Fesnyng » user profile

Member Since 06/09/2021
Last Seen 14/02/2025

Recent Activities

Great initiative Scotty!
16/12/2024 - 21:18
I don't think the government sucks, but historically they are just slow.
01/10/2024 - 09:06
Am I the only one cynical about the line only being closed for 12 months. This is government infrastructure after all.
30/09/2024 - 11:09
Except the xm3s are not the same thing but without the multiconnect. Like that is just objectively wrong.
21/07/2024 - 19:48
Same at my local store. I have no clue whether the SC are better than the 45
29/05/2024 - 09:37
Not used cashback before, decided to go for the TCB $39 oodie deal. Didnt track, even though i made sure there were no browser issues.…
20/03/2024 - 09:57
Its not that inaccessible if youre willing to go second hand for everything, but it has a much higher ceiling for equipment than lots of…
02/10/2023 - 13:42
If you add the promotions to your uber eats account but don't use it, will you lose the promo if it reaches max redemptions or are you…
17/09/2023 - 10:26
Ordered click and collect. Within a few minutes got a call from JB saying that they received a bunch of orders for this, and didn't have…
24/08/2023 - 20:24
Honestly using 1 arm and 2 balls is harder than regular juggling, especially if its your non-dominant hand. But yea as a previous commenter…
14/08/2023 - 17:39
Its pretty obvious why theyre getting downvoted. People being greedy and mass creating accounts to exploit the loophole only lowers the…
08/05/2023 - 13:30
People aren't complaining about the initiative, theyre complaining about the price of school uniforms, which have risen to a crazy amount…
03/12/2022 - 10:30
A single set back when I was in high school (and it wasn't a private school) not too long ago was easily $200+, and students were also…
03/12/2022 - 10:26
According to the Rail Safety National Law (NSW) s 168 " If the rail safety officer reasonably believes that the name or residential address…
02/12/2022 - 19:28
Do you think theres a point holding out till black friday/tech monday or is this the lowest price we are likely to get?
08/11/2022 - 09:50
There is literally 0 chance this will be honoured given how much traction its got here + the people ordering 10. Hopefully they at least…
16/09/2022 - 08:43
Its hard to be sympathetic with the union when their strikes primarily affect the middle to lower socioeconomic quartiles while politicians…
14/09/2022 - 15:39
Im convinced the people who comment "Eshay" on this have never actually seen an Eshay
08/09/2022 - 22:36
I would argue that Epic Games model is not great for consumers in the long run. Exclusivity in any market is never a good thing, it leads…
27/05/2022 - 10:01
I've been using Lush bath-bombs consistently for a few years and I haven't had any issues with them going off (at most I've kept them for…
26/04/2022 - 23:37
Good discount, but those colour combinations are horrific.
17/04/2022 - 19:48
It works for the standard issued NSW DET email given to kids in primary and high school
22/03/2022 - 13:35
Lucky. Don't understand why certain states insist on banning these, while allowing things just as dangerous
09/03/2022 - 00:23
But is it worth the risk? In NSW at least, if you get a disgruntled cop one day you can get $2500 worth of fines for riding one of these. I…
09/03/2022 - 00:15
Bought one last year (so not during the Covid postal crisis) and it shipped in like a week. Not to bad given that delivery is included…
25/11/2021 - 15:01
I think its for shoeys. Cant have the beer touching a non-vegan product.
13/11/2021 - 20:53
I believe the premise is that it acts as a sort of reservation/order skipping service. So you can just turn up at a restaurant, be seated…
09/11/2021 - 18:24
The code doesn't seem to be limited to Saigon Summer? Is it possible that Uber Eats will add more Dine-in restaurants in the future, and I…
09/11/2021 - 18:20
From my own personal experience Couriers Please is a much slower and less reliable service than Auspost, but I guess it must depend on the…
08/11/2021 - 09:36
On two separate deals, I have ordered from Bonds Outlet. The first time they gave no delivery update for 3 weeks, not responding to any of…
26/10/2021 - 19:09