This was posted 1 year 1 month 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[VIC] Plantitude Plant-Based "Smoked Ham" Slices 90g $0.80 each (Was $4) @ Woolworths, Pakenham Marketplace

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Found it at Woolworths Pakenham Marketplace. Around 30 packs at front.

I haven't tried it but if someone wants to.

I don't know if it's available throughout Australia. I feel it's deleted line.

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closed Comments

  • +23

    Double it pass it to the next person

  • +8

    I feel it's deleted line

    I hope not, these have been great!

  • +5

    It got deported from Italy!

  • +1

    One for the plant slayers

  • -2

    OMG no. Processed food is bad enough. Its not even food if its manufactured and imitating food.

    • +1

      Neg away, but my comment is not saying anything about veganism (I support free choice) it is about being aware of what you choose to consume will affect your health; for better or worse. Fake or unnatural anything is not going to be good, our bodies are designed to run best and longest on natural food.

      • Haven't you heard? It doesn't matter what's better or worse fo you - won't somebody please think of the animals!

        • I don't understand, you can still be vegan and eat natural food and not eat fake manufactured food…

      • +1

        Might be that assumption that people are going to live solely off these slices. Ofc it's processed. Lots of food is processed.

        Also by "supporting free choice" you're agreeing to people eating whatever they want, ie. that some people choose to eat meat, right? Or is it the sort of kindness allowing vegos to avoid meat? :)

      • Don't forget to post this on all of the Pizza Hut cashback deals

    • +1

      Mate real ham that comes in packets like that is just as processed. Your argument about packaged foods being unhealthy isn’t wrong, but go have it somewhere else other than OzBargain

  • +10

    False advertising, this is absolutely NOT ham

    • +19

      Dang Batman, are chicken potato chips chicken?

      To prevent any disastrous misunderstandings, these are usually sold off shelves that contain other veg food, and have a big "plant based" on the packaging.

      • +4

        Some brands of chicken salt do include chicken in their ingredients

        • it would be nice if that was labelled as real chicken salt and everything else was labelled as imitation chicken salt

        • Some brands of ham do include ham in their ingredients

        • +2

          I agree, it's an outrage. We'll probably start seeing nut spread labelled as butter next!

          • -1

            @Diji: I think I might jump on this moronic logic and start calling my V8 Mustang an EV!

        • They don't usually have any form of chicken in them. They say not suitable for vegans due to milk products that are usually in them. It would say not suitable for vegetarians if it contained actual chicken.

      • We mistakenly bought plant based food that was in the meat section 😢

        • Reading the information on the packaging will help with that.

          Both Coles and Woolies near me have plant based meat substitutes in the meat section. I have no problems identifying it - price alone would give you a clue, let alone the fact that it looks nothing like "real" meat. Not that easy to make a mistake, unless the products have changed since I last looked at it. Never tasted it, so cannot comment on that aspect.

          • +1

            @johninmelb: You must be exceptional to not make mistakes and you must have too much time on your hands to read all the labels 🤪
            You made assumptions without knowing the facts:
            *When we went back to get a refund, we were told that lots of people like us come back to get refunds after finding it is fake
            *The product we bought looked very similar to real meat - the marketing department for fake meat are not silly
            *The price did not give a clue because it was discounted, possibly because most people want real meat or so many were returned 🤣

    • +4

      kind of the same way peanut butter isn't butter, or is it?

        • +7

          It's irrefutably rational and logical to name a food that's mimicking another food after it. Hence why they all do it…

          If you feel like it you can try and stand up for the idiots who can't comprehend the meaning of the phrase "vegan ham", but this argument is just absurdity.

          • -6

            @callum9999: No it’s idiotic to name a food something that they don’t want to eat. “Don’t eat meat it’s wrong”, “don’t eat meat it’s bad for the environment”, “hey can you make a plant patty and call it ham”. Now that absurd, call it what it is, mashed plant patty!

            • +5

              @BatmanAU: Is there a lore reason this Batman cannot understand a very simple concept? Is he stupid?

            • +1

              @BatmanAU: But they do want to eat ham. You know, hence the existence of… vegan ham…

              If someone wants to eat a vegan version of ham, how are they going to know that a "mashed plant patty" is styled on ham?

            • +2

              @BatmanAU: With this kind of enthusiasm about things being called what they truly are it's weird you aren't against the term ham all together - why aren't you arguing for it to be called thinly sliced processed pig muscle?

  • +2


    • +1

      More like Fam… (faux Spam).

    • +2


    • -2

      It's Vam

    • I guess the title edit has bypassed the latecomers…

  • +2

    Fake food. No deal!

  • +3

    One of the listed ingredients… "Low sodium salt".
    That's not an ingredient, that's a marketing term, can't believe they don't list which salt, or mixture of salts are used. Some of the alternative salts can be as bad or worse for people with dietary restrictions.

    • +5

      Low sodium salt is actually a recognised term which refers to salt where the sodium has been replaced by predominantly potassium. It's probably quite a bit healthier unless you're in kidney failure. Downside is that it tastes pretty metallic and isn't particularly palatable.

      • +3

        Or part of your treatment for a kidney condtition is potasium citrate (raises his hand) and can't really afford to get more potassium in your diet so need to know when it's present….

        Those with sulfur based allergies would probably want to know if it was manganese sulfate too. "low sodium salt" tells you nothing.

