• In 2 days

Fresh Tasmanian Salmon Portions with Skin Off $23/kg (Was $46) @ Coles


From the catalogue for next week. Rarely discounted so better be early.

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    • +4

      Yeah my thoughts exactly. Smart time to do a special as the industry needs to manage this crisis socially

    • +3

      Stopped eating it ages ago after seeing something similar to this. Wild caught is the way to go but unfortunately super expensive

      • Not really about same price at Costco for frozen Alaska sockeye

      • +2

        Where do you find wild caught salmon? Haven't seen any even at local fish mongers

        • +8

          You can't buy it fresh as salmon do not live in the wild down here in the southern hemisphere. (Other than escapees from the farms)

          Salmon come from north america in the wild, usually alaska, so your only choice is either frozen or canned. Places I have found it:

          Coles sell frozen wild caught salmon - its pricey

          Costco sell frozen wild caught salmon - bit more expensive than Aldi farmed salmon but pretty good. I worked it out that if Aldi salmon is $16, the costco wild caught equivalent in weight is $22. Of course being Costco its in a larger qty so its expensive upfront though.

          Canned wild caught salmon is available in most stores, I like the stuff from Aldi.

    • Read this couple days ago,was thinking now they have another good reason to price jerk

    • +2

      Il just rummage through the dead salmon bin out the back I reckon

      • +2

        Are you a bear by any chance?

      • Nice try Tassal

  • +8

    i saw some asian grocer was selling basa fillets for $6 a kilo and my partner didnt want to buy it because she thinks the vietnamese are doing questionable aquaculture

    and yet she has no problems with tasmanian salmon… i know full well what the tasmanians are getting up to and its not good for anyone

    so maybe pass on this?

    • -2

      Please do - more for us.

    • +3

      Not everyone can afford Atlantic salmon from local fish shop 😭

      • +5

        Salmon from Tasmanian farms is Atlantic salmon. So if you’re buying Atlantic salmon from local fish shops, it’s probably the
        same fish sold by supermarkets

      • If you want wild caught its not from fish shop, you need to get frozen from coles or costco

        • +1

          What about canned woolies ones?

          • @amorn: Yes you right that is another option most stores have canned that is wild caught

    • Tas Salmon would be 100x nicer and healthier than any Basa fillet from Vietnam, even if there was an issue with Tas Salmon…and there’s not!

    • Read Toxic - Richard Flanagan

    • Apart from what's in the articles, what are they up to?

  • +9

    Good deal but Tasmanian fish farming is awful for the environment, the fish and the quality of seafood produced.

    • Where best to get the Salmon?

      • gotta get the boat out to sea, if not, this deal is it.

    • +1

      Comparably, with australian water quality standards, our standards are amazing! (Considering industrial waste, agricultural waste and residential run-off), what are you talking about when you talk about "quality of seafood produced"?
      Toxins ingested and food-chain bio-hazards, or tastiness??

      All farming has environmental impact, as well as how is any fish slaughter not "awful for the fish"? I know I like to give the edible ones I catch a quick end, and haven't watched all the tassie fish farming docos, but what standards are we comparing globally here?

  • +1

    Last time this happened, saw people taking home 5-10kg massive boxes with them straight from the deli section 🤪

    • +2

      I bet that person own a restaurant or fish shop

      • +2

        Nah if you own either then you pay wholesale price which is cheaper than this

        • Not if you’re doing home prep meal packs for cash. They don’t usually buy wholesale

      • Most likely home prep meal packs for cash business.
        (It was more than 1 person btw).

        I grabbed a 2kg for the mrs as that was the only fish she could eat while preggy.

  • brisbane flooding, I wonder if we'll get any of these ??

    • Would woolies rain check?

      • No… wrong shop mate

  • +6

    Artificially coloured salmon… Yummm

  • Would this be starting Tuesday or Wednesday?

    • Always Wed

  • -1

    Mmmm parasites….

  • +1

    I notice the skin on salmon is always cheaper than the non -skin. I love the skin as it is so crispy in air fryer but wonder if it's healthy or not ?

