skysurfer » user profile

Member Since 06/03/2009
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Location SA

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Get this if you only want 98 inches of immersion. Personally I prefer my 130 inch screen and my refurb Epson 7100 projector that cost $1.4k…
02/03/2025 - 00:09
Correct if you're the compliant type. Will work fine for everybody else.
07/02/2025 - 20:37
Actually "people need to" take responsibility for researching and making conclusions themselves, not expect others to be personal educators…
04/02/2025 - 10:32
You grew up with some well informed people apparently. Sorry but your history on MSG was correct. I looked into this quite extensively many…
04/02/2025 - 09:20
Thanks for your time. I thought it would have to work that way now I know :-)
03/02/2025 - 23:40
Does NBN FTTP require a router before this (or any) switch to provide wired internet access?
03/02/2025 - 13:00
Would be good to be able to order Decaf now and wait for delivery whenever it comes into stock.
02/02/2025 - 12:51
Projector enthusiast for 30 years here. The XY Screens PET Crystal UST screen is popular around the world for quality and value. Elite…
31/01/2025 - 22:44
Screen paint is OK for long throw projectors but for UST it doesn't work like a proper UST screen. A UST screen has multiple different…
31/01/2025 - 22:39
@aj3000 Were you able to not use the Starlink and pause it immediately to not get charged any monthly service fee? I want to get one and…
29/01/2025 - 15:03
Didn't that close down or become unavailable recently?
29/01/2025 - 14:43
Is that sarcasm or your perception?
16/01/2025 - 16:10
Starlink has a contract with the US guv (that is the three letter agencies and military) to use it for surveillance. So I wouldn't be…
16/01/2025 - 16:07
Wow they're not cheap!
13/01/2025 - 16:28
No problem with profitability, he has surveillance contracts with the military industrial complex and it pays well (by pillaging taxpayers).
09/01/2025 - 00:22
We keep getting more and more controlled in every aspect of life simply because very few stand up for freedom. Its taken away bit by bit to…
05/01/2025 - 23:44
$100/2000 for me. Used to get $50 or 60/2000 but not seen any for 2 months. Havent been shopping there either.
04/01/2025 - 13:51
I have always ignored that instruction not to use rechargeables and have never had any issues.
25/12/2024 - 23:21
I swap "environmentally aware* with "scam victims". Neg away!
19/12/2024 - 09:12
What is the mechanism to do it? I had a look at the page fir signing up for the $182 deal and didnt see how to apply a pre bought Sim of…
16/12/2024 - 09:59
"How did you miss that part? You have posted a lot about this, yet you completely missed the entire basis for your own claim. Pretty wild.…
05/12/2024 - 20:07
"I'm going to assume by this you mean there's a conspiracy, plot, ploy or cabal to make us all sterile or something. If this were true why…
05/12/2024 - 00:28
So 15 years of trying and they still have to warn it could cause harm to reproductive organs. Sounds like a problem not a win to me lol. So…
04/12/2024 - 21:00
Link to product no longer working.
03/12/2024 - 12:05
Absolutely right. And Israel (specifically Mossad) created hamas with the assistance of the USA (via the CIA). Which is how Oct 7 is a…
26/11/2024 - 15:49
If you are interested in this subject there is a brand new documentary called 'Occupied'.
25/11/2024 - 12:42
The holy grail of speaker design is to get a flat response curve over the frequency range a speaker covers. In practice that means the…
23/11/2024 - 00:19
Your mind is so set on opposing my comment you are seeing something I did not even imply let alone say lol.
20/11/2024 - 10:54
Because I have learned rarely can I convince anyone about commonly accepted practices that are bad for us, it just becomes an argument. And…
20/11/2024 - 09:50