have no idea why.

        • Affiliate links do that. If you hover your mouse there should see a "See preview button".

  • +1

    Any recommendations/experience for iPad Magic-style (kb case with magnetic clip-on iPad) keyboard?

  • +4

    Many goods have gone up in price

    • Not sure what you were looking at but my $751 cart from the last few days only went up to $755 most likely from currency exchange.

    • +1

      Sadly, yes. I had about a dozen items in my cart and they all went up by an average US$5 each an hour before the sale began.

      • Can one of you reply with items..? 😅

        I'm guessing ya'll had dodgy sellers items in your carts..

        I have 13 things in my cart that only went up $4 in total from $751 to $755.. 😅 Everything but 1 are choice items already and the last one cost $3 shipping.

        I'm genuinely wondering what or who you're buying from to be shafted by almost $10AUD per item.. 😅

  • WTF, looking for 4x100 led solar power motion sensor lights that are more expensive than ebay.

  • +1

    Who wants to be the test dummy to try out the new AliExpress Supermarket? For years they've had really good supermarket deals in Europe and South America. I think they're really out of touch trying to do the same here.

    • +1

      All shipped from China I assume?

      And holy crap they are charging at least $10 bucks for a single packet of instant noodles. Waaay out of touch…

      • +2

        Yep. You can buy these products online in China… even Woolies has an official Chinese store. So essentially it's being exported to China at a premium and then shipped back here even higher.

        • Why does Woolies have a Chinese store??

          • +1

            @PainToad: To sell baby formula and milk powder.

            • @Clear: Is that why I no longer see resellers clearing the shelves locally now?

  • Just got a Mi Band 8 Pro for ~$48. Absolute bargain imo. Bloody affiliate links so can’t share. But search for it.

    Thanks @clear.

    • Share the SKU code before the .html if you're on desktop.

    • +1

      Unfortunately it offers hardly any benefits over the standard Smart Band 8. Nice price though.

      • I want it for:
        1. Bigger screen to read notifications easier.
        2. GPS.

        • Fair enough

    • $48 AUD and not USD? sounds too good to be true.

      • Yep $48 AUD. Deal is over now but sorry.

        Seller was Choice Factory Direct Collected. So hoping it wasn’t a scam…

        Edit: the bundle which includes an extra watch band and screen protectors is now on special for $55 before taxes and coupons.

        • Gotcha https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006967448456.html

          Not the global version which I was hoping for.

          • @InfamousCalf: You can flash the global firmware onto the China version with a little bit of work.


            You’ll need Google Translate for the instructions.

            Finding that out was the deciding factor for me pulling the trigger.

            • @PainToad: You can also pay a random Russian guy a few euro on Telegram to do it for you. You actually don't lose much by staying on the China firmware though.

              • @ldd-mn: I seen that mentioned. I’m guessing they just provide a modded APK that applies the update regardless of it’s on the latest version or not?

                But there’s something about using a random APK that concerns me.

                • @PainToad: Yep, that's basically how it works. I would personally do it myself, but I wasn't aware that you could at the time so I installed it on a spare device.

                  • @ldd-mn: How do you find the watch in general?

                    • +1

                      @PainToad: Ah I've only got the Smart Band 8, not the Pro. It's pretty good, battery lasts a few weeks.

  • @Clear, still awaiting restock of highest code. Me soo sad.. 😪 Please ask your PLA buddies to hit me up. <3 Not literally with like dud bombs and stuff either..

  • +4

    to check if the price of your basket item has increased then enter the URL in to Aliprice -

    it's like 3x camels

  • Question. All the codes I see are of the "24SC" type - in AUD. The codes posted here are USD codes. Can we use these codes when ordering in AUD? All the AUD codes are "restocking". I wonder if the USD codes are stocked.

    • Codes aren't currency specific. You've just set your currency on AliExpress to AUD that fluctuates unlike USD. You don't have to "collect" them either. Typing them out works too usually.

  • Looking for a RC car, did anyone manage to find any good deals? Looking at MJX Hyper go 14210 1/14 but they seem to have raised the price in the last few days.

  • any recommendations for kids walkie talkies?

    or just get the baofengs

    • Quanshengs* - this is the one taking off with lots of physical/software mods.