    • +7

      Why wouldn't it be healthy? Skin is full of omega-3 fatty acids. As for why it's cheaper, probably paying for the convenience of having the skin removed, so less processing. Skin also adds to weight and skin isn't seen as desirable. Some for whatever reason consider skinless as premium or more versatile for cooking.

      I prefer skin-on myself too.

  • Happens every year….well in 2024 at least :). https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/840912

  • +1

    Last time it was always sold out

  • Does anyone know if this stuff is flash frozen? (Sashimi safe)

    • Negative. Intended for cooking before consumption.

  • Sashimi grade?

    • Must be labelled as such to be so. If not graded and labelled it is intended to be cooked before consumption.

    • Actually it’s not a defined or regulated term and it’s all up to individual consumers to decide in the end. https://www.sydneyfishmarket.com.au/Home/News-Media/News/Art…

      • +2

        This is entirely incorrect and a very dangerous statement to make.

        Raw-ready-to-eat grade (sashimi) is regulated as a labelling requirement that requires the retailer who has labelled it as such to ensure it has been handled and stored in such a way that it is safe to eat raw.

        Source: FSANZ, Safe Seafood Australia, 2nd edition 2006 which is the current version of the seafood code.

        The decision by a retailer to label their salmon as sashimi grade puts the onus on them to have audited and verified their cold supply chain and food handling processes to ensure it is free of pathogenetic bacteria and/or parasites. This is all documented in their state version of their approved arrangement they hold with their state regulator.

        FSANZ dictates our domestic food standards and food safety code that is enforced by the state regulators.

  • +2

    After reading about the issues surrounding salmon farming in Tasmania I'll pass. Have a look at the video clips from the Bob Brown Foundation.

    • -2

      When vested interests groups are involved the truth is always closer to the middle. Take the corporate angle, take the NGO angle, put the marker between them for a less biased view.

      • +1

        so about half price?

  • was it just me or did anyone else mistake the words Fresh with Free hahah. Free salmon would've been an ozbargain dream

  • during covid I used to buy some Tas salmon fillets with skin every 3 to 4 months just as a treat for myself.

    because of the price I thought I was getting premium salmon, but it's actually farmed??! TIL.

    • Clever marketing:

      "Fresh" usually just means not frozen
      "Tasmanian" conjures up images of nature and pristine water

      I used to eat wild caught salmon in the states, but only when it was swimming in flavour like a Miso glaze, or raw in sashimi.

      I think most cooked salmon tastes nasty.

      • "Tasmanian" conjures up images of nature and pristine water

        yes honestly this part was enough to get me. I didn't even bother doing any research. just your average dumb consumer. 😂

        I also thought the Tasmanian smoked salmon was premium, well at least it's priced that way at the store last time I checked.

    • Most chilled/fresh salmon has a safety of around 7 days. Due to the cold supply chains it is incredibly difficult to get chilled/fresh imported wild salmon in Australia.

      Many retailers will sell flash frozen salmon though.

  • +1

    Would these be healthy salmons, or the ones already infected?

  • Get the frozen ones from Aldi. Much less diabetic salmon (you can tell by the amount of fat compared to Tas salmon) and easy to cook. Still not great but good compromise.

    • +1

      Hate to tell you, Aldi sources their salmon from the same Tasmanian aquaculture pens as the rest of Australia's retailers. Namely, Tassel, Huon, etc.

      Aldi 100% sources their salmon from Tasmania aquaculture pens.

      Can't speak for their frozen or smoked (i.e., gravlax) though as they would use a variety of domestic and imported supply chains for those.

      • I specifically said frozen for a reason.

        • Sorry, you're correct. I missed that.

          • @Saywhatold: Np. Try them if you can. I have to use a bit of oil to cook these, but never the Tasmanian salmon, they are always dripping with fat.

  • If you can afford it, Australian farmed barramundi is the more sustainable choice https://goodfish.org.au/sustainable-seafood-guide/

  • imodium

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