  • +14

    I thought this actually tasted pretty good.

    Made me fart a lot though.
    Not normal sly stealth ones, but real attention getters.
    A little scared of following-thru….

    Definitely recommend if you want to be the centre of attention at parties, inside elevators, at offices, protests etc.

    • +8

      Sounds perfect for vegans!

    • Easier to spot a vegan then when they're not eating 🤪

  • +19

    can aways rely on a vegan post to bring out the snowflakes, even in the middle of summer

    • Haha they are everywhere

    • +14

      It seems they care about vegan foods more than we do

      • Don’t overthink it. To each their own…

        I’m certainly happier for Vegans to seek out discounted lentil and sodium-based treats that taste a little like meat, than I would be if they were trying to convince me to buy steak or ham that tastes like salted lentils!

        Still reckon us meat-eating “snowflakes” have got the better end of the deal…

        • +8

          the animals certainly didn't get the better deal though

          • -1

            @Raynes: The circle of life. If you haven't seen it yet, you may want to watch The Lion King

            • +6

              @ConsumerAffairs: cool man awesome I'll just continue not paying others to kill animals for my pleasure

              • @Raynes: Fair enough. But don’t let those evil fishermen off the hook. It’s what your forefathers would want, even though they probably enjoyed paying others to kill animals for their pleasure.


          • -2

            @Raynes: Selfish people don't care until things happen to them. It's useless trying to educate them. They're too far gone.

            • -1

              @arcticmonkey: I wonder if there is any correlation between the attitude that people who don't feel the same as you are selfish and the futility in attempting to educate them so they can hold the same opinions as you?

              I'll bet none of them even had the decency to get themselves properly educated about which selfless way they were supposed to vote in the referendum! Those selfish, uneducated bastards and their damned right to choose…

      • +2

        My comments aren't anti-vegan, I have a borked gene which causes my body to pull cystein out of my bloodstream and excrete it into my kidneys (It's pretty much insoluble and forms stones). The product is actually of interest to me as meats are some of the highest sources of the amino acid in question.

        I have a genuine beef ( not fake ham note ;p ) with generic terms being used to replace actual ingredients, so I end up unable to just buy a product like this without having to research or contact the manufacturer.

        • comment not directed towards you

    • +6

      It's important that narrow minded people with outdated beliefs continue to out themselves so we know who to laugh at though.

    • If even vegans aren't buying this toxic junk, that really says all that needs to be said

  • -2

    You can probably smoke a shoelace and it'll taste good

    • +7

      Give it a go and report back to us, will ya?

    • Hard to roll and keep alight.

  • From the small size it should be obvious these are from guinea pigs anyway.

    • +5

      Would it be better to drink a tofu, soy milk and vegetable smoothie if I want to eat something similar to a ham sandwich? No. No it wouldn't.

      Not least because that sounds vile!

  • -3

    [From the UK quiz show QI]
    Which of these are not suitable for vegans?
    a. Watermelon
    b. Avocados
    c. Cherries
    d. Apples
    e. All of the above
    The answer is 'e'! 😲
    Reason given:
    Lots of vegan things are actually not strictly vegan.
    The capture and transportation of bees that are commercially used to accelerate the pollination process is unnatural and falls foul of the strict vegan definition. 🤪🤣

  • +2

    If even vegans aren't buying this toxic waste then their movement has serious cognitive dissonance issues…

    • great comment maybe copy paste this a couple more times

  • +2

    It looks like thinly-sliced Pal, but if your desire to feel & morally superior & tell everyone about it outweighs the urge to vomit from eating this…whatever this is, then kudos to you!

    Good deal though.

  • -4

    stop substituting real food with this crap…
    and no where should it say 'smoked ham' on the packaging. ludicrous shit

    • +3

      I can't think of a better way of describing your character than your last line.

      The hilarious comedians than constantly appear on these deals are one thing, but your seemingly genuine sounding anger is another. What's gone so wrong in your life to make you like this?

      • -1

        lol..if you say so!

  • Vegan food posts turn the comments into a free comedy show. For that, this deserves a +

    • -1

      vegan 'food' is the comedy show….

      it just aint ham, sam.

      • +1

        Meh, I put worse stuff in my body at Macca's and KFC

  • +2

    My local Woolworths had them for 29c yesterday but there wasn't many left.

    As a Vegetarian myself, I have tried them and they aren't great but with a bit of cheese they aren't horrible. Might go well in a toasted-cheese/jaffle
    They definitely don't taste anything like ham (From my memory of when I used to eat Ham many moons ago). I gave my house-mate some to try (who eats meat) and they agreed that it tastes nothing like ham or smoked ham, neither of us could pin-point what it actually tasted like.

    I'd be a little disappointed if I paid $4 for them that's for sure.

    • I'm honestly so happy with these, I think they're delicious! And I hate that I like the price, but it's $4 for something like this is the cheapest I've ever seen for something like these! I used to make my own quite often and, while it did taste better and was cheaper, I've gotten lazier with the years and don't like cooking half the time now.

  • There's one word missing from the title that could have saved so much confusion for many commenters. Smoked Ham Style Slices :-)

  • I'd probably prefer this over synthetic lab grown ham or ham made from insects/bugs…

    • I'd prefer the bug patty because the only good bug's a dead bug. Consuming it would allow me to do my part.

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