      I think Baofengs were banned in the U.S. in the last month or two, that balloon that they let go across half of the US before shooting it down? They found a receiver/repeater that was picking up Baofeng signals on their 3rd dirty harmonic..

  • I'm still waiting for restocking.. 😪

    My carts been at $765ish now waiting to check out. I realised the SCA codes were working for me without claiming anything whereas the other codes promotion has "restocking" for the last almost 2 days.. Now I'm ready to checkout, the SCA80 codes have apparently all been claimed.. So now I'm stuck waiting for the AU codes to "restock" apparently.. 😪

    Edit: Just entering the 24SC80 worked now for me.. 😅 Why are they shooting themselves in the foot with this fake restocking crap? 🤣
    $717 goneee.

  • Are the codes gone? When do they restock

    • +1

      What happens when you type them in?

      • 24SC80 "Sorry, these coupon codes have already been claimed. However, you can still enjoy other great deals on AliExpress."

        ALIPLANETS80 "This coupon code is for single use only and can't be used here"

        • Used the code 24SC60 and it worked, but had to reduce order

          • @KenDiaMoi: Didn't you try 24SC80? I had same issue yesterday but realised the most expensive code that I was waiting for as "restocking" for over 2 days, actually worked.

  • +1

    I used 24SC50, it claimed I didn't meet the minimum spend but it discounted anyway, I checked out via Paypal and it let me with the discounted price.

  • -2

    This is annoying. Is it USD value? I've had several things listing over the given threshold price in AUD, each time I get "Your order amount, after discounts and excluding shipping fees, doesn't reach the minimum spend requirement for this coupon code. Once you reach the minimum spend requirement, you can reapply this coupon code.”.

    I have $79 of stuff in the cart, $59 code gives above error. Similar with higher thresholds.. 1 item my order has $7.90 of shipping… So has to be above the $59 spend.

    Subtotal AU$65.04
    Max discounts & coupon codes auto-applied -AU$0.16
    Promo code Enter code here
    Total shipping AU$7.51
    Tax AU$7.24

    • +3

      Read the title. Then read it again.

    • USD price never fluctuates, while AUD does. Set the website currency to USD and you'll find your not meeting the minimum spend requirements.

  • I'm getting the dreaded "Sorry, these coupon codes have already been claimed" for SCA50/24SC50 and "This coupon code is for single use only and can't be used here" for ALIPLANETS50 (which likely means it's invalid now). Tried multiple times throughout the day. Do any of these still work for anyone else?

    Interestingly, 24SC50 isn't displayed for me on the homepage banner, but 24SC60 is. Also 24SC30 does apply correctly for me.

    • Just tried it again and it worked -.-

      Kinda annoying, but I guess you have to try it again and again every now and then.

  • +6

    New coupons added:

    Discount Min Spend Coupon Code
    $2 $19 24SC02
    $30 $219 24SC30
    $60 $399 24SC60
    • +3

      That $19 would have been useful at the start, so I didn't need to pad out the cart with more junk 😛.

    • Thanks - ordered using 24SC02 just now.

  • +1

    Ugreen 100w 4 port charger is AUD 44 which is a good deal.


    • UK plug (but can replace with an AU fig 8), but also 20-40 days delivery.

      • Yes can get a AU figure 8 cable and UK cable will be a backup . Haven't seen below 70

  • +1

    When do these codes actually restock? I've been trying for 2 days now… Got about $800 excluding shipping in the cart. None of the codes work. All say "already been claimed" or "single use only"…

    • Have you used any of them previously?

    • Geez, what do you buy for $800 @-@

      • haaha you're not trying hard enough :p

        Watches, torches, leathers, led strips, monitors, ssd's etc.

        Spent $1200 already…

  • From 5th - 8th of June, couldn't get any of the $50 off $299 codes to work on app or website (or the $60 off $399 when it was added), feels bad man.

    Anyone else had constant troubles?

    • +1

      Yep. Constant issues with codes and in the end couldn't get one working. Silly and annoying games to just redeem discount codes reminds me of why I don't use Aliexpress more often.

      What's worse is now the items I wanted to buy have gone up by $7! Oh well.

  • As of 10am AEST Monday 24th this deal is listed as expired on OzBargain.
    This deal is still active until 17:00 (5PM) AEST today Monday 24th June.